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10 Best place to visit in Cormaia Romania


Caraiman | Crucea Eroilor | Brâna Mare | România | Filmare aeriana 4K #visitromania #romania

Caraiman | Crucea Eroilor | Brâna Mare | România | Filmare aeriana 4K #visitromania #romania

Vârful Caraiman este un vârf muntos din Munții Bucegi, cu altitudinea de 2.384 m.

Este vizibil de pe Valea Prahovei, sau de pe creasta Bucegilor, fiind ușor de recunoscut prin crucea așezată pe unul din versanții săi.

Crucea Eroilor Neamului de la baza Vârfului Caraiman a fost ridicată la inițiativa Reginei Maria, între anii 1926 și 1928 în memoria ostașilor români căzuți în Primul Război Mondial în luptele împotriva armatei germane pentru ocuparea Transilvaniei. Este ridicată la altitudinea de 2.291 m și are o înălțime de 31 m, iar cele două brațe, câte 7,5 m. Este montată pe un soclu înalt de 8,3 m, din beton armat placat cu piatra, în interiorul căruia este instalat generatorul ce alimentează cele 120 de becuri electrice de 500 W de pe conturul crucii. Inaugurarea a avut loc la 14 septembrie 1928, de Ziua Sfintei Cruci.

În apropiere de Vârful Caraiman se găsește și Cabana Caraiman ( momentan inchisa) , poarta de acces către platoul Bucegilor dinspre Jepii Mici.

Traseul Parcurs : Cabana Piatra Arsa, Jepi Mici, Cabana Caraiman, Brâna Mare a Caraimanului, Crucea Eroilor

#cruceaeroilor #caraiman #cabanacaraiman #muntelecaraiman #bucegi #branamare

Many thanks to Nomyn for this awesome song Flow

Cea mai înaltă cascadă-din România


Picturesque cycling weekend at Rosia, Bihor county

Rosia is a small village in the Bihor county, Romania. It's a picturesque and super quiet place where you can really recharge your batteries. Rosia is situated in a karst region, so there are also plenty of caves you can visit.

Together with, a special kind of travel agency, specialized in outdoor active holidays, we spent three days here, packed with outdoor activities. Our base camp was rustic guest house. It's something special, you really feel in the middle of the countryside, with nature knocking at your door. Another great thing here is the food, cooked on the spot by the locals.

Friday we started with a trip at Dobos cave, a special cave you can visit only accompanied by a guide from, an organization that takes care of these places. Then we set off on e-bikes for a short but intense bike trip through Cutilor gorges. It proved to be quite challenging. Because the rain from previous days, the river was quite tumultuous and we had to cross it many times. Usually though, you can cycle here without getting wet. At Cutilor gorges you can also find a via ferrata, which is pretty cool.

The e-mtbs we used were also special. Rented from - Specialized Shop Oradea, this super-bikes allowed us to cover the ground in half the time, while still putting some serious watts to the pedals. Obviously, if you wanted to take it easy, you just had to push the button, and everything was much easier.

Saturday we took the cars and went for another e-mtb trip, this time with a longer and harder route. Highlight of the trip was the picnic on the hillside, setup for us halfway. It was just so good to taste the food made locally exactly there, on the hill where we stopped for a break. Back at the guest house on top of the hill, we gave the bikes a good wash then we just winded down near the camp fire, with a glass of palinca and of course, feasting on a marvelous steaming goulash that was just waiting for us.

Sunday we started off on bikes, straight from the doorstep of our guest house, for another e-mtb trip. Besides pedaling, we also visited some special places, like the Water Mill in Rosia. There you will find Gheorghe Burtic, the owner and the miller that actually lives there. He will explain to you how the mill works, powered by water. But the nicest thing is that, for a small fee, he will sing using his old horn-violin, a Romanian specific musical instrument, based on the original design of the Stroh violin or Stroviol.

We continued and after some miles, we ended up at Lazuri gorges, a really gorgeous place. You can admire this gorges from the balcony above, where we stopped for a break. It's a truly beautiful place, where you can stop and live the moment.

After Lazuri we returned to the guest house, then set off again to visit another cave. This time we stopped at the Crystal Cave within the Farcu mine. This caves were accidentally discovered while miners were digging in the Farcu mine. This mine is totally special because it's the only one in Romania where you can find calcite crystals nearby, within reach (it's illegal to touch them, by the way). Otherwise, to see calcite crystals, you have to be a speleologist and venture deep inside caves.

