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10 Best place to visit in Mircea Vodă Romania


Restaurants in Constanța, Romania

Have a really tasty meal again, in a good restaurant or eatery nearby. Enjoy a great dinner with near Constanța. Whether gourmet, fast food or a romantic candlelight dinner, you will find something suitable here.

Here you can find Restaurants in Constanța, Romania:
1) Restaurant Toscana Constanta
Strada Mircea cel Bătrân nr. 103, Constanța 905700
0241 616 360

2) Bacaro Port
Strada Marinei, Constanța 900178
0743 183 990

3) Pagaia
Constanța 900001
0759 459 459

4) Zagora
Strada Ecaterina Varga 17, Constanța 900178
0767 339 241

5) Suada
Șoseaua Portul Constanța, Constanța 900178
0730 035 608

6) Le Premier
Strada Dr. Aristide Karatzali 1, Constanța 900178
0753 099 099

7) Nom Nom Bistro - Mâncare sănătoasă în Constanța
Strada Cuza Vodă 17, Constanța 900178
0770 105 792

8) Irish Pub
Strada Ștefan cel Mare 1, Constanța 900659
0740 046 047

9) Tara's GastroPub
Strada Alexandr S. Pușkin 36, Constanța
0770 653 055

10) Rozmarine
Strada Țepeș Vodă 14b, Constanța 900189
0774 430 163

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Embankment ride towards Victory Square, Bucharest, Romania | Plimbare pe Splai catre Piata Victoriei

Even under COVID-19 lockdown I was able to explore the world thanks to the various YouTube travel videos. Now I want to share the beauty of my city with you, so please join me for this autumn ride towards Victory Square, partially along the Dambovita river.

#Bucharest #Romania #Dambovita #Embankment #VictorySquare #autumn #Bucuresti #Dambovita #Splai #SplaiulIndependentei #PiataVictoriei #toamna #MiculParis #escooter #bike #bikeride #trotineta #bicicleta #tour #travel

No part of this video can be used without the author’s written permission.

The BEST of our stay in BUCHAREST Romania ????????

Follow our adventures in what we think is a very underrated country. Find out what you can see and do in places like Bucharest and other parts of Romania, but also what we enjoyed the most.

#romania #bucharest #transylvania


THERME Bucuresti:

Music: what if i forget? by kaleido is licensed under a Creative Commons License.


Support by RFM - NCM:

Music: Paradise by MBB is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

Support by RFM - NCM:

Song: Woods
Music composed and recorded by Oak Studios.
Link: | Creative Commons - Attribution ND 4.0

Hotel Royal Bucharest - Bucharest Hotels, Romania

Hotel Royal Bucharest 4 Stars Hotel in Bucharest, Romania Within US Travel Directory Stay in the heart of Bucharest One of our top picks in Bucharest. Situated right in the heart of Bucharest on Unirii Square, Hotel Royal Bucharest offers warm, modern rooms with air conditioning and minibars. Free public WiFi and free parking are provided. Guests can explore the old town as well as Bucharest's shoppingand entertainment area on foot.
Guests enjoy a 20% discount in the on-site restaurant.
Hotel Royal serves a buffet breakfast, and room service is also available during the day.
The coffee bar in the lobby serves various beverages.
Hotel Royal is located 4 km from National Arena and 1 km from Palace of the Parliament.
The Henri Coanda International Airport (Otopeni) is a 30-minute drive away and the North Railway Station is 10 minutes' drive from the Royal.
Sector 3 is a great choice for travellers interested in nightlife, city walks and food.

