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10 Best place to visit in Dumbrăveni Romania


10 Best Places To Visit In Romania I Romania Travel Guide ????????

Romania is a hugely underrated country, often overlooked as a holiday destination compared to other European nations. A land of undiscovered treasures, Romania is home to multiple natural wonders, buzzing cities, quaint villages, a rich artistic heritage, cultural tapestries, and delectable cuisine, catering to the preferences of all types of traveller.

Characterised by geographical marvels like the Carpathian Mountains and the Black Sea, the country's lush forests and snow-draped summits provide the perfect backdrop for the folklore that permeates nearly every corner. From the mesmerising castles of Transylvania to the idyllic hamlets dotting the Danube Delta, this article will unveil the reasons why Romania should unquestionably find a spot on your travel bucket list.

Here's our list of the top 10 places to visit in Romania.

We'd love to hear your favourite places to visit in Romania in the comments.

0:00 - Intro
1:23 - Danube Delta
2:15 - Cluj-Napoca
3:12 - Mamaia
4:08 - Timisoara
5:15 - Bucharest
6:33 - Painted Monasteries
7:58 - Sinaia
9:16 - Brasov
10:29 - Sibiu
11:24 - Sighisoara
12:56 - Outro

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#romania #visitromania #romaniatravel #romaniatravelguide #romaniatraveltips #romaniatour #placestovisitinromania #bestplacesinromania #romaniatop10 #danubedelta #danubedeltaguide #clujnapoca #mamaia #timișoara #timisoara #Bucharest #bucharestromania #paintedmonasteries #bucovina #sinaia #brașov #brasov #sibiu #sighisoara


Sibiu, Romania is a hidden gem of the Balkans; and there is no doubt that this Transylvanian city is the most unique city we visited in Romania. The lower town, the upper town, the Large/Great Square (Piața Mare), Old Town Council Tower, The Roman-Catholic Church, the Little/Small Square (Piața Mică), Huet Square (Piața Huet), Bridge of Lies, and ASTRA Open Air Museum are some of the best attractions in Sibiu. However, this video narrows down the TOP 10 things to do in Sibiu, Romania.

0:00 - Intro
0:22 - Wander The Lower Town
1:30 - Visit ASTRA Open Air Museum
3:05 - Explore Piața Mică
3:20 - Try Traditional Romanian Food
3:40 - Stare back at Sibiu's Eyes
4:28 - Climb The Council Tower
5:49 - Walk the Bridge of Lies
6:14 - Pass through Piața Aurarilor
6:52 - Explore Piața Mare
7:32 - Admire Piața Huet

If you want to visit Sibiu and try all of the things on our list you should check out the link below for information on each of them like pricing, seasonal hours, history and more:

[We recommend visiting Sibiu to anyone of any age. In a few words, it's enchanting, medieval, colorful, crisp, and elegant.]

Sibiu is known as the town with eyes because of distinguishable eye-shaped windows in the city's large building that appear to be looking at you. The medieval architecture of Sibiu, well preserved from the 12th and 13th century, is painted with pastel colors and topped with elegant churches and bell towers. We loved spotting them for the entire month we lived in Sibiu and realized how much character it adds to the city.

If any of you noticed, we provided a stamp of approval with our names on it for the restaurant Charlie's Speciality Coffee and Brunch in the Lower Town of Sibiu. This personal virtual stamp of approval is something we have decided to award only THE BEST restaurants/meals we experience around the world. Charlie's was deserving of this stamp, the first one we have ever made! Look out for more in videos to come :)

Living here for a month during November to December couldn't have lined up better with one of the city's main attractions, the Sibiu Christmas Market, which we visited nearly a dozen times. The Christmas Market is in Piața Mare and truly is the number one highlight of Sibiu this time of year. It really makes Sibiu, Romania a must visit in the winter.

