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10 Best place to visit in Mascalucia Italy


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Across Italy in 4K. 2 Driving in Sicily | Mount Etna | Taormina.

Scenic drive in Sicily in 4K! From Catania to Taormina, climbing Mount Etna volcano.

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0:00 Catania
22:28 Gravina di Catania
27:50 Mascalucia
31:15 Massannunziata
37:15 Nicolosi
39:00 Mt. Etna climb starts
1:03:30 Rifugio Sapienza
1:21:30 Santa Venerina
1:28:58 E45 Motorway
1:43:50 Naxos
1:52:35 Mazzarò
2:01:50 Taormina
2:10:40 Castelmona

Salita sull'ETNA | Tang. di CATANIA - Rifugio G. Sapienza feat. @SicilianDriverSR

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link gruppo Telegram:
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Sovraimpressione della segnaletica stradale verticale lungo tutto il percorso.

Salita sull'Etna
***???????????????????????????????? : by @SicilianDriverSR
*115 km dall'allacciamento SS 554 bis
START: RA15 Tangenziale di Catania - uscita Paesi Etnei
SP10 / SP92
Gravina di Catania
END: Rifugio Giovanni Sapienza

Tullinge Crickets - Beautiful Minds (Epidemic Sound)
Postcard From Winter - Brendon Moeller (Epidemic Sound)
When I Get You Back Again - Brendon Moeller (Epidemic Sound)
Unconscious Relation - This Other Space(Epidemic Sound)
Need To Run - Magnofield (Epidemic Sound)

Grazie agli ???????????????????????????????? al canale:
- Rosella Bazani (autostrada)
- Road Trips Sicily - Sicily by Car (superstrada)
- Stefano_28 - UnfixedSamu - Marco Scaccabarozzi - DarkNight2793 - Michael Saggioro - Giorgio Tiraboschi - Alberto Pesci - ME Roads - Pro Andre 12 - Franco Bussola - World Roads - Francesco Piantedosi - Marcolino Palleschi - DashCamNCCLiguriaGENOVA (strada statale)

Sicilian Driver - ME Roads - Giorgio Tiraboschi - Saimon Highways

L'Etna (detto anche Mongibello, Muncibbeḍḍu in siciliano) è uno stratovulcano complesso della Sicilia originatosi nel Quaternario, ed è il più alto vulcano attivo della placca euroasiatica. Le sue frequenti eruzioni nel corso del tempo hanno modificato, a volte anche profondamente, il paesaggio circostante e in tante occasioni hanno costituito una minaccia per gli insediamenti abitativi nati nel tempo alle sue pendici. Il 21 giugno 2013, la XXXVII sessione del Comitato UNESCO ha inserito l'Etna nell'elenco dei beni costituenti il Patrimonio dell'umanità.

Il territorio del vulcano presenta aspetti molto differenti per morfologia e tipologia in funzione dell'altitudine. Coltivato fino ai 1 000 metri dal livello del mare e fortemente urbanizzato sui versanti est e sud si presenta selvaggio e brullo sul lato occidentale dove predominano le sciare, specie nel versante nord. Poco urbanizzato, ma di aspetto più dolce, il versante nord con il predominio dei boschi al di sopra di Linguaglossa. Il versante est è dominato dall'aspetto inquietante della Valle del Bove sui margini della quale si inerpicano fitti boschi.

Il circondario ha caratteristiche che ne rendono le terre ottime per produzioni agricole, grazie alla particolare fertilità dei detriti vulcanici. La zona abitata e coltivata giunge quasi ai 1 000 m s.l.m. mentre le zone boschive arrivano fino ai 1 500 metri. Ampie parti delle sue pendici sono comprese nell'omonimo parco naturale. Il versante sud del vulcano è percorso dalla strada provinciale SP92 che si arrampica sulla montagna fino a quasi 2 000 m di quota, generando circa 20 km di tornanti. L'infrastruttura non permette di raggiungere la cima in auto ma, raggiunta la stazione turistica attorno alla Funivia dell'Etna, continua poi il suo percorso per altri 20 km circa in direzione di Zafferana Etnea.

In inverno è presente la neve che, alle quote più elevate, resiste fin quasi all'estate. Le aree turistiche da dove si può partire per le escursioni in cima al vulcano sono raggiungibili agevolmente dai versanti sud e nord-est in cui si trovano anche le due stazioni sciistiche del vulcano (Etna sud e Etna nord). Da quella sud, dallo storico Rifugio Sapienza nel territorio di Nicolosi è possibile ammirare il golfo di Catania e la valle del Simeto. Dalle piste di Piano Provenzana a nord, in territorio di Linguaglossa, sono visibili Taormina e le coste della Calabria.

Fonte: Wikipedia

00:00 Introduzione
00:55 Tangenziale di Catania
03:30 Gravina di Catania
06:25 Mascalucia
12:00 Nicolosi
15:20 Salita sull'Etna - SP92
25:25 Rifugio Giovanni Sapienza

La casa infestata del Barone di Mascalucia

In tanti vanno a visitare la casa: si tratta di appassionati del paranormale o semplici curiosi che vogliono saperne di più. Alcuni dicono di aver sentito spifferi gelidi, rumori di passi e un persistente odore di incenso.


The Sensational Sicily Series of Films presented by Alessandro Sorbello showcase one of the most beautiful regions on earth, rich in history, Sicily formed part of the cradle of civilization. This project is born from a collaboration between the Region of Sicily The Italian Chamber of Commerce, New Realm Media and Alessandro Sorbello Productions.

Profile of Catania (Greek: Κατάνη -- Katánē; Latin: Catana and Catina; Arabic: Balad-al-Fil or Medinat-al-Fil, Wadi Musa and Qataniyah) is the second-largest city of Sicily, southern Italy, and is the capital of the province which bears its name.

Towns and Villages in the Province of Catania - Aci Bonaccorsi | Aci Castello | Aci Catena | Aci Sant'Antonio | Acireale | Adrano | Belpasso | Biancavilla | Bronte | Calatabiano | Caltagirone | Camporotondo Etneo | Castel di Judica | Castiglione di Sicilia | Catania | Fiumefreddo di Sicilia | Giarre | Grammichele | Gravina di Catania | Licodia Eubea | Linguaglossa | Maletto | Maniace | Mascali | Mascalucia | Mazzarrone | Militello in Val di Catania | Milo | Mineo | Mirabella Imbaccari | Misterbianco | Motta Sant'Anastasia | Nicolosi | Palagonia | Paternò | Pedara | Piedimonte Etneo | Raddusa | Ragalna | Ramacca | Randazzo | Riposto | San Cono | San Giovanni la Punta | San Gregorio di Catania | San Michele di Ganzaria | San Pietro Clarenza | Sant'Agata li Battiati | Sant'Alfio | Santa Maria di Licodia | Santa Venerina | Scordia | Trecastagni | Tremestieri Etneo | Valverde | Viagrande | Vizzini | Zafferana Etnea

With some 306,000 inhabitants (750,000 in the metropolitan area) it has the second highest population density on the island. The city's patron saint is Saint Agatha. Catania is located on the east coast of the island, halfway between Messina and Siracusa and is at the foot of the active volcano Mount Etna.

History and Foundation

All ancient authors agree in representing Catania as a Greek colony named Κατάνη

(Katánē—see also List of traditional Greek place names) of Chalcidic origin, but founded immediately from the neighboring city of Naxos, under the guidance of a leader named Euarchos (Euarchus). The exact date of its foundation is not recorded, but it appears from Thucydides to have followed shortly after that of Leontini (modern Lentini), which he places in the fifth year after Syracuse, or 730 BCE. (Thuc. vi. 3; Strabo vi. p. 268; Scymn. Ch. 286; Scyl. § 13; Steph. B. s. v.)

Greek Sicily

The only event of its early history which has been transmitted to us is the legislation of Charondas, and even of this the date is wholly uncertain.

