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10 Best place to visit in Cerkvenjak Slovenia


M0/M7/M70/A5/A1/A2/A11 Budapest - Ljubljana - Villach

The second stage of the trip to southern Austria (Carinthia). This is the route from Budapest to the countryside of Villach, passing Ljubliana through Slovenia's mountains. Fabulous scenery, tunnels, viaducts, passing Balaton Lake, and some incidents on the road.
Entering Austria through the Karawanken tunnel, one of the longest in Europe. Unfortunately, we had a very busy road and had to stay around one hour to pass the tunnel.

00:00 - Intro
00:16 - Interchange - M0 / Budapest ringroad, Connection to Győr, Székesfehérvár, Pécs and Budapest International Airport, Nyíregyháza, Vác
02:07 - Exit - Dabas, Soroksár
02:33 - Exit - Baja, Dunaharaszti
03:11 - Danube river (Soroksári Bridge - 499 m)
04:10 - Exit - Csepel, Szigetszentmiklós
04:36 - Exit - Szigethalom
05:02 - Exit - Halásztelek
05:17 - Danube River (Ferenc Deák Bridge - 770 m)
05:31 - Exit - Pécs, Budafok
06:03 - Interchange - M6 / Nagytétény, Budatétény, Pécs
06:55 - Exit - Budapest Diósd
08:21 - Interchange - M7 / Balaton, Budapest
09:46 - Exit - Érd
10:55 - Exit - Tárnok
12:44 - Exit - Martonvásár, Gyúró
15:55 - Exit - Kápolnásnyék, Vereb, Pázmánd
19:53 - Exit - Székesfehérvár-kelet, Agárd
20:31 - Exit - Székesfehérvár, Dunaújváros
21:39 - Exit - Székesfehérvár-dél, Sárbogárd
23:12 - Exit - Szabadbattyán, Tác-Gorsium
25:33 - Exit - Lepsény, Polgárdi
27:32 - Interchange - M8 / Balatonfüred, Enying, Veszprém
29:42 - Exit - Siófok-kelet
31:30 - Exit - Siófok-Centrum, Szekszárd
33:00 - Exit - Siófok-nyugat, Zamárdi-felső, Szántód
35:33 - Exit - Balatonföldvár, Bálványos
35:48 - Kőröshegy Viaduct (1872 m) longest in Hungary
36:51 - Exit - Balatonszárszó
37:49 - Exit - Balatonőszöd, Szólád
39:26 - Exit - Balatonszemes, Balatonlelle
41:14 - Exit - Balatonboglár, Lengyeltóti
41:56 - Exit - Ordacsehi
43:04 - Exit - Fonyód
46:22 - Exit - Balatonfenyves, Táska
48:44 - Exit - Balatonkeresztúr, Balatonszentgyörgy
49:48 - Exit - Hollád
51:46 - Exit - Sávoly, Balatonring
53:24 - Exit - Zalakomár, Zalakaros
58:04 - Exit - Nagykanizsa-kelet, Kaposvár
59:06 - Exit - Nagykanizsa-Centrum, Gyékényes, Zalaegerszeg
