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10 Best place to visit in Dofteana Romania


În vizită cu camperul la castelul Ghika din Dofteana

Călătorind cu camperul, am ajuns în județul Bacău și am vizitat ansamblul castelului Ghika din Dofteana, clădire monument istoric.
Situat în arealul Văii Trotușului, conacul Ghika de la Dofteana face parte din imobilele deținute de familia Ghika, alături de Palatul de la Comănești. Conacul de la Dofteana este construit în stil romantic la sfârşitul secolului al XIX-lea, cu rolul bine definit de castel de vânătoare.

17 ROMANTIC CASTLES IN ROMANIA - Istorie și Civilizație - Cele mai romantice castele din România

Discover Romania's Amazing Highlights 1️⃣

English title: 17 ROMANTIC CASTLES IN ROMANIA - History and Civilization - Romania's most romantic castles

Join us to incredible Romania, where we will visit 17 of the country's most romantic castles. Let us take a dive into Romania's fascinating history.

Be conquered by the Land of Fairy Tales and Romanticism! Be conquered by its unique scenery!

Table of contents: Dracula Castle in Bran, Corvin Castle in Hunedoara, Peles Castle in Sinaia, Moldavian Princes Castle in Iasi, Kendeffy Castle in Hateg, Transylvanian Princes Castle in Fagaras, Teleki Castle in Mures, Karolyi Castle in Carei, Sturdza Castle in Miclauseni, Mogosoaia Castle in Bucharest, Calendar (Ugron) Castle in Zau, Kemeny Castle in Reghin, Ghika Castle in Dofteana, Red Tower Castle in the Olt River Valley, Red Castle in Hemeius, Banffy Castle in Bontida and Kalnoky Castle in Miclosoara. End CTA slide: Unicorn (Kornis) Castle in Dej.

Soundtrack: Keys Of Moon - The Epic Hero (OST)

Filmmakers: Camelia Dumitrescu and Vadim Diaconescu
Haideți cu noi în incredibila Românie, unde vom vizita 17 dintre cele mai romantice castele din țară. Hai să ne cufundăm în fascinanta istorie a României.

Lăsați-vă cuceriți de Țara Basmelor și a Romantismului! Lăsați-vă fermecați de peisajul ei unic!

Din cuprins: Castelul Dracula din Bran, Castelul Corvin din Hunedoara, Castelul Peleș din Sinaia, Castelul Principilor Moldovei din Iași, Castelul Kendeffy din Hațeg, Castelul Principilor Transilvaniei din Făgăraș, Castelul Teleki din Mureș, Castelul Karolyi din Carei, Castelul Sturdza din Miclăușeni, Castelul Mogoșoaia din București (Mogoșoaia), Castelul Calendar (Ugron) din Zau, Castelul Kemeny din Reghin (Brâncovenești), Castelul Ghika din Dofteana, Castelul Turnu Roșu de pe Valea Oltului, Castelul Roșu din Hemeiuș, Castelul Banffy din Bonțida și Castelul Kalnoky din Micloșoara. Slide CTA de Final: Castelul Unicorn (Kornis) din Dej.

Coloana sonoră: Keys Of Moon - The Epic Hero (OST)

Realizatori: Camelia Dumitrescu și Vadim Diaconescu


Cantacuzino Castle , Busteni , Romania in Ultra 4K

Version en français plus bas
Cantacuzino Castle is located on Zamora Street in Bușteni, Romania. The building, whose construction was completed in 1911, was carried out by architect Gregory Cerchez at the request of Prince George Grigore Cantacuzino. It is built in a neo-Romanian style; the total area of ​​the estate is over 3,000 square meters. [1] The estate is surrounded by a park with paths leading to a cascading cave and handcrafted fountains. In the central pavilion is a collection of unique Romanian heraldry depicting families allied to the Cantacuzino family, as well as portraits of family members.

The castle belonged to the Cantacuzino family until the forced nationalization of 1948, when it became a preventorium for the Ministry of the Interior. During the communist period, the original furniture was removed and part of the interior walls were repainted. After 1989 the castle was returned to the descendants of Cantacuzino, who sold it to private investors in 2004

Le château de Cantacuzino est situé sur la rue Zamora à Bușteni , en Roumanie . Le bâtiment, dont la construction a été achevée en 1911, a été réalisé par l'architecte Gregory Cerchez à la demande du prince George Grigore Cantacuzino. Il est construit dans un style néo-roumain; la surface totale du domaine est de plus de 3 000 mètres carrés. [1] Le domaine est entouré d'un parc avec des sentiers menant à une grotte en cascade et des fontaines artisanales. Dans le pavillon central se trouve une collection d'héraldique roumaine unique représentant les familles alliées à la famille Cantacuzino , ainsi que des portraits des membres de la famille.

