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10 Best place to visit in Bicaz Romania


This is where we want to live in Romania...Bicaz it's beautiful! ????????

Our Romanian roadtrip throughout Moldova continues...
This time, we have stumbled across a very beautiful part of Romania, Bicaz Lake (Izvorul Muntelui). Check out our vlog!

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JetLagWarriors is a Canadian couple -- Steve and Ivana. After travelling here and there for a few years, mostly during Canadian winter, we fully caught the travel bug and decided to travel INDEFINITELY! Subscribe to keep up with our journey. Thanks!

00:00 - Million dollar view (4.98 million Lei)
4:46 - Accidentally buried the lead
6:41 - Beer in the bottom of the lake (and mici!)
9:55 - Tourist gives mici breakdown

Music in the Video:
Track: Ensemble — gbry.svg [Audio Library Release]
Music provided by Audio Library Plus
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Track: Rainy Morning — Zackross [Audio Library Release]
Music provided by Audio Library Plus
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✅ TOP 10 Atractii Turistice Judetul Harghita, Lacu Rosu, Cheile Bicazului

00:00 TOP 10 Atractii Turistice Judetul Harghita
0:27 Manastirea Izvoru Muresului
Sfânta Manastire cu hramul „Adormirea Maicii Domnului” din Izvoru Muresului este asezata la poalele Hasmasului Mare, între cei doi frati de cruce Muresul si Oltul, la o altitudine de 950 m, pe DN 12 între Miercurea Ciuc si Gheorghieni.

1:30 Castelul Lázár
Situat aproape de centrul satului Lazarea, este unul dintre cele mai frumoase exemple pentru arhitectura renascentista din Transilvania.Castelul cu creneluri a fost una dintre cele mai atractive resedinte nobiliare din secolul al XVII-lea din Transilvania.

2:23 Cascada cu apa termala Toplita
In Romania exista o singura cascada cu apa termala, cea de la Toplita,este clasificata ca fiind a doua formatiune de acest fel din Europa (in Saturnia, Italia, mai exista o cascada cu apa termala).

3:13 Borsec/Poiana Zânelor
(Pestera de Gheata (Ice Cave) / Grota Ursilor/ Baile Borsec / Aleea 7 Izvoare, parcul cu Fantana Arteziana / Pista de bob de vara)
Cea mai mare bogatie a Borsecului sunt numeroasele izvoare de apa minerala. Denumirea de „Regina Apelor minerale” a fost atribuita de împaratul Austriei, Franz Josif.
Grota Ursilor este o formatiune carstica reprezentata de un ansamblu de coridoare adânci, formate prin fenomenul de eroziune naturala a calcarelor sub actiunea apelor de infiltratie.

4:42 Baile Tusnad
Se afla În cheile Oltului, la o altitudine de 650m, la poalele muntilor acoperiti cu brazi.Localitatea situata în partea sudica a Depresiunii Ciucului, între muntii Harghita si Bodoc, este cea mai mica statiune balneara din tara, fiind cunoscuta pâna astazi ca “Mica Elvetie”.

5:16 Ski Gyimes
Pista de bob din Ghimes se afla in frumoasa vale a Ghimesului, in localitatea Lunca de Sus, la o distanta de 30 km de Miercurea Ciuc, langa drumul national 12A care leaga Transilvania de Moldova, in valea raului Trotus.

5:59 Cascada Varsag
În padurea localitatii Varsag, pe pârâul Fântâna Mare, se afla cascada Varsag. Alimentate de 7 izvoare, apele pârâului se arunca de la înaltimea de 7 metri, formând o frumoasa cascada în doua trepte. De aici se îndreapta spre Târnava Mare, al carui afluent de stânga este.

7:10 Cariera de andezit Suseni

7:30 Barajul Zetea

8:21 Statuia Inima Lui Iisus
În anul 2011, pe dealul Gordon din Harghita, aflat între Odorheiu-Secuiesc si Praid, a fost ridicata cea mai mare statuie a Lui Iisus din Europa de Est. Denumita Inima Lui Iisus, statuia are o înaltime de aproximativ 22 de metri, e construita din fier si otel inoxidabil, iar pretul ei de 200.000 de euro a fost platit din donatii strânse de primaria din comuna Lupeni.

