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10 Best place to visit in Diest Belgium


Visit Diest (Belgium, 4K)

A virtual walk in the beautiful belgian City of Diest.
The video was shot a sunday early morning during Covid-Pandemy. This is the reason why the city appeared so empty.
We will visit following places:

00:08 Start at the Station
00:27 Park Cerckel
00:40 Walk along the Derer
00:50 Refugehuis van Averbode
00:56 Brouwery Cerckel
01:05 Het Spijker
01:10 Grote Markt Diest
01:18 Stadhuis van Diest
01:23 Sint-Sulpitiuskerk
01:40 Walking in the empty shopping streets
02:00 Allerheiligenkapell
02:18 Citadel van Diest
02:55 Crossing the City to Warandepark
03:10 First World War Monument
03:23 Warandepark
03:55 Begijnenhof van Diest
04:45 Begijnhofkerk
05:03 Holle Griet
05:25 de Loterbol
05:35 Veversgracht

Description of the tour can be found here:

Shot in April 2021 with a gopro camera.

#Diest #4kvideo​ #VirtualWalk #Belgium

Visit Diest,Virtual Walk Diest,Diest 4K,Belgium Sightseeing,Visit Diest in Spring,Belgium 4K,Virtual Tour Belgium,Sightseeing Diest,Grote Markt Diest,Beginenhof Diest,Belgium Travel Idea,Daytrip from Brussel,Daytrips in Belgium

Walking in the Old Historic Beguinage of Diest, Belgium 4K HDR Binaural

Walking in the Old Historic Beguinage of Diest, Belgium 4K HDR Binaural, Begijnhof Diest België,
Visiting Belgium, historical places and locations in Belgium, Belgian history and culture
#scenesbysevy #belgium #historicalplaces #4khdr #binaural #walkingtour
All scenes filmed in Belgium:

** Below text is also captioned in video, click CC (Subtitles) in video to enable **

Welcome back to the LAST scene filmed in Belgium.
If you have been following the Belgian scenes, then you have probably noticed the word Beguinage being mentioned.
Today i want to talk about it and show you the Beguinage of Diest.
It was founded in 1253 by Arnold IV, lord of Diest.
Most of the current houses date from the 17th and 18th centuries.
The beautiful Saint Catherine's Church from the 13th century was built of iron sandstone.
Beguinages were Christian religious orders that were active in Western Europe, particularly in the Low Countries between the 13th and 16th centuries.
Before the 19th century, there were a total of 94 Beguinages in Belgium.
Cities with a Beguinage community at their peak could count more than 2,000 beguines.
Women who live in a Beguinage are called Beguines and the male variant is Beghards.
Beguinages mainly consisted of young girls, unmarried women and widows.
Beguines lived a voluntary semi-monastic life, but did not take formal religious vows, which distinguishes them from monks and nuns.
Those who decided to be part of a Beguinage promised not to marry as long as they lived as Beguines, members were free to leave at any time.
The life of a Beguine was an imitation of the life of Jesus through voluntary poverty, care for the poor and sick, and religious devotion.
It was also a way of protesting the wealthy lifestyle and clergy of the time (11th century), who lived openly with concubines and ignored their parishioners.

After the French Revolution, the Beguinages underwent a massive decline and gradually died out completely.
The last traditional Beguine, Marcella Pattyn, died at the age of 92 in April 2013 in the Beguinage of Kortrijk, Belgium.

Thanks for watching.
I hope to see you again in the next scene, where we continue to walk through Finland.

????️ Begijnhof Diest, Belgium ????‍♂️
???? Sunday - 21 May 2023
????️ 21°c (69.8°f)
???? 203
???? CC (subtitles) included
???? 3D binaural sound

00:00 Intro scenes
01:11 Entry into the Beguinage
03:11 Saint Catherine's Church of Diest (13th century)
03:45 Baroque beguinage gate (17th century)
04:28 Infirmeriestraat (infirmary street)
07:17 Engelen Conventstraat (angel convent street)
09:37 Kraaieneststraat (crow's nest street)
10:53 HH Geeststraat (HH spirit street)
13:14 Kerkstraat-Begijnhof (church street)
15:35 Vestenstraat (vest street)
18:27 Kraaieneststraat (crow's nest street)
19:12 Engelen Conventstraat (angel convent street)
22:11 Saint Catherine's Church of Diest (13th century)
22:44 Closing scenes

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???????? ¿Es DIEST la ciudad más bonita de Brabante Flamenco? | Bélgica

En esta oportunidad les traemos la ciudad de Diest, que se ubica en la provincia de Brabante Flamenco, en Bélgica. Aunque los vestigios más antiguos de asentamientos humanos en la región se remontan a unos 70.000 años antes de Cristo los verdaderos cimientos de la actual Diest datan de la época franca. La ciudad comenzó a tomar importancia a partir del siglo XI principalmente por su comercio, alcanzando su máximo esplendor durante los siglos XIV y XV. El origen de la prosperidad de Diest se debió no sólo a su cercanía con el río Demer sino también al hecho de haber formado parte de la ruta comercial de Brujas a Colonia. Desde 1499 hasta 1795 fueron los Orange-Nassau quienen mantuvieron posesión de la ciudad y en particular Felipe Guillermo, hijo mayor de Guillermo el Silencioso, se encuentra enterrado en la iglesia de San Sulpicio. Finalmente, a pesar de haber sido objeto en reiteradas ocasiones de saqueos y destrucciones ninguna de las dos guerras mundiales dejó huellas profundas en Diest. En la actualidad, Diest es una ciudad con un floreciente centro comercial, pintorescas calles y una gran variedad de patrimonio historico.

Los invitamos a recorrer con nosotros virtualmente esta hermosa ciudad, que lo disfruten!

00:50 Molino de Agua Ezeldijkmolen
01:15 Beaterio (Begijnhof)
03:25 Molino de viento Lindenmolen
03:38 Parque Halve Maan
04:24 Ruinas de la Iglesia de San Juan (Sint-Janskerk)
04:58 Inglesia de Santa Bárbara (Sint-Barbarakerk)
05:20 Iglesia de San Sulpicio (Sint-Sulpitiuskerk)
05:55 Ayuntamiento de Diest (Stadhuis)
07:10 Refugio de la abadía de Tongerlo (Het Spijker - Refugehuis van Tongerlo)
08:20 Capilla de todos los santos (Allerheiligenkapel)
08:43 Parque Cerckel (Park Cerckel)
10:13 Lonja de Paños (Lakenhalle)
10:45 Refugio de la Abadía de Averbode (Refugehuis van Averbode)


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Road Trip by Joakim Karud
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Song: Sad Puppy - What I Know
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Belgium - Best Places to visit - Brussels, Antwerp, Ghent, Liege, Ypres, Bastogne, Zonnebeke, Jalhay

Belgium – Best Places to Visit - In this video we would like to tell you a little about the best places to visit in Belgium as well as provide some tips on languages, currency, driving, parking and camping.

Some of the best places to visit in Belgium include Brussels, Antwerp, Ghent, Charleroi, Liege, Ypres, Bastogne, Zonnebeke, Jalhay, Blegny and Aarschott.

Belgium covers an area of 30,688 km2 and has a population of more than 11.4 million.

The capital of Belgium is Brussels which has a population of around 1.8 million people.

Brussels is also the capital of the European Commission which employs upwards of 40,000 people.

Vignettes are not required for driving on the Belgium road networks however there are some toll roads.

Wild camping is illegal in Belgium, however if you want to try your luck ask the police and or local council authority.

There are still at least 30 different languages in the EU however French and Dutch are the main languages spoken in Belgium as well as some German, particularly in the east.

There are around 13 different currencies in the EU however the Euro has been the Belgian currency since around 2002.

Credit cards are accepted widely in Belgium, however, some vendors only accept Visa but not Mastercard, or vice versa.

There are different rules regarding “parking” and “camping” – many countries allow “overnight parking” as long as you don't camp there – the definition of “camping” is if you set up anything outside of your vehicle eg tables and chairs, and or BBQ, and or put up your sun awning and or position your vehicle on levelling ramps etc – then that is classified as camping.