Le château a appartenu à la famille Cantacuzino jusqu'à la nationalisation forcée de 1948, quand il est devenu un préventorium pour le ministère de l'Intérieur. Pendant la période communiste, le mobilier d'origine a été enlevé et une partie des murs intérieurs a été repeinte. Après 1989, le château a été rendu aux descendants de Cantacuzino, qui l'ont vendu à des investisseurs privés en 2004

Știrbey Palace in Dărmănești, Bacău, Northeastern Romania

Situated on a highland at 600 m altitude and integrated in the picturesque landscape, the palace was designed by architect Nicolae Ghika-Budești and built with Italian craftsmen around 1913-1914. The Royal visitors at Dărmănești Palace include Queen Elisabeth of Romania and Queen Marie of Romania.
Bought by the current owner in 2014, the property was fully rehabilitated and restored - a process that took three years.
For more details about Știrbey Palace in Dărmănești please visit

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Am vizitat cele mai frumoase CASTELE DIN MOLDOVA | Tur ghidat la Castelul Sturdza din Miclauseni

#castelulsturdza #enescu #iasi
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Ne-am propus sa vizitam cele mai frumoase castele si palate din Moldova. (in tot video-ul se pare ca dansez dupa o muzica stiuta doar de mine :))) )
Am inceput vizita cu Castelul Sturdza din Miclauseni, unde am avut parte de un tur ghidat desprins din povesti de Conul Miclausanu, custodele acestui castel. (biletul de intrare este 15 lei). Castelul este in inima unui parc mare si puteti sa veniti aici si pentru un picnic intr-o duminica linistita. Inca se pastreaza pictura originala de pe tavan si pereti, precum si unele obiecte originale. Aici se organizeaza baluri la care lumea vine imbracata in haine de epoca, simpozioane, lansari de carte etc.
La jumatate de ora de castel se afla Palatul lui A.I.Cuza de la Ruginoasa, care este renovat de curand si arata foarte bine. Din pacate aici nu este un ghid, dar in fiecare camera este cate o placuta cu informatii, astfel incat, cu putina imaginatie ne putem transpune in vremurile de atunci.
A doua zi am mers la Sectia “Dumitru si Alice Rosetti Tescanu” - o sectie a muzeul national George Enescu, si unde marelui compozitor ii placea sa se retraga de la agitatia Bucurestiului. (Biletul de intrare este 10 lei). Puteti vedea obiecte personale care au apartinut compozitorului si s-au pastrat intr-o stare foarte buna pana astazi.
De acolo am mers la Palatul Ghika din Comanesti, ce se afla la 30 de min de mers cu masina. Aici a fost resedinta lui Dimitrie Ghika si a familiei acestuia, iar in prezent este un muzeu de etnografie si arta. De acolo am mers pe traseul pe care probabil il parcugea si Dimitrie Ghika atunci cand mergea la castelul lui de vanatoare - Castelul Ghika de la Dofteana. (bilet de intrare 5 lei) Din pacate in interior nu s-au pastrat obiecte originale, in castel sunt cateva obiecte “vintage”, dar puteti sa vedeti decoratiunile interioare originale.

Cam atat a fost :D va rugam sa ne lasati in comentarii care dintre castelele vizitate v-au placut cel mai mult.

Daca v-a placut video-ul nu uitati sa va abonati la canalul nostru si sa dati un like. (Apreciem si un share ca poate ii inspiram si pe altii). De asemenea puteti activa notificarile, ca sa nu ratati niciun video. Multumim, dragilor!

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Intro: (0:00)
Castelul Sturdza din Miclauseni: (0:16)
Palatul lui A.I.Cuza de la Ruginoasa: (6:23)
Conacul Rosetti-Tescanu: (8:40)
Palatul Ghika din Comanesti: (10:25)
Castelul Ghika de la Dofteana: (12:41)
Bloopers: (15:14)

Csernovics-Karolyi Castle, Macea, Arad - mar. 2023

Macea Castle, also called Cernovici Castle or Csernovics Castle is located in Macea Commune, Arad County, Romania is an architectural monument built in the 19th century. It belonged to two noble families, Csernovics and Károlyi.

The history of the castle is connected with the history of the Serbian noble family of Csernovics. They receive the nobility title from the Kingdom of Hungary in the year 1720. In the year 1724 Mihail and his son John (Ioan) get several estates including the Macea estate. In the same year begins the construction of a mansion in Macea, finished in the year 1745, which is the year of the death of Mihail. In that period the castle had only one wing, the east one with the two turrets. The wife of Mihail, Anne, becomes the next owner and she will buy the Curtici and Cutos estates. The nephew of Mihail, Lazarus Csernovics, is granted with the title of Graf (or Grof in the Romanian language) in the year 1793 by the Austrian Crown. In the year 1804 Paul Csernovics will become the owner of the Macea estate. He will take care of the appearance of the mansion. His son, Peter, is the one who will embellish the surroundings of the building. After a journey he made in 1845 in the Near East, Peter will bring diverse species of plants and trees which are then planted in the garden of the castle. He will be as well the last owner of the estate losing the castle and the domain at a card game.