Our trip ended with a stop at the Soimus trout farm, where we had lunch. It's a well known place in the area, and I really recommend it. The trout is fabulous, and it's grown right there, near the farm.

If you want to book a trip in this region, get in touch with E-bikes will be provided by

You can also get a 10% discount if you use freerider2021 promo code, when you order your adventure.

You can read the entire story here. It's in Romanian, but you can try Google Translate

Chapters in this video:

00:00 intro00:49 Friday
01:01 Dobos cave
02:14 e-Bike trip started
02:55 Cutilor gorges & via ferrata
03:50 Evening return
04:11 Traditional Casa guest house
04:55 Saturday
05:58 e-Bike trip started
08:03 Hillside picnic
08:40 Specialized bike wash
09:14 Evening campfire and goulash
10:06 Sunday
10:40 Rosia Water Mill
11:11 Gheorghe Burtic playing his Stroviol
12:56 Lazuri gorges from the balcony
14:41 Crystal Cave
15:08 Soimus trout farm

Sângeorz-Băi / Cormaia / Valea Cascadelor


Valea CORMAIA si legendele locului (jud. Bistrita-Nasaud)

Valea Cormaia este un loc cu adevărat fascinant pentru iubitorii de natură, care vor descoperi cu încântare traseul de la poalele Munţilor Rodnei; săpat în stâncă de râul Cormaia, afluent al Șomeşului Mare.

Obiective turistice in Judetul Bistrita-Nasaud.

Hai sa vedem si sa vizitam Judetul Bistrita-Nasaud.

Bistrita - Nasaud, Romania

Have you ever walked through the Gate of Transylvania?

Welcome to Bistrița-Năsăud, a county that brings out the culture of northern Transylvania and holds some of the most precious natural gems in Romania, and Europe as well.

Located in some of the most serene mountain areas, Bistrița-Năsăud county is sheltered by spectacular forests and nourished by remarkable natural reservations. In the land where Bram Stoker gave life to the gothic novel Dracula, you can discover all the mystical tales of those times, while stepping on the footprints of Jonathan Harker along marvelous sights as well as meeting warm-hearted people.

Bistrita-Nasaud proudly shares the breathtaking views, the unique natural reservations and a community that continues to value tradition, with all of you who decide to step foot in these lands. Our culture fosters collaboration, innovation and development with a close attention to preserving historical elements of great importance!

We want to share our way of life with you, so you are always welcome here!

Video production realized by Around The World Media.

Cascada Cheilor Sângeorz Băi Romania

Mai multe detalii aici:



We come up to the main reason of our road trip in Transylvania... This is to visit Bunica (Grandmother) and relatives in Pinticu, Bistrița-Năsăud. This region is just raw and full of the good and fresh nature. Everywhere you look seems like it was left behind in civilization in an exceptional good way. People here are so kind and humble. Food are so fresh and in a fantastic quality. It is a place where you can just detach yourself from the hectic schedule of the city life and contemplate life and re-aligning oneself to the real sense of humanity. We are looking forward to visit more sites here in Bistrița-Năsăud in our next travel.






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Cascadele Beuşniţei - Wild&Free Romania

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Cascade Romania | Top 3 cascade ușor accesibile în România pentru a vă bucura de natură

???? RO Cascada Clocota, aflată la marginea stațiunii balneare Geoagiu-Băi, din judetul Hunedoara, este si unul dintre cele mai atractive obiective din stațiune.
Cascada se află la locul de întâlnire a mai multor izvoare termale.
Accesul se poate face pe două căi, fie pe poteca ce coboară din drumul ce duce spre orașul Geoagiu, fie prin stațiune, pe o străduță îngustă ce se desprinde din drumul dinspre centrul civic al stațiunii.
Cascada Clocota se formează pe râul Clocota, deși nu are dimensiuni mari, impresionează prin cădere și amplasament.
Căderea de apă are aproximativ 38 – 43 metri înălțime și o lățime de 22 metri.
???? Cascada Lolaia este una dintre cele mai frumoase din județul Hunedoara, fiind situată situată la o altitudine de 1.050 de metri, în partea nordică a munților Retezat, pe Valea Nucșoara.
Această vale a colectat apele pârâurilor Pietrele, Stânișoara, Galeșu și Valea Rea.
Accesul la această minunată atracție naturală se poate face foarte ușor, din Cârnic, accesul auto fiind permis pe tot parcursul anului.
De la locul unde se lasă mașina, mai sunt de mers pe jos doar 20 de minute până la cascadă.
Majoritatea celor care aleg sa viziteze Parcul Național Retezat, trec pe lângă această cascadă.
Pentru a o admira nu trebuie decât să te abați cateva minute de la drumul principal.
Accesul la cascadă a fost amenajat cu trepte și balustrade din lemn.
Vuietul apei va fi un ghid excelent catre cascadă
???? Cascada Răchițele, numită și Vălul Miresei, este situată pe Valea Stanciului, în arealul localității Răchițele din comună Mărgău, județul Cluj.
Este una dintre cele mai frumoase cascade din România.
Căderea de apă este de peste 30 de metri în 2 trepte.
Dispersia apei sub formă de voal de mireasă este dată de existența unei marmite cu diametrul de 10m la baza treptei.
Există acces auto până în apropierea cascadei.
Pe timp de iarnă peretele stâncos îngheață, fiind un excelent loc de escaladă pe gheață pentru cei pasionați de acest sport.