Hotels Located in :
Hotel Royal Bucharest - Bucharest Hotels, Romania
Location in : Mircea Voda 28, Sector 3, Sector 3, 030662 Bucharest, Romania

Booking Now :

Hotels list and More information visit U.S. Travel Directory


Călătorie pe magistrala CFR 800 partea a II-a: Cernavodă Pod-Constanța (Shame on you CFR Calatori)

Salutare prieteni. Așa cum am promis, iată partea a II-a la călătoria pe Magistrala CFR 800, de data aceasta pe ruta Cernavodă Pod - Constanța. Venind de la Suceava la București cu trenul de noapte IRN1654, locomotiva noastră care ne tracta s-a stricat în câmp în apropiere de gara Bacău. A durat cam trei ore până ce CFR Calatori s-a îndurat să trimită o altă locomotivă. Rușine CFR Călători. Până am ajuns la București trenul nostru acumulase deja aproximativ 215 minute de întârziere ceea ce a dus la pierderea legăturii IRN1922 de la București la Constanța și R8813 de la Constanța la Mangalia. Din fericire, CFR Călători a pus la dispoziție 2 vagoane pentru călătorii care pierduseră această legătură, atașate la IRN1928 Brașov - Constanța. Bravo CFR Călători. Din nefericire, odată cu garnitura noastră mai pierduseră încă două trenuri aceeași legătură în așa fel încât cele două vagoane puse la dispoziție nu au fost de ajuns. Imaginațivă călători de la 3 garnituri diferite înghesuiți în două vagoare. Din nou rușine CFR Călători. La îmbarcare ziceai că era exodul ucrainenilor când a început războiul. A fost luptă pentru scaunele libere iar cei care nu au mai prins au stat în picioare pe culoar și între vagoane. A fost extrem de cald, iar aerul condiționat din cele două vagoane funcționa doar pe ventilație, nu AC. Geamurile erau blocate nu știu din ce motiv dar în urma presiunilor noastre a călătorilor, a venit un bagător de seamă cu o cheie și a deblocat geamurile. Treaba asta s-a facut în uralele călătorilor. Urale de bucurie bineînțeles. Trebuia să ajungem în Mangalia la ora 10:21 cu schimbare la București în schimb noi am ajuns în Mangalia undeva după ora 16:00, cu schimbare la București și Constanța. Din nou rușine CFR Călători. În partea a II-a am surprins ceva gări, trenuri, marfare pe porțiunile Cernavodă Pod - Mircea Vodă - Medgidia - Poarta Albă hc - Basarabi - Murfatlar hc - Palas - Constanța. Vizionare plăcută.

Links to videoclip references / Linkuri la referirile din videoclip:

Hello friends. As promised, here is the second part of the journey on the CFR 800 Railway, this time on the Cernavodă Pod - Constanța route. Coming from Suceava to Bucharest with the night train IRN1654, our locomotive that was hauling us broke down in the field near the Bacău station. It took about three hours until CFR Calatori had the patience to send another locomotive. Shame on you CFR Călători. By the time we arrived in Bucharest our train had already accumulated about 215 minutes of delay which led to the loss of the connection IRN1922 from Bucharest to Constanța and R8813 from Constanța to Mangalia. Fortunately, CFR Călători made available 2 wagons for travelers who had lost this connection, attached to IRN1928 Brașov - Constanța. Well done CFR Călători. Unfortunately, along with our set, two more trains had lost the same connection, so that the two cars provided were not enough. Imagine travelers from 3 different lines crammed into two carriages. Shame on you again CFR Călători. When boarding you said that it was the exodus of Ukrainians when the war started. There was a fight for the free seats and those who didn't get any more stood on the corridor and between the carriages. It was extremely hot and the air conditioning in the two carriages only worked on ventilation but not AC. The windows were locked, I don't know why, but following our pressure from the travelers, a caretaker came with a key and unlocked the windows...
In the second part I caught some stations, trains, freight on the Cernavodă Pod - Mircea Vodă - Medgidia - Poarta Albă hc - Basarabi - Murfatlar hc - Palas - Constanța sections. Enjoy.