1:01:03 - Exit - Sormás, Eszteregnye
1:02:18 - Exit - Becsehely
1:04:00 - Interchange - M70 / Letenye, Ljubljana (????????), Zagreb (????????)
1:06:27 - Exit - Csörnyeföld, Murarátka, Muraszemenye
1:08:12 - Exit - Lenti, Tornyiszentmiklós
1:08:48 - Tornyiszentmiklós (????????) – Pince (????????) border crossing
1:09:05 - Pince
1:11:13 - Exit - Lendava
1:12:06 - Exit - Lenti (H), Dobrovnik, Dolga vas
1:14:34 - Exit - Turnišče
1:15:56 - Exit - Gančani
1:17:02 - Exit - Lipovci
1:18:27 - Exit - Murska Sobota
1:19:39 - Mur River (bridge - 833 / 877 m)
1:20:15 - Exit - Vučja Vas
1:22:36 - Exit - Sveti Jurij ob Ščavnici
1:24:45 - Exit - Cerkvenjak
1:25:54 - Exit - Sveta Trojica
1:27:13 - Exit - Lenart
1:28:54 - Exit - Pernica
1:31:34 - Interchange A1 / Ljubljana, Celje, Maribor, Zagreb (????????), Graz (????????)
1:33:23 - Exit - Maribor-vzhod, Zrkovci
1:34:16 - Exit - Maribor center
1:34:56 - Exit - Rogoza
1:35:18 - Interchange A4 / Ljubljana, Celje, Zagreb (????????)
1:36:28 - Exit - Fram
1:38:07 - Exit - Slovenska Bistrica sever
1:38:43 - Exit - Slovenska Bistrica jug
1:40:47 - Exit - Slovenske Konjice
1:43:37 - Exit - Dramlje
1:45:08 - Exit - Celje vzhod
1:45:38 - Exit - Celje center
1:53:00 - Exit - Celje vzhod
1:54:08 - Exit - Žalec
1:55:56 - Exit - Šempeter
1:56:19 - Exit - Šentrupert
1:58:21 - Exit - Vransko
2:01:10 - Exit - Trojane
2:04:22 - Exit - Blagovica
2:06:02 - Exit - Lukovica pri Domžalah
2:07:00 - Exit - Krtina
2:07:48 - Exit - Domžale
2:09:12 - Exit - Ljubljana - Šentjakob
2:09:31 - Exit - Ljubljana - Sneberje
2:09:46 - Interchange H3 / Ljubljana, Koper, Kranj, Zagreb (????????), Trieste (????????), Villach (????????)
2:14:49 - Exit - Ljubljana - Šentvid
2:15:07 - Exit - Ljubljana - Brod
2:15:56 - Exit - Ljubljana - Šmartno
2:18:01 - Exit - Vodice
2:19:32 - Exit - Sp. Brnik, Ljubljana Jože Pučnik Airport
2:20:32 - Exit - Kranj east
2:22:08 - Exit - Kranj west
2:23:09 - Exit - Naklo
2:24:19 - Exit - Podtabor
2:26:17 - Exit - Brezje
2:27:08 - Exit - Radovljica
2:29:22 - Exit - Vrba, Lesce
2:32:08 - Exit - Jesenice east
2:34:40 - Exit - Jesenice west
2:36:05 - Karawanks Tunnel toll plaza
2:40:14 - Karawanks Tunnel (tunnel 7864 m) - Slovenia/Austria border crossing
2:49:21 - Exit - St. Niklas, St. Jakob i.R.