The little square, Piața Mică, felt like a true central point of attractions in the city. Its bowl shape and large area made it feel wide open, and you could spot some of Sibiu's top things to do (on our list) in all directions. Bridge of Lies and The Council Tower top the list for what is to be found in the small square. The Grand Square and Huet Square can be reached in a few minutes walking, as well as the lower town. Yes, all these attractions on our life in Sibiu are this close together, except for ASTRA Open Air Museum.

The ASTRA Open Air Museum just outside of Sibiu was certainly its own unique experience from anything else on our list. The 10 km long outdoor museum had hundreds of replicated medieval (folkloric) Romanian buildings and houses from all different regions of Romania.
This museum is the largest of its kind (outdoor) in Europe and 2nd largest in the world!

Honestly, as I explore other countries since visiting Sibiu, it climbs my list higher and higher. I have become sure that it is one of the top 3 coolest cities I have ever been to. -Griffin

We have visited and explored 3 major cities in Romania: Brasov, Bucharest and Sibiu. We are planning on returning to all three again, and also visiting (for the first time) Cluj Napoca and more of the Transylvanian countryside. We are not sure when we will be back, but we are certain that we will.

Look out for our next video where we try some tasty traditional Romanian food around Sibiu and Brasov.????????

#sibiuromania #sibiu #romaniatravel #thebalkans #transylvania #medievalarchitecture #medieval

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Dumbrăveni E58 Bukowina Rumänien Romania 5.4.2016

Der Weg ist das Ziel... komm fahr mit in meinem Goggomobil =G=
Sightseeing in Krisenregionen, Armenviertel, Bürgerkriegsgebieten.
Along radioactive Death-Zones, MOAs, No-Go and Civil-War Areas.

Rumänien – Bären, Dracula und Bukarest mit Sarazar | ARD Reisen

Mystische Urwälder, frei lebende Bären und spannende Abenteuer in der Natur – der Roadtrip durch Rumänien bietet für Valentin Rahmel aka Sarazar und seine beiden Freunde Benni und Max jede Menge unerwartete Herausforderungen.

Auf ihrer mehr als 1.000 Kilometer langen Tour von Maramures im Norden bis in die Hauptstadt Bukarest erleben sie das ursprüngliche Rumänien, besuchen die Heimat von „Graf Dracula“ und stürzen sich in die Fluten eines Wildbachs. Ihre Erlebnisse halten sie in spektakulären Bildern fest.

Ihre Reise führt sie von Maramures durch Transilvanien und auf der Traumstraße Transfagarasan in die Berge. Dort sehen sie frei lebende Bären und entdecken mystische Wälder, die urplötzlich aus dem Nebel auftauchen. Action bringt das Canyoning bei Porumbacu, etwas gruselig wird es nicht zuletzt beim Besuch auf Schloss Bran. Hier soll das historische Vorbild für Bram Stokers „Graf Dracula“ tatsächlich gelebt haben. Schlusspunkte der Reise: eine Wanderung zu faszinierenden Felsformationen in den Karpaten und ein Besuch der rumänischen Hauptstadt Bukarest.

00:00 Begrüßung
01:08 Maramures
06:00 Transsilvanien
12:50 Canyoning bei Porumbacu
18:50 Schloss Bran
20:39 Busteni
25:22 Bukarest
28:21 Verabschiedung

Lust auf mehr bekommen? Weitere Roadtrips mit Sarazar und seinen Freunden findet ihr hier in unserer Playlist:

Playlist der im Video verwendeten Musiktitel:
Kris Bowers - A Grand Finish
Alex Wurman - What Doesn’t Kill You (Main Title)
Gregory Alan Isakov - The Stable Song
VOLO - Wander
William Tyler - A Closing
Lupe Fiasco - Superstar (Instrumental)
Common feat. Bilal - The 6th Sense (Instrumental)
Acareimon - Tierra
Ernesto Nicelli - Cocktail Beat
James Newton Howard - The Gravel Road
Hans Zimmer - The Well
TV On The Radio - Happy Idiot
The Cinematic Orchestra - Transformation
Elliot Goldenthal - Born To Darkness (Part 1)
Wojciech Kilar - Love Eternal
Hudson Taylor - Battles
Lorne Balfe - Shelling
Fink - Warm Shadow (Rastovich Remix)
Mac Miller - Best Day Ever
Il Lo - Kelele
Kupla - Rose Garden