Synthwave MIX - L.A. Sunset
Music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio
01. Miami Sky

Cuprins / Content:
00:00 - Introducere / Intro
00:32 - Plecare din gara Cernavodă Pod / Departure from Cernavodă Pod Railway Station
03:26 - Cernavodă Ecluze (Canalul Dunăre-Marea Neagră) / Cernavodă Locks (Danube-Black Sea Canal)
04:03 - Centrala Nucleară de la Cernavodă / Cernavodă Nuclear Power Plant
05:59 - Parc eolian / Wind Farm
09:32 - Gara Mircea Vodă / Mircea Vodă Railway Station
10:12 - Parc eolian 2 / Wind Farm 2
11:21 - Gara Medgidia / Medgidia Railway Station
16:26 - Poarta Albă hc
17:39 - Gara Basarabi / Basarabi Railway Station
19:11 - Murfatlar hc
22:55 - Gara Palas / Palas Railway Station
26:11 - Urmărire marfar GFR în mișcare / Tracking one GFR Freight Train in Motion
27:39 - Multiple garnituri la intrare în Constanța / Multiple Stationary Trains at the Entrance to Constanța
29:40 - Gara Constanța / Constanța Railway Station
29:14 - BONUS 1: Biroul lui Batman / BATMAN OFFICE
31:30 - BONUS 2: Portul Constanța (vedere din trenul spre Mangalia) / Constanța Seaport (View from the Train to Mangalia)
32:42 - BONUS 3: Lovomotivă electrică colorată / Colorful Electric Locomotive
33:43 - Sfârșit / The End

Walking in Clinceni - Ilfov County, Romania/ Plimbare prin Clinceni - Ilfov, Romania

Winter walk in the village of Clinceni, Ilfov - County, Romania. Enjoy!

Cetatea POENARI Fortress (Arges County, Romania)

Turn on English subtitle ! - Activați subtitrarea în românește !

Cetatea Poenari (sau Poienari, dar cunoscută și sub numele de Cetatea lui Vlad Țepeș sau Cetatea lui Negru Vodă) este situată pe vârful unei creste care domină Valea Argeșului la intrarea în defileu, la circa 4 km aval de Lacul (Barajul) Vidraru și la 27 km amonte de Curtea de Argeș. Cetatea a fost reabilitată în perioada 1969-1972 și poate fi vizitată după ce urcăm prin pădure 1480 de trepte pe cărare în zig-zag și care pornește de lângă Campingul Dracula. Intrarea în Cetate este condimentată de un peisaj horor care amintește de vestitul voievod Vlad Țepeș și anume un eșafod de execuție cu secure ”însângerată”, butuc și spânzurătoare, alături de doi boieri ”hicleni” (trădători) trași în țeapă. Cetatea a fost folosită ca loc de adăpostire a domnitorilor Țării Românești, a visteriei țării, dar și ca temniță. Pentru început a fost construit un turn pătratic cu latura de peste 8 m, dar nu se știe exact când și de către cine. Speculațiile coboară până la Cavalerii Teutoni (început de secol XIII), apoi la Negru Vodă (1290, legendarul descălecător de țară), dar cel mai sigur ar fi prima jumătate a secolului al XIV-lea, contemporan întemeietorului Ţării Româneşti, Basarab I (1324-1352). A doua etapă este marcată de extinderea cetății prin realizarea unui curtine (ziduri) în lungul crestei pe aproape 60 m lungime și 10-15 m lățime, înglobând turnul vechi care devine donjon. Pe latura sudică sunt construite și trei turnuri semicirculare. Această extindere a cetății a fost probabil realizată în timpul domniei principale (1456-1462) a lui Vlad Țepeș. Legenda, cumva confirmată istoric, amintește și de boierii trădători din Târgoviște care la comanda lui Vlad Țepeș au fost capturați cu ocazia petrecerii Paștelui în 1459, duși pe jos la Cetate și puși să muncească din greu la extinderea ei. În a doua jumătate a secolului XVI, odată cu întărirea dominației otomane asupra Țării Românești, cetatea este abandonată și începe ruinarea sa. De Cetatea Poenari sunt legate mai multe legende în mai multe variante.