But from the fact that his legislation was extended to the other Chalcidic cities, not only of Sicily, but of Magna Graecia also, as well as to his own country (Arist., Pol. ii. 9), it is evident that Catania
continued in intimate relations with these kindred cities. It seems to have retained
its independence till the time of Hieron of Syracuse, but that despot, in 476 BCE, expelled all the original inhabitants, whom he established at Leontini, while he repeopled the city with a new body of colonists, amounting, it is said, to not less than 10,000 in number, and consisting partly of Syracusans, partly of Peloponnesians.

He at the same time changed its name to Αἴτνη (Aítnē, Aetna or Ætna, after the nearby volcano), and caused himself to be proclaimed the Oekist or founder of the new city. As such he was celebrated by Pindar, and after his death obtained heroic honors from the citizens of his new colony. (Diod. xi. 49, in 66; Strab. l.c.; Pind. Pyth. i., and Schol. ad loc.)

But this state of things was of brief duration, and a few years after the death of Hieron and the expulsion of Thrasybulus, the Syracusans combined with Ducetius, king of the Siculi, to expel the newly settled inhabitants of Catania, who were compelled to retire to the fortress of Inessa (to which they gave the name of Aetna), while the old Chalcidic citizens were reinstated in the possession of Catania
, 461 BCE. (Diod. xi. 76; Strab. l. c.)

The period which followed the settlement of affairs at this epoch appears to have been one of great prosperity for Catania, as well as for the Sicilian cities in general: but we have no details of its history till the great Athenian expedition to Sicily (part of the larger Peloponnesian War).

On that occasion the Catanaeans, notwithstanding their Chalcidic connections, at first refused to receive the Athenians into their city: but the latter having effected an entrance, they found themselves compelled to espouse the alliance of the invaders, and Catania became in consequence the headquarters of
the Athenian armament throughout the first year of the expedition, and the base of their subsequent operations against Syracuse. (Thuc. vi. 50-52, 63, 71, 89; Diod. xiii. 4, 6, 7; Plut. Nic. 15, 16.)

We have no information as to the fate of Catania after the close of this expedition:
it is next mentioned in 403 BCE, when it fell into the power of Dionysius I of Syracuse, who sold the inhabitants as slaves, and gave up the city to plunder; after which he established there a body of Campanian mercenaries. These, however, quitted it again in 396 BCE, and retired to Aetna, on the approach of the great Carthaginian armament under Himilco and Mago. The great sea-fight in which the latter defeated Leptines, the brother of Dionysius, was fought immediately off Catania, and the city apparently fell, in consequence, into the hands of the Carthaginians. (Diod. xiv. 15, 58, 60.)

But we have no account of its subsequent fortunes, nor does it appear who constituted its new population; it is only
certain that it continued to exist. Callippus, the assassin of Dion, when he was expelled from Syracuse, for a time held possession of Catania (Plut. Dion. 58); and when Timoleon landed in Sicily we find it subject to a despot named Mamercus, who at first joined the Corinthian leader but afterwards abandoned his alliance for that of the Carthaginians, and was in consequence attacked and expelled by Timoleon. (Diod. xvi. 69; Plut. Timol. 13, 30-34.) Catania was now restored to liberty, and appears to have continued to retain its independence; during the wars of Agathocles with the Carthaginians, it sided at one time with the former, at others with the latter; and when Pyrrhus landed in Sicily, Catania was the first to open its gates to him, and received him with the greatest magnificence. (Diod. xix. 110, xxii. 8, Exc. Hoesch. p. 496.)

Roman rule

In the First Punic War, Catania was one of the first among the cities of Sicily,
which made their submission to the Romans, after the first successes of their arms in 263 BCE. (Eutrop. ii. 19.) The expression of Pliny (vii. 60) who represents it as having been taken by Valerius Messala, is certainly a mistake.

It appears to have continued afterwards steadily to maintain its friendly relations with Rome, and though it did not enjoy the advantages of a confederate city (foederata civitas), like its neighbors Tauromenium (modern Taormina and Messana (modern Messina), it rose to a position of great prosperity under the Roman rule. Cicero repeatedly mentions it as, in his time, a wealthy and flourishing city; it retained its ancient municipal institutions, its chief magistrate bearing the title of Proagorus; and appears to have been one of the principal ports of Sicily for the export of corn. (Cic. Verr. iii. 4. 3, 83, iv. 23, 45; Liv. xxvii. 8.)
It subsequently suffered severely from the ravages of Sextus Pompeius, and was in consequence one of the cities to which a colony was sent by Augustus; a measure that appears to have in a great degree restored its prosperity, so that in Strabo's time it was one of the few cities in the island that was in a flourishing condition (Strab. vi. pp. 268, 270, 272; Dion Cass. iv. 7.)