8:32 Barajul Bicaz
Este un baraj de greutate construit din beton si uneste Muntele Gicovanu cu Obcina Horstei, fiind situat în amonte de confluenta pârâului Izvorul Muntelui cu Bistrita.A fost construit între 1950 si 1960, are o înaltime de 127 m, o lungime de 435 m la coronament si o latime maxima la baza de 119 m.

9:46 Cheile Bicazului
Cheile Bicazului au fost formate de râul Bicaz si fac legatura între Transilvania si Moldova.
Zona Cheile Bicazului, cu o lungime de peste 6 km, se desfasoara între Lacul Rosu în amonte si localitatea Bicaz-Chei în aval, si este strabatuta de drumul transcarpatic DN12C care leaga orasele Gheorgheni si Bicaz.
S-au format datorita eroziunilor provocate de raul Bicaz si ai sai afluenti.Parcul National din care fac parte aceste chei are o suprafata de 6675 ha si este cea mai importanta zona geologica din tara noastra.

10:33 Lacul Rosu
Se spune ca o stanca pravalita din munte a blocat firul raului Bucaz si a format cu timpul lacul ce se vede acum.
O regiune unica in lume unde padurile de brazi vesnic verzi, aerul curat si proaspat asigura conditii favorabile de odihna. Statiunea este un adevarat paradis pentru cei care cauta recreere si odihna, transmitand prin pitorescul peisajului o atmosfera de neuitat.


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Cheile Bicazului, jud. Neamt | Romania - Drona 4K

Cheile Bicazului, jud. Neamt | Romania - Drona 4K
Bicaz River and its four subsidiaries had dug paths into the mountain creating one of the most spectacular natural formations, Cheile Bicazului from Romania.
The chainsaw of the water and the greatness of nature make the ones that arrive here to watch this fabulous structure with their breath taken.
The road that unites the districts Neamt and Harghita take the travelers over Cheile Bicazului on an eight kilometers route.
With impressive, steep cliff walls and wild landscapes, Cheile Bicazului is part of the National Park Cheile Bicazului - Hasmas that hold as protected areas Red Lake, Cheile Bicazului and Hasmasul Mare.
The serpentine road of the Cheile Bicazului hides caves in the walls of calcar and cliff, such as the Black Cave and Cascada Cave but also gaps such as Licas or the gap with three entries……
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A film by Nelstill Video Production
image and editing: Nelu Gheorghe

Materialul video include secvenţe preluate prin amabilitatea Consiliului Judeţean Neamţ, din clipurile Cheile Bicazului, Cheile Şugăului
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#DiscoverRomania #VisitBicaz #CheileBicazului #Neamt #BicazKeys #BicazGorge #Bicaz #hasmas #Hășmaș #NationalPark #TraveltoRomania #CalatoresteCuMine #RomaniaInfoMagazin #NelstillVideoProduction #Travel #Aerial #DroneFilm

10 Cele mai frumoase locuri de vizitat in Romania

Si pentru ca vine vacanta si concediu, te gandesti la obiecte turistice pe care vrei sa le vizitezi. Daca te-ai oprit in Romania, atunci in acest videoclip ai sa afli cateva dintre cele mai frumoase locuri de vizitat, binenteles ca mai sunt si altele .

Daca iti place ceea ce fac, ajuta-ma cu o apa minerala care costa 2 lei, te voi rasplatii cu beneficii.

✦Dupa abonare atinge clopotelul:

Locuri de vizitat:
0:24 Cazanele Dunării – Dubova
1:03 Salina turda
1:43 Rosia Montana
2:32 Complexul Harmonie
3:09 Cimitirul Vesel de la Săpânța
4:03 Castelul Peleș
4:35 Cascada Bigăr
5:27 Sighișoara
6:12 Transfăgărășan
6:53 Delta Dunarii

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Romania – Europe's MOST UNIQUE Country (Travel Adventure) ????????

Travel Documentary Romania. ???????? Part 2: This 8-day road trip will leave a lasting impression on you as it gives you an intimate look at life in Romania. Our Travel Vlog takes you to villages, cities, landscapes and people and explores the real, authentic Romania – a land of contrasts!