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Ein Film von Valentin Sarazar Rahmel, Benjamin Gelhaar und Maximilian Leinfelder. Redaktion Patrick Löffler/Peter Schneider/Jörg Gaensel. Dieser Film wurde im Jahr 2021 produziert. Alle Aussagen und Fakten entsprechen dem damaligen Stand und wurden seit dem nicht aktualisiert.

Dumbrăveni – Urluia Valley – Lake Vederoasa

Mysterious and wild are the ways of Dobrogea. The Dumbrăveni – Urluia Valley and Lake Vederoasa in Constanţa County represent a unique natural mix in the world of over 18,000 hectares. Continental sweet waters, marshes and peatlands mix in dry meadows, forests and arable land. No hectare of this protected area resembles the other. Nature offers surprises at every step. There are also reptiles in the forests of Dumbrăveni, but you can also find endangered plant and animal species. Here is the Dobrogean blotched snake or the four-strip serpent (Elaphe quatuorlineata), the marbled polecat, and the dobrogean hamster. Of the plants, there are also some rare and very important species for preserving biological diversity, such as the common tormentil. Geomorphological landscapes are very attractive, too, with hills, valleys with permanent waters, meadows and cliffs.

Fortareata Suceava Fortress, Romania-Visit Maramures and Bucovina ep23 - travel video vlog calatorie

Cetatea Sucevei, este o cetate medievală situată la marginea de est a Sucevei (în nord-estul României)
Cetatea Sucevei făcea parte din sistemul de fortificații construit în Moldova la sfârșitul secolului al XIV-lea, pe vremea pericolului otoman.
Cetatea a fost construită la sfârșitul secolului al XIV-lea de către Petru I Mușat, a fost fortificată în secolul al XV-lea de către Ștefan cel Mare și distrusă în secolul al XVII-lea (1675) de Dumitrașcu Cantacuzino.
Camerele din cetate erau destinate soldaților, cetatea având rol de apărare, ea fiind locuită de domnitor, familia acestuia și consilierii apropiați numai în caz de pericol, restul timpului fiind folosit de curtea regală din oraș.
Astăzi, poți traversa în siguranță podul de la Cetatea Sucevei pentru că nu te așteaptă niciun pericol… toți vizitatorii sunt bineveniți și pot admira liber încăperile pentru gardieni sau altele care serveau drept închisoare, pivniță, capelă, baie de aburi. În centrul cetății se află o curte frumoasă pavată cu pietre în stilul vremurilor demult apuse.

Suceava Fortress, is a medieval fortress located on the eastern edge of Suceava (in northeastern Romania)
The Citadel of Suceava was part of the system of fortifications built in Moldova at the end of the 14th century, at the time of the Ottoman danger.
The fortress was built at the end of the 14th century by Peter I Musat, was fortified in the 15th century by Stephen the Great and destroyed in the 17th century (1675) by Dumitrașcu Cantacuzino.
The rooms in the fortress were intended for soldiers, the fortress having a defensive role, it being inhabited by the ruler, his family and close advisers only in case of danger, the rest of the time being used by the royal court in the city.
Today, you can safely cross the bridge at the Citadel of Suceava because no danger awaits you… all visitors are welcome and can freely admire the rooms for guards or others that served as a prison, cellar, chapel, steam bath. In the center of the fortress there is a beautiful courtyard paved with stones in the style of long gone times.