It retained its colonial rank, as well as its prosperity, throughout the period of the Roman Empire; so that in the fourth century Ausonius in his Ordo Nobilium Urbium, notices Catania and Syracuse
alone among the cities of Sicily. (Plin. iii. 8. s. 14; Ptol. iii. 4. § 9; Itin. Ant. pp. 87,90, 93, 94).

After the fall of the Roman Empire

In 535, Catania was recovered by Belisarius from the Goths, and became again, under
the rule of the Byzantine Empire, one of the most important cities of the island. (Procop. B. G. i. 5.). It was extensively destroyed by earthquakes in 1169 and 1693 and by lava flows which ran over and around it into the sea.

The first Sicilian university was founded there in 1434.

Locational significance

The position of Catania at the foot of Mount Etna was the source, as Strabo remarks, both of benefits and evils to the city. For on the one hand, the violent outbursts of the volcano from time to time
desolated great parts of its territory; on the other, the volcanic ashes produced a soil of great fertility, adapted especially for the growth of vines. (Strab. vi. p. 269.)

One of the most serious calamities of the former class was the eruption of 121 BCE, when great part of its territory was overwhelmed by streams of lava, and the hot ashes fell in such quantities in the city itself, as to break in the roofs of the houses. Catania was in consequence exempted, for 10 years, from its usual contributions to the Roman state. (Oros. v. 13.)

The greater part of the broad tract of plain to the southwest of Catania (now called the Piano di Catania, a district of great fertility), appears to have belonged, in ancient times, to Leontini or Centuripa (modern Centuripe), but that portion of it between Catana itself and the mouth of the Symaethus, was annexed to the territory of the latter city, and must have furnished abundant supplies of corn.


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Mascalucia Sicily walking tour 4k

#Mascalucia #Sicily
Mascalucia è un comune italiano, situato nella parte settentrionale della Città metropolitana di Catania, ed è fisicamente inserito nell'hinterland catanese, di cui rappresenta uno dei comuni di prima corona. Per la sua posizione, essa è collocata nell'area etnea meridionale, e dal punto di vista morfologico il suo territorio risulta essere collinare in litoranea, e la sua altitudine media è di 420 m s.l.m., che varia da una quota minima di 330 m s.l.m. nella sua parte inferiore, a una quota massima di 680 m s.l.m., nella parte superiore.

Mascalucia is an Italian municipality, located in the northern part of the Metropolitan City of Catania, and is physically inserted in the Catania hinterland, of which it represents one of the first crown municipalities. Due to its position, it is located in the southern Etna area, and from a morphological point of view, its territory is hilly on the coast, and its average altitude is 420 m a.s.l., which varies from a minimum altitude of 330 m a.s.l. in its lower part, at a maximum altitude of 680 m a.s.l., in the upper part.
camera used DJI OSMO POCKET

Top 5 Recommended Hotels In Mascalucia | Best Hotels In Mascalucia

Top 5 Recommended Hotels In Mascalucia | Best Hotels In Mascalucia

1) La casa di Masina - A surrounded garden Villa -, Mascalucia
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2) Casa di Paco a Nicolosi, Mascalucia
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3) Etna Botanic Garden, Mascalucia
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4) Il Giardino di Agata, Mascalucia
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5) Villa Martina, Mascalucia
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Queries Solved:
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2) Top 5 Hotels In Mascalucia
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14) 4 Star Hotel In Mascalucia

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Audio Credit:
Track Title: Blank Slate
Artist: VYEN

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Top 5 Recommended Hotels In Carate Urio | Best Hotels In Carate Urio

1) Hotel Orso Bruno, Carate Urio
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2) Villa Fantastica, Carate Urio
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3) Villa Visina by Rent All Como, Carate Urio
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4) Bellavita Fossati, Carate Urio
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5) Carate Urio Deluxe, Carate Urio
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Audio Credit:
Track Title: Subway Dreams
Artist: Dan Henig