Aussie European Tour – Australians Rob and Krys Henshaw tour 28 European countries, travelling around 60,000 km in their LHD Hymer 544 during 2017 and 2018.

To access the blog notes including tips on language, currencies, driving, parking, camping and shopping with videos and photos for every overnight stop on the entire tour through 28 European countries covering in excess of 60,000 km please log on to the website at

Overnight stops included Wild Camping, Aires and Stellplatz and occasionally in camp grounds.

The Ultimate BELGIUM Road Trip | Travel to Dinant, Durbuy & Liège

This is the ultimate Belgium road trip, traveling through great hidden gem cities of Dinant, Durbuy and Liège. Belgium is a fantastic country to road trip. Besides the obvious sites of Brussels, Bruges and Ghent, there is much more the country has to offer. We rented a car from Brussels and toured along the Belgium Country Side stopping first in the The Blue Forest, which only blooms for a few short weeks a year. Next up, we traveled to Dinant, which a beautiful city next to the Meuse River. The picturesque landscape of the city, with the citadel and church is stunning. We then drove to Durbuy The smallest city in the world. So many great restaurants, an awesome atmosphere.Our final destination was Liège, obviously known for the waffle, but a medieval city that doesn't feel too big.This was the ULTIMATE ROAD TRIP around Belgium, and a great way to see cities you don't normally think of when visiting.

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Visit of the oldest city in Belgium - Tongeren (4K)

A visit in the historical City of Tongeren. It is the oldest city in Belgium and dats back to roman times.

Follow me through the city:
00:08 Overview Maps and City Map
00:18 Start at the Station
00:38 Tourisme Office
00:57 Moerenpoort
01:04 Begijnhof
01:14 Sint Ursulakapel
01:46 Basilica Tongeren
02:03 Stadhuis
02:10 Grote Markt
02:33 Statue Ambiorix
02:46 Walking through the shopping streets

The city is located only 15km from Liege and from Masstrich, so an ideal day trip if you are visiting these towns.
Shot with a gopro camera.

#belgium #tongeren #tongerenbelgium
#vorgewandert #Daytrip #walkingtour #videowalks #tongerencity #walkingtour4k

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Ep 14: Motorhome Tour- Diest, Dessel, Leuven, Tesme, Ghent, Eeklo, Brugge and Veurne.

This is our final vlog for our Spring 2023 Belgium and Luxembourg tour. It covers our last 2 weeks with 8 different official motorhome stopovers. We find some really good value places to stay...and 1 that definitely wasn't!
We hope you enjoy this last episode of our tour as we visit Diest, Dessel, Leuven, Tesme, Ghent, Eeklo, Brugge and Veurne.

Spring 2023 Belgium and Luxembourg

Autumn 2022 France and Spain Spring 2023 Belgium and Luxembourg

Winter 2022 UK

General Motorhoming Stuff

Check out our website and follow us on Facebook @Eurosully

#vanlife #park4night #motorhometrip #motorhoming #motorhome #compass155 #elddis155 #belgium #brugge #veurne #ghent #eurosully

European Road Trip BEGINS! - Vintage Car / Airplane Festival (Brussels to Diest, Belgium)

The first leg of our European road trip brings us to the beautiful little town of Diest, Belgium for their annual Fly-in and classic car festival! We get to chat with a local historian, eat some delicious bbq and explore the town ????

WATCH NEXT: ▶ Top Things to do in Malmo, Sweden!

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We're Eric & Allison and we're on a journey to find the most interesting places and unique foods this planet has to offer! We've traded in our steady paychecks and permanent home for a life of travel and adventure. Come along and see the world with us!

Restaurants in Diest, Belgien

Mal wieder richtig lecker essen gehen, in einer guten Gaststätte oder Speiselokal in der Nähe. Genießt ein großartiges Abendessen mit in der Nähe von Diest. Egal ob Feinschmecker, Fast-Food oder ein romantisches Candlelight Dinner, hier findest du was Passendes.

Wenn ihr uns unterstützen wollt, nutzt gerne einen unserer Affiliate Links. Euch entstehen dadurch keine Mehrkosten und wir erhalten eine kleine Provision.