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Romanian Ways - to Suceava

pe drumurile patriei - spre Suceava ... unforgetable

#Dumbrăveni #Sibiu #România

La poale de coline aparate de ziduri de papura si stuf se intind lacurile de langa Dumbraveni. Acestea se numesc La amurii Albi si alcatuiesc un mirific peisaj colinar inconjurat de paduri. Ascunse intre dealuri lacurile par a fi un loc al surprizelor. La stanga deal la dreapta deal in fata peste!!!
Linistea e intrerupta doar de vantul care face slalom printre copaci si pasarile care isi canta bucuriile si nevoile deopotriva. Daca mai adaugi padurile si poienile inmiresmate ascunse intre dealuri, pare a fii un loc numai bun pentru relaxare. Pe marginea lacurilor turistii pot sa isi intinda corturile si sa adoarma ascultand greierii si visand la marea captura. Are balta peste!
Lacurile care insumeaza 1,7 ha luciu de apa sunt populate anual cu crap, amur alb si in special cu somn african. Mai sunt populate cu caras, novac, fitofag, salau, biban, crap koi, etc.
La Amurii Albi puteti inchiria la preturi modice echipamente sportive si veti putea practica urmatoarele sporturi: volei, fotbal-volei, badmington, ciclism, tenis de masa, tir cu arcul, aruncarea toporului, aruncarea sulitei, sah, table, rummy si tiroliana.
Se pot face plimbari prin inprejurimi pe trasee marcate (orientare turistica). Aveti posibilitatea de a campa la noi in corturi si de a veni la un gratar alaturi de prieteni si familie. La cerere organizam concursuri pentru maxim 50 persoane.
Lacurile sunt situate pe drumul jud.142C intre orasul Dumbraveni, jud. Sibiu si comuna Viisoara, jud. Mures, la aproximativ 50 km de Targu Mures.
Sebi TV

Roventura KANAL D - Baum Dumbraveni & Pensiunea Kokel

George Mihai și Andreea Stravoiu vor face un popas la Dumbrăveni pentru a afla povestea fermecătoare a celei mai mari comunități de armeni, spusă de unul dintre ultimii armeni rămași în această zona, parcă pentru a duce mai departe povestea întregii comunități.

Locul este un adevărat giuvaier pentru iubitorii de natură și istorie. Castelul Apaffi din Dumbrăveni și biserica armenească sunt doar două dintre reperele importante în istoria transilvăneană care pot fi vizitate în Dumbrăveni. Amatorii de pescuit se pot relaxa pe malurile lacurilor din zona și, dacă au fir întins, pot prinde somn, novac, șalău sau crap.

Nu sunt uitați nici gurmanzii care vor descoperi, alături de cei doi roventurieni, bucate cu adevărat inedite. Pofticiosii care doresc să își încânte papilele gustative cu preparate tradiționale sau exotice, cu siguranță vor descoperi în localurile din zona preparate care le vor oferi un adevărat spectacol de forme, culori, gusturi și texturi pe care călătorii le vor pune în cartea amintirilor gusturilor unice.

2021.10.22 Peșterile Rupestre Dumbrăveni

Bisericile rupestre de la Dumbrăveni
Drumul spre bisericile rupestre de la Dumbrăveni trece prin rezervația naturală ce poartă același nume, care se întinde pe o suprafață de 2000 de hectare.
Complexul rupestru nu este o atracție turistică promovată și nici amenajată, astfel că nu există un drum până la canionul în care au fost săpate lăcașurile de cult.
biserici-rupestre-dumbraveni-constantaDe la cariera de piatră din localitate se merge aproximativ un kilometru pe un câmp, în stânga căruia pot fi observate stânci calcaroase. Cele două biserici mici, sunt cioplite în versantul de nord al unei stânci, care poate fi observată pe partea dreaptă.
biserici-rupestre-dumbraveni-constantaLăcașurile sunt atestate istoric în Evul Mediu Timpuriu. Arheologii care le-au cercetat, spun că bisericile rupestre de la Dumbrăveni sunt din secolele IX-X.
bisericile-rupestre-dumbraveniÎn cadrul săpăturilor de salvare din anul 1992, arheologii au descoperit într-unul dintre mormintele cercetate și o monedă din bronz, din secolul IV d.Hr., care constituie o dovadă privind existența în zonă a unei mici comunități paleocreștine, înaintea celei din Evul Mediu Timpuriu.