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Top 5 Recommended Hotels In Pognana Lario | Best Hotels In Pognana Lario

1) Villa Làrio Lake Como, Pognana Lario
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2) Casa Sibiel, Pognana Lario
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3) The Palm, Pognana Lario
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4) La Casa del Mastro - Como Lake, Pognana Lario
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5) Casa del Borgo, Pognana Lario
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Audio Credit:
Track Title: Subway Dreams
Artist: Dan Henig

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Top 5 Recommended Hotels In Raffa | Best Hotels In Raffa

Top 5 Recommended Hotels In Raffa | Best Hotels In Raffa

1) Locazione Turistica Villetta, Raffa
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2) Relais de Charme le Videlle, Raffa
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3) Locazione Turistica Casa Centrale, Raffa
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4) Locazione Turistica La Stalla, Raffa
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5) Casa Vacanze Serraglie, Raffa
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20) Top 10 Hotels In Monza:

Audio Credit:
Track Title: Blank Slate
Artist: VYEN

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* The photos shown in this video are not owned by Travel By 3 Girls.
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*Note: - Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational, or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.

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In a parade in Mascalucia...

I was caught in this parade with a band while returning to the house here in Mascalucia on Sunday. While I would like to think it was for me, it was actually part of the Festa de San Vito.

Isola di VULCANO #sicilia #travel #vulcano

Ciao Amici!
Nel video di oggi vi mostro un'isola meravigliosa: Vulcano (ME).
Vulcano è un'isola appartenente all'arcipelago delle isole Eolie, in Sicilia. Nell'antichità venne chiamata Therasia, poi Hiera, poiché secondo la mitologia su questa isola si situavano le fucine di Efesto, dio del fuoco e fabbro.
Gli studi di alcuni archeologi ed etno-antropologi, convergono nell'identificare il sito come Isola dei morti. Essi sostengono che da tutte le isole Eolie, i morti venissero trasportati qui onde essere purificati dal dio del fuoco con riti sacri. Il mancato ritrovamento di cadaveri fa supporre che, alla fine dei riti, le salme venissero trasportate e sepolte nelle isole di appartenenza. Diversamente altri studiosi sostengono che i cadaveri venissero seppelliti sull'Isola, ma la natura vulcanica del terreno ha cancellato ogni traccia dei resti umani.

In questo video faremo un viaggio attraverso l'intera isola, passando dalle acque cristalline alla natura più selvaggia.
Nel video:
min 01:10 Il vecchio faro, località Gelso
min 02:14 La pozza dei fanghi
min 03:10 Scalata al Gran Cratere
min 06:02 Verso la Valle dei mostri, località Vulcanello
min 08:54 La spiaggia nera
min 10:34 I tramonti

Fatemi sapere cosa ne pensate lasciando un mi piace e/o un commento qui sotto. Iscrivetevi al canale per scoprire quale sarà la mia prossima destinazione.


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Hello friends!
In today's video I show you a wonderful island: Vulcano (ME).
Vulcano is an island belonging to the archipelago of the Aeolian Islands, in Sicily. In ancient times it was called Therasia, then Hiera, because according to mythology on this island were located the forges of Hephaestus, god of fire and blacksmith.
The studies of some archaeologists and ethno-anthropologists converge in identifying the site as the Island of the Dead. They claim that from all the Aeolian islands, the dead were transported here to be purified by the god of fire with sacred rites. Failure to find corpses suggests that, at the end of the rites, the bodies were transported and buried in the islands they belonged to. Otherwise, other archaeologists claim that the corpses were buried on the island, but the volcanic nature of the land has erased all traces of human remains.

In this video we will take a journey across the entire island, passing from crystal clear waters to the wildest nature.
In the video:
min 01:10 The old lighthouse
min 02:14 The mud pool
min 03:10 Climb to the Gran Cratere
min 06:02 Towards the Valley of the Monsters
min 08:54 The black beach
min 10:34 The sunsets

Let me know what you think leaving a comment below and subscribe to my channel to find out where my next destination will be.

