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10 Best place to visit in Ineu Romania


Ce poti vizita in judetul Arad? Vizitam Romania Impreuna

Astazi continuam seria episoadelor despre tot ce poti vizita in fiecare judet. Statia Dezorientarii va prezinta in al doilea episod al acestei serii ce poti vizita in judetul Arad. Județul Arad este situat în vestul României și cuprinde teritorii din Partium și din Banat. Județul se întinde de o parte și de alta a Mureșului și a Crișului Alb, judet plin de istorie, in care infulenta vestica se simte foarte puternic, nu degeaba Aradul fiind numit mica Viena. In acest episod veti vedea locatii precum : Gara Arad, Statiunea Moneasa, muntii Codru-Moma, Pestera Liliecilor, Cariera de Marmura, Izvorul Piatra cu Lapte, Grota Ursilor, Cuptorul de Fier, Rezervatia de nuferi, Varful Izoi, Stanca Laptelui, Tinoasa, Platoul Carstnic, Cetatea Deznei, Manastirea Radna, Cetatea Soimos, Baile Lipova, Perla Vaii Muresului, Cetatea Ineu, Strandul Neptun, Palatul Administrativ, Muzeul Cofetariei, Manastirea Gai, Catedrala Catolică din Arad, Biserica Sfântul Anton de Padova, Biserica Rosie, Castelul Purgly, Cetatea Siria, Casa Memoriala a lui Ioan Slavici, Manastirea Bezdin, Castelul Regal de la Savarsin, Gradina Botanica, Castelul Macea.

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Vrei sa devi membru?

Cuprins :
00:00 Introducere
00:42 Gara Mare Arad
01:22 Statiunea Moneasa
02:20 Manastirea Radna
03:06 Cetatea Soimos
04:00 Baile Lipova
04:55 Cetatea Ineu
06:02 Strandul Neptun
06:50 Palatul Administrativ
07:40 Muzeul Cofetariei
08:33 Manastirea Gai
09:35 Biserica Sfântul Anton de Padova
10:30 Biserica Rosie
11:48 Castelul Purgly
12:34 Cetatea Siria
13:24 Casa Memoriala a lui Ioan Slavici
14:11 Manastirea Bezdin
15:01 Castelul Regal de la Savarsin
15:44 Gradina Botanica Macea
16:19 Castelul Macea
16:58 Multumim!

Traseul turistic Pasul Rotunda - Lacul Lala (Munții Rodnei, România)

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Videoclipul prezintă pas cu pas unul dintre cele mai atractive trasee turistice din Munții Rodnei. Este un traseu destul de accesibil, folosit de mulți turiști și care pornește de la cabana din Pasul Rotunda (1271m). Acest pas, situat la intersecția a trei mari regiuni istorice (Bucovina, Transilvania și Maramureș), separă Munții Suhard (la sud) de Munții Rodnei (la nord) și este străbătut de drumul dintre Rodna (județul Bistrița-Năsăud) și Cârlibaba (Jud. Suceava). Traseul, având direcția est-vest, totalizează circa 10 km (circa 4 ore de mers) dintre care primii 8 km (circa 3 ore) urmăresc marcajul de creastă (bandă roșie): Pasul (cabana) Rotunda (1271m) - pe sub Vârful Nichitaș (1451m) - pe sub Vârful Gagei (1847m) - Culmea Gagei - Șaua Gagei (1789m). Este o porțiune deschisă, urcare continuă, moderată, având permanent în față trei vârfuri reper (Roșu, 2113m; Ineuț, 2222 m; Ineu, 2279 m). Sub Vârful Roșu se observă un frumos circ glaciar. Din Șaua Gagei, loc de popas, traseul (marcaj bulină roșie) se desprinde de creasta care continuă spre Vf. Ineuț și se îndreaptă spre Valea Lala care își are originea în Lacul Lala. Pe această porțiune de circa 2 km (o oră de mers), la început coborâm, apoi iar urcăm printr-o splendidă pădure de jepi și zâmbru. Pe măsură ce vegetația se micșorează, se dezvoltă covoare de bujor de munte (rhododendron) care înfloresc la începutul verii. Spre toamnă, găsim afine și merișoare. După ce depășim un ultim abrupt, ajungem la Lacul Lala mare, cel mai mare lac glaciar din Munții Rodnei, situat la 1815 m altitudine. Suntem în zona rezervației mixte Ineu - Lala. Dacă dorim, mai urcăm un abrupt și imediat sub Vârful Ineu (2279m) ajungem la Lacul Lala Mică (1920m). Lacul Lala Mare este subiectul acestui videoclip:

The video presents, step by step, one of the most attractive tourist routes in the Rodna Mountains. It is a quite accessible route, used by many tourists and starting from the chalet in the Rotunda Pass (1271m). This pass, located at the intersection of three major historical regions (Bucovina, Transylvania and Maramures), separates the Suhard Mountains (to the south) from the Rodna Mountains (to the north) and is crossed by the road between Rodna (Bistrita-Nasaud county) and Carlibaba (Suceava county). The trekking route, with the east-west direction, is about 10 km (about 4 hours walk), of which the first 8 km (about 3 hours) follow the ridge mark (red band): Rotunda Pass (1271m) - below Nichitas Peak (1451m) - below the Gagei Peak (1847m) - Gagei Ridge - Gagei Saddle (1789m). It is an open, continuous, moderate slope, with three landmark peaks (Rosu, 2113m; Ineutz, 2222m; Ineu, 2279m). Under the Rosu (Red) Peak there is a beautiful glacier circus. From the Gagei Saddle, a stopping place, a new trail (red point mark) is separated from the crest that continues to Ineutz Peak and heads towards the Lala Valley, which originated in Lala Lake. On this 2 km (one hour walk), we first descend, then climb a splendid forest of dwarf mountain pine (Pinus mugo Pumilio), sprinkled with rares Swiss pine (Pinus cembra). As the vegetation shrinks, we see carpet of Rhododendron myrtifolium that are blooming in early summer. Towards autumn, we find blueberry and cranberries. After passing a steep, we reach Lala Lake, the largest glacial lake in the Rodna Mountains, at 1815 m altitude. We are in the Ineu - Lala mixed nature reserve. If we want, we climb an abrupt and immediately below the Ineu Peak (2279m) we reach Lala Mica (Small) Lake (1920m). Lala Mare Lake is the subject of this video:

Top 10 Places to Visit in Romania #shorts #travel #romania

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Top 10 places to visit in romania #travel #explore #viral #viralvideo #tourism #romania

Cetatea Ineu

Cetatea Ineu dateaza de la sfarsitul secolului al XIII-lea. Devine o fortareata inel, alaturi de alte cetati ale vremii, cu scop de aparare impotriva otomanilor. In secolul al XVII-lea ajunge sub ocupatie habsburgica.

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0:00 Introducere
1:09 Intrare cetate
5:34 Curtea cetatii
7:31 Alt videoclip de urmarit

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Romania Ineu City Vlog Part 1 রোমানিয়া ইনিউ শহর ব্লগ প্রথম পর্ব।

Ineu is a town in Arad County, western Transylvania, Romania. It is situated at a distance of 57 km from the county capital, Arad, it occupies a 116.6 km² surface at the contact point of Crișul Alb Basin and Crișurilor Plateau. Ineu is the main entrance gate into the Zărand Land. Wikipedia

Area: 116 km²

Weather: 3°C, Wind N at 6 km/h, 68% Humidity

Local time: Friday 21:09

Population (2011): 9,260

Ineu হল আরাদ কাউন্টির একটি শহর, পশ্চিম ট্রান্সিলভেনিয়া, রোমানিয়ার। এটি কাউন্টির রাজধানী আরাদ থেকে 57 কিমি দূরে অবস্থিত, এটি ক্রিসুল আলব বেসিন এবং ক্রিসুরিলোর মালভূমির যোগাযোগ বিন্দুতে 116.6 কিমি² পৃষ্ঠ জুড়ে রয়েছে। .ineu হল জারান্ড ল্যান্ডের প্রধান প্রবেশদ্বার। উইকিপিডিয়া

এলাকা: 116 কিমি²

আবহাওয়া: 3°C, বায়ু N বেগে 6 কিমি/ঘন্টা, 68% আর্দ্রতা

স্থানীয় সময়: শুক্রবার 21:09

জনসংখ্যা (2011): 9,260

Sunset over Ineu - Arad County / Apus de soare peste Ineu - jud. Arad

Ineu is a town in Arad County, western Transylvania, Romania. It is situated at a distance of 57 km from the county capital and is crossed by the Crișul Alb river.
Ineu was first attested in documents in the year 1214 under the name Villa Ieneu. It was a sanjak centre (administrative divisions of the Ottoman Empire) in the Temeşvar (first-level administrative unit (eyalet) of the Ottoman Empire) and Varat eyalets (administrative territorial entity of the Ottoman Empire) and it was known as Yanova during the Ottoman rule between 1564 and 1595 and again between 1658 and 1693.



Varful Ineu Peak Muntii Rodnei Mountains Lacul Lala Lake Maramures #romania #romanie #lifeadventure

Varful Ineu Peak ⛰ Muntii Rodnei Mountains Lacul Lala Lake Maramures Romania Roumania
Perioada (Period) 21.09.2019-22.09.2019
Video Director: Bogdan CONSTANTINESCU
Puteti face donatii catre ONG-ul Asociatia Culturala Arghirescu care sustine acest proiect
DONATION & Support: Asociatia Culturala Arghirescu - NGO that supports Art&Culture

Romania (/roʊˈmeɪni.ə/ (listen) roh-MAY-nee-ə; Romanian: România [romɨˈni.a] (listen)) is a country located at the crossroads of Central, Eastern, and Southeastern Europe. It borders Bulgaria to the south, Ukraine to the north, Hungary to the west, Serbia to the southwest, Moldova to the east, and the Black Sea to the southeast. It has a predominantly temperate-continental climate, and an area of 238,397 km2 (92,046 sq mi), with a population of around 19 million. Romania is the twelfth-largest country in Europe and the sixth-most populous member state of the European Union. Its capital and largest city is Bucharest, and other major urban areas include Iași, Cluj-Napoca, Timișoara, Constanța, Craiova, Brașov, and Galați.

The Danube, Europe's second-longest river, rises in Germany's Black Forest and flows in a southeasterly direction for 2,857 km (1,775 mi), before emptying into Romania's Danube Delta. The Carpathian Mountains, which cross Romania from the north to the southwest, include Moldoveanu Peak, at an altitude of 2,544 m (8,346 ft).[13]

Romania was formed in 1859 through a personal union of the Danubian Principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia. The new state, officially named Romania since 1866, gained independence from the Ottoman Empire in 1877.[14] During World War I, after declaring its neutrality in 1914, Romania fought together with the Allied Powers from 1916. In the aftermath of the war, Bukovina, Bessarabia, Transylvania, and parts of Banat, Crișana, and Maramureș became part of the Kingdom of Romania.[15] In June–August 1940, as a consequence of the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact and Second Vienna Award, Romania was compelled to cede Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina to the Soviet Union and Northern Transylvania to Hungary. In November 1940, Romania signed the Tripartite Pact and, consequently, in June 1941 entered World War II on the Axis side, fighting against the Soviet Union until August 1944, when it joined the Allies and recovered Northern Transylvania. Following the war and occupation by the Red Army, Romania became a socialist republic and a member of the Warsaw Pact. After the 1989 Revolution, Romania began a transition towards democracy and a market economy.

Romania is a developing country with a high-income economy,[16] ranking 49th in the Human Development Index. It has the world's 47th largest economy by nominal GDP. Romania experienced rapid economic growth in the early 2000s; its economy is now based predominantly on services. It is a producer and net exporter of machines and electric energy through companies like Automobile Dacia and OMV Petrom. Romania has been a member of the United Nations since 1955, NATO since 2004 and the European Union (EU) since 2007. The majority of Romania's population are ethnic Romanian and religiously identify themselves as Eastern Orthodox Christians, speaking Romanian, a Romance language. The Romanian Orthodox Church is the largest and traditional church of the country.

DJ791/DJ792 Arad - Ineu

Driving from Arad to Ineu

00:00 - Arad
8:04 - Zimand Cuz
9:26 - Zimandu Nou
13:29 - Sântana
17:10 - Olari
19:28 - Sintea Mică
21:26 - Zărand
24:05 - Seleuș
29:21 - Ineu


Music NCS:

Driving in Romania. DN 79A: Ineu - Gurahonţ (Timelapse @ 60 FPS)

The last part of an amazing trip to Apuseni Mountains.


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Vf. Ineu m. Rodnei

2020.10.03 vfRosu, Ineut si Ineu m Rodnei

Deasupra norilor în Munții Rodnei [Ep.7 pe Via Carpatica]

[English/Romanian subtitles] Creasta Rodnei continuă pe Via Carpatica, magistrala munților noștri.
Episodul 7 ne regăsește tot în Munții Rondei, în grupa nordică a Carpaților Orientali sau Carpații Bucovinei și Maramureșului:

Refugiul Gărgălău - Vf. Gărgălău (2159 m) - Vf. Omului - Vf. Coasta Netedă - Vf. Ineu (2279 m)(bandă roșie) - Lacul Lala Mare (cerc albastru) - Șaua Gajei (punct roșu) - Pasul Rotunda - Cabana Croitor (bandă roșie)

A 10-a zi pe Via Carpatica și ăsta e doar începutul!

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Am degustat (multe) vinuri pe Dealul Viilor la Ineu

Dupa un mic dejun de poveste la Conacul Sf.Sava Brancovici, am plecat pe Dealul Viilor unde am degustat niste vinuri extraordinare...

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Marcel Nelu Marian
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Lala Lake, Romania - 4K Aerial

The Lala Lake, a crystal tear within the Eastern Carpathians landscape, appears in its entire splendour: Ineu Peak on top, dominating the entire area and on the bottom, the valley which takes your breath away due to the beauty of the landscape.
Located in the Eastern Carpathians, in Rodna Mountains, at almost 1,800 meters altitude in a glacial valley, Lala lake is part of the Mixed Reservation “Ineu-Lala” and it also has a younger/smaller sibling nearby, the Lala Mic Lake.

Music copyrighted to: Y&V - Lune [NCS Release]

Filming & Editing: © Marian Cepeha 2016 -

Istorii ascunse din Ţara Zarandului: Cetatea Ineului (@TVR1)

Ediţia emisiunii Istorii ascunse, difuzată duminică, 2 octombrie, la #TVR1, în care Cristina Băican de la TVR Timişoara ne-a propus un prim episod despre Ţara Zarandului, când am descoperit lumea dintre zidurile Cetăţii Ineului. Detalii găsiţi pe

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Arad - Romania

Arad - A beautiful place to visit.

Rhododendron înflorit în Munții Rodnei - Ineuț și Ineu - Turist În Țara Mea

Rhododendron înflorit în Munții Rodnei
Traseu: Șaua Gajei - Ineuț - Ineu - Lala Mică - Lala Mare - Șaua Gajei
Detalii traseu:
Data înregistrării: 18.06.2022

Echipament folosit:
- DJI Mini 2 -
- GoPro 9 Hero Black -
- Echipament de munte de la Decathlon -

Urmăriți Turist În Țara Mea și pe:

Romania Road Trip Travel Vlog


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Cab View ( L318 ) Ineu - Cermei



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