Gault&Millau Restaurantguide Deutschland(*):
Kochbuch für Anfänger, Studenten und Berufstätige(*):
Reiseführer Deutschland – 47 Ausflugsziele(*):

Hier findest du Restaurants in Diest, Belgien:
1) In De Beiaard
2) Immigrand
3) Wannes Raps
4) In Den Zoeten Inval
5) De Nieuwe Haan
6) De Groene Munt
7) restaurant Nea Plaka
8) pastabar GiustoGusto
9) Croq & More
10) Eethuis Casino

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City Tour Diest

Diest is a city and municipality in the Belgian province of Flemish Brabant. The city is located in the northeast of the province on the border between Hageland and Kempen. The municipality borders the province of Limburg in the east. It is also an Orange city because of the historical connection with the house Nassau.


*Camera used : Panasonic Lumix DC-FZ82

*DISCLAIMER: 1. No copyright intended 2. It's fair use No copyright is claimed and to the extent that material may appear to be infringed , I assert that such alleged infringement is permissible under copyright law. If you believe material have been used in an unauthorized manner, please contact the poster. 3. This Video is not associated with any company or products mentioned on the video. 4. No intention to infringe photos or audio used in this video. 5. Video is not sponsored or Paid for Promotions.

Diest Belgium เมืองดีสต์ ประเทศเบลเยี่ยมby Eidsy Easy

ดีสต์ เป็นเมืองในมณฑลเฟลมิชบราบันต์ของประเทศเบลเยียม ตั้งอยู่ทางตะวันออกเฉียงเหนือของมณฑล มีพื้นที่ติดต่อกับมณฑลลิมเบิร์กทางทิศตะวันออก โดยอยู่ห่างจากกรุงบรัสเซลส์ไปทางตะวันออกเฉียงเหนือประมาณ 60 กิโลเมตร ดีสต์มีประชากรกว่า 23,000 ดีสต์เป็นที่ตั้งของ Begijnhof 1 ใน 13 แห่งซึ่งพบได้ในเขตฟลามส์ (ฟลานเดอส์) โดยได้รับการขึ้นทะเบียนเป็นมรดกโลกทางวัฒนธรรมโดยองค์การยูเนสโก เมื่อปี ค.ศ. 1998 Begijnhofในดีสต์มีพื้นที่ 4.5 เฮกตาร์[1]

Top 10 Best Restaurants to Visit in Vilvoorde | Belgium - English

#VilvoordeRestaurants #RestaurantsInVilvoorde #VilvoordeVisitRestaurants #VilvoordeFood #FoodInVilvoorde #VilvoordeFastFood #VilvoordeBelgium #StreetfoodInVilvoorde #VilvoordeStreetFood #FastfoodInVilvoorde #StreetfoodVilvoorde
Setting the criteria for our list of the 10 best restaurants in Vilvoorde was the easy bit. Anywhere we felt compelled to revisit again and again was instantly in. We’re excited to give you Vilvoorde's top 10 restaurants to visit in Vilvoorde, presented in no particular order. In our list surely the ultimate guide to the best restaurants in Vilvoorde – you’ll find it all: the best new openings, classic cheap eats. In this video, we are going to discuss top 10 restaurants in Vilvoorde and the finest places to eat in Vilvoorde. Our esteemed viewers are in for a treat today, and they must dine in these best restaurants to visit in Vilvoorde to get the real taste of some of the most delicious dishes ever cooked.

Vilvoorde has no shortage of excellent restaurants in Vilvoorde. Almost every month, there is another new spot to eat opening in the city. Since we are spoiled for choice on where to dine, it might be hard to pick where to eat next. So to help you figure out the places you need to try, we've gathered up a bucket list of the best restaurants in Vilvoorde that you won't regret going to.

Wiki Peaks is on a mission to promote the tourism in the World. We are here to show you the beautiful places in the world. You can see the beauty of this world from the comfort of your home.