From this moment the estate and the castle will belong to the Hungarian family of Nagy Károlyi. The first Graf of Macea was Gyula Károlyi. He starts in 1862 another stage in the improvement of the castle and the expansion of it by building another wing and a 30 meter high tower. With this changes the castle became similar to the French models in vogue at that time. His son, Tibor Károlyi, will take care of the park by expanding it on a surface of 100 holde of planted forest. In the year 1900, the owner was Gyula Károlyi, the one who will bring the famous photographer Ruhm Odon to take pictures of the castle. One image still exists. Gyula will be the one who adds a metallic terrace to the older wing of the building.

After 1912 the castle is neglected, the Graf being absorbed by the estate. From 1920 Gyula Karolyi retires at his residence in Budapest. In 1939 the castle and the park are passed to Adam Iancu, a doctor from Curtici, the owner until the 1948 expropriation. Subsequently, the castle will be used as an orphanage, asylum for blind persons, rehabilitation center for orphan children etc. After the Revolution, from the year 1991 the castle and the park were rent to the Vasile Goldiş West University of Arad, which bought them recently.

Bacău: Alaiul Datinilor și obiceiurilor de iarnă - 2022

Bacău: Alaiul Datinilor și obiceiurilor de iarnă - 2022

Exclusiv în România - Poveşti transcarpatice: Odorheiul Secuiesc – Dărmăneşti – Moineşti (@TVR1)

Ediţia emisiunii Exclusiv în România, difuzată duminică, 7 noiembrie, la #TVR1, când Cristi Tabără şi echipa lui ne-au spus poveşti de o parte şi de cealaltă a Carpaţilor Orientali.

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Lake Baikal | Amazing and Beautiful Places | See The World

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Castelul Ghika din Dofteana. ''The Wanderers'' Castle.

Sleepy Rebels-Elegy (soundtrack ''The Wanderers'' movie)

Vizită la Castelul de la Ruginoasa și istoria familiei Cuza (@Exclusiv în România)

Reportaj din ediţia emisiunii Exclusiv în România, difuzată pe 20 mai la TVR1, când echipa emisiunii ne-a propus o vizită la Castelul de la Ruginoasa, reşedinţa întâiului domnitor al României, Alexandru Ioan Cuza, unde muzeograful Simona Ionescu ne spune povestea fascinantă a locului.

Mai multe reportaje din emisiune găsiţi şi pe canalul nostru de YouTube

Banffy Castle, Bonțida, Romania

EN: Bánffy Castle is an architectural monument situated in Bonţida, a village in the vicinity of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, with construction phases and stylistic features belonging to Renaissance, Baroque, Neoclassical and Neogothic styles. It is owned by the Hungarian Bánffy family (of which Miklós Bánffy was a member).
RO: Castelul Bánffy de la Bonțida, care a fost cunoscut ca Versailles-ul Transilvaniei, este un ansamblu arhitectonic construit de familia Bánffy în comuna Bonțida, județul Cluj. Nucleul complexului de edificii este renascentist, extinderile și modificările ulterioare au fost făcute în secolul al XVIII-lea în stil baroc, iar în secolul al XIX-lea în stil neoclasicist și stil romantic (galeria neogotică de la 1855).

4k aerial drone view of church flooded by toxic decanting lake. Geamana, Romania

Ecological catastrophe, 4k aerial drone view of flooded and abandoned church in the middle of a lake contaminated with cyanide from a copper mine. Geamana, Rosia Montana, Romania

Idee de traseu prin România

Saptamana trecuta am fost intr-un trip prin tara, pana la Iasi, intr-un proiect foarte fain numit #Cronicari Digitali. Este un proiect ce promoveaza cladirile din patrimoniul national din Romania. Am descoperit o multime de locuri frumoase, pe care ne bucuram sa avem ocazia sa le impartasim cu voi.


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Castelul Stirbey


Enisala Medieval Fortress

The fortress, located 2 km far from Enisala locality, on a calcareous hill which rises above Razim and Babadag lakes area, was built in the second half of the 14th century, for military purpose, probably by the Genoese merchants, owners of the monopole on the Black Sea navigation. It has an irregular polygonal plane which follows the sinuosity of the land; the walls and bastions maintain a 5-10 m height at some points. Integrated during the reign of Mircea the Old in the defence system of Wallachia, the fortress was abandoned in the context of the Turkish domination advance north of the Danube Mouths (end of the 15th century) and as a consequence of the formation of the offshore sand bars which separate the Razim Lake from the Black Sea.
The movie was shot with a Panasonic HC X1000 video camera, a Go Pro and for the aerial footage, Dji Phantom 4 PRO. For editing the movie I used Final Cut Pro.

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Locuri părăsite - Conacul Orezeanu din Traian, județul Brăila

La 25 de km de centrul Brăilei, în localitatea Traian, chiar în spatele gării am găsit ruinele conacului Orezeanu.
O bijuterie arhitectonică, conacul a fost construit la început de secolul XX, de un mare moșier – Filip Orezeanu – care avea numeroase proprieți în județele Brăila, Ialomița, Prahova și Caraș-Severin.
Amplasat in câmp, la circa 800 de metri de gara CFR, clădirea iese în evidență prin decorațiunile cu ceramică de pe zidurile exterioare și prin picturile interioare.
Conacului era Casă de Vacanță, oaspeți ai acestui conac au fost multe personalitați ale țării din acea vreme. Se spune că fostul ministru de externe Nicolae Titulescu și fostul prim-ministru Armand Călinescu au stat la Conacul Orezeanu.

Hotel Spa Roman - Traditions in Moldavia, Romania, for Christmas and New Year's Eve

Being in Romania for the Winter Holidays is an experience worth living. In the villages, children and lads usually go from house to house singing carols. They are organized in a ˝bevy˝ with a clearly defined hierarchy, having a leader and a meeting place.
In the past, the lads between 18 and 20 would be the ones going out carol singing. They would find a host in one of the villages and they would always go out on together. If one of them was found alone on the streets of the village, he would be in for quite a severe punishment.
During this time everything has to have a festive dimension. Carols create an atmosphere full of optimism, where men make wishes and foster secret desires.
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Castelul de Lut din Valea Zânelor

Castelul de Lut din Valea Zânelor

Romania New Year Celebrations - Drums & Dancing Bears in Dărmănești,

Celebrating New Year in Dărmănești, județul Bacău, Moldova, Romania (New Year 2006 - 2007). Parada Obiceiurilor / Parada Ursilor.

Over the week between Christmas and the New Year, lads of the Romanian villages visit their neighbours wishing them well and caroling, disguised as bears, goats, little horses, stags, devils, often wearing ugly masks.

They performed the Goat ceremonial from Christmas till New Year's Eve, bearing masks evoking Biblical characters, and which have later been replaced by beasts masks, such as a stag in Hunedoara (central), a goat in Muntenia, Oltenia (south), Moldavia (east) and the Ardeal (central), a buffalo in southern Transylvania. The ceremonial goat worn by the carolers is carved in wood and wrapped in red paper.

The bear caroling is performed in Moldavia, only, on the New Year day. It is a lad wearing a bear fur on his head and shoulders, and its ears are decorated with red tassels. A child plays the baby bear, and the band accompanying them plays drums and gruff like bears and mimic the bear's gait, strongly hitting the ground with their feet.

On the New Year Day, the caroling bands wish people be in good health, rich and wealthy and joyful, and they receive fancy breads, wine, sausage and money, in exchange.

'Shouting over the village' is a night ceremonial when lads play judges sentencing those who broke the community laws and rules. Perched on hills, trees or roofs they say whipping words to the spinsters, the old maids, the old women who put bad spells on people, the men who abandon their wives, the lazy, the thieves and the drunkards. The whole community is looking forward watching the show, closing with the saying Let evil be gone, let good grow. For cleaning and removing the evil and the bad, fires are lit as part of the custom.

On the first day of the year on St. Basil's Day heavens are said to stay open and prayers come true, and beasts and animals can speak like humans. This is the day of ceremonials called the Plow and Sorcova, when people are wished well and prosperity. Newly wedded men go caroling the Plow. This is an ancient agrarian custom, a fertility rite. The plow song wishes rich crops in the arriving year. The Plow carol tells the story of the farming works like ploughing, sowing, taking care of plants, harvesting and carrying the grains to the barns. The plow carol is always accompanied by whip cracking and ringing bells, and sounds of an instrument mimicking oxen's mooing.

The ritual sowing is another custom, at this time of the year. The carolers bear small bags full with wheat, barley, oats grains and maize sometimes, they step in houses and throw grains mimicking the sowing in the field and wish the hosts to be in good health and harvest rich crops. They are than given apples, fancy breads or money. After they leave, the housewives gather the grains spread on the floor and take them to the stable because they are believed they should keep the cattle healthy throughout the year.

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