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10 Best place to visit in Lipova Romania


Top 10 Places to Visit in Romania

???? RO România este o țară plină de istorie și cultură, cu o varietate uimitoare de peisaje naturale. În acest videoclip, vom explora cele mai populare și impresionante 10 locuri de vizitat în România, de la castele vechi și cetăți fortificate, la peisaje naturale impresionante și orașe pitorești. Dacă sunteți în căutarea unui loc minunat pentru o vacanță sau călătorie, România este destinația perfectă.
???? Music: : from Epidemic Sound
???? EN Romania is a country full of history and culture, with an amazing variety of natural landscapes. In this video, we'll explore the 10 most popular and impressive places to visit in Romania, from ancient castles and fortified fortresses to impressive natural landscapes and picturesque towns. If you are looking for a great place for a vacation or trip, Romania is the perfect destination.
translated using Google Translate
00:00 Intro
00:30 Castelul Peleș
01:44 Biserica fortificată Biertan
04:18 Peștera Urșilor
06:58 Castelul Corvinilor
08:34 Sibiu
10:16 Sighișoara
13:00 Transalpina
15:25 Bisericile pictate din nordul Moldovei
17:37 Cascada Bâlea
19:26 Parcul Mini-Transilvania

Top 10 Places to Visit in Romania

Top 10 Places to Visit in Romania

Our 2017 top places to visit in Romania is focused more than ever on fascinating attractions, from hidden villages to must-see historical monuments.

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Arad, Romania | Αράντ, Ρουμανία

Arad is the capital city of Arad County, historically situated in the region of Crişana, and having recently extended on the left bank of the Mureș river, in Banat region of western Romania

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explore the world with us!

First impressions of Arad, Romania ????????

Check out our first impressions of Arad, Romania!
Great option for a daytrip from Timisoara to Arad on 1-hr train.

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JetLagWarriors is a Canadian couple -- Steve and Ivana. After travelling here and there for a few years, mostly during Canadian winter, we fully caught the travel bug and decided to travel INDEFINITELY! Subscribe to keep up with our journey. Thanks!

00:00 - Main Cathedral for Archbishop of Romanian Orthodox
2:40 - Powerful monument to the revolution
5:13 - Arad is a nice place for a city walk
7:19 - Who says Arad is boring? :)

Music in the Video:
Track: Hope — BeatByRhythm [Audio Library Release]
Music provided by Audio Library Plus
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Track: Long Journey — Zackross [Audio Library Release]
Music provided by Audio Library Plus

• Long Journey — Za...
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Track: Equilibrium — Max Maikon [Audio Library Release]
Music provided by Audio Library Plus

• Equilibrium — Max...
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ARAD VLOG Best Attractions to Explore in Arad Romania Travel Guide Holiday on my Mind

In this Arad Travel Vlog I will show you the best attractions to explore in this beautiful city and explain a little about the history and architectural and cultural influences that made Arad the unique city it is today. I will give you a quick and entertaining Arad Travel Guide by showing you free or affordable things that you can do when you visit Arad. In this travel vlog I will take you along to Mures River, Arad Palace of Culture, Arad Town Hall and I will show you the hotel where the Austrian Emperor, Franz Ferdinand stayed at during his visit to Arad. Who wants to virtually tag along?

❤️ ❤️ ❤️ Have you ever been to Arad? What was your favourite thing about your trip? What would you visit first if you were to go to Arad? ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

#AradVlog #AradTravelGuide #Arad

Ce poti vizita in judetul Arad? Vizitam Romania Impreuna

Astazi continuam seria episoadelor despre tot ce poti vizita in fiecare judet. Statia Dezorientarii va prezinta in al doilea episod al acestei serii ce poti vizita in judetul Arad. Județul Arad este situat în vestul României și cuprinde teritorii din Partium și din Banat. Județul se întinde de o parte și de alta a Mureșului și a Crișului Alb, judet plin de istorie, in care infulenta vestica se simte foarte puternic, nu degeaba Aradul fiind numit mica Viena. In acest episod veti vedea locatii precum : Gara Arad, Statiunea Moneasa, muntii Codru-Moma, Pestera Liliecilor, Cariera de Marmura, Izvorul Piatra cu Lapte, Grota Ursilor, Cuptorul de Fier, Rezervatia de nuferi, Varful Izoi, Stanca Laptelui, Tinoasa, Platoul Carstnic, Cetatea Deznei, Manastirea Radna, Cetatea Soimos, Baile Lipova, Perla Vaii Muresului, Cetatea Ineu, Strandul Neptun, Palatul Administrativ, Muzeul Cofetariei, Manastirea Gai, Catedrala Catolică din Arad, Biserica Sfântul Anton de Padova, Biserica Rosie, Castelul Purgly, Cetatea Siria, Casa Memoriala a lui Ioan Slavici, Manastirea Bezdin, Castelul Regal de la Savarsin, Gradina Botanica, Castelul Macea.