00:00 Intro
00:35 Transylvania & Bicaz Canyon
01:10 Moldavia Monastery
02:52 Suceava & Teenagers
06:12 Iași
09:13 Bârlad
10:52 Romanian Apartment
11:22 Traditional Market Bârlad
13:58 Poverty in Romania
20:02 Galați & Braila
21:21 Ferry Ride on Danube River
22:20 Priopcea Pass & Jurilovca
23:43 Argamum Fortress & Cape Dolosman
27:10 Dobrogea Canyon
28:04 Constanța
32:31 Bucharest by Night
34:28 Bucharest Obor Market
37:40 Bucharest & Palace of Parliament
39:18 Bucharest Ghetto Ferentari
41:54 Peleș Castle

Along the way, you meet the locals and get an insight into their lives, and come face-to-face with both the challenges and wonders of Romania. Be prepared to be captivated by the unexpected moments of our journey that will challenge your perceptions and captivate your heart (e.g., poverty in Romania, Orthodox Church).

From the vibrant cities of Bucharest, Iasi, and Suceava to lesser-known places like Bârlad, Braila, and Jurilovca (Tulcea County), you'll experience the cultural and social aspects of Romania, as well as its stunning landscapes. Discover the Danube Delta in Galati, the Black Sea in Constanta, the breathtaking canyons of Bicaz and Dobrogea, the Moldavia region with its magnificent monasteries and the beauty of Transylvania with a visit to Peleș Castle. And of course sample the flavors of Romanian food!

See this fascinating country like never before in 8 days.

Day 1: Transylvania, Bicaz Pass, Bicaz Gorges, Monastery of Saint Basil the Great in Bodești, Suceava & Iași
Day 2: Iași & Bârlad
Day 3: Bârlad & Galați
Day 4: Galati, Braila, Priopcea Pass & Jurilovca
Day 5: Jurilovca, Argamum Fortress, Cape Dolosman, Dobrogea Gorges & Constanța
Day 6: Constanța & Bucharest
Day 7: Bucharest
Day 8: Bucharest, Bucharest's ghetto Ferentari, Sinaia, Peleș Castle & Brașov

Thank you for watching & commenting!

Much love xx
Nicole & Roberto

???? Watch RELATED VIDEO: Transylvania

???????? Please help us support Romanian people in need by getting in touch with Ciprian, who works on the ground and directly assists those who are struggling. He can give you more information on how you can help too. To get involved, please contact Ciprian Nicușor Boboc (from Bârlad) on his Facebook profile:

Travel video 11 | Filmed November 2022
#documentary #romania #travel #roadtrip
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???????????????? WHO ARE WE?
We are Nicole from Austria/Germany and Roberto from Switzerland/Italy. We believe that there's more to travel than just the typical tourist sights. We delve deeper into the culture, people, and way of life in each destination, rather than just focusing on the tourist attractions or surface-level experiences. Join us on this journey! We hope our travel videos inform & inspire you!

Top 10 Best Tourist Places to Visit in Bicaz | Romania - English

#BicazPlaces #PlacesInBicaz
Bicaz is one of the biggest tourist attractions in Romania having many best places in Bicaz. Bicaz is a town in Neamț County, Western Moldavia, Romania situated in the eastern Carpathian Mountains near the confluence of the Bicaz and Bistrița Rivers and near Lake Bicaz, an artificial lake formed by the Bicaz Dam on the Bistrița. Bicaz used to be a border town until 1918. So to help you figure out the places you need to try, we've gathered up a bucket list of the best Places in Bicaz that you won't regret going to.

Wiki Peaks is on a mission to promote the tourism in the World. We are here to show you the beautiful places in the world. You can see the beauty of this world from the comfort of your home.

There are many beautiful places in Bicaz. Romania has some of the best places in Bicaz. We collected data on the top 10 places to visit in Bicaz. There are many famous places in Bicaz and some of them are beautiful places in Bicaz. People from all over Romania love these Bicaz beautiful places which are also Bicaz famous places. In this video, we will show you the beautiful places to visit in Bicaz.

Please help us in our cause and share this channel as much as possible with your friends and family.

***All images used in this video are a property of their owners. We have no intention of showing these images as our own property. We used these images just to promote tourism.***

Overwhelmed by Romanian beauty…BICAZ it’s GORGEOUS!????????

Check out our journey driving through one of the most beautiful beautiful roads in the world...and it's not Transfagarasan!
Our Romanian road trip continues...we went to one of the most recommended places to visit by our subscribers: Bicaz Gorge (Cheile Bicazului), and Red Lake (Lacul Rosu). We drove on a road that cuts through mountains, connecting Moldova and Transylvania. Check out our vlog.

