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10 Best place to visit in Marghita Romania


Cele mai mari orase din Judetul Bihor!

@judetulbihor9997 @redactiabihoreanul5155 @BihorOnline-BihonRO #romania @BlagadelaOradea #oradea #salonta #marghita
#sacuieni #beius
Stii care sunt cele mai mari orase din Judetul Bihor?
Hai sa le cunoastem impreuna.

Margarethen Marghita Județul Bihor Kreischgebiet Rumänien 21.4.2016

Der Weg ist das Ziel... komm fahr mit in meinem Goggomobil =G=
Sightseeing in Krisenregionen, Armenviertel, Bürgerkriegsgebieten.
Along radioactive Death-Zones, MOAs, No-Go and Civil-War Areas.

[M413] Sarmasag - Marghita - Sacuieni Bihor Rail Trip

RO: Excursie Feroviara pe Linia 413 pe ruta Sarmasag - Sacuieni Bihor
2.R4363 Satu Mare - Jibou
4.Uileacu Simleului
5.Simleu Silvaniei (R15173 Marghita - Sarmasag)
6.Magura Simleului
10.Suplacu de Barcau (LDE2100 / DA 60 0261-2 ex-Rompetrol)
20.Targusor Bihor
21.Sacuieni Bihor h.

EN: Rail Trip on Line 413 on route Sarmasag - Sacuieni Bihor:
2.R4363 Satu Mare - Jibou
4.Uileacu Simleului
5.Simleu Silvaniei (R15173 Marghita - Sarmasag)
6.Magura Simleului
10.Suplacu de Barcau (LDE2100 / DA 60 0261-2 ex-Rompetrol)
20.Targusor Bihor
21.Sacuieni Bihor h.

01 05 2012

(c)19Railfan95 & Train97

One of the longest railway stations romenia| copsa mica train station walking tour 4k#cfrmarfa

One of the longest railway stations copsa mica, romenia| copsa mica train station walking tour 4k

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Beautiful landscape between Sânmartin and Oradea, filmed in 4K

Sanmartin is a village located 5 km south east of the city of Oradea. In this video I filmed from a small hill the landscape between these two settlements. It can be seen that there are a lot of new buildings constructed recently between the Nufarul neighbourhood and the Sânmartin commune, along the E60 road.

00:00 - Sanmartin village
00:15 - Nufarul district, Oradea, with Selgros and Kaufland supermarkets
00:38 - Emanuel University and Hotel Sky
00:45 - Cartier ANL
01:14 - Sanmartin village and the Somleu Hill seen in the distance
01:25 - Somleu Hill
01:32 - Sanmartin
01:47 - The view from the hill towards Oradea

Let's stay in touch on social media:

#Oradea #Sanmartin #Nufarul

Săcueni 19B Județul Bihor Kreischgebiet Rumänien 21.4.2016

Der Weg ist das Ziel... komm fahr mit in meinem Goggomobil =G=
Sightseeing in Krisenregionen, Armenviertel, Bürgerkriegsgebieten.
Along radioactive Death-Zones, MOAs, No-Go and Civil-War Areas.

Sulphurous Hot Water in The Treatment of Diseases Therapeutic Pools With Sulfur - TAȘNAD - ROMANIA

Sulphurous Hot Water in The thermal waters with exceptional therapeutic effects, especially in the treatment of rheumatic, neurological, gynecological, post-traumatic diseases and some associated diseases. In the surrounding localities, but also from greater distances, the therapeutic effects of the waters from Tăşnad are well known, so that the buses and minibuses from Satu Mare (60 km), Carei (25 km), Zalău (60 km) run hour by hour or even more frequently during the season, not to mention the personal cars that litter the roads to this blessed locality. However, Tăşnad is a permanent resort where the hydrothermal cure is carried out in the open air between May and September, and in bases arranged throughout the year.