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Cuprins :
00:00 Introducere
00:42 Gara Mare Arad
01:22 Statiunea Moneasa
02:20 Manastirea Radna
03:06 Cetatea Soimos
04:00 Baile Lipova
04:55 Cetatea Ineu
06:02 Strandul Neptun
06:50 Palatul Administrativ
07:40 Muzeul Cofetariei
08:33 Manastirea Gai
09:35 Biserica Sfântul Anton de Padova
10:30 Biserica Rosie
11:48 Castelul Purgly
12:34 Cetatea Siria
13:24 Casa Memoriala a lui Ioan Slavici
14:11 Manastirea Bezdin
15:01 Castelul Regal de la Savarsin
15:44 Gradina Botanica Macea
16:19 Castelul Macea
16:58 Multumim!

Arad, Beautiful City in Western Romania

The border town of Arad, some 50km from the crossing into Hungary, lies astride the main road and has good transport connections in and out of Romania. Straddling the Mures River and occupying parts of both Crisana province and Banat, Arad traces its history back to the 11th century. There are not many traditional sights here, but the city is a convenient stopover on your first or last night in the country. Fans of late-18th, -19th- and early-20th-century architectural styles such as Baroque, neo-Classical and Secession/Art Nouveau and Art Deco will enjoy a stroll up the city’s long tree-lined central Revoluţiei Boulevard , running north–south.


Driving Romania: A1 & DN7 Deva - Arad - 4k scenic drive through Mureș Valley

DN7 between Deva and Arad, following The Mureș Valley is an interesting drive, between Zarand Mountains and Lipova Plateau. The road is in good condition and the traffic relatively low, as most people would drive on the A1 between the 2 cities, so we had a great time driving in fall during a sunny day through this beautiful landscape, enjoy!

Filmed in September 2021.

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in order to not miss 4K road tourism videos of the nice areas I am driving through.

0:00 Intro
0:15 A1 motorway around Deva
1:58 Photos from Deva
2:31 A1 motorway Deva - Ilia
13:00 DN7 A1 - Gothatea
13:32 DN7 Gothatea
14:28 DN7 Gothatea - Gurasada
14:54 DN7 Gurasada
15:40 DN7 Gurasada - Câmpuri-Surduc
16:43 DN7 Câmpuri-Surduc
18:44 DN7 Câmpuri-Surduc - Tătărăști
19:40 DN7 Tătărăști
20:31 DN7 Tătărăști - Burjuc
20:50 DN7 Burjuc
21:45 DN7 Burjuc - Zam
25:49 DN7 Zam
28:32 DN7 Zam - Ilteu
32:08 DN7 Ilteu
33:48 DN7 Ilteu - Toc
35:11 DN7 Toc
36:00 DN7 Toc - Săvârșin
40:25 DN7 Săvârșin
42:02 DN7 Săvârșin - Vărădia de Mureș
44:49 DN7 Vărădia de Mureș
45:49 DN7 Vărădia de Mureș - Nicolae Bălcescu
47:30 DN7 Bătuța
48:22 DN7 Bătuța - Căpruța
50:47 DN7 Căpruța
51:59 DN7 Căpruța - Bârzava
52:10 DN7 Bârzava
56:03 DN7 Bârzava - Conop
1:00:32 DN7 Conop
1:01:28 DN7 Conop - Odvoș
1:02:44 DN7 Odvoș
1:04:29 DN7 Odvoș - Lipova
1:11:25 DN7 Lipova
1:16:22 DN7 Lipova - Păuliș
1:17:02 DN7 Păuliș
1:20:55 DN7 Păuliș - Sâmbăteni
1:22:57 DN7 Sâmbăteni
1:24:06 DN7 Sâmbăteni - Cicir
1:25:40 Cicir
1:26:41 DN7 Mândruloc
1:27:55 DN7 Mândruloc - Vladimirescu
1:30:30 DN7 Vladimirescu
1:32:27 DN7 Vladimirescu - Arad
1:33:44 Arad
1:35:14 DN7 Arad Bypass

Arad - Romania

Arad - A beautiful place to visit.

Rumunia 06.2010 Góry Zarand Lipova



Colectie de poze si vederi personale Titi N.

Monastery Sf. Maria Radna - Lipova, Romania

High above the shores of the Mures river in western Romania you will find the church of mercy, the monastery and place of pilgrimage called Maria Radna.
In the course of centuries - marked by opression of those with different faith, the buildup during the settlement (colonization) of the Banat, the loss of believers through displacement, emigration and opposition to communism - millions of pilgrims have been attracted to this place of mercy.
The place of pilgrimage is a sanctuary of awakening, reflection, guidance, strength and comfort especially for the catholic German speaking settlers on the Danube, which has been preserved and supported by orthodox Romanians, the greek-catholic religious community with their church services in Byzantine Rite.
In August, 2015, once we shall celebrate church service in 7 languages during the main pilgrimages, after the completion of the renovation work that will have been carried out with the support and financial assistance of the EU, a major part of our history, the core of our diocese and the multiculturalism of our spiritual home in Banat will be reflected in this!

„There is a church in the Diocese of Timisoara, consecrated in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary, commonly called Maria Radna...”
Pope John Paul II.