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▶︎FACEBOOK: @JetLag Warriors

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JetLagWarriors is a Canadian couple -- Steve and Ivana. After travelling here and there for a few years, mostly during Canadian winter, we fully caught the travel bug and decided to travel INDEFINITELY! Subscribe to keep up with our journey. Thanks!

00:00 - Beautiful Gorge to say farewell to Moldavia in
5:14 - Mici at Red Lake (what could be better than that!)
11:55 - We really ought to eat this food more often
17:06 - Roadtrips are tiring, but worth it :)

Music in the video:
Track: Enjoy It — Land of Fire [Audio Library Release]
Music provided by Audio Library Plus
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3 Places to visit in Romania | Saint Ana Lake, Bicaz Gorges and Toplita Alpine Coaster

3 Places to visit in Romania | Saint Ana Lake, Bicaz Gorges and Toplita Alpine Coaster

For more travel vlogs from Romania, check the Playlists.

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Book in Romania:

- Romania/Europe: eSim Mobile Data Plan:
- Peles & Cantacuzino Castles: Gourmet Wine & Cultural trip:
- Adventure trip from Iasi: Hiking in the Carpathian Mountains:
- Transfagarasan Road Trip with Curtea de Arges:
- Cluj: Outdoor Activities Day Trip with Zip Line and Hike:
- From Cluj: Winter Walking Trip on the Great Mountain:
- Timisoara: Let's Go Hiking in Retezat Mountains:
- Brasov: Private Fagaras Mountains Trekking Tour:
- From Brașov: Explore the gems of eastern Romania:
- From Brasov: Tour of Castles and Surrounding Area:
- From Brasov: Sighisoara and Viscri Day Tour:
- From Brasov: Small-Group Brown Bear Watching Tour:
- Brasov: Guided City Walking Tour with Wine:
- Brasov: Peles Castle, Bran Castle & Rasnov Fortress Day Tour:
- Bucharest: Dracula's Castle, Peles Castle, & Brasov Old Town:
- From Bucharest: Dracula Castle, Peles & Brasov Full-Day Trip:
- Bucharest: Therme Bucuresti Entry Ticket with Bathrobe:
- From Bucharest: Transfagarasan Road Trip:
- Danube Delta - 2-Day Tour from Bucharest:
- From Sibiu to Corvin's Castle Hunedoara and Alba Iulia:
- Sibiu: City Sightseeing Tour:
- From Bucharest: Romania, Moldova & Transnistria Private Tour:

Lacul Sfânta Ana (Saint Ana Lake) is a unique crater lake located in Romania, specifically in the Eastern Carpathian Mountains, within the Natural Reserve of Mohoș, near the village of Tușnad.

The Bicaz Gorges, also known as Cheile Bicazului in Romanian, is a stunning natural attraction located in the Eastern Carpathian Mountains of Romania.

The Alpine Coaster in Toplița, Romania, is an exciting outdoor attraction known for its thrilling toboggan-style ride through scenic mountain terrain. Here are details about the Alpine Coaster in

#romania #travelvlogromania #hiddengemsromania

Cheile Bicazului (Bicaz Gorge), Romania

Bicaz, Gorge in the North East side of Romania, at the border between Neamț and Harghita County.

Arguably the most beautiful road in Bucovina.

An absolute heaven for climber, which have about 8 km long of steep 300 m high rock walls, to put their skills to a supreme test.

But if you’re just here to chill, rent a car, get the windows down and prepare your eyes and phone for 10 minutes of jaw dropping raw beauty of grey and green Avatar style cliffs.

I can guarantee you that you will just look at the sky to be able to see where the walls end and continuously say “Wow!”

The view is as addictive as Time Square during the night.

The best part is that this natural wonder is here in Europe, Romania the Carpathian Garden.

Come and see it!

#bicazchei #gorgeous #gorgebicaz #visitromania #carpathianmountains

Top 20 Places to Visit in Romania

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Get ready to embark on a journey through Romania's most mesmerizing destinations. From medieval castles to stunning nature reserves and charming seaside towns, this video covers the top 20 places to visit in Romania. Our travel guide takes you on an adventure to explore the unique culture and natural beauty of this Eastern European gem. Don't miss out on the ultimate travel experience, watch this video, and start planning your trip to Romania today!