Dumbrăveni: Balta Poligon

Dumbrăveni: Balta Poligon (proprietar: Virca Mircea).

Spring Break in Romania Montage

Cities in the montage: Bucharest, Brasov, Sighisoara, Danes, Dumbraveni, and Bran

Sunset Lover is my jam and there was no copyright intended when using this audio

The transitions in this montage are weak but I tried my best


insta: maryhorine
snap: mary2278
twitter: maryhorine

Manifestare cultural - dohovnicească la Dumbrăveni

Trip to Sighisoara, Romania

Let's discover one of the most beautiful and best-preserved medieval towns in Europe: Sighisoara!
I shot this video using my Xiaomi Note 8 Pro at 1080p, 60 fps.

Romania 1991

O plimbare prin Romania in 1991 cu niste prieteni francezi prin Sibiu ; Brasov; Bucuresti ; Slimnic ; Dumbraveni ; Ieud (MM)

Cel mai mare parc gonflabil din Romania – Senzația Litoralului Românesc! | Jurasica Arena Neptun

Jurasica Arena - Family Fun Playground
Cel mai mare parc gonflabil din România (6000 de metri pătrați) vă așteptă în pădurea Jurasica din centrul stațiunii Neptun
Parcul este format din 12 complexe gonflabile de dificultăți și vârste diferite
Parcul gonflabil este destinat atât copiilor de peste 1 an, cât și adulților

Jurasica Park
???? o pădure cu 42 de dinozauri interactivi, în mărime naturală
???? activități zilnice pentru copii
???? cel mai mare parc gonflabil din România
???? food court (burgers & fries, pizza, chicken strips, popcorn, vata de zahar)
???? bar și cafenea
???? magazin de suveniruri

Informatii la 0735 070 070
Statiunea Neptun, Str. Plopilor nr. 3

Waze și Google Maps: Jurasica Adventure Theme Park Neptun

#JurasicaPark #JurasicaArena #Playground #PlaygroundArena #PlaygroundNeptun #LocDeJoacaNeptun #PlaygroundJupiter #LocDeJoacaJupiter

The charming Sighisoara! A UNESCO World Heritage site (Romania 2023 ????????)

The charming Sighisoara! A UNESCO World Heritage site (Romania 2023 ????????)
We spent a week in tiny Sighisoara, Romania deep into Transylvania where tales of Dracula flood the streets filling souvenir shops and tour buses drop off hundreds of tourists every day. We tour the walled city, learn the real history of Vlad Dracula and enjoy the rows of pastel colored 14th century buildings. We climb the centuries old covered stair case and admire the Holy Trinity (Byzantine style) church.

We hope to see you back next week for another video in our Romania series. Thank you for watching. If you enjoyed this video please LIKE, comment, and SUBSCRIBE for more of our travel adventures!

-- Rory and April & Oliver the Dood

Episode 019 | Transylvania, Romania | Filmed August 2023
#romania #sighisoara #travelvlog #travelromania #travel

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Song: Markvard - Life
Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music.
Video Link:

Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!):

The Lutheran Cathedral of Saint Mary or Biserica Evanghelică din Sibiu - Sibiu Romania - ECTV

The Lutheran Cathedral of Saint Mary (German: Evangelische Stadtpfarrkirche in Hermannstadt, Romanian: Biserica Evanghelică din Sibiu) is the most famous Gothic-style church in Sibiu, Transylvania, Romania. Its massive 73.34 m high steeple is a landmark of the city. The four turrets situated on top of the steeple were a sign to let foreigners know that the town had the right to sentence to death. It belongs to the Lutheran, German-speaking Evangelical Church of Augustan Confession in Romania.