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◇Intro Music by Vilya
◇Intro Video by Kelly Lacy from Pexels
◇Music: In love by Timmoor from Pixabay; Quietly on tiptoe by Timmoor from Pixabay; The two kings by Walter Mazzaccaro from Pixabay; Epical inspiring by Timmoor from Pixabay; The escape by Timmoor from Pixabay.
◇Editing Vilya

Top 6 Recommended Hotels In Pratovecchio | Top 6 Best 4 Star Hotels In Pratovecchio

Top 6 Recommended Hotels In Pratovecchio | Top 6 Best 4 Star Hotels In Pratovecchio

1) Casale Daniele, Pratovecchio
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3) Villa Pratovecchio
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4) La Torre Medievale Lungarno, Pratovecchio
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5) Villa Brenda, Pratovecchio
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6) VILLA CASALINO your wedding in Tuscany, Pratovecchio
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Queries Solved:
1) Top 6 Recommended Hotels In Pratovecchio
2) Top 6 Hotels In Pratovecchio
3) Top Six Hotels In Pratovecchio
4) Top 6 Romantic Hotels In Pratovecchio
5) 6 Best Hotels For Couples In Pratovecchio
6) Hotels In Pratovecchio
7) Best Hotels In Pratovecchio
8) Top 6 Luxury Hotels In Pratovecchio
9) Luxury Hotel In Pratovecchio
10) Luxury Hotels In Pratovecchio
11) Luxury Stay In Pratovecchio
12) Top 6 4 Star Hotel In Pratovecchio
13) Best 4 Star Hotel In Pratovecchio
14) 4 Star Hotel In Pratovecchio

Our Other Video:
1) Top 10 Hotels In Italy:
2) Top 10 Hotels In Costa Rei:
3) Top 5 Hotels In Lacona:
4) Top 5 Hotels In Castel Gandolfo:
5) Top 5 Hotels In Novi Ligure:
6) Top 10 Hotels In Strada del Vino Alto Adige:
7) Top 5 Hotels In Ercolano:
8) Top 5 Hotels In Villa San Giovanni:
9) Top 5 Hotels In Fonteblanda:
10) Top 10 Hotels In Isole Egadi:
11) Top 5 Hotels In Castelbuono:
12) Top 5 Hotels In Monreale:
13) Top 5 Hotels In Milo:
14) Top 5 Hotels In Liscia di Vacca:
15) Top 10 Hotels In Rimini:
16) Top 5 Hotels In Mascalucia:
17) Top 7 Hotels In Lido di Ostia:
18) Top 10 Hotels In Marina di Camerota:
19) Top 10 Hotels In Lago di Lugano:
20) Top 5 Hotels In Santa Teresa di Riva:

Audio Credit:
Track Title: Reasons To Hope
Artist: Reed Mathis

* This video is not sponsored.
* The photos shown in this video are not owned by Travel By 3 Girls.
Copyright issue? Please contact us and for getting more information you can find contact details on the about us page of the channel.

*Note: - Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational, or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.

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Adventures in Sicily: Castelmola, Taormina, Isola Bella 10

During my language study trip in Taormina, Sicily, I enjoyed several local excursions. Together with my language study colleagues from the Babilonia Language School I hiked to the top of Castelmola. I also explored Isola Bella, a beautiful stretch of Mediterranean coastline at the foot of Taormina.

For articles about unconventional travel and cross-cultural connections feel free to visit my website -

Taormina - Walking Tour (MSC Seaside Excursion)

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Inaugural Cruise of MSC Seaside
Cruzeiro Inaugural do MSC Seaside
01 – 10 December/Dezembro 2017
Itinerary / Itinerário

01/12/2017 - Trieste (Italy/Itália)
02/12/2017 - At Sea/Navegação
03/12/2017 - Messina (Italy/Itália)
04/12/2017 - At Sea/Navegação
05/12/2017 - Palma Mallorca/Palma Maiorca (Spain/Espanha)
06/12/2017 - Barcelona (Spain/Espanha)
07/12/2017 - At Sea/Navegação
08/12/2017 - Cadiz/Cádis (Spain/Espanha)
09/12/2017 - At Sea/Navegação
10/12/2017 - Funchal (Portugal)

03/12/2017 - Messina: Taormina Walking Tour

PT// Pequena terrinha turística mas com uma história para contar. Na rua principal encontramos várias casinhas e igrejas ( e casas que eram igrejas). Há um concurso anual de varandas floridas, pelo que Algumas destas apresentam-se assim todo o ano. No inicio e no fim da rua principal encontramos as portas em forma de arco que delimitam a entrada da cidade, a “Porta Catania” e a “Porta Messina” .