Thermal water, which has a surface temperature of 72 degrees CELSIUS and a total mineralization of 9.84 g / l, is predominantly chlorinated-bicarbonate-sulfated (in terms of anion dominance) and sodium-calcium-magnesium in the presence of ammonium. and potassium. These qualities are recommended for use in external treatment, in degenerative rheumatic diseases, abarticular rheumatic diseases, chronic peripheral neurological diseases, chronic gynecological diseases (other than inflammatory outbreaks), post-traumatic diseases, associated diseases (occupational diseases, endocrine, metabolic diseases), but also for invigorating baths, for maintaining the physical condition or, simply, for leisure, by combining water, air and sun treatments.

In the year 2000, by the Government Decision no. 417, the town of Tăşnad was certified as a tourist resort of local interest. An important thermomineral hydrographic deposit was discovered on the territory of the locality, in 1978 a thermal water well was drilled, at a depth of 1,354 m (well 4,715).

In the Leisure Area of the city, since 1978, the Thermal Pool has been operating, a location that attracts, every year, tens of thousands of tourists from Satu Mare County and neighboring counties (Bistriţa-Năsăud, Cluj, Maramureş, Sălaj) as well as foreign tourists. Located in the western part of the city (in the meadow of Santăului Valley), the swimming pool has been renovated and now operates to European standards. There are four pools for adults and one for children, all operating with thermal water above 350C, an average period of about 120 days / year.

The special value of the spa tourist potential, conferred by the therapeutic properties of mineral waters, on the one hand, and the trends manifested on the international tourist market, as a result of the development of health tourism on the other hand, offers the possibility that under an adequate strategy. , spa tourism, along with other suitable tourism forms, to become the strong point in the perspective of the development of Tăşnad locality.

According to the report made by the National Institute of Recovery, Physical Medicine and Balneology in Bucharest, the thermal water of Tăşnad Resort can be recommended for use in external treatment in the following diseases: l degenerative rheumatism; l rheumatic abarticular; l chronic peripheral neurological; l chronic gynecological (except for inflammatory outbreaks); l post-traumatic conditions; l associated diseases: (occupational diseases, endocrine, metabolic diseases).

There are some diseases such as cardiovascular, inflammatory joint in the acute phase or acute lung that are contraindicated. In fact, being a balneoclimateric treatment resort, the referral ticket from the family doctor or specialist is absolutely necessary.

An important aspect is that spa therapy has the capacity to act even in the predisposition phase, so that, in addition to the curative role, balneophysiotherapy also has a prophylactic, preventive role, many diseases can be avoided by performing spa treatments. At the same time, it is very important that a good part of the addressability of the spa treatments also concerns the chronic phase of manifestation of some diseases, as well as in the case of convalescence. In the latter case, the purpose of spa treatments is twofold: on the one hand to restore the body's functions to their initial stage, the disruptive agent being removed, and on the other hand, to prevent recurrences.

The visitor is amazed by the development that the city has registered in the last years, the locality being well managed, showing the care of the mayors, of the mayor's office and, first of all, of the mayor, Mr. Vasile Mitraşca, for the good functioning of the utilities, for the more and more modern urban aspect.

In the resort Tăşnad, there are currently 814 accommodation places in several hotels, motels and boarding houses, of which 293 places in 3-star units, 378 places in 2-star units, as well as 143 places in one-star rated units.

The public catering units in the resort total a number of 1,500 places, of which 440 places in units classified at 3 stars, 835

Bals [RO] | Driving in Romania

Bals [Romania] | Driving in Romania

Beach Buggy Ride by SIRPRICE
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Music promoted by Audio Library
Happy Life by FREDJI

Music promoted by Audio Library
Island by MBB
Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported— CC BY-SA 3.0
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Music promoted by Audio Library

Marghita +Voce

Marghita este una din localităţile bihorene care se bucură de binecuvântarea apei termale. Apa, care iese din pământ la 65 de grade Celsius, este bogată în săruri minerale şi are proprietăţi vindecătoare pentru afecţiuni ale sistemului osos şi cardiovascular. Departe de zgomotul marilor oraşe, ştrandul din Marghita pune la dispoziţia celor care vor să se relaxeze două bazine cu apă termală, unul de 600 mc şi cel de al doilea cu o capacitate de 200 mc. În incinta parcului balnear, între două băi fierbinţi, iubitorii sportului se pot dedica pasiunii lor. Există terenuri de fotbal, tenis şi tenis cu piciorul, volei pe nisip, sală de fitness-culturism, mese pentru tenis de masă etc. Pe toată perioada sezonului, se asigură asistenţa medicală, servicii de masaj, puncte de alimentaţie publică, parcare gratuită, şezlonguri.