There are many beautiful restaurants in Vilvoorde. Belgium has some of the best restaurants in Vilvoorde. We collected data on the top 10 restaurants to visit in Vilvoorde. There are many famous restaurants in Vilvoorde and some of them are beautiful restaurants in Vilvoorde. People from all over Belgium love these Vilvoorde beautiful restaurants which are also Vilvoorde famous restaurants. In this video, we will show you the beautiful restaurants to visit in Vilvoorde.

Please help us in our cause and share this channel as much as possible with your friends and family.

***All images used in this video are a property of their owners. We have no intention of showing these images as our own property. We used these images just to promote tourism.***

Discover Belgium - Diest

???????? BÉLGICA- HASSELT+DIEST a cidade da moda, da cultura e gastronomia|Traveling Aprende

????????‍♀️Oi Gente, Tudo bem por aí???

???????? Bora passear por HASSELT?


????️HASSELT - Uma pequena cidade da região de Flandres (língua oficial nerlandês), que foi fundada no século VII nas margens do rio Helbeek.⁣

☝️Hasselt não é exatamente um lugar conhecido na Bélgica e não é a primeira cidade que você pensa ao planejar um fim de semana na Bélgica. Mas Hasselt tem muito a oferecer...⁣

????Para quem parte de Bruxelas, a sugestão é utilizar o trem como meio de transporte, dá pra chegar em Hasselt em cerca de 1h.⁣

Espero que vocês gostem.

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Instagram ::@travelingaprende????

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Edição:: Jessica
Filmagem:: OnePlus Nord
Programa de edição:: Filmora X

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Een verrassende citytrip in Diest

???????????? Ondertussen staat ook de korte video van mijn dagen in Diest online. Zijn jullie benieuwd? Check 'm dan snel ???? #socialdiestance #diestmijnstad ???????? Nadat we enkele weken geleden besloten om ieder uitstapje ook te voorzien van een video is dit al nummer 10. De vlogs werden inmiddels al bijna 45.000 keer bekeken op al onze kanalen! Bedankt voor het enthousiasme!

Diest Belgie

Diest een schilderachtig plaatsje in Belgie. Met name het Begijnhof is een bezoek waard.

Discover Belgium!

Visit Tournai - Short City Walk (Belgium, 4K)

Visit with me the city of Tournai (Doornik) in Belgium.

In our virtual walk we will stop at following touristic attractions:
00:08 Start at the Station
00:15 River Schelde
00:20 Walking along the Quai
00:32 Church Saint-Jacques
00:50 Grote Markt / Grande Place
01:02 Church Saint Quentin
01:06 Statue Philippe-Christine de Lalaing
01:35 Stadhuis (Hotel de Ville)
01:45 Statue Louis Gallait
01:54 Queen Astrid Park
02:10 Panorama view on the Cathedrale and Beffroi
02:15 Beffroi
02:28 Original sound of the carillon of the Beffroi
02:46 Cathedrale Notre Dame
03:40 Rue du Pont
04:17 Quai Saint Brice

Enjoy the Trip and stay safe...

???? Check out my channel for more Walking video through Belgium and other countries:

#Tournai #Belgium​ #cityvisit​ #4kvideo​ #VirtualWalk #walkingtour4k

Visit Tournai (Belgium, 4K)
Visit Tournai,Visit Doornik,Sight-seeing Tournai,Virtual Walk in Tournai,Tournai,Doornik,Belgium,Grote markt Tournai,Explore Belgium,Visit Belgium,Cathedrale Notre Dame de Tournai,Cathedrale Tournai,Grote Markt,Beffroi Tournai,vorgewandert,visit europe,Belgium 4k,Tournai 4K,visit belgium tourism,places to visit belgium,belgium travel guide,things to do in belgium,travel,belgium travel,belgium travel video,where to go in belgium


Begijnhof Diest - Geschiedenis en prachtige beelden

- Video over het Begijnhof van Diest. Het begijnhof van Diest is een van de oudste begijnhoven in België. Anders dan veel andere begijnhoven is dit begijnhof gebouwd als een ministad met straten. De huizen bevinden zich dus niet rond een centraal plein. Breng zeker eens een bezoekje aan het prachtige begijnhof van Diest! Meer informatie over Diest en haar bezienswaardigheden kun je vinden op:



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