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10 Best place to visit in Berbera Somalia



#Explore the Beauty of Somalia & Somaliland: Top Destinations in 2024!
As we step into the new year, the allure of Somalia and Somaliland beckons with its rich cultural tapestry, historical significance, and breathtaking landscapes. @VisitMogadishu Tours is excited to present the top destinations that promise an unforgettable journey through these fascinating regions in 2024.

10 Most Beautiful Destinations of Somalia

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to the Earth Discovery channel! Today, we embark on a journey like no other, as we explore the hidden gems of Somalia. A land that has endured its fair share of challenges, Somalia's spirit remains unbroken, and its landscapes are nothing short of mesmerizing. Join me as we uncover 10 magical places that will leave you yearning for more!

Our journey begins in the heart of Somalia, a land known for its resilience.

Amidst the struggles and challenges faced by this nation, one cannot help but admire the strength and determination of its people. Despite the odds, Somalia stands tall, ready to unveil its breathtaking landscapes and historic treasures to the world.

1. Laas Geel: The Enigmatic Rock Art of Somalia.

Our first stop takes us to the mystical caves of Laas Geel. Hidden amidst the rugged terrain, these caves are adorned with ancient rock art that dates back over 5,000 years. As you stand before these vibrant, millennia-old paintings, you can't help but marvel at the artistic mastery and the mysteries they hold.

2. Mogadishu: The Resilient Capital.

Next, we venture to Mogadishu, the capital city that has faced adversity with unwavering strength. While its past may be checkered with turmoil, Mogadishu is now reemerging as a vibrant coastal city. Explore its bustling markets, stunning architecture, and beautiful beaches, and witness the indomitable spirit of its people.

3. Berbera: The Shimmering Gem on the Red Sea.

Our journey continues to Berbera, a coastal town nestled on the shores of the Red Sea. Here, the waters sparkle like sapphires, and the beaches stretch endlessly. Dive into the underwater wonderland, explore the historic port, and savor the fresh seafood that will leave your taste buds dancing.

4. Hargeisa: The Cultural Oasis.

Hargeisa, the capital of Somaliland, offers a vibrant tapestry of culture and history. Wander through the bustling streets and discover the captivating art scene, the local markets, and the stunning Jigjiga Yar rock formations that rise majestically from the earth, casting long shadows under the golden Somali sun.

5. Kismayo: The Coastal Paradise.

As we move along the Somali coast, Kismayo beckons with its pristine beaches and rich biodiversity. Marvel at the lush mangrove forests and the diverse marine life that thrives beneath the waves. This is a place where paradise meets adventure.

6. Puntland: The Rugged Frontier.

Puntland, a semi-autonomous region in Somalia, is a rugged frontier waiting to be explored. Trek through the breathtaking Golis Mountains, where sheer cliffs and deep canyons reveal the secrets of the land. The sheer untouched beauty of this region is simply awe-inspiring.

7. Gaan Libah: The Desert Mirage.

Venture into the heart of the Somali desert to discover Gaan Libah, where the shifting sands create an ever-changing landscape. Witness the mesmerizing play of light and shadow across the dunes as the desert reveals its timeless secrets.

8. Zeila: The Ancient Port City.

Zeila, the historic port city, takes us back in time with its well-preserved ancient architecture. The Great Mosque of Zeila, believed to be one of the oldest mosques in Africa, stands as a testament to the city's rich history, while its pristine beaches beckon you to relax and unwind.

9. Somali Wildlife: The Forgotten Safari.

Explore Somalia's wildlife, often overlooked but rich in biodiversity. Journey through the protected areas like Daallo Mountain and Sanaag Plateau to catch glimpses of elusive species like the Somali wild ass and the endangered cheetah, reminding us of the importance of conservation.

10. The Somali Archipelago: The Paradise Islands.

Our final destination takes us to the Somali Archipelago, a group of islands surrounded by crystal-clear waters. These untouched paradises are perfect for diving, snorkeling, and basking in the sun. The serenity of these islands will leave you in awe.

In closing, Somalia, with its resilience and beauty, is a land of contrasts and untold wonders. From the ancient rock art of Laas Geel to the pristine beaches of Kismayo and the cultural riches of Hargeisa, each destination showcases the indomitable spirit and natural splendor of this remarkable nation. As we bid farewell to this enchanting journey, remember that Somalia is more than its challenges; it's a place where beauty, history, and resilience converge, leaving us captivated and yearning for more adventures. Stay tuned for more from the Earth Discovery channel, and don't forget to subscribe for more awe-inspiring explorations of our incredible planet!


Our annual attempt at fishing in Berbera beach Somaliland 2023

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top 10 places spot to visit in Somalia.

This video describe the top 10 places spot to visit in Somalia with 5 others places for you.

Berbera Beach, Somaliland 2022

Hey loves, in today's video we visited Berbera, Berbera beach was so scenic and peaceful. I am moving in with my bags as soon as posiblé. You should definitely visit Berbera if you come to Hargeisa, Somaliland.

The Beauty of Somalia & Somaliland | The Nature Project

Discover The Natural Wonderlands of Somalia.

The Nature Project focuses on wildlife, portrait, landscape photography and videography with exotic drone footage from all over the world. Experience the thrill, excitement, and serenity as you adventure across magnificent landscapes and meet exotic animals, all at the comfort of your living room.

Did you know that being in nature, or even viewing scenes of nature, reduces anger, fear, and stress and increases pleasant feelings? Exposure to nature not only makes you feel better emotionally, it contributes to your physical well being, reducing blood pressure, heart rate, muscle tension, and the production of stress hormones!.

Instagram: @the.natureproject

Best Places To Visit - SOMALIA | Travel & Tourism

Here are the Top 10 places you must visit in Somalia.

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What’s New in Berbera Beach Somaliland 2021- Streetveiw

Driving through the Berbera beach town. Take a look at the new developments


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Wode Maya’s Top 10 moments in Hargeisa Somaliland 2021

Favourites moments from Wode Mayaytime here in Hargeisa Somaliland 2021

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American tries KHAT in Berbera, Somaliland!

Travel to Old Town Berbera, Somaliland in 2022 and visit a sleepy fishing village that once was the biggest trading port on the Somali Peninsula. Here I met friendly locals and tried KHAT (ot Qaad, Jad), a highly addicting plant stimulant that Somali people (and many others in Africa) chew to stay awake.

I was told that the taste of Khat (Qaad) is sweet, but I found it very bitter and didn't like it so much. I LOVED Somaliland thought and I've made four Somaliland videos covering the Hargeisa Money Market, Laas Geel (UNESCO World Heritage), the Hargeisa Camel and Livestock Market, and now, Berbera where I found the most incredible sunsets.

Somaliland is technically part of Somalia, but in 1991 broke away and created its own government. It's one of the SAFEST places in Africa and I encourage you to visit Somaliland - you won't regret it!

If you'd like to visit Berbera, anywhere in Somaliland or even Djibouti, check out Visit Horn of Africa tours at:

Cheers, Phil

U socdaal magaalada qadiimiga ah ee Berbera, Somaliland, oo booqo tuulo kaluumaysi oo hurda oo beri ahaan jirtay dekedda ganacsi ee ugu weyn ee Jasiiradda Soomaalida. Halkan waxaan kula kulmay dad deegaanka ah oo saaxiibo ah waxaanan isku dayay QAADKA, oo ah dhir kicinaysa balwadda oo dadka Soomaaliyeed (iyo kuwa kale oo badan oo Afrikaan ah) ay qayilaan si ay u soo jeedaan.

Waxaa la ii sheegay in dhadhanka qaadku uu macaan yahay, balse waxaan u arkay inuu aad u qadhaadh yahay oo aanan jeclayn. Waxaan sameeyay afar muuqaal oo Somaliland ah oo ka hadlaya suuqa lacagta Hargeysa, Laas Geel (UNESCO World Heritage), Saylada Geela iyo Xoolaha Hargeysa, iyo hadda, Berbera oo aan ka helay qorrax dhaca ugu yaabka badan.

Somaliland farsamo ahaan waa qayb ka mid ah Soomaaliya, laakiin 1991kii way ka go’day oo waxay samaysatay dawlad ay iyadu leedahay. Waa meel ka mid ah meelaha ugu Nabadgelyada badan Afrika, waxaanan kugu dhiirigelinayaa inaad soo booqato Somaliland- kama qoomamayn doontid!

Haddii aad rabto inaad booqato Berbera, meel kasta oo Somaliland ka mid ah ama xitaa Jabuuti, ka eeg Booqashada Safarrada Geeska Afrika:

Salaan, Phil

5 Things we love about Berbera Somaliland 2020

Here is our list of 5 cute characteristics we noticed and love Berbera Beach town for. Somaliland 2020

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Road Trip to BERBERA BEACH with Elena visiting us from Canada - Somaliland 2023

A beach day with my friend Elena visiting me from Canada. Just 2hrs away from Hargeisa Somaliland 2023

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Somaliland Unveiled: Guide to the Top 10 Hidden Treasures :#somaliland#Hargeisa#somalilandtravel#

Embark on a captivating journey with Somaliland Unveiled, known as the self republic of Somaliland. This is a mesmerizing YouTube video that unveils the often-overlooked treasures of Somaliland. Join us as we explore the Top 10 Must-Visit Spots, each offering a unique blend of history, culture, and natural beauty.

