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10 Best place to visit in Laiyang China


3 WEEK THAILAND TRAVEL ITINERARY - The ultimate guide to paradise!

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In today's Thailand travel video, we share our perfect 3 week Thailand travel itinerary for the ultimate guide to paradise!

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0:00 Intro
1:26 Staying connected in Thailand
2:38 Bangkok
4:00 Krabi
5:41 Railay Beach
6:43 Phuket
7:53 Koh Samui
8:49 Koh Phangan
9:50 Chiang Mai
11:11 Hua Hin

Life in China, street musician, chinese music

Chinese street performer outside Wanda mall in Taizhou, China

วัดผาลาด เชียงใหม่ ศิลปะความงามแบบล้านนา พม่า อายุกว่า 600 ปี#ท่องเที่ยว#เชียงใหม่#เที่ยววัด#4k

วัดผาลาด เป็นวัดราษฎร์สังกัดคณะสงฆ์ฝ่ายมหานิกาย ตั้งอยู่ในตำบลสุเทพ อำเภอเมืองเชียงใหม่ จังหวัดเชียงใหม่
ชื่อของวัดผาลาด มาจากคำว่า ผะเลิด เพราะคนที่ดินตามช้างมาตามลำธารน้ำตก แล้วเกิดลื่นหกล้มกันหลายคน บ้างก็ว่าช้างก็ลื่นเหมือนกัน เมื่อตั้งวัดจึงตั้งชื่อตามน้ำตก
ชื่อของวัดปรากฏหลักฐานในเอกสารตำนานและพงศาวดาร มีประวัติศาสตร์ร่วมกับพระธาตุดอยสุเทพ มีการบันทึกไว้ว่าในสมัยพระเจ้ากือนา พระองค์ได้นำพระบรมสารีริกธาตุที่พระมหาสุมนเถระนำมาจากสุโขทัยอัญเชิญประทับบนหลังช้างเพื่อนำไปประดิษฐาน ณ ดอยสุเทพ ในครั้งพระองค์ทรงแวะพักที่บริเวณผาลาด เดิมเป็นวัดร้างกระทรวงศึกษาธิการประกาศยกเลิกเป็นวัดมีพระสงฆ์ เมื่อ 2 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2524 ได้รับการบูรณะปฏิสังขรณ์ ฟื้นฟูขึ้นมาใหม่ ให้มีสถานภาพเป็นวัดและสถานที่ปฏิบัติธรรม
อาคารเสนาสนะที่สำคัญ ได้แก่ เจดีย์เป็นศิลปะพม่าสมัยครูบาศรีวิชัย วิหารสร้างขึ้นในสมัยครูบาศรีวิชัยโดยช่างชาวพม่า ฐานโบราณสถาน (โบสถ์) (วิหารพระเจ้ากือนา) อยู่ทางด้านทิศตะวันออกเฉียงใต้ของเจดีย์ ปูชนียวัตถุที่สำคัญ ได้แก่ พระพุทธรูปเป็นศิลปะพม่า วัดยังมีบ่อน้ำที่มีการสร้างทับซ้อนกันหลายยุคหลายสมัย และศาลาเก่า

【飯店開箱】台南遠東香格里拉酒店 27坪雅仕套房只要8500元?! 遠東CAFE松葉蟹吃到飽超滿意 豪華格尊榮禮遇 戶外特色心型泳池 Tainan Shangri-La Plaza Suite