Cetatea Soimos

Cetatea Soimos este situata in localitatea Soimos de langa Lipova din judetul Arad. A fost construita in secolul al XIII-lea dupa invazia tatarilor. Este localizata pe malul drept al raului Mures, pe dealul Cioaca Tautului.

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✔️ Capitole
0:00 Introducere
1:30 Vedere spre sat
8:23 Cetatea vazuta din drona
10:19 Alt videoclip de urmarit

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Istorii ascunse: Lipova (@TVR1)

Ediţia emisiunii Istorii ascunse, difuzată în anul 2022 la #TVR1. Mai multe episoade găsiţi online

Cunoscută ca poarta Transilvaniei de pe cursul Mureșului inferior, în această așezare în care au funcționat depozite importante de sare, o monetărie, a fost reședința unor figuri marcante ale epocilor trecute, precum și locul în care s-a născut omul despre care legendele spun că s-ar fi autoproclamat țar și ar fi întemeiat ceea ce cunoaștem azi ca regiunea autonomă Voivodina din Serbia. Vorbim despre Lipova și despre istoriile ascunse ale acestui mic oraș din vestul României.

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TVR este marca înregistrată și este protejată.

Cetatea Șoimoș Fortress, Medieval Ruins - ROMANIA

Șoimoș Fortress is located on the right bank of the Mureș River, opposite Lipova, on the Cioaca Tăutului hill. It was built after the first invasions of the Tartars in the area and is documented since 1278.
The castle has interior towers of approximately triangular shape, the easiest way to access being from the west. The path leads over the wide and deep defense ditch, on the former suspension bridge placed on some huge pillars, towards the gate of the external fortifications, reinforced with a defense tower. Due to the deplorable condition of the bridge, entering the fortress through this place is dangerous nowadays and because of this the only accessible path is the one that leads along the ditch to a crack in the wall from the east.


10 localităţi sunt staţiuni balneoclimaterice

Începând de astăzi, telespectatorii români au la dispoziţie o noua sursă de inspiraţie pentru călătoriile lor - televiziunea Travel Mix.

Travel Mix îşi propune să promoveze turismul în toate formele lui: călătorie, afaceri, cultural, medical, religios, agroturism, ecoturism şi să ofere tuturor telespectatorilor posibilitatea să descopere noi destinaţii turistice.

Acest proiect de promovare a turismului românesc este rodul muncii unei echipe formate din 35 de oameni talentaţi, profesionişti în domeniu.

Postul Travel Mix are o tematică foarte diversificată: de la oraşele lumii, capitale europene, ghid de calatorie, destinaţii de lux, croaziere, destinaţii exotice, hoteluri de lux, restaurante de top, bar&pub, parcuri de distracţie, travel shopping, business travel, plaje de vis, pârtii de ski, trasee turistice, agenţii de turism, last minute, sporturi de vacanţă, locuri si oameni, jurnalist de ocazie, pescar în România, descoperă România, balneo turism, agro turism, muzee sub lupă, is

Șoimoș Fortress - Short Trip, 21.Mai.2020

A short motorcycle trip to Șoimoș Fortress, Lipova City, Jud. Arad

Pe doua roti spre un alt secol - Cetatea Șoimoș [S1 - Eps. 7]

In acest episod am pornit cu motocicleta sa descopar ruinele unei cetati medievale din secolul al 13-lea, mai exact din anul 1278. Acesta se numeste cetatea Șoimoș si se afla in judetul Arad, foarte aproape de Lipova. Este absolut uimitor ce am descoperit acolo.

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Traseul meu este urmatorul: Lugoj-Recas-Lipova-cetatea Șoimoș.

Urmareste-mi aventurile pe:


Exploring Romania's Most SPECTACULAR Castle (Can't Believe This Is Transylvania!)

Peles castle is often cited as one of the most amazing royal castles in all of Europe. Located in Romania's most scenic area, Transylvania, it is an easy day trip by train from either Brasov or Bucharest. It is situated near the town of Sinaia and was used as the summer castle by the Romanian royal family. Located in the mountains, surrounded by pine forest, the location of Peles castle is mindblowing. Let us take you on a tour of the grounds (including an interior Peles castle tour) of what is probably the most beautiful castle Romania has to offer!

We hope you enjoyed this Peles castle vlog, which is an easy day trip from Brasov or Bucharest Romania by train. We can't wait to show you more of Romania :) NEXT UP: exploring Brasov, Romania's most scenic medieval city. Care to join us on another adventure? Then please make sure to subscribe so you don't miss this the next part of our journey, coming up very, very soon!


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We're Naick & Kim, a Belgian couple that quit our jobs at the end of 2018 to travel the world and have been on the road for more than a year. If you want to follow along for the rest of our journey, you can subscribe to our travel vlog series here:

#Transylvania #Bucharest #Romania

Rumunia 06.2010 Góry Zarand Lipova - kościół

Wyprawa do Rumunii czerwiec 2010. Dzień 1 miasteczko Lipova.



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