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10 Best place to visit in Destrnik Slovenia


Kurent dancing TikTok


Ptuj In Your Pocket - Slovenski Trg

Slovenia In Your Pocket editor William Dunn discovers Ptuj (Pettau) one of Slovenia's oldest marketplaces on a very rainy day.
The very helpful Ptuj Tourist Information Centre is also on Slovenski Trg.
For more on Slovenia check out Slovenia In Your Pocket

Mi smo tu • Portorož & Piran

Iščete najboljša doživetja? Našli ste jih. Portorož, Piran, Strunjan in istrsko podeželje so polni aktivnih, zabavnih, nenavadnih in avtentičnih doživetij. Zato smo vsi tu. Tudi Srečka ????
Zakaj sta Portorož in Piran G.O.A.T. in kdo je Srečka, ki se je v sceno odlično vživela, boste izvedeli v videu. Če pa bi radi to tudi sami doživeli, nas obiščite.
Samo vas še čakamo!

Made by April 8 ( & STOREEZ STUDIO.

Oglejte si aktualno ponudbo paketov in rezervirajte svoje počitnice v Portorožu in Piranu na
Looking for the best experiences? You found them. Portorož, Piran, Strunjan, and the Istrian countryside are full of active, fun, unusual, and authentic experiences. That is why we are all here. Even Happy! ????
Find out why Portorož and Piran are G.O.A.T. and who is Happy (that has by the way perfectly integrated herself into the scene!) in the video. And if you want to experience it by yourself, come and visit us.
We're just waiting for you!

Made by April 8 ( & STOREEZ STUDIO.

Check out the current package offers and book your holidays in Portorož and Piran:

Prekolesaril Bom 212 Občin v 13 Dneh - DAN 4

Dan 4. 212 Občin. Dobrodelnost
Vprašajte ali pošljite donatorsko vlogo na

Nakazilo preko TRR računa:
IBAN SI56 0313 4100 0000 534
Prejemnik: Društvo distrofikov Slovenije, Linhartova 1, 1000 Ljubljana
Sklic: SI00 967 502
Namen: delovanje Odbora za ALS

POSTANI FIT s kolesom:

#Dobrodelnost #ALS #Vlog

Ptuj through the eyes of Stojan Kerbler

Discover Ptuj, the oldest town in Slovenia, through the eyes of Stojan Kerbler, one of the most renowned Slovenian photographers.

Learn more about Ptuj:

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Fun before the 2020 Slovenian Kurentovanje Parade in Cleveland

Kurentovanje is a Slovenian end of winter, Mardi Gras like festive event that takes place in Slovenia and also Cleveland Ohio which has the 2nd most people of Slovenian heritage in the world after Slovenia itself. Just before the Parade, people played music, loaded the floats and got ready to step off.

Crazy Kurenti shake their cowbells to chase away winter. #UNESCO heritage #Slovenia #shorts #europe

Watch the kurenti shake their cowbells to chase away the winter. This UNESCO world cultural heritage is part of the 'Pust' carnival in Slovenia. Traditionally, the kurenti were unmarried men, but now men and women of all ages are invited to wear the sheepskin suits that can cost thousands of dollars.
The kurenti in this video were part of the Dragon Parade in Ljubljana, but the most famous kurentovanje takes place each year in the town of Ptuj. Towns throughout Slovenia have similar celebrations to mark the end of winter and the coming of spring.


Traditional two person crazy horse Carnival mask from Ptuj region, February 2020 (Slovenia). More at:



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