???? Music: 1993 - They Dream By Day, Miss Those Nights - Will Harrison and Silent Way - Candelion from Epidemic Sound

???? EN The Clocota waterfall, located on the edge of the Geoagiu-Băi spa resort, in Hunedoara county, is also one of the most attractive sights in the resort.
The waterfall is located at the meeting point of several hot springs.
Access can be done in two ways, either on the path that descends from the road that leads to the town of Geoagiu, or through the resort, on a narrow street that separates from the road from the civic center of the resort.
The Clocota waterfall is formed on the Clocota river, although it is not large, it impresses with its water fall and location.
The waterfall is approximately 38 – 43 meters high and 22 meters wide.
???? The Lolaia waterfall is one of the most beautiful in Hunedoara county, being located at an altitude of 1,050 meters, in the northern part of the Retezat mountains, in the Nucșoara Valley.
This valley collected the waters of the Pietrele, Stânișoara, Galeșu, and Valea Rea streams.
Access to this beautiful natural attraction can be done very easily, from Cârnic, car access being allowed throughout the year.
From where the car is left, it is only a 20-minute walk to the waterfall.
Most of those who choose to visit Retezat National Park pass by this waterfall.
To admire it, you only need to deviate a few minutes from the main road.
Access to the waterfall was arranged with steps and wooden railings.
The roar of the water will be an excellent guide to the waterfall
The height of the waterfall is about 13-15 meters.

???? The Răchițele waterfall also called the Bride's Veil, is located in the Stanciului Valley, in the area of the Răchițele locality in the Mărgău commune, Cluj county.
It is one of the most beautiful waterfalls in Romania.
The water fall is over 30 meters in 2 steps.
The dispersion of water in the form of a bridal veil is given by the existence of a 10m diameter pot at the base of the step.
There is car access to near the waterfall.
In winter, the rocky wall freezes, being an excellent place for ice climbing for those who are passionate about this sport.

translated using Google Translate

Traseul turistic Pasul Rotunda - Lacul Lala (Munții Rodnei, România)

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Videoclipul prezintă pas cu pas unul dintre cele mai atractive trasee turistice din Munții Rodnei. Este un traseu destul de accesibil, folosit de mulți turiști și care pornește de la cabana din Pasul Rotunda (1271m). Acest pas, situat la intersecția a trei mari regiuni istorice (Bucovina, Transilvania și Maramureș), separă Munții Suhard (la sud) de Munții Rodnei (la nord) și este străbătut de drumul dintre Rodna (județul Bistrița-Năsăud) și Cârlibaba (Jud. Suceava). Traseul, având direcția est-vest, totalizează circa 10 km (circa 4 ore de mers) dintre care primii 8 km (circa 3 ore) urmăresc marcajul de creastă (bandă roșie): Pasul (cabana) Rotunda (1271m) - pe sub Vârful Nichitaș (1451m) - pe sub Vârful Gagei (1847m) - Culmea Gagei - Șaua Gagei (1789m). Este o porțiune deschisă, urcare continuă, moderată, având permanent în față trei vârfuri reper (Roșu, 2113m; Ineuț, 2222 m; Ineu, 2279 m). Sub Vârful Roșu se observă un frumos circ glaciar. Din Șaua Gagei, loc de popas, traseul (marcaj bulină roșie) se desprinde de creasta care continuă spre Vf. Ineuț și se îndreaptă spre Valea Lala care își are originea în Lacul Lala. Pe această porțiune de circa 2 km (o oră de mers), la început coborâm, apoi iar urcăm printr-o splendidă pădure de jepi și zâmbru. Pe măsură ce vegetația se micșorează, se dezvoltă covoare de bujor de munte (rhododendron) care înfloresc la începutul verii. Spre toamnă, găsim afine și merișoare. După ce depășim un ultim abrupt, ajungem la Lacul Lala mare, cel mai mare lac glaciar din Munții Rodnei, situat la 1815 m altitudine. Suntem în zona rezervației mixte Ineu - Lala. Dacă dorim, mai urcăm un abrupt și imediat sub Vârful Ineu (2279m) ajungem la Lacul Lala Mică (1920m). Lacul Lala Mare este subiectul acestui videoclip:

The video presents, step by step, one of the most attractive tourist routes in the Rodna Mountains. It is a quite accessible route, used by many tourists and starting from the chalet in the Rotunda Pass (1271m). This pass, located at the intersection of three major historical regions (Bucovina, Transylvania and Maramures), separates the Suhard Mountains (to the south) from the Rodna Mountains (to the north) and is crossed by the road between Rodna (Bistrita-Nasaud county) and Carlibaba (Suceava county). The trekking route, with the east-west direction, is about 10 km (about 4 hours walk), of which the first 8 km (about 3 hours) follow the ridge mark (red band): Rotunda Pass (1271m) - below Nichitas Peak (1451m) - below the Gagei Peak (1847m) - Gagei Ridge - Gagei Saddle (1789m). It is an open, continuous, moderate slope, with three landmark peaks (Rosu, 2113m; Ineutz, 2222m; Ineu, 2279m). Under the Rosu (Red) Peak there is a beautiful glacier circus. From the Gagei Saddle, a stopping place, a new trail (red point mark) is separated from the crest that continues to Ineutz Peak and heads towards the Lala Valley, which originated in Lala Lake. On this 2 km (one hour walk), we first descend, then climb a splendid forest of dwarf mountain pine (Pinus mugo Pumilio), sprinkled with rares Swiss pine (Pinus cembra). As the vegetation shrinks, we see carpet of Rhododendron myrtifolium that are blooming in early summer. Towards autumn, we find blueberry and cranberries. After passing a steep, we reach Lala Lake, the largest glacial lake in the Rodna Mountains, at 1815 m altitude. We are in the Ineu - Lala mixed nature reserve. If we want, we climb an abrupt and immediately below the Ineu Peak (2279m) we reach Lala Mica (Small) Lake (1920m). Lala Mare Lake is the subject of this video:

Valea Blaznei,jud. Bistrita-Nasaud 29.02.2020

Valea Blaznei,jud. Bistrita-Nasaud 29.02.2020
Filmat cu drona Parrot Anafi
4K 60fps

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Parva-Sangeorz Bai

Traseu Parva spre Sangeorz Bai peste munte
Strecke Parva nach Sangoerz Bai über die Berge


Please watch: Alpina Blazna in prima zi din anul 2022! 4K
Bistrița este municipiul de reședință al județului Bistrița-Năsăud, Transilvania, România. Este și cel mai mare oraș din acest județ, cu o populație de 75.076 locuitori. Ocupă o suprafață de 14.547 ha
#sustine proiectul cu o donatie.



???????? Romania 4k: Retezat, Cascada Lolaia [L] - sept.2020

Varianta mai lunga

Romania - Carpathian Mountains, The Rusty valley

A beautiful nature monument.

Румунія - Велоподорож - Родна - Частина 2 | Romania enduro bike trip - Rodna - Part 2

#Румунія #Карпати #Родна #MTB #Carpathian #Rodna #Canyon #Enduro #Romania
Друга частина 10 -денної подорожі Румунськими Карпатами до Вашої уваги!
В цій частині ми продовжуємо долати масив Родна, даруємо свято очам від споглядання неймовірних краєвидів, піднімаємо рівень ендорфінів і адреналіну, насолоджуємося румунськими поїздами, боремося з втомою, гуляємо по старовинному Сібіу - поїхали!
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The second chapter of 10 days journey through Romania Carpathian - here is!
We continue riding Rodna, enjoy the beauty of mountains, up the level of endorphins and adrenaline, experience Romanian trains, struggle with exhaustion, walking on beautiful old Sibiu - let's go!
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Taul Muced, Muntii Rodnei - Wild&Free Romania

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