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World Barista Championship 2018 - Final Round - Agnieszka Rojewska (Champion)


Agnieszka ROJEWSKA - Final - World Coffee in Good Spirits 2019 - Berlin

Prestation de la polonaise Agnieszka Rojewska, en finale du World Coffee in Good Spirits Championship 2019.

Vidéos et résultats complets sur

Toute l'information sur le café avec Café Mag :

Anthony Douglas, Australia — 2022 World Barista Championship: Finals

Thank you to our sponsors Barista Attitude, Victoria Arduino, BWT water+more, Cafetto, and Toddy #MelbourneWBC #MelbourneWBrC

Daniele Ricci, Italy — 2023 World Barista Championship: Finals

Thank you to our sponsors, Barista Attitude, Victoria Arduino, Alpro, BWT water+more, and Cafetto #AthensWCC #WBCAthens

Dallmayr Alpenbarista 2019: Agnieszka Rojewska holt sich den Titel

Am Samstag, den 18. Mai, traten 16 ausgewählte, internationale Barista-Meister in einer knallharten Challenge gegeneinander an.
Darunter Agnieszka Rojewska Polen, Andrea Cremone Italien, Carlo Graf Bülow Deutschland, