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10 Best place to visit in Horjul Slovenia


???????? Slovenia day Trips - Močilnik The Ljubljanica River Spring near Vrhnika town

Slovenia day Trips - Močilnik The Ljubljanica River Spring near Vrhnika town
Ljubljanica River Springs - Vrhnika
Region Central Slovenia Statistical region
Starting point Ljubljanica River-Retovlje Spring parking lot
Route length 4,41 km (2.13 miles)
route duration 1-2 h
Best time to visit spring, summer, early autumn
Appropriate for Baby Carriers , 3-6 years of age , 6+ years of age
Level of difficulty Easy circular trail

Route Description
The Ljubljanica River is one of the most special bodies of water in Slovenia, which is supplied with many karst influent streams. It vanishes into the ground and comes to the surface many times along its long and varied course, each time with a different name. It springs up in the foothills of Mount Snežnik as the Trbuhovca Stream, then later as the Obrh Stream, the Stržen Stream, the Rak Stream, the Pivka and Unica rivers, until it rises to the surface for the final time near Vrhnika as the Ljubljanica River. Its springs are divided into three major groups known as Močilnik, Retovje and Bistra. In addition, there are many other smaller springs, wells and affluents in this area.

Interesting Facts
Under the Vita, Olja and Juna Recommend column, you can hear the Tale of the Town of Vrhnika. Every child, even your inner child, will enjoy hearing it. Read a few interesting facts on the three major groups of springs below.

Močilnik is a limestone steephead valley, out of which waters from the Big Močilnik Spring (Veliki Močilnik) and the Little Močilnik Spring (Mali Močilnik) flow into the Little Ljubljanica River (Mala Ljubljanica). The Big Močilnik Spring is located at the foot of the Devil’s Cliffs (Hudičeve skale), which are 40 meters (131.2 feet) high. According to Greek mythology, Greek heroes – Jason and the Argonauts – ended their sail along Ljubljanica right here. They disassembled their ship and carried it on their shoulders to the Adriatic Sea. As a memorial to their journey, Vrhnika’s emblem is an image of the ship Argo, and locals and visitors remember them every year during the Argonaut Days Festival.

In the Retovje Valley, slightly hidden in the wooded foothills of Raskovec Hill and the Ljubljana Peak, lies the spring of Big Ljubljanica Stream (Velika Ljubljanica), which joins the Little Ljubljanica Stream (Mala Ljubljanica) from Močilnik after about 1 km (0.10 miles) in the village of Verd. From here on, the river is called Ljubljanica. There are many little springs in the valley: ‘Pod skalco’, ‘Pod orehom’, ‘Malo okence’ and ‘Veliko okence’. The springs of the Big Ljubljanica Stream produce the greatest volume of water of all the Ljubljanica springs and in the 19th century more than 10 water powered sawmills were located here.

Bistra Springs can be found at the foot of a steep, tectonically shaped karst hillside halfway between the towns of Vrhnika and Borovnica. Their streams form the Bistra River about 400 meters (437 yards) away. Their defensive position played a key role for the protection of the Bistra Monastery. Springs’ waters come from the Cerknica Karst Field, the Rakov Škocjan Park and the Planina Karst Field. In the past, the water powered mills and other equipment at the monastery and the Bistra Castle. The flow of water was controlled by sluice gates close to the mills and sawmills.

Another natural wonder among the Ljubljanica Springs is the Lintvern Spring, the source of the Bela Stream. Lintvern is a natural monument and a karst phenomenon. Its water flow is not constant; sometimes the water gushes out with great force but at times the spring completely dries up. The Slovenian polymath Johann Weikhard von Valvasor wrote (1689) that the Lintvern Spring occasionally spews out baby dragons. These ‘dragons’, off course, were probably human fish offspring.


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#Mocilnik #LjubljanicaRiverSpring #Sloveniadaytrips

Barje Vrhnika Slovenia

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Walk Tour of Slovenia 2021 4K Vrhnika Врхника, Словения.

#Vrnika_Slovenia #Slovenia_4K #Tour_of_Slovenia_2021
#Врхника_Словения #Словения_4К #Словения_2021
#Достопримечательности_Словения #Что_посмотреть_Словения
Врхника – город с населением почти 9000 человек и центр муниципалитета Врхника. Он расположен вдоль дороги Любляна - Постойна вдоль юго-западного края Люблянских болот и у истока Любляницы. Город находится от Любляны всего в 20 километрах и около 20 минут езды на авто. В период летних отпусков возможны большие пробки.
Врхника, которая лежит на высоте 294 м (центр города) вокруг холма Тичница (366 м). На холме находится церковь св. Троицы.
В Врхнике центральными культурными учреждениями являются Цанкарьев дом Врхника и Цанкарьева библиотекаа, а также Музыкальная школа Врхники.
Согласно легенде, город был основан аргонавтами, приплывшими по рекам Саве и Люблянице из Черного моря под предводительством Ясона. Когда они достигли истока Любляницы в этом месте, им пришлось разобрать корабль и перевести его по суше к берегу Адриатического моря. Их корабль изображен на гербе города.
Первые свидетельства присутствия человека в районе Врхники относятся к древнему каменному веку. Несколько замечательных доисторических находок были обнаружены в окрестностях близлежащего Верда (остатки колесницы эпохи неолита (1994 г.), охотничьего лагеря каменного века (2004 г.) .
В древние времена Врхника была рынком и портовым поселением, известным как Навпорт (Nauportus, гибридное слово от греческого компонента nays «корабль» и латинского portus «порт» , как, как говорят, это название придумали аргонавты. Римские склады и остатки укрепленного рынка были найдены и раскопаны на берегу Любляницы, в районе приходской церкви св. Павла и на улицах Градище до сих пор видны остатки римского замка. Остатки стен и сторожевых башен из комплекса Claustra Alpium Iuliarum лежат на склонах над Врхникой. В середине V века, когда Римская империя уже находилась в упадке, город был разрушен гуннами.
В средние века Врхника делилась на три участка: 1.Хриб, где жили ремесленники (кожевники, сапожники); 2.Деревня была жилым районом с ремесленниками низшего сословия (водители, лодочники); 3.Брег был известен как более богатая часть с магазинами, богатыми и высшими классами ремесел. В письменных источниках Врхника впервые упоминается в 1300 году как Горна Любляна;
В документах того времени место чаще всего упоминается под немецким названием Oberlaybach («Верхняя Любляна») или его варианты (Ober Laybach, Obernlaibach и др.; латинский Superior Laibacum), а также Vernich, Nider Dorf и др.
В 1876 году в городке родился первый словенский профессиональный писатель Иван Цанкар. Дом, стоящий на месте его родного дома, к сожалению не сохранённого, превращен в мемориальный музей.
На рубеже 19 и 20 веков основным видом деятельности был транспорт, а также лесопильное, фрезерное и кожевенное дело; На развитие Врхники повлияла близость дороги Любляна-Триест и самой Любляны.
Ускоренное развитие поселения было инициировано местной железной дорогой между Любляной и Врхникой, которая была завершена в 1899 году и позволила развить кожевенную, деревообрабатывающую, пищевую и электронную промышленность. Врхника получила статус города в 1955 году. В 1970-72 годах был построен участок автомагистрали А1 на маршруте Врхника-Постойна, первой четырехполосной автомагистрали в бывшей Югославии.
Веломарафон Franja также традиционно проходит через город.

Horjul - Gorenja vas

This time in proper autumn weather. Foggy, cloudy, rainy road from Horjul to Gorenja vas (Poljanska dolina). Driving past Vrzdenec, Lučine, Todraž,.. and ex uranium mine Žirovski vrh.

My gear:
Gopro 7

A chef's world by Michelin Guide: Luka Košir, Grič

Located in the little village of Šentjošt nad Horjulom, in the heart of the agricultural area, Gostišče Grič, run by owner-Chef Luka Košir, has been promoted from Bib Gourmand to one MICHELIN Star. With a regionally inspired cuisine revisited in the style of the day, Luka Košir's virtuoso dishes highlight the best local products, vegetables from his own garden and ducks he has raised himself – the very first in the country to be awarded organic certification. To enrich and personalize his creations still more, the Chef likes to add aromatic touches that he gathers in the forest.
Reflecting the quality of its cuisine, the restaurant also offers an excellent selection of wines that are always served impeccably by the waiter staff. At just a few kilometres from the capital, Gostišče Grič offers a topflight gastronomic experience in a bucolic setting, thoroughly committed and rewarded with a Green Star (already obtained in 2020).

#michelinguide #ifeelslovenia #tasteslovenia

01:00 Luka Košir
02:00 Grič

PLANINA NAD VRHNIKO - pot, stolp, čas ł Slovenia ł vlog 4K

Planina nad Vrhniko se nahaja na obrobju Vrhnike. Nahaja se v osrednje slovenski regiji v Sloveniji.
Na Planino nad Vrhniko smo se podali iz Betajnove. Izbrali smo zahtevno pot čez Špico, vračali pa smo se po lahki poti mimo Bukve. Na vrhu Planine nad Vrhniko nas pričaka čudovit razgled tako iz vrha stolpa, kot tudi pod stolpom, kjer so čudovite klopce na katerih se lahko spočijemo in sprostimo. Na vrhu se nahaja tudi Koča na Planini nad Vrhniko, kjer se lahko okrepčamo tudi s kosilom in domačimi jedmi. V času korone je koča žal zaprta.

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Lahko nam sledite tudi na IG: mamiNaturek

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Road Trip #464 - I-94 West - North Dakota Mile 256-231

Road Trip #464 - I-94 West - North Dakota Mile 256-231

In this 25 mile stretch of I-94 in Stutsman County, North Dakota, there's not much except some unnamed exits and the city of Cleveland, which is just north of the interstate.

Music licensed from

We are jasonh300 and sippigrrrl!
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Facts and information in our videos come from Wikipedia and other sources, and may or may not be factual.

Vrhnika, Slovenia: Old church wonderful place

200 let šole v Kortah

Videoprodukcija: Kleva films
oktober 2019

Höhlentour: Stota Jama - Slowenien 13.7.13

Höhlentour in die Stota Jama bei Laze, Slowenien. Ein Seilabstieg durch ein kleines Felsloch führt uns in eine nette, tropfsteinreiche Höhle mit mehreren kleinen Hallen.

Koreno sever - Briše 3.2.2013

Briše Briše Briše Briše Briše Briše Briše Briše Briše Briše Briše Briše Briše Briše Briše Briše Briše Briše Briše Briše Briše Briše Briše Briše Briše Briše Briše Briše Briše Briše Briše Briše Briše Briše Briše Briše Briše Briše Briše Briše Briše Briše Briše Briše Briše Briše Briše Briše Briše Briše Briše Briše Briše Briše Briše Briše Briše Briše Briše Briše

Walking to school / Peš v šolo (Vrhnika-Ljubljana)

This year it has been my second time I walked to school (from Vrhnika to Ljubljana). It was the last day to pick up school certificate. The distance from my house to my school is about 10,9 miles/17,5 km long and the video is made out of 2100 pictures recorded with GoPro HD Hero2.

Letos sem se že drugo leto odpravil peš v šolo (od Vrhnike do Ljubljane) in sicer zadnji šolski dan, da sem prevzel spričevalo. Pot je dolga okoli 17,5km in video je narejen iz okoli 2100 slik posnetih z GoPro HD Hero2.

''Sporna'' slikica pri 0:17:

Road Trip #368 - I-10 East - Texas Mile 674 to 698 (Columbus)

Road Trip #368 - I-10 East - Texas Mile 674 to 698 (Columbus)

More of I-10 East through Texas, beginning at Mile 674 in the city of Schulenburg in Fayette County. Then we enter Colorado County, and pass through the city of Weimar. We conclude the video near the city of Columbus, the county seat of Colorado County.

Music from the YouTube Audio Library.

We are jasonh300 and sippigrrrl!
Check out our merchandise and help support our channel at

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Facts and information in our videos come from Wikipedia and other sources, and may or may not be factual.

Maturantski izlet 2009 - Mesto Krf - Mondial Travel

Dobrova pri Polhovem Gradcu in Prenočišča Tehovnik, Brezje pri Dobrovi 101, iz zraka in zemlje

Čudoviti posnetki krajev Podsmreka, Dobrova, Brezje in ostalih, občina Dobrova - Polhov Gradec s serijo predstavitvenih turističnih filmov pomaga domačemu turizmu v tej težki Covid situaciji.
Turistični apartma s prenočišči Tehovnik se nahaja v kraju Brezje v Horjulski dolini, 5 km zahodno iz centra Dobrove in 15 km iz centra Ljubljane.
Iz Ljubljane vodi v to Horjulsko dolino pot mimo Podsmreke, kjer je več vrtnarskih trgovin, pekarna in cerkev sv, Martina, od koder je lepo izhodišče za pohod na Gradišče. Tu se v letu 2022 ureja posebna doživljajska zvočna pot namenjena družinskemu turizmu, ki bo drugačna od Polhove doživljajske poti v Polhovem Gradcu.
Na Dobrovi, ki je tudi upravni center občine Dobrova - Polhov Gradec, je bil rojen slovenski skladatelj Emil Adamič, stric skladatelja Bojana Adamiča in avtor več kot tisočih glasbenih del. V vasi stoji župnijska cerkev Marijinega vnebovzetja, ki je bila v preteklosti ena najbolj obiskanih romarskih poti na Kranjskem. Zgrajena je bila leta 1716 na temeljih prejšnje gotske cerkev.
Družba Marijinih sester čudodelne svetinje je odkupila 300 let staro župnišče in ga leta 1974 temeljito obnovila v današnjo podobo samostana. Že 73 let molijo na Dobrovi, svoj drugi dom imajo tudi na hrvaškem.
Apartma Tehovnik se nahaja v 1. nadstropju družinske hiše v dolini med dvema potočkoma, na zelo mirnem kraju obdanem z zelenjem. Dve sobi s skupno 5-imi posteljami se povezujeta s svetlo kuhinjo. Lahko se doda še otroško posteljo. V kopalnici lahko uživate v banji, tu sta tudi pomivalni in pralni stroj. Po dogovoru vam pripravijo zajtrk ali večerjo. Gostišče Pr' Kozinc z vso gostinsko ponudbo je v zahodni smeri proti Horjulu oddaljeno 5 km.
Narava pa s svojimi barvami kar vabi v bližnji gozd, kjer rastejo gobe, pa tudi kostanj in borovnice. Otrokom so zanimive račke v domačem ribniku, pa tudi možnost izposoje koles, žog in badminton loparjev.
Planinci dobro poznajo okoliške vrhove Ključ, Žaba, Babčev tabor in Vrhe.
Kolesa si je možno brezplačno izposoditi tudi pri Tehovnikovih, priporočajo pa kolesarsko pot mimo Horjula do Šentjošta, kjer pozimi obratuje smučišče, skozi celo leto pa obnovljena Možinetova hiša, pravi muzej, ter znana restavratorska delavnica.
V kraju Vrzdenec med Horjulom in Šentjoštom je živalski vrt Rožman, kjer si lahko pogledate številne živali, tudi medveda.
Parkirišč je dovolj, najbližja avtobusna postaja linije 56 pa je od hiše oddaljena le 400 m.
Tel. za prenočišča: 01 364 31 01, naslov: Brezje 101
Tourist apartment with accommodation Tehovnik is located in Brezje in the Horjul Valley, 5 km west of the center of Dobrova and 15 km from the center of Ljubljana.
From Ljubljana, the path leads to this Horjul valley past Podsmreka, where there are several garden shops, a bakery and the church of St. Martin, from where there is a nice starting point for a hike to Gradišče. In 2022, a special adventure sound trail intended for family tourism will be arranged here, which will be different from the Polhov adventure trail in Polhov Gradec.
Slovenian composer Emil Adamič, uncle of composer Bojan Adamič and author of more than a thousand musical works, was born in Dobrova, which is also the administrative center of the municipality of Dobrova - Polhov Gradec. In the village stands the parish church of the Assumption of Mary, which in the past was one of the most visited pilgrimage routes in Carniola. It was built in 1716 on the foundations of an earlier Gothic church.
The Society of the Sisters of the Miraculous Shrine of Mary bought the 300-year-old parish church and in 1974 thoroughly restored it to its present-day appearance. They have been praying in Dobrova for 73 years, and they also have their second home in Croatia.
Apartment Tehovnik is located on the 1st floor of a family house in a valley between two streams, in a very quiet place surrounded by greenery. Two rooms with a total of 5 beds are connected to the bright kitchen. A cot can be added. You can enjoy a bath in the bathroom, and there is also a dishwasher and washing machine. Breakfast or dinner can be prepared by arrangement. The Pr 'Kozinc guesthouse with all its catering facilities is 5 km west of Horjul.
With its colors, nature invites you to the nearby forest, where mushrooms grow, as well as chestnuts and blueberries. Children are interested in ducks in the home pond, as well as the possibility of renting bicycles, balls and badminton rackets.
Mountaineers are well acquainted with the surrounding peaks of Ključ, Žaba, Babčev tabor and Vrhe.
Bicycles can also be rented for free from the Tehovniks, but they recommend a bike path past Horjul to Šentjošte, where the ski resort operates in winter, and Možinet's house, a real museum, and a well-known restoration workshop, which has been renovated throughout the year.
There are plenty of parking spaces, and the nearest bus stop on line 56 is only 400 meters from the house.
Tel. apartament: 01 364 31 01, address: Brezje 101

Road Trip #358 - US-190 West - LA-110/Longville to LA-3226/DeRidder, Louisiana

Road Trip #358 - US Highway 190 West - LA-110/Longville to LA-3226/DeRidder, Louisiana

As we make our way to the Texas border, we cover US-190 (concurrent with US-171) from Longville through DeRidder in Beauregard Parish. US-171 turns north within the City of DeRidder.

Music from the YouTube Audio Library.

We are jasonh300 and sippigrrrl!
Check out our merchandise and help support our channel at

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Facts and information in our videos come from Wikipedia and other sources, and may or may not be factual.

⛰ Sv. Jošt above Kranj (845 m)

Soteska Pekel [Hell Gorge], Borovnica, Slovenia May 2012

Soteska Pekel [Hell Gorge], Borovnica, Slovenia May 2012


Občina Vrhnika z reko Ljubljanico

1.9.2013 5: Autofahrt Jelšane (Ortsausgang) - Dolenje (Slowenien)

Im fünften Teil der Heimreise-Filmfolge vom 1. September 2013 wird die Strecke nördlich von Jelšane bis Dolenje in's Visier gefaßt (Durchfahrt durch Dolenje pri Jelšanah auf der slowenische Straße mit der Nummer 6). Hiermit verbinden sich Erinnerungen an einen Oldtimerkorso (siehe Auch die (ebenda dokumentierte) Rückreise von 2010 war noch lebhaft in Erinnerung. Näheres zur Heimreise von 2013 siehe bei:



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