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00:00 Intro Travel to Romania
00:20 1️⃣ The Merry Cemetery – Săpânța
01:14 2️⃣ Heroes Cross on Caraiman Mountain
01:44 3️⃣ Corvin Castle (Hunyadi Castle)
03:27 4️⃣ Viscri Fortified Church
04:04 5️⃣ The Danube Boilers
05:10 6️⃣ The Medieval Citadel of Sighisoara
06:08 7️⃣ Râșnov Fortress
07:16 8️⃣ Densus Church
07:47 9️⃣ Brasov City
08:22 ???? Transfăgărășan Highway
09:11 1️⃣1️⃣ Vidraru Dam
09:50 1️⃣2️⃣ Bran Castle (Dracula’s Castle)
10:59 1️⃣3️⃣ Danube Delta
11:50 1️⃣4️⃣ The Bicaz Gorge
12:55 1️⃣5️⃣ The Painted Monasteries of Bucovina
13:43 1️⃣6️⃣ Gura Portiţei
14:46 1️⃣7️⃣ Rupea Citadel – Medieval Fortress in Transylvania
15:21 1️⃣8️⃣ Romanian Seaside
16:21 1️⃣9️⃣ Dobrogea Gorges Reserve
17:33 2️⃣0️⃣ The Castle Knights Templar from the Vales Gorges

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#???????????????????? #topdestinations #romania #bestplacestovisit #discoverromania #traveltoromania

Romania best places Lacul Bicaz (baraj)

Romania Best Places Lacul Bicaz (baraj)

Lake Bicaz and Bicaz-Stejaru Communist-Built Dam in Romania

In NE Romania in Neampt County is lovely Lake Bicaz in a pristine, rural and isolated area devoid of masses of humanity and tourists. We find Lake Bicaz which was created to allow water to flow through a dam for electricity generation. We will explore the 1950's Communist-era built Bicaz-Stejaru area a monolithic concrete monster. We will also go to the lake and see what it looks like 2/3 full. Settling in at a nice lodge for a few nights, you'll get a feeling for the views and experience of Lake Bicaz

Secrets of Romania: Barajul si lacul Bicaz 4K

Drone: DJI Mini 2
Video editing: Shotcut
4K Video

Amazing HIDDEN GEMS in Romania - Neamt, Bicaz Gorge, Red Lake

Explore some hidden gems in Romania, including Neamt Citadel, Lacu Rosu, Bicaz.

We started our roadtrip around Romania with the north (because we live there), so we first went to Neamt Citadel. The entrance is very cheap, you have free parking, and you don't have to walk a lot to reach it. Neamt Citadel (Cetatea Neamt) was pretty recently restored, so it's an amazing place to put on your bucket list.

Neamt citadel is a historic fortress nestled in the picturesque landscape of Neamt County, Romania. This impressive citadel is a symbol of strength and resilience, dating back to the medieval times.
Neamt Citadel is located on a hilltop, offering panoramic views of the surrounding area. Its strategic position allowed it to serve as a defensive stronghold against invaders throughout history.

One interesting fact about Neamt Citadel is its architectural style. It combines elements of Byzantine, Gothic, and Renaissance influences, showcasing a unique blend of design. Inside the citadel, you'll find a range of structures, including towers, walls, and a central courtyard. Exploring the fortress allows you to imagine what life was like within its walls centuries ago.

Neamt Citadel is also home to a museum that showcases artifacts and displays related to its history. Visitors can learn about the fortress's role in protecting the region and the cultural significance it holds for the local community.

The next on our list was Bicaz Gorge, which is very close to Red Lake, where we took a boat ride later. This is a spectacular road pass, even though it's pretty short, it's very beautiful and you have amazing mountains views.

Bicaz Gorge is a natural wonder nestled in the heart of Romania. This stunning gorge, also known as Cheile Bicazului, is a must-visit destination for nature enthusiasts and adventure seekers.

Bicaz Gorge is carved by the Bicaz River and features towering limestone cliffs that stretch high into the sky. As you drive through the winding road that cuts through the gorge, you'll be amazed by the dramatic scenery and breathtaking views. The rocks that form the gorge are millions of years old, showcasing layers of sediment and unique formations that tell a story of the earth's ancient past.

The gorge is also home to an abundance of flora and fauna. As you explore the area, you may spot various species of birds, small mammals, and even rare plant species that thrive in this diverse ecosystem.