Music NCS:

Prekolesaril Bom 212 Občin v 13 Dneh - DAN 4

Dan 4. 212 Občin. Dobrodelnost
Vprašajte ali pošljite donatorsko vlogo na

Nakazilo preko TRR računa:
IBAN SI56 0313 4100 0000 534
Prejemnik: Društvo distrofikov Slovenije, Linhartova 1, 1000 Ljubljana
Sklic: SI00 967 502
Namen: delovanje Odbora za ALS

POSTANI FIT s kolesom:

#Dobrodelnost #ALS #Vlog

Ptuj In Your Pocket - Slovenski Trg

Slovenia In Your Pocket editor William Dunn discovers Ptuj (Pettau) one of Slovenia's oldest marketplaces on a very rainy day.
The very helpful Ptuj Tourist Information Centre is also on Slovenski Trg.
For more on Slovenia check out Slovenia In Your Pocket

Maribor - Pohorje Destination Full of Surprises / full version

Maribor -- center presenečenj polne destinacije, drugo največje mesto Slovenije in prestolnica Štajerske, leži v objemu zelenega Pohorja na eni strani in vinorodnih gričev Slovenskih goric na drugi strani. Reka Drava si utira pot med Pohorjem in Kozjakom do Maribora in naprej po Dravskem polju ter ustvarja drobne biserčke v naši unikatnosti.
Top atrakcije turistične ponudbe
- Najstarejša trta na svetu -- Stara trta na Lentu
- Ostanki gradu na Piramidi -- prvega mariborskega gradu, omenjenega pred 850 leti
- Številni gradovi in dvorci, sakralna dediščina,
- Botanični vrtovi in naravni parki, dolina Lobnice, bogati zeleni gozdovi Pohorja s slapovi in šotnimi barji, kot so Črno jezero in Lovrenška jezera, pragozd Šumik, Bistriški in Oplotniški Vintgar, s številnimi gozdno-učnimi potmi, bogato športno-rekreativno ponudbo kolesarjenja, planinarjenja, pohodništva, adrenalinska doživetja, v zimskem času smučanje ...
- Splavarjenje in vodni športi
- Krajinski parki Rački ribniki - Požeg, Drava, Mariborsko jezero
- Bogate naravne in kulturne danosti Dravske doline - Boč z velikonočnico, Studenice z živimi jaslicami, Forma Viva, čudovite vasi na podeželju
- Podeželje, posuto s turističnimi kmetijami, ki ponujajo pristno domačo hrano, produkte podeželja v butičnih trgovinicah in na dvoriščih kmetij
- Slovenske gorice z edinstvenimi jezeri (Trojiško jezero, Komarnik, Perniško jezero ...), bogatimi vinorodnimi legami in vrhunskimi vini, ki jih pridelujejo odlični vinogradniki ob navdušujoči kulinariki (med, bučno olje, tunka, gibanice, krušni izdelki, jedi na žlico ...)
- Kozjak vabi na aktivni oddih na planinske postojanke in kmetije, kjer se v poletnih mesecih osvežite s kislim mlekom, v jesenskem času pa s kostanji ...
- Preplet urbane kulturne in zabavne ponudbe s podeželjem.

Območje destinacije pokrivajo naslednje občine: Benedikt, Cerkvenjak, Duplek, Hoče -- Slivnica, Kungota, Lenart, Lovrenc na Pohorju, Makole, Maribor, Miklavž na Dravskem Polju, Oplotnica, Pesnica, Poljčane, Rače -- Fram, Ruše, Selnica ob Dravi, Slovenska Bistrica, Starše, Sveta Ana v Slovenskih goricah, Sveta Trojica v Slovenskih goricah, Sveti Jurij v Slovenskih goricah in Šentilj.

Maribor -- the centre of our region, the second largest city in Slovenia, and the capital of the Štajerska region lies in the embrace of the green Pohorje Mountains and the wine-growing Slovenske gorice hills. The river Drava makes its way between the Pohorje Mountains and the Kozjak hills, and flows through Maribor continuing across the Dravsko polje plain.
Top tourist attractions
- The oldest vine in the world -- The Old Vine in Lent
- The ruins of the castle on the Pyramid hill -- the first castle in Maribor, mentioned 850 years ago for the first time.
- Numerous castles, mansions and religious heritage,
- Botanic gardens and natural parks, the Lobnica valley, the rich green forests of the Pohorje mountains with waterfalls and peat bogs, like the Black lake, the Lovrenc lakes, the primeval forest, the Šumik waterfall, the Bistrica and Oplotnica gorge, with numerous educational forest trails, a rich recreational offer for cyclists, hikers, adrenalin seekers and skiers in winter.
- Rafting and water sports
- Nature parks Rački ribniki - Požeg, Drava, Maribor lake
- Rich natural and cultural heritage of the Drava valley - Boč Natural Park with the rare Greater Pasque Flower, live nativity in Studenice, Forma Viva, beautiful villages in the countryside.
- A countryside with numerous tourist farms that offer traditional home-made food and products in their shops or in their backyards.
- The Slovenske gorice hills with its unique lakes (Trojica Lake, Komarnik Lake, Pernica lake etc.), rich viticulture tradition and premium wines, produced by excellent winegrowers and delicious food (honey, pumpkin seed oil, tunka (meat in lard), layer cakes, bread, stews...)
- Experience an active holiday in the mountain huts and farms of the Kozjak hills and refresh yourself with sour milk in the summer and chestnuts in the autumn.
- A mix of urban and rural tourist attractions.

The region consists of the following municipalities: Benedikt, Cerkvenjak, Duplek, Hoče -- Slivnica, Kungota, Lenart, Lovrenc na Pohorju, Makole, Maribor, Miklavž na Dravskem Polju, Oplotnica, Pesnica, Poljčane, Rače -- Fram, Ruše, Selnica ob Dravi, Slovenska Bistrica, Starše, Sveta Ana v Slovenskih goricah, Sveta Trojica v Slovenskih goricah, Sveti Jurij v Slovenskih goricah and Šentilj.


This time it was one of the rare occasion to film the footage of me on a relaxing drive through Slovenian Pannonia basin (From Cerkvenjak to Moškanjci) . This region is considered to be one of Slovenia's most scenic regions, because on a clear sunny day, the view reaches tens of miles away. On some places, it might feel like you are in the middle of desert.
Next time, I'll do different scenic route, showcasing vineyards along the way, because that view is spectacular and it is a must see at least once in your lifetime.