Visita ainda ao Teatro Grego, com uma vista fabulosa para as praias, para a cidade de Taormina e para o Vulcão Etna.

EN// Visit to Taormina, which is about 45 minutes away from Messina and yes, well worth it.

Small tourist land, with a story to tell. In the main street we find several small houses and churches (and houses that were churches). There is an annual contest of flowered balconies, so some of these are presented all year round. At the beginning and at the end of the main street we find the arc-shaped doors that border the entrance of the city, Porta Catania and Porta Messina.

Visit also the Greek Theater, with a fabulous view to the beach, the city of Taormina and Mount Etna.

Music Instrumental

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#FiqueEmCasa e Viaje #Comigo

Etna Time Lapse - 1. October 2020

Etna with eruptive activities in the (early) morning hours.

Time lapse video, recorded in Mascalucia, Sicily, Italy.

Astronauts by Whitesand,

SicilProperty - via Garibaldi - Catania

Sudden Eruption of Mount Etna in Italy Volcano is Angry

Sicily's airspace is temporarily closed due to the eruption of Mount Etna. The highest volcano in Europe is active on the southeastern slope.
The height of ash emissions exceeds 1 km, volcanologists say. There are several towns nearby - Nicolosi, Pedara, Mascalucia and Trecastagni.

Watch videos from around the world about natural disasters on the channel, such as:
1) On Water: Flood, Tsunami, Heavy Rain, Downpour, Flooding:
2) In the Air: Tornado, Cyclone, Blizzard, Hail, Snow, Drought, Tornado, Hurricane, Storm, Thunderstorm, Tempest, Typhoon, Winter Storm.
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The Earth's climate is changing faster than we think! The number of natural disasters is increasing every year. Global warming around the world is gaining momentum. Watch the channel When the Earth is angry daily weather videos FatalisT and START, Storm Chasing Video and Ultramix TV, Disaster Compilations and Fobos Storm, Painful Earth and Infotainment, Weather Events and Nature News.


Pedara Sicily walking tour 4k

#Pedara #Sicily
Pedara sorge sulle colline meridionali dell'Etna, evolvendosi socialmente e demograficamente nei secoli attorno agli antichi crateri di monte Difeso e monte Troina. Non si possiedono notizie certe sulle sue origini perché le numerose colate laviche ne hanno quasi del tutto cancellato le tracce.
Durante la stagione estiva è luogo di villeggiatura per il clima più fresco rispetto a Catania dovuto alla quota altimetrica. Nella parte più a nord si trova l'antico borgo rurale della Tarderia, immerso in un'ampia estensione di castagneti con flora montana ed essenze arboree alpine. Da Pedara si raggiunge facilmente l'Etna (circa 15 km.). Lungo la strada provinciale per l'Etna la fossa del Salto del Cane, un antico cratere spento con area attrezzata (Punto Base per l'Escursionismo del Parco dell'Etna).

Pedara rises on the southern hills of Etna, evolving socially and demographically over the centuries around the ancient craters of mount Difeso and mount Troina. There is no certain information on its origins because the numerous lava flows have almost completely erased its traces.
During the summer season it is a holiday resort due to the cooler climate than in Catania due to the altitude. In the northern part there is the ancient rural village of Tarderia, immersed in a wide extension of chestnut groves with mountain flora and alpine tree species. From Pedara you can easily reach Etna (about 15 km.). Along the provincial road to Etna, the pit of the Salto del Cane, an ancient extinct crater with equipped area (Base Point for Hiking in the Etna Park).
camera used DJI OSMO POCKET



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