Hargeisa's Liveliest Markets:
Dive into the heart of Hargeisa, Somaliland's capital, where bustling markets come alive with vibrant colors, exotic aromas, and the spirited energy of the locals. Discover the rich tapestry of Somali culture through its traditional handicrafts, spices, and lively street scenes.

Laas Geel Rock Art:
Witness the ancient wonders of Laas Geel, where prehistoric rock art dating back thousands of years decorates the caves. Marvel at the vivid depictions of daily life, wildlife, and ancient rituals that provide a fascinating glimpse into Somaliland's past.

Berbera's Pristine Beaches:
Escape to the pristine beaches of Berbera, where turquoise waters meet golden sands. Immerse yourself in the serenity of the coastline, relax under the warm sun, and take in the breathtaking views of the Gulf of Aden.

Sheikh Amoud's Historical Significance:
Climb to the heights of Sheikh Amoud, a sacred hill offering panoramic views of the surrounding landscapes. Delve into the historical significance of this revered site, which holds cultural and religious importance for the people of Somaliland.
The Nomadic Experience in the Countryside:
Explore the nomadic way of life in the picturesque Somaliland countryside. Engage with local communities, witness their traditional practices, and gain insight into the resilience and resourcefulness of the Somali people.
Golis Mountains' Majestic Peaks:
Scale the heights of the Golis Mountains, where majestic peaks provide a breathtaking backdrop to Somaliland's natural beauty. Capture awe-inspiring vistas and experience the sense of serenity that envelopes this lesser-known gem.
The Ancient Port City of Zeila:
Step into history at the ancient port city of Zeila, where remnants of past civilizations blend seamlessly with the present. Explore the archaeological wonders, including the Great Mosque and other historical landmarks that speak volumes about the region's diverse heritage.

Horseback Riding in the Harshin Valley:
Discover the rugged beauty of the Harshin Valley on horseback, a unique and exhilarating way to experience Somaliland's untamed landscapes. Traverse through rocky terrain, meandering rivers, and rolling hills for an adventure like no other.

Archeological Marvels at Dhambalin Rock Art Site:
Uncover more archaeological marvels at the Dhambalin Rock Art Site, where ancient petroglyphs tell tales of a bygone era. Immerse yourself in the mystery and wonder of this well-preserved site.

Caves of Dhagah Kureh:
Conclude your journey by exploring the mystical Caves of Dhagah Kureh, a hidden sanctuary that showcases nature's artistry. Delve into the cool depths of these caverns, marveling at their unique formations and the enchanting play of light and shadow.

Join us on this virtual expedition as Somaliland Unveiled invites you to discover the extraordinary charm of Somaliland's top must-visit spots. Don't miss out on the chance to explore this hidden gem and share in the wonder of a land waiting to be uncovered.
#somalilanders #somalilandtours#Hargeisatravel#Somalilandguide#Somalilandministryofcultureandtourism#

A Day in BERBERA Somaliland 2022

Spent the day in Berbera Somaliland 2022


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Beautiful Berberra Beach In Somali Land 2021


1.Portugal vlog

2.Spain Vlog

3.USA vlog

4.Paris Vlog

5.London Vlog

6.Mexico Vlog

7.Egypt Vlog

8.Italy Vlog

Beautiful Berberra Beach In Somali Land 2021

#AfricaVlogs #Somalia #SomaliLand

Hargeisa to berbera somaliland 2020!! beach vlog. 4k drone and GoPro

A day out visiting the beautiful beaches of Berbera!
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BERBERA SOMALILAND 2020!! Beach Vlog. 4k Drone and GoPRO

Picnic on the Beach, Berbera Somaliland 2020 - The retirement life we always dreamed of

Enjoying 40+ degress Celsius heat. Berbera beach somaliland 2020
Check out my Instagram for more. @samiya_hashi


Somaliland Berbera Port City

Hey guys this the second part of the journey to Hargeisa this is the port city of Somaliland a small compact city but very advanced to the roads infrastructure. This here is a holiday destination with the beach and fresh Ocean water Fish hope you guys enjoy the video
Link to the video

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