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Leave a comment below, what you like, what you don't like, shout out, if you are a fellow van driver, like, share...

If you have any question, drop it down below. I'll do my best to respond in time.

Camera: DJI Osmo Action
Editing: Kinemaster Pro, Pixellab, Picsart, Snapseed, 3dlut, Adobe Rush

All editing was done with my Huawei P30 Pro.


Nomyn - Flow is under a Creative Commons (CC BY 3.0) license

Music promoted by BreakingCopyright:

#povvandriver #samomrak #citroenjumper

Running in Slovenia and Ethiopia

UFO-Slovenia 30.8.2011

Luči nad Vipavsko dolino

Ovtar pod kozolcem: Gremo na podeželje 1, napovednik

Prvo seme vzklilo je v okviru projekta Ovtar pod kozolcem…
Vljudno vabljeni na otvoritveni dogodek slovenjegoriškega kozolca
Štajerskega inovacijskega centra Maribor, ki bo 5. oktobra 2019 na naslovu Andrenci 53, Cerkvenjak.

Postojnska jama Cave Grotte Hohle

Посто́йнска-Я́ма - система карстовых пещер длиной 20 570 м на плато Крас, находится близ города Постойна в Словении в регионе Нотраньска-Крашка. Самая протяжённая система пещер в Словении и одно из самых посещаемых туристами мест в этой стране, с XIX века оснащённое электроосвещением и железной дорогой.

Пещера была образована водами реки Пивка, которая протекает по пещере на протяжении 800 м. Внутри круглый год держится температура около 10°С. 5,3 км пещеры открыто для посещения — это самая большая протяжённость открытого для посещения туристами пещерного пространства в мире.

Weihnachtszug in Bohinj ( 3. 12. 2016 ) - Slowenien

Miklavžav / Božičkov vlak v Bohinju ( 3. 12. 2016 )
Christmas train in Bohinj ( 3. 12. 2016 ) - Slovenia

Museumszug mit der Dampflokomotive in Bohinj (Slowenien)
Der Museumszug fährt aus Bohinjtunnel und
nachher er fährt aus Bohinjska Bistrica gegen Bled ab.
Für Bohinj-Eisenbahnlinie war nötig starken starken Lokomotiven.
Besondere aus Gorica (Görz) aufwärts gegen Jesenice.

My Travel Timalapse 2015 by Samsung NX Camera

2015 올 한해 여행다니며 찍었던 타임랩스..
Samsung NX30 and NX1

AEROS 2018 - The Flying Bulls, Blanix Team, Baltic Bees Jet Team, We-fly Team

One of the biggest aeronautical meetings in southern Europe, the Aeros 2018, at the Skoke Sports Airport near Maribor in Slovenia. Over 50 different aircraft participated at the event, including classical, military, acrobatic and other aircraft from various countries.
Event full of adrenaline and excitement for all ages that you simply cannot effort to miss: The Flying Bulls, Luca Bertossio RBX glider, Peter Podlunšek - Extra 330 LX, P.3 Flayers, We-fly team, Raven display team, Zoltan Vereš, Cessna bird dog, Boeing Stermann, Ryan PT 22, Bucker Jungmann, BD5, Yak 11, Hawker Hunter, De Haviland Vampire, Cat Acro team, Galeb G2, Zlin 526, Super Puma, Shark Display Team, Sila Kraljevo, Flamingo, Jet Ranger Heliturs, Trixy Aviation, Baltic Bees Jet Team, Blanix Team, etc....
- The Hunter by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Artist: Music promoted by Audio Library

- Blue Danube - Strauss

RIC Bela krajina

Bela krajina - wineyards and flatland in the heart of the vibrant countryside, the embrace of white birch trees and the call of the intact river Kolpa are a perfect place where you can forget your daily worries and relax - Good for both...

Slovénie - Stanjel

Zabrekve - Bukovščica 14.1.2011

Zabrekve sv. Mohor Bukovščica jadralno padalstvo

Guenther Schermann: 20 Years Of Fractal Crop Circles

Download the full MP4 lecture here: - Filmed and live streamed from the annual Circles of Knowledge conference, in Marlborough, Wiltshire England 2012. Download many more fascinating talks at



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