Poenari Fortress (or Poienari, but also known as Vlad de Impaler Fortress or Negru Voda Fortress) is located on the top of a ridge that dominates the Arges Valley at the entrance to the gorge, about 4 km downstream from Vidraru Lake (and Dam) and 27 km upstream of Curtea de Arges. The fortress was rehabilitated between 1969-1972 and can be visited after climbing 1480 steps on a zig-zag path through the forest, which starts near Dracula Camping. The entrance to the Citadel is spiced with a horror landscape reminiscent of the famous ruler of Wallachia, Vlad the Impaler (Vlad Tepes), namely an execution scaffold with bloody ax, a hub and a gallows, along with two inpaled traitor boyars. The fortress was used as a shelter for the rulers of Wallachia, for the country's treasury, but also as a dungeon. For the beginning, a square tower with a side of over 8 m was built, but it is not known exactly when and by whom. Speculations go back to the Teutonic Knights (early 13th century), then to Negru Voda (1290, the legendary founder of the country), but the safest would be the first half of the 14th century, contemporary of the founder of Wallachia, Basarab I (1324 -1 352). The second stage is marked by the extension of the fortress by making a curtain wall along the ridge on almost 60 m long and 10-15 m wide, encompassing the old tower that becomes a keep. Three semicircular towers are also built on the south side. This extension of the fortress was probably made during the main reign (1456-1462) of Vlad the Impaler. The legend, somehow historically confirmed, also mentions the traitorous boyars from Târgoviste who, at the command of Vlad the Impaler, were captured on the occasion of Easter feast in 1459, taken on foot to the Fortress and forced to hard work to expand it. In the second half of the 16th century, with the strengthening of the Ottoman domination over Wallachia, the fortress was abandoned and its ruin began. Several legends, in several variants, are connected to the Poenari Fortress.

Walking in Bucharest, Romania/ Plimbare prin Bucuresti - Mircea Voda, Sector 3, Romania

Relaxing walk in Bucharest, Romania. Enjoy!

Zona costieră Str.Mircea Vodă prelungirea digului Farul Verde de protecție la Plaja Modern Constanta

Locuri bune pentru, pescuit, relaxare ,plimbare, cură de aerosoli....sănătate și tratament malul Mării Negre ,la Constanța.


Route description
Once the 2018 summer season starts, the Autonomous Transportation Enterprise of Constanța puts into service the tourist line – CiTy Tour – during 16 June - 16 September 2018.

The “CIVITAS PORTIS” project is carried out with the support of the City Hall of Constanța and the National Company Maritime Ports Administration S.A and its purpose is to connect the city of Constanța with the Port of Tomis and Mamaia Resort.

The CiTy Tour summer line shall travel on the new route:
Turist Camp (Caraiman Hotel) – Holiday Village - Dolphinarium – Mamaia Blvd. - Tomis Blvd. - Ferdinand Blvd. – CFR Train Station – Lighthouse Square – Saligny silos (port premises) – Queen’s Nest (Port premises) – Tourist Port of Tomis - Elisabeta Blvd. – Termele romane Street - Negru Vodă Street – Mircea cel Bătrân Street – Mamaia Blvd. up to Turist Camp (Caraiman Hotel) in Mamaia Resort.

The CiTy Tour buses shall travel also on the Hop On/Hop Off (for the 5 lei ticket). . The main advantage of the passengers is the possibility to interrupt the tourist route in order to visit the objectives of interest and to continue the travel with another double-decker bus, from any station, for the price initially paid for the ticket.

The CiTy Tour buses include in their route 100 important tourist objectives in the city of Constanța and Mamaia Resort: Anghel Saligny Silos, Former Maritime Stock Exchange, Maritime Station, Queen’s Nest, Museum of History and Archaeology, the Roman Edifice with Mosaic, Carol I Mosque, the Casino, the Aquarium, the Genovese Lighthouse, the tourist Port of Tomis, the Dolphinarium, the Holiday Village, the Casino of Mamaia and others, which we invite you to discover together with us.

The ticket price for one trip with the double-decker buses is 3 lei and the price for an all day ticket (hop on / hop off) is 5 lei.. Tickets can be found at the CiTy Tour bus drivers. For the CiTy Tour summer line, the free and subsidised passes are not valid, whereas CiTy Tour is a tourist route.