The Sibiu Lutheran Cathedral was built in the 14th century on the location of another 12th-century church. For three centuries it served as a burial place for the mayors, earls and other personalities from Sibiu. This practice was banned in 1796 but one exception was made in 1803 when baron Samuel von Brukenthal was laid to rest in the crypt.

In 1671 a Slovakian craftsman built an organ to replace the previous one that was built in 1585. Today the newer organ is the largest in the southeastern region of Europe. During the summer, there are concerts every Wednesday night.

Traseu in Muntii Buzaului. Asezarile rupestre din Tara Luanei

Traseul propus in acest video se desfasoara in Muntii Buzaului, Masivul Ivanet, in zona denumita Tara Luanei. Incepe din satul Nucu si continua spre Grota Fundul Pesterii, Chilia lui Dionisie Torcatorul, Bisericuta lui Iosif, Agatonul Vechi, Agatonul Nou, Schitul Fundatura, iar la final revenim la locul de unde am inceput excursia, in satul Nucu.

Daca v-a placut acest videoclip, va invit sa dati SHARE, LIKE si sa va abonati (Subscribe) la acest canal de YOUTUBE. De asemenea, pentru mai multe informatii despre acest traseu, dar si despre alte trasee montane, accesati site-ul

Link pentru mai multe detalii despre acest traseu:

Va multumim!

Sat Nucu - Poiana Cozanei - Pestera Fundul Pesterii
Marcaj: Nemarcat
Durata: 30 min.

Pestera Fundul Pesterii - Poiana Cozanei - Chilia lui Dionisie Torcatorul
Marcaj: Nemarcat
Durata: 10 min.

Chilia lui Dionisie Torcatorul - Poiana Cozanei - Bisericuta lui Iosif
Marcaj: la inceput nemarcat, apoi triunghi albastru
Durata: 20 min.

Bisericuta lui Iosif - Lacul Mistretilor - Agatonul Vechi - Agatonul Nou
Marcaj: la inceput triunghi albastru, apoi banda rosie
Durata: 45 min. - 1 ora

Agatonul Nou - Agatonul Vechi - Lacul Mistretilor - Schitul Fundatura - livada - Sat Nucu

Marcaj: partial triunghi albastru
Durata: 1:15 min. - 1:30 min

Durata totala: 3 ore - 3:30 ore

End of February in Dobrogea, Romania - trip 4x4

The end of February 2022 found me in Dobrogea, Romania on a 4x4 trip. We drove over 350 km through the wilderness of southern Dobrogea, over hills, through valleys and forests.
Route 26-27 February 2022
Constanta - Tuzla - Costinesti - Olimp - Vama Veche - Coroana - Valcelele - Cotu Vaii - Hunting Complex Diana Callatis subsidiary Negru Voda - Cherchezu - Magura - Olteni - Dumbraveni rock church - Furnica - Tufani - Sipotele - Adamclisi - Urluia - Ion Corvin - Baneasa - Lipnita - Ostrov-bac.
If you don't want to miss my next trips, puss the subscribe button and activate the bell!

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Sfarsitul lui februarie 2022 m-a gasit in Dobrogea, Romania la o tura 4x4. Am parcurs peste 350 km prin zonele salbatice din sudul Dobrogei, pe dealuri, prin vai sau paduri.
Traseu 26-27 februarie 2022
Constanța - Tuzla - Costinesti - Olimp - Vama Veche - Coroana - Valcelele - Cotu Vaii - Complex Hunting Diana Callatis subsidiary Negru Voda - Cherchezu - Magura - Olteni - Biserica rupestra Dumbraveni - Furnica - Tufani - Sipotele - Adamclisi - Urluia - Ion Corvin - Baneasa - Lipnita - Ostrov-bac.
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