Huta Slavia - Kemsilvanum [4K]

Tura moto: Marghita-Huta Slavia-Kemsilvanum
0:00 Marghita
4:31 Huta Slavia
11:03 Kemsilvanum

Trenuri în stația Marghita (Linia 413: Săcuieni Bihor - Sărmășag)

Abonează-te la canalul meu de YouTube pentru mai multe videoclipuri (Subscribe to my YouTube channel for more videos)

EN: Trains in Marghita station (Line 413: Săcuieni Bihor - Sărmășag))

trenuri sacuieni bihor sarmasag, trenuri marghita, trenuri jibou, trenuri cfr, cfr marghita, caile ferate romane jibou, trenuri sacuieni jibou, trenuri sacueni, trains in romania, calatorie feroviara, expeditie feroviara, trafic feroviar

Oradea: A Captivating Aerial Journey through Stunning Landscapes and 4K Drone Footage!

Description available in Romanian and English

Pleacă într-o călătorie uimitoare prin aer și descoperă Oradea într-un mod spectaculos! Cu ajutorul dronelor și a filmărilor 4K, te vom purta pe deasupra râului într-o aventură plină de adrenalină. Îți vom dezvălui priveliști impresionante ale orașului, peisaje naturale pitorești și arhitectură remarcabilă. Nu rata acest videoclip senzațional care îți va arăta Oradea într-o lumină cu totul nouă!

Bun venit pe canalul meu! Vă mulțumesc că ați luat timp să îl vizitați. Dacă vă bucurați de conținutul meu, vă rog să mă susțineți prin abonarea la canal și distribuirea videoclipurilor mele către prieteni și familia voastră. Susținerea voastră este extrem de valoroasă pentru mine și mă motivează să continui să aduc conținut de calitate. Vă mulțumesc anticipat pentru sprijinul vostru!

Embark on a breathtaking aerial journey and discover Oradea in a truly spectacular way! With the help of drones and stunning 4K footage, we'll take you soaring above the river for an adrenaline-filled adventure. Get ready to witness awe-inspiring views of the city, picturesque natural landscapes, and remarkable architecture. Don't miss out on this sensational video that will showcase Oradea in a whole new light!

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Scenes shoot with #dji mini 3 pro #drone
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Romania - Road Trip Cluj to Alba Iulia and back again #romania #cluj #albaiulia

Romania road trip Cluj to Alba Iulia

UPL s-a lansat în România

UPL s-a lansat în România

Țările Din Continentul Europa Și Capitalele Lor - European Countries And Their Capitals

Find out which countries in the Europa continent along with their flags and symbols and learn the capitals of each of them!
Află care sunt țările din continentul Europa împreună cu steagurile și simbolurile acestora și învață capitalele fiecăruia dintre ele!
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Cât de complicat este sa-ți schimbi pașaportul

Cum se preschimba pasaportul in Romania? extrem de simplu!

Oradea - Betfia - Oradea roadtrip (x3 speed)

Went for a little road trip to Betfia, a literal crater next to Oradea. There's a tower up on the hill with a splendid view.

Please, do go and visit this place, it's incredible!

Casa Pleșa ( Răchițele, Mărgău, Cluj )

Contact Casa Pleșa : +4 0740 759518

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Road trip 10.07.2021 Am pedalat din Oradea spre Paleu-Cetariu-Cauaceu-Biharia-Oradea #pedalam



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