For adventure enthusiasts, Bicaz Gorge offers thrilling activities such as hiking, rock climbing, and zip-lining. The steep cliffs and rugged terrain provide an exciting playground for outdoor enthusiasts looking to get their adrenaline pumping.

After you finish seeing Bicaz Gorge, you will reach the beautiful Red Lake. Here you can either just enjoy the views or take a boat ride. You can also eat Kurtos, which is very famous all around there!

More travel vlogs from Romania:

Castles in Transylvania (Dracula's/Bran, Peles, Pelisor):
Brasov, Valea Zanelor, Manastirea Sinca Veche:
Scarisoara Glacier Cave:
Turda Salt Mine:
Rarau Mountains:
Pestera Bolii (Bolii Cave):
Corvin Castle:

00:00 Introduction
00:20 Road trip
01:08 Neamt Citadel Trail
02:45 Neamt Citadel
05:03 Road trip to Red Lake
05:56 Bicaz Gorge
06:25 Red Lake
06:45 Boat ride
08:14 Lunch
08:52 Final



Music by: Inossi
Music by: The Mini Vandals
- - - - -

#romania #redlake #bicaz #citadel #neamt #neamtcitadel #boat #boatride #lake #visitromania

Romania best places Lacul Bicaz (baraj)1


Welcome to Romania - Bicaz Dam #1

Walking in Romania - City Walking Tour 4K
Welcome to Romania - Bicaz Dam #1
This video is my first video filmed during my romanian road trip.
Smash that like, otherwise I will steal your wallet !!!

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#108 Imagini superbe Barajul Bicaz, Lacul Bicaz ???????? Amazing images from Romania.

The Lake Izvorul Muntelui, also known as Lake Bicaz, is the largest artificial lake on the interior waters of Romania; it was created after the completion of a dam built on the river Bistrița. The dam is located a few kilometers north of the town of Bicaz.

The dam was built between 1950 and 1960 and is used to generate hydroelectricity at the Bicaz-Stejaru Hydroelectric Power Station. It has a height of 127 m (417 ft), a length of 435 m (1,427 ft), and a maximum width of 119 m (390 ft). The lake has a length of 40 km (25 mi), an area of 31 km2 (12 sq mi) and a maximum volume of 1,250 billion m³.

The lake is a tourist destination in the region, especially in summertime, when visitors take the ferryboat from the Bicaz port for a short trip on the lake, and to view Mount Ceahlău on the west shore.

In the 1960s and 1970s there was regular ferry service between the Bicaz port and the villages on the lake shore.

At Potoci, a few kilometers north of the town of Bicaz, there is a biological research facility, equipped with a small submersible used for underwater explorations. The facility was visited by the marine biologist Jacques-Yves Cousteau in 1984.

more videos:

BICAZ GORGE ( Cheile Bicazului ), ROMANIA - Amazing Road - [ HD ]

ROMANIA: Da Sinaia alle Gole di Bicaz - di Sergio Colombini

Sinaia si trova nel distretto di Prahova, nella regione della Muntenia, è una meta turistica per escursioni in estate e in inverno per sport invernali.
Nei pressi di Sinaia il Re Carlo I di Romania costruì la sua residenza estiva, il castello di Peles, in stile bavarese.
Molto bello all'interno il rivestimento in legno.
A circa 50 km, alle pendici dei monti Bucegi si trova la bella città di Brasov.
Il nostro viaggio continua per le Gole di Bicaz lunghe 10 km formate da rocce calcaree alte 300-400 m dove la strada si restringe fino ad assumere l'aspetto di una muraglia.

#123 Amazing Bicaz Canyon - Romania ???????? (Cheile Bicazului)

Cheile Bicazului-Hasmas National Park
Cheile Bicazului (Bicazului Gorges) is one of the most spectacular sights you will see in Romania. The canyon dug by the Bicaz river, which has eaten through rock to make it way down has created an area of serpentines closely surrounded by the tall, rocky walls of the mountain, most people prefer to park and walk – the scenery is amazing.

With the walls caving down on you, bits and pieces of vegetation which grew in odd places and trees up on the rocky peaks, small waterfalls coming from cracks in the rock – this place will give you the peace and quiet you might have been longing for. It gives the sentiment of a cathedral.

If you're into buying gifts and souvenirs rather than just taking pictures, sellers through about it and there are traditional items on sale in the area – clothing, wooden objects, alongside toys and other small gadgets for tourists.

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