In this episode, we stayed at the 90 square meters Plaza Suite at Far East Shangri-La, Tainan. There are abundant welcome fruits, the living room is big enough for dancing, one bedroom and one living room have a high-floor view, a spacious bathroom, executive lounge privileges, and a special outdoor heart-shaped swimming pool. For dinner, go to Far East CAFE. Crabs are in season in autumn. All-you-can-eat Matsuba crab is super satisfying. Tainan’s most sumptuous breakfast combines traditional and Western styles. It’s Tainan’s most classic and luxurious hotel.
00:00 開場
00:40 CHECK IN
05:50 DINNER
11:00 下集預告
#台南遠東香格里拉 #飯店開箱 #台南 #君悅酒店 #凱菲屋 #跨年 #WHOTEL #W飯店 #萬豪酒店 #台北喜來登飯店 #kitchentable #十二廚 #台北住宿 #台北萬豪酒店 #高雄萬豪酒店 #國泰萬怡酒店 #六福萬怡酒店 #寒舍艾美酒店 #寒舍艾麗酒店 #喜來登飯店 #寒舍集團 #萬豪旅享家 #sheraton #humblehouse #台北飯店 #台北住宿 #圓山大飯店 #君品酒店 #凱悅酒店 #凱撒大飯店 #板橋凱撒大飯店 #墾丁凱撒大飯店 #林酒店 #李方艾美酒店 #香格里拉 #台北遠東香格里拉 #台南香格里拉 #晶華酒店 #晶英國際會館 #蘭城晶英 #飯店人生 #飯店挑剔 #線上賞屋 #豪宅開箱 #大坪數 #行政套房 #行政酒廊 #白金會員 #義大皇家酒店 #義享天地 #寒居酒店 #寒沐酒店 #晶泉丰旅 #大地酒店 #遠雄悅來大飯店 #遠雄海洋公園 #理想大地 #加賀屋 #老爺酒店 #誠品書店 #誠品生活 #誠品行旅 #天成大飯店 #台北花園酒店 #凱旋酒店 #凱達大飯店 #長榮桂冠酒店 #永豐棧酒店 #h2o水京棧酒店 #高雄洲際酒店 #高雄晶英國際會館 #台南晶英國際會館 #雅樂軒酒店 #澎湖福朋喜來登 #新竹喜來登 #台東桂田喜來登 #請客樓 #辰園 #金龍廳 #天香樓 #金蓬萊台菜餐廳 #探索廚房 #饗食天堂 #饗饗 #遠東cafe #文華東方酒店 #雲軒西餐廳 #寶艾西餐廳 #頤宮 #米其林 #必比登 #五星級飯店 #五星級酒店 #漢來海港城 #美福大飯店 #欣葉日式料理 #欣葉台菜 #摩天輪 #愛情摩天輪 #韓國瑜 #愛情產業鏈 #凱道 #造勢 #掃街 #總統套房 #御膳房 #國宴 #探店 #美食博主 #高雄發大財 #韓粉 #韓星 #小巨蛋 #台北捷運 #捷運美食 #渡假村 #民宿 #旅館 #國賓大飯店 #高雄國賓大飯店 #台北國賓大飯店 #歐華酒店 #西華飯店 #西華富邦 #福容大飯店 #淡水老街 #紅毛城 #北投溫泉 #麗禧溫泉酒店 #礁溪溫泉 #三溫暖 #北投雅樂軒 #駁二藝術特區 #國父紀念館 #中正紀念堂 #自由廣場 #大安森林公園 #松菸文創園區 #華山藝文特區 #花博公園 #圓山花博 #大倉久和飯店 #日月潭 #涵碧樓 #阿里山 #松山機場 #北京烤鴨 #火焰片皮鴨 #士林官邸 #故宮 #故宮博物院 #阿霞飯店 #精品酒店 #設計酒店 #怡亨酒店 #希爾頓酒店 #威靈頓牛排 #波士頓龍蝦 #帝王蟹 #大閘蟹 #松葉蟹 #鮭魚卵 #魚子醬 #和牛 #神戶和牛 #伊比利豬 #海膽 #鮪魚 #壽司 #手卷 #免費早餐 #升等套房 #台北101景觀 #福華大飯店 #桂田酒店 #台中七期豪宅 #美術館豪宅 #美福大飯店 #旅展優惠 #高雄漢來大飯店 #柏悅酒店 #JW萬豪 #VIP會員 #台北造勢 #高雄造勢 #士林夜市 #饒河夜市 #寧夏夜市 #西門町 #大阪萬豪 #東京萬豪 #六合夜市 #瑞豐夜市 #凱旋夜市 #逢甲夜市 #大東夜市 #平價美食 #豐FOOD #林皇宮 #森林百匯 #兆品酒店 #礁溪老爺酒店 #中天溫泉渡假飯店 #礁溪晶泉丰旅 #屋馬燒肉 #台中日月千禧酒店 #台中金典酒店 #裕元花園酒店 #煙波大飯店 #威斯汀 #日月潭 #雲品溫泉酒店 #阿里山 #兆豐農場 #台積電 #鴻海 #聯發科 #精品 #航空公司 #中華航空 #貴賓室 #長榮航空 #星宇航空 #大学生 #關西機場 #桃園機場 #松山機場 #南機場夜市 #廟口夜市 #提早入住 #延後退房 #日航飯店 #東京帝國酒店 #新大谷酒店 #澎湖花火節 #澎湖美食 #澎湖福朋喜來登 #台中金典酒店 #林口福朋喜來登 #大溪力麗威斯汀酒店 #輕井澤 #agoda #asmr #bonvoy #booking #café #courtyard #courtyardbymarriott #dumplings #entertainment #explore #finedine #grandhotel #grandhyatt #hotel #jwmarriot #jr東日本 #kaohsiung #lemeridienhotel #lobster #mandarinoriental #marriott #michelin #nagomi #president #resort #shangri_la #sheraton #shangrilaresort #taipei #taipei101 #taiwan #villa #vip #vlog #wedding #墾丁渡假 #蓮池潭 #懷石料理 #京都嵐山 #旗津 #老街 #國華街 #客家料理 #潤泰全 #潤泰建設 #信義區豪宅 #帝寶 #陶朱隱園 #西華富邦 #遠雄theone #衛武營 #美術館豪宅 #公館 #大稻埕碼頭 #宏匯廣場 #新光三越 #遠東百貨 #微風南山 #微風廣場 #台北花園大酒店 #青年旅館 #負評飯店 #奢華飯店 #平價旅館 #設計旅店 #食尚玩家 #outlet #華泰名品城 #三井outlet #xpark #中壢美食 #左營美食 #左營高鐵 #寒軒國際大飯店 #花蓮美食 #東區美食 #知本老爺酒店 #維多利亞酒店 #大直英迪格酒店 #美女健身聯盟 #健身房 #比基尼 #泳裝 #網美打卡 #露天風呂 #夢時代 #威秀影城 #酒吧 #萬聖節 #萬聖節活動 #年輕人 #年輕世代 #文青 #創新 #美式風格 #藝術品 #潮流穿搭 #藝人 #土豪 #富豪 #亞洲旅遊asiatravel #台中住宿 #台中飯店 #高雄住宿 #高雄旅館 #在地美食 #汽車旅館 #龍山寺 #九份老街 #親子飯店 #行天宮 #總統府 #國慶煙火 #北投溫泉博物館 #鐵道 #河濱公園 #奇美博物館 #安平老街 #關子嶺 #農場 #公園散歩 #ladym #市場美食 #日出 #步道 #森林公園 #床墊 #席夢思 #總統大選 #遊艇 #福爾摩沙遊艇酒店 #賓利 #賓士 #瑪莎拉蒂 #保時捷 #法拉利 #藍寶堅尼 #星野渡假村 #全國大飯店 #塔木德酒店 #卡爾登飯店 #台北凱達大飯店 #神旺大飯店 #歐華酒店 #怡亨酒店 #璞石麗緻溫泉會館 #華泰王子大飯店 #德立莊酒店 #和苑三井花園飯店 #國聯大飯店 #格拉斯麗台北飯店 #和逸飯店 #傑仕堡有氧酒店 #趣淘漫旅 #台北慕軒酒店 #SHOTEL #兄弟大飯店 #城市探访 #都會區 #台灣自由行 #特斯拉 #電動車 #花東縱谷 #冷門車站 #松山車站 #南港車站 #捷運市府站 #台北市政府 #平溪 #金瓜石 #瑞芳 #深坑老街 #蘇澳 #池上 #烏來溫泉 #雲仙樂園 #土豪哥 #模特兒 #馥蘭朵烏來溫泉渡假酒店 #現切牛排 #特色旅館 #新加坡航空 #阿聯酋 #賦樂旅居 #寒舍集團 #醫師好辣 #醫師生活 #捷絲旅 #成旅晶贊飯店 #花蓮秧悅美地度假酒店 #花蓮翰品酒店 #瑞穗天合國際觀光酒店 #七星潭 #東京京王廣場飯店 #丸之內飯店 #台場 #日航酒店 #東京半島酒店 #大阪南海瑞士飯店 #大阪洲際酒店 #大阪帝國飯店 #大阪W飯店 #大阪瑞吉飯店 #大阪麗思卡爾頓飯店 #新加坡金沙酒店 #新加坡文華東方酒店 #新加坡聖淘沙灣W飯店 #新加坡南灣JW萬豪酒店 #早餐吃到飽 #下午茶點心 #馬卡龍 #鴨肉飯 #麻油雞 #當歸鴨 #胡椒餅 #藥膳排骨 #鹹酥雞 #唐揚雞 #三寶飯 #尚食 #可頌 #千層蛋糕 #抹茶控 #烤羊腿 #星巴克 #日月潭馥麗溫泉飯店 #力麗哲園 #妖怪村 #玻璃教堂 #彩虹教堂 #埔里 #集集 #內灣老街 #鹿港老街 #東港 #西港 #南港 #北港 #時代寓所 #薇閣精品旅館 #淡路島 #和歌山 #有馬温泉 #阿倍野 #梅田 #彩匯自助餐 #敘日餐廳 #MJkitchen #鉑麗安 #饗聚廚房 #士林廚房 #彩日本料理 #美麗信花園酒店 #台北城大飯店 #寒舍食譜 #北緯二十五度 #阿力海自助餐 #台北大飯店 #大板根森林溫泉飯店 #三峽老街 #文山伯 #線上旅展 #雲錦中餐廳 #寶艾西餐廳 #茶苑 #晶華軒 #ROBIINS牛排屋 #故宮晶華 #東京君悅酒店 #東京凱悅酒店 #安達仕酒店 #東京柏悅酒店 #橫濱凱悅酒店 #銀座凱悅尚翠酒店 #京都柏悅酒店 #京都凱悅酒店 #大阪瑞吉酒店 #奈良JW萬豪 #京都威斯汀酒店 #尖沙嘴凱悅酒店 #香港君悅酒店 #香港沙田凱悅酒店 #環遊世界 #渡假酒店 #溫泉湯屋 #住宿體驗 #華航諾富特飯店 #古華花園飯店 #名人堂花園大飯店 #南方莊園渡假飯店 #麗多森林溫泉酒店 #米堤大飯店 #日月光國際大飯店 #劍潭青年活動中心 #畢業旅行 #蜜月旅行 #林皇宮森林百匯 #天水玥秘境鍋物 #碳佐麻里 #樺達奶茶 #丹丹漢堡 #光榮碼頭 #真愛碼頭 #鈴鹿賽道樂園 #華園親子飯店 #迪士尼郵輪 #中原夜市 #嘉楠風華酒店 #長榮文苑酒店 #心悅花園酒店 #耐斯王子大飯店 #嘉義皇品國際洒店 #嘉義觀止飯店 #侯布雄法式餐廳 #泰市場 #雞湯大叔 #瓦城 #莫爾頓牛排 #心潮飯店 #山海樓 #謙安和 #吉兆割烹 #明福台菜 #雅閣 #教父牛排 #祥雲龍吟 #金蓬萊尊古台菜 #阿聯酋 #商務艙 #外交官 #奈良の大仏 #林口三井outlet #台南必吃 #市場美食 #北海道干貝 #情人節 #度蜜月 #財神廟 #發大財 #迎財神 #開工 #發財金 #歐風館 #台南桂田阿力海 #牛肉湯 #松鼠鱖魚 #東坡肉 #佛跳牆 #香客大樓 #佛光山 #靈異 #進香 #農曆新年 #阿霞飯店 #台南米其林 #海鮮市場 #新馬辣 #金色三麥 #夏慕尼 #王者荣耀 #人潮 #大溪老街 #頭城 #金瓜石 #五星主廚 #開水白菜 #雞白湯拉麵 #平價火鍋 #下飯音樂 #下飯時刻 #下飯神劇 #新加坡航空 #a380 #頭等艙 #捷絲旅 #孤獨美食家 #配飯影片

[4K] Kulai Town Tour & Cafe Jufei - Johor, Malaysia | ASMR Walking Tour

Kulai Town Tour & Cafe Jufei - Johor, Malaysia | ASMR Walking Tour
In this video, I will take you for a walk in Kulai town, 29 km from Johor Bahru City. The village of Kulai began to open in the 1920s, at first it was better known as 'Gui Lai' meaning the arrival of the turtle in Chinese. At the end of our visit to Kulai Town, we also stopped at a unique cafe (Cafe Jufei) with a 70s concept before heading back to Singapore.

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virtual trip from Beijing to Yantai (Shandong, China) 从北京到山东烟台的云旅行

My homie at college, Shanshan, visited Yantai last week to be a bridesmaid at her friend's wedding. Let's go on a little virtual trip with her from Beijing to Yantai in China. 好闺蜜单单上周从北京出发到山东烟台当伴娘。让我们跟她一起出发吧!



Haiyang Vacation-9 9

Yantai, a name full of mysteries and charms and embraced by running mountains and vast oceans, is really a fairyland on earth. Su Dongpo, a famous poet of the Song Dynasty, once wrote an enduring poem describing Yantai as The sky and the ocean in the east seem as one.



We are the staying at 'The Quarter' Hotel in Pai, Thailand, which is just 1500 Baht per night with breakfast and well located for Pai walking street. Pai is a small village located in the North of Thailand, several hours away from Chiang Mai.

The first part of the day we visit the small Chinese village attraction called 'Santichon Village' where Chinese people lived during the mid 20 Century fleeeing the troubles of China. They were allowed to stay on the condition that they created the village as a tourist attraction. AS you can see they have done a great job!

We then visit the amazing 'Yun Lai Viewpoint' which has incredible views of the local area.

This is My Expat Life Living, Travelling and Retired in the Land Of smiles Thailand!

There are so many opportunities for us in this amazing and beautiful country of THAILAND. I am based in the beautiful city of Hua Hin some 3 hours south of Bangkok.

I have run this channel for nearly 5 years now filming all over Thailand!

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More Community Engagement means more views and quicker growth on You Tube which means I can travel more!

China road trip

A public bus on it's way to Yellow Mountain, dodging bikes and other vehicles

A European - style Chinese Town, 1/2 Population Here Settled Overseas | 文成玉壶镇

Location: Yuhu Town Wencheng Wenzhou China

KEMPINSKI SINDHORN Bangkok, Thailand【4K Hotel Tour & Review】???? #FLIPFLOPMAS Ep. 11

How's the new Sindhorn Kempinski Hotel hotel in Bangkok, Thailand? Check out this honest and unsponsored 4K Tour & Review of this elegant and classy 5-star hotel.

Hi there! My name is Kevin and today we are going to take a look at the full Kempinski experience at the 5-Star Sindhorn Kempinski Hotel. Join me as we tour all of the common areas and lounges, the breathtaking lobby, the beautiful pool deck, explore the restaurants on offer, check out my (massive) room, have a bit of room service and of course finish it all off with The Flip Flop Score.

???? Join my PATREON!:
???? VENMO Tip Jar: @kevin_tfft
???? Shop ALL of my Gear on AMAZON:

My Other Channels
???? ROAM ABOVE (Extended Inflight Videos):
????‍♂️ ROAM (Walking Videos & Slow TV)

???? Hotel Rate
Rate: $338.34 USD
Category: Grand Deluxe King
Inclusions: Breakfast

???? Next 5 Videos
⇢ 23 Dec: ????#FLIPFLOPMAS Ep. 12 Gulf Air Business Class 787-9 Bangkok to Bahrain
⇢ 25 Dec: ????#FLIPFLOPMAS Ep. 13 Gulf Air Business Class A320 Bahrain to Istanbul
⇢ 29 Dec: Turkish Airlines Economy Class A321 Istanbul to Rome
⇢ 31 Dec: Hotel Chapter Roma (a Design Hotel) Rome, Italy
⇢ 05 Jan: Ethiopian Airlines Business Class A350 Rome to Addis Ababa

⏰ Videos posted at:
8:00 (New York), 14:00 (London), 20:00 (VN), 23:00 (Sydney)

---Video Chapters---
0:00 Hotel Preview
00:23 Intro
00:34 Welcome to Bangkok
00:44 Hotel Exterior & Entrance
01:04 Grand Lobby Tour, Part 1
01:40 Hotel Location
02:00 Grand Lobby Tour, Part 2
03:24 Firefly Bar & Lounge (w/ Menu Highlights)
04:54 Reception & Check in Area
05:30 Up to the Pool
05:46 Indoor/Outdoor Pool Deck
06:56 Sindhorn Wellness Spa Reception
07:32 Walk to the Room
08:06 Grand Deluxe Room Tour
11:11 Closet & Bathroom Tour
13:42 Balcony & Views
14:24 Kai Izakaya Japanese Restaurant (w/ Menu)
15:29 Room Service (w/ Menu)
15:55 Exterior Gardens & Walking Paths
16:41 Flourish Restaurant
17:00 Breakfast Buffet @ Flourish
19:40 Berthold Delicatessen
19:55 Fitness Center
20:26 The Flip Flop Score

Music featured in this video is licensed under an Artlist Unlimited License.

This is NOT a promotional video. I pay for all of my flights and hotels (and I always tell you how much!) so I can be as honest and impartial as possible. I do not receive any special treatment that wouldn’t otherwise be publicly accessible, in fact, the hotels and airlines have no idea about my visit and that's the way I like it!

#kempinski #bangkokhotels #hotelreview

Bus Ride Laiyang: River Side

Bus Ride around river side Laiyang..


Throwback Thursday flight from JFK to Shanghai (PVG) PRE COVID. This is an older flight, I apologize in advanced for the first 49seconds (video is in vertical orientation but the rest is horizontal).

We bought this flight in together with the hotel for $2599 each ticket; I think that is a great price for this business class service.

You’ll take a glimpse at the food, bed, cabin, lounge in PVG and brief shots of PVG to HKG.

Flight attendants were very nice but very strict on recording so I had to be quick!

As mentioned this flight was back in OCTOBER 2019 pre Covid, so I apologize for the quality of the video.

Up coming Flights:

- MIA - LHR in Club World B777 (New Service)
- LHR - WAR in Club Europe A320
- WAR - LHR in Club Europe A320
- LHR - MIA in Club World B777 (New Service)

- Intercity Train Poland WAR - KRA (Krakow)

- Auschwitz Tour

Instagram: @gonzalozulueta

china nostalgia

5 hour bus trip somewhere in the middle of China..

Street Music Performance in Chongqing, China

I happened to encounter Street Music Performance in Chongqing, China.

Chinatown Singapore | Walk-through Adventure

Exploring Singapore: A Fusion of Modernity and Tradition:

Please support my channel and buy me a coffee:

Video from: Singapore
Video resolution: 4K/ Video
Type: City Walking Tour

Insta360 ONE RS 1-Inch 360

A walking tour in Singapore is a unique way to experience the city's diverse culture, attractions, and breathtaking natural beauty. This tour will take you through the bustling city, showcasing its famous landmarks and popular tourist destinations, while also offering the opportunity to discover the hidden gems that make Singapore so special.

From visiting the iconic Marina Bay Sands and Gardens by the Bay, to taking a stroll through the historic streets of Chinatown and Little India, this tour is a perfect blend of history, culture, and natural wonders. Additionally, you'll have the chance to immerse yourself in the city's lush greenery and admire the diverse flora and fauna in the Botanic Gardens and the Park Connector Network.

Overall, this walking tour is a must-do for anyone looking to gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for Singapore's rich culture and history, as well as its diverse attractions and stunning landscapes.

Watching a walking tour offers several benefits, including:
► Convenience: You can watch a walking tour from the comfort of your own home or on-the-go, making it an easy and accessible way to experience new places.
► Knowledge and Understanding: Walking tours provide in-depth information about the history, culture, and landmarks of the area, helping you to better understand and appreciate the destination.
► Planning: Watching walking tours can help you plan your own itinerary, giving you an idea of the most popular tourist destinations and hidden gems to visit.
► Cost-effective: Watching a walking tour can be a cost-effective alternative to actually visiting the destination, especially if travel is not an option.
► Virtual Experience: Watching a walking tour allows you to experience a destination virtually, allowing you to explore new places and gain a sense of what it would be like to be there in person.

Overall, watching a walking tour is a great way to get a feel for a destination and plan your next trip.

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If you have any ideas for videos feel free to contact me by sending an email to

Thank you for watching :)

#SingaporeTrails #visitsingapore #NatureLoversSG #sgnature #exploresingapore #singaporetravel #singapore #singaporelife #singaporecity #visitsingapore #singaporephotography #singaporetourism #lioncity #travelsingapore #traveltheworld #riflerangenaturepark #riflerange #colugo #colugolookout #riflerangehiking #riflerangetrail

Bus driving in China Pt.1

We had two cool bus driver on our trip from Beijing to Changde.. watch!

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Chiang Mai (Thai เชียงใหม่ (help·info)) is the second-largest province (changwat) of Thailand, located in the north of the country. Neighboring provinces are (from northeast clockwise) Chiang Rai, Lampang, Lamphun, Tak, and Mae Hong Son. In the north it borders Shan State of Myanmar.

Chiang Mai province is about 700 km from Bangkok and is situated on the Mae Ping River basin and is 300 m above sea level. Surrounded by high mountain ranges, it covers an area of approximately 20,107 km². The district is covered by many mountains, chiefly stretching in the south-north direction. The river Ping, one of the major tributaries of the Chao Phraya River, originates in the Chiang Dao mountains. The highest mountain of Thailand, the 2,565 meter high Doi Inthanon, is located in the province. Several national parks are in the district: Doi Inthanon, Doi Suthep-Pui, Mae Ping, Sri Lanna, Huay Nam Dang, Mae Phang, Chiang Dao.

The mountainous terrain is mainly jungle, parts of which are within national parks which are still fertile and verdant with plentiful flora and fauna. There are many sites and locations where tourists prefer to visit to study the lifestyle of the tribal people who live on high hills.

Chiang Mai province for years now has been the tourist hub of the north and one of Thailand's most important tourist destinations. It is considered one of the most scenic provinces in the country due to its mountain ranges, valleys, flora and fauna. Unlike most of Thailand, the climate in the north and especially Chiang Mai is cool, fresh and misty.

[edit] Attractions
Doi Suthep-Doi Pui National Park (อุทยานแห่งชาติดอยสุเทพ-ปุย) The park consists of forests and mountain ranges. Major mountains include Doi Suthep, Doi Buak Ha, and Doi Pui. This is a main source of tributaries and streams in Chiang Mai. Sacred places, religious attractions and historical sites are located in the park complex.

Walking Street Chiang Mai municipality has organized, since 2006, the Chiang Mai Sunday Evening Walking Street at the Three Kings Monument Courtyard. It has turned into a thriving Sunday evening market which now encompasses nearly the whole of Rachadamnoen road (the main road of the old city), many of its side streets and the square in front of Thapae gate. It is renowned for the locally made handicrafts. In addition, Chiang Mai also organises a Saturday Evening Walking Street on Woa Lai road which runs from Chiang Mai gate, on the south side of the old city, towards the airport.

Chiang Mai Zoo (สวนสัตว์เชียงใหม่) is located next to Huai Kaeo Arboretum. It is a large zoo, which occupies the lower forested slopes of Doi Suthep Mountain. The zoo contains more than 200 types of Asian and African mammals and birds.

Doi Inthanon National Park (อุทยานแห่งชาติดอยอินทนนท์): at 2,565 m, Doi Inthanon is Thailand's highest mountain and one of the coolest peaks. Besides the actual mountain itself, there are a variety of other attractive locations such as Mae Ya, Wachirathan and Siriphum waterfalls and Bori Chinda Cave.

Pang Chang Mae Sa: The elephant shows are a demonstration of the elephants' abilities in log-hauling. After the end of the performance, visitors are able to have a go at riding an elephant.

Wat Phra Singh (วัดพระสิงห์วรวิหาร), houses the revered Phra Phuttha Sihing Buddha (พระพุทธสิหิงค์) image cast in Subduing Mara. The Buddha image is now enshrined in Viharn Lai Kham. The temple compound includes the lovely Viharn Lai Kham featuring exquisite woodcarvings and northern-style murals paintings, a magnificent scriptural repository with striking bas relief, and a circular stupa (in Lankan bell shape).

Mae Sa Waterfall (น้ำตกแม่สา) The famous 8-tiered waterfall in Amphoe Mae Rim occupies a natural setting among towering trees, covered with a lovely breeze all year round.

Night Bazaar: Every evening the center of the provincial city holds one of the provinces biggest markets, selling a huge variety of goods to tourists, both foreign and Thai. The market is 3 blocks long and is surrounded by restaurants, cafes and travel agents.

Info Taken from
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潍坊特色美食真多,蚕蛹和豆虫让人不敢下嘴,肉火烧做法新奇。Shandong Weifang Special Delicious Meat Roasted

Shandong Weifang's special delicacy meat fire and Le Chaotian pot, as well as the cicada monkey, the silkworm chrysalis, do you dare to eat it?



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