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10 Best place to visit in Cankova Slovenia


PORTOROŽ | SLOVENIA - Walking Tour - 4K

Welcome to this beautiful 4K walking video showcasing Portorož, a charming coastal town located on the Adriatic Sea in southwestern Slovenia. With its picturesque views, stunning beaches, and mild Mediterranean climate, Portorož is a popular destination for tourists from all over the world. In this video, you'll get to experience the town's unique blend of natural beauty, history, and modern amenities as we take a leisurely stroll along the promenade and explore the charming streets of the town. Along the way, you'll also catch glimpses of the town's lively casino scene, including the Casino Riviera and the Grand Casino Portorož, both of which offer a wide range of games for visitors to enjoy. So sit back, relax, and let this beautiful 4K walking video transport you to the enchanting town of Portorož.

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Walking around LAKE BLED / Slovenia ???????? - 4K 60fps (UHD)

As the earth finished another lap around the sun, we circle a lake on that occasion. For the last video of 2022 we walk around Lake Bled in Slovenia.

Lake Bled is a lake, popular also with tourists just 35km from Ljubljana. We start our tour in the town of Bled, the go in counter-clockwise direction all around. There are some beaches and great views of the Mary's Church on Bled island is also known as Church of our dear Lady. After 1h 20m of speedy walking we finish our roubd at the St. Martina Parish Church with a view over the lake.

Have a great start into 2023!

Filmed in May 2022

Camera: Osmo Pocket in 4K60
Mic: Zoom H1n

#poptravel #bled #slovenia

Travelling in Slovenia, Mura, Pomurska, Slovenia, Europe

The Mura Statistical Region is a statistical region in the north-east of Slovenia. It is predominantly agricultural with field crops representing over three quarters of the total utilised agricultural area, twice as much as the Slovene average. Climate and soil combined have made it the region with the highest crop production, but its geographical position and inferior infrastructure put it at a disadvantage and it is the region of Slovenia with the lowest GDP per capita (EUR 8,500) and the highest rate of registered unemployment. The region comprises the following municipalities: Apače, Beltinci, Cankova, Črenšovci, Dobrovnik, Gornja Radgona, Gornji Petrovci, Grad, Hodoš, Kobilje, Križevci, Kuzma, Lendava, Ljutomer, Moravske Toplice, Murska Sobota, Odranci, Puconci, Radenci, Razkrižje, Rogašovci, Sveti Jurij ob Ščavnici, Šalovci, Tišina, Turnišče, Velika Polana and Veržej. The population in 2004 was 122,717. Employment structure: 41.2% services, 44.8% industry, 14.0% agriculture. It attracts 7.8% of the total number of tourists in Slovenia, most being from Slovenia (52%). Length of motorways: 14 km Length of other roads: 1451 km.

Občina Cankova


A forest, Mura, Pomurska, Slovenia, Europe

The Mura Statistical Region is a statistical region in the north-east of Slovenia. It is predominantly agricultural with field crops representing over three quarters of the total utilised agricultural area, twice as much as the Slovene average. Climate and soil combined have made it the region with the highest crop production, but its geographical position and inferior infrastructure put it at a disadvantage and it is the region of Slovenia with the lowest GDP per capita (EUR 8,500) and the highest rate of registered unemployment. The region comprises the following municipalities: Apače, Beltinci, Cankova, Črenšovci, Dobrovnik, Gornja Radgona, Gornji Petrovci, Grad, Hodoš, Kobilje, Križevci, Kuzma, Lendava, Ljutomer, Moravske Toplice, Murska Sobota, Odranci, Puconci, Radenci, Razkrižje, Rogašovci, Sveti Jurij ob Ščavnici, Šalovci, Tišina, Turnišče, Velika Polana and Veržej. The population in 2004 was 122,717. Employment structure: 41.2% services, 44.8% industry, 14.0% agriculture. It attracts 7.8% of the total number of tourists in Slovenia, most being from Slovenia (52%). Length of motorways: 14 km Length of other roads: 1451 km.

Rogasovci & Kramarovci Slovenia Slovenien 18.4.2014

Der Weg ist das Ziel... komm fahr mit in meinem Goggomobil =G=
Sightseeing in Krisenregionen, Armenviertel, Bürgerkriegsgebieten.
Along radioactive Death-Zones, MOAs, No-Go and Civil-War Areas.

Predstavitveni film o Ljubljani in Sloveniji - MIPIM 2015

Na sejmu MIPIM v Cannesu, največjem investicijsko – nepremičninskem sejmu v Evropi, se je že osmo leto zapored predstavila tudi Mestna občina Ljubljana. Podrobnosti na
Del predstavitve je bil tudi ta videoposnetek.
City of Ljubljana was represented for the eighth consecutive year at the MIPIM, the world’s leading investment and property market, held from 10 to 13 March, 2015 in Cannes, France. More info:
Part of the presentation was this video.

Gostilna Kunstelj

Zgodba starega mestnega jedra Lendava - [Sprehod skozi čas - 28.05.2011]

- Občina Lendava leži na skrajnem vzhodu Slovenije v neposredni bližini slovensko-madžarske in slovensko-hrvaške meje.

Snemal in montiral: Blaž Juvan
Novinar: Emil Lukančič-Mori

Martjanci, Slovenija - Rojstna hiša - 10-04-2015

Martjanci, Slovenija - Rojstna hiša


Posvečeno babici Emi za njen 85. rojstni dan.


Zavinek - pravljična vas

december 2011

Zavinek je majhna vasica, ki šteje 18 gospodinjstev in vsega 66 prebivalcev. Nahajajo se v jugovzhodni Sloveniji in sicer nekje med Novim mestom in Krškim. Spadajo pod občino Škocjan na Dolenjskem. Glede na lokacijo smo pravi Dolenjci, polni pristnega veselja, zagnanosti, dobrodušnosti, ter dolenjske norčavosti. Vaščani smo po večini zaposleni v podjetjih v bližnjem Novem mestu in okolici. Nekaj vaščanov pa se ukvarja in živi tudi izključno od kmetijstva. Na prvi pogled mo čisto navadna vasica, ki ne izgleda nič posebnega napram ostalim vasem, ki jih poznate po celi Sloveniji. Ampak ni vse tako kot izgleda na prvi pogled. Imamo eno veliko posebnost in sicer, da v Božično novoletnem času spremenimo našo vas v pravo pravljično vas, v kateri doživite pravi občutek prazničnega časa. Ker to delamo že vrsto let se je glas on nas razširil po ožji kot tudi širši okolici. Praktično je za nas slišala že cela Slovenija.

Jože Tanko (SDS), izpostavil, da težko ponudi županu roko

Na Občinski seji Občine Ribnica je občinski svetnik, poslanec in podpredsednik državnega zbora RS, Jože Tanko (SDS), izpostavil, da težko ponudi županu roko, saj ga kot lokalnega poslanca niso povabili na nobeno izmed srečanj visokih predstavnikov vlade, ki jih je gostila občina. Župan, Samo Pogorelc pa na očitke odgovarja.

Pri lončarju - Lončarska vas Filovci

S turisti na obisku pri lončarju v Filovcih.



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