The new line shall be served by 6 double-decker buses, which are leaving from Mamaia (Turist Camp) at a frequency of 25 minutes, as follows:
1 July – 9 September - schedule 09:00 – 22:00
10 September – 16 September - schedule 09:00 – 18:00
Transport Schedule:
Leaving from the Train Station:
09.00; 09.25; 09.50; 10.15; 10.40; 11.05; 11.30; 11.55; 12.20; 12.45; 13.10; 13.35; 14.00; 14.25; 14.50; 15.15; 15.40; 16.05; 16.30; 16.55; 17.20; 17.45; 18.10; 18.35; 19.00; 19.25; 19.50; 20.15; 20.40; 21.05; 21.30; 21.55; 22.15; 22.35; 22.50

Leaving from Mamaia Resort:
09.00; 09.40; 10.30; 10.55; 11.20; 11.45; 12.10; 12.35; 13.00; 13.25; 13.50; 14.15; 14.40; 15.05; 15.30; 15.55; 16.20; 16.45; 17.10; 17.35; 18.00; 18.25; 18.50; 19.15; 19.40; 20.05; 20.30; 20.55; 21.20; 21.45; 22.00

Walking in Bucharest, Romania/ Plimbare prin Bucuresti - Dimitrie Cantemir, Romania

Relaxing walk in Bucharest, Romania. Enjoy!

Restaurants in Craiova, Romania

Have a really tasty meal again, in a good restaurant or eatery nearby. Enjoy a great dinner with near Craiova. Whether gourmet, fast food or a romantic candlelight dinner, you will find something suitable here.

Here you can find Restaurants in Craiova, Romania:
1) Restaurant Pofta buna!
Strada C. S. Nicolaescu Plopșor Nr.3A, Craiova 200731
0757 062 433

2) Craft
Strada Eugeniu Carada 12, Craiova 200290
0775 342 099

3) Epoca Steak House & Wine Bar Restaurant
Strada Alexandru Macedonski 51, Craiova 200240
0725 059 333

4) Mandala Bistro
Strada Jean Negulescu 6, Craiova 200678
0739 863 464

5) Cereal Crunch Craiova
Strada Lipscani 34, Craiova 200731
0771 211 682

6) The Manor Restaurant & Lounge
Bulevardul Nicolae Titulescu, Craiova
0770 975 350

7) Big Ben
Strada Mircea Vodă 1, Craiova 200589
0786 331 401

8) Dong Fang Restaurant Chinezesc
Craiova, Strada Nicolae Julea, numar 10
0751 509 184

9) BABs Food
Strada Alexandru Ioan Cuza 12, Craiova 200396
0722 981 773

10) The Burgery
Strada Constantin Brâncuși 26, Craiova 200136
0762 119 494

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Walking in Bucharest - Romania / Plimbare prin Bucuresti - Nordului, Romania

Relaxing walk in Bucharest, Romania. Enjoy!


O noapte in manastire, o masa printre calugari, o slujba la ceas de seara, cimitirul la miez de noapte si un sentiment de acasa greu de descris. Nu ne asteptam la asta...

Atunci cand spui Bucovina te gandesti inevitabil la frumusetea manastirilor din nordul tarii. Nu de putine ori am auzit povesti despre cat de frumoasa si diferita este Moldova, asa ca iata-ne aicimpentru prima data, pregatiti sa descoperim tot ce are mai frumos!

Atunci cand vizitezi un loc fara a avea contact cu localnicii, fara a gusta din realitatea lor, fara indoiala, experienta ramane una superficiala. Cu acest gand in minte, ne-am gandit cel mai bun mod de a intelege, bucura si aprecia viata la manastire este din inima unui astfel de loc. #bucovina #manastire #moldova #ordinarextraordinar

P.S.: va asteptam in comentarii!

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Walking in Bucharest, Splai - Romania / Plimbare prin Bucuresti, Splai - Romania

Relaxing walk in Bucharest, Romania. Enjoy!

Cea mai lunga tiroliana din Romania

Muzeul Histria - Cetatea greceasca Histria

Muzeul Histria - - Muzeul Histria a luat fiinta in anul 1982, face parte din patrimoniul European din anul 2007 si este situat la aproximativ 55 km de Orasul Constanta, in apropiere de Localitatea Istria. Pentru restul articolului vizitati: ...

Vlog 9. Back to Bucharest. New apartment with a cool view.

Exclusiv în România: Comorile Apusenilor (@TVR1)

Ediţia emisiunii Exclusiv în România difuzată sâmbătă, 11 mai, de la ora 16:30, la #TVR1, când am descoperit povestea povestea unor oameni aleși și a unor obiective turistice din Hunedoara și Bihor.

Mai multe ediţii ale emisiunii sunt online:

Manastirea Radu Voda - Radu Voda Monastery

Radu Voda Monastery
In the third quarter of the 16th century, the church of the monastery commenced to be built by Alexandru Mircea who was the Voivode of Walachia. The church was constructed on a hillock that was situated in the immediate vicinity of the Dambovita River - right on the spot where another religious establishment had formerly existed.
The Voivode's son, Alexandru Mircea II Voivode (who reigned between 1568 and 1577), had several monastic cells erected around the monastery, as well as a guesthouse that was particularly designed for accommodating the messengers and the pilgrims who were coming from foreign countries.
Under Mihnea Turcitul Voivode (who reigned between 1577 and 1583 and between 1585 and 1591) the construction of the monastic establishment was completed.
The Voivode also donated lands, watermills, vineyards, as well as liturgical objects and sacerdotal attire to the holy establishment.
During the period when Archimandrite Mardarie was the abbot of the monastery; the establishment flourished and became a prominent centre of culture. As a consequence, the first library of Bucharest was set up here.

Unfortunately, in 1595, after having been defeated at Calugareni, Sinan Pasha and his army invaded the monastery, and turned it into his headquarters. When the Turks were forced to retreat from the premises, they blew up the entire monastic complex, leaving only ashes behind.
Around 1613, Radu Voda Mihnea Voivode (who reined between 1611 and 1616) had the holy establishment reconstructed on its former foundations - which explains why the monastery bears his name. In 1614, the Voivode placed it under the protection on the Ivir Monastery, which is situated on the Holy Mount Athos, but on account of the incompetent administration of the Greek father egumens, the monastic complex fell into ruin. In the long run, it was under Radu Voda Mihnea's own sun, Alexandru Coconul Voivode (who reigned between 1623 and 1627), that the restoration of the monastery was finally accomplished. Due to his persevering efforts, the painting of the church was executed in 1625.

After 1626, the monastery served as a princely residence for a while, and was consequently visited by several renowned personalities of the Orthodox Church, such as: Patriarch Macarius of Antioch, and his personal secretary, Paul of Alep, as well as Patriarch Dionysius of Constantinople and Patriarch Gerasimos of Alexandria. All of them described the beauty of the Radu Voda Monastery with a great admiration.
The earthquakes in 1860 and 1878 caused widespread damage to this religious edifice. Extensive repairs and restoration activities were carried out between 1860 and 1863; in this period the painter Constantin Lecca (who was the master of the famous Romanian painter Theodor Aman) repainted the interior of the church.
Between 1839 and 1847, the Metropolitan Seminary was removed to the monastery grounds, whereas in the autumn of 1847, the French College was also removed to the monastery precincts.
In 1875, Titu Maiorescu, Cabinet Minister of Religious Affairs, ordered the demolition of the old Radu Voda monastic complex, with the exception of the belfry tower, of the church, and of the monastic cells.
Between 1959 and 1963 the monastery has been closed. The Patriarch Justinian refunded the holy establishment in 1963. He reconstructed the old monastery, ordering that extensive repairs and renovation activities involving the entire establishment should be carried out. The church towers underwent complex renovation works and the paintings were reconditioned.
Also, the Patriarch Justinian chose to be laid to rest in this monastic establishment. The Patriarch Teoctist reactivated the monastic life of the holy establishment in 1998.
The monastery shelters the holy relics of Saint Nectarius the Thaumaturge of the Egina Island, the protector of the monastic establishment, which are worshipped by the devout faithful of Bucharest.

Adresa: Str. Radu Voda, nr. 24 A, sector 4, cod 75102
Localitate: Bucuresti
Zona: Muntenia

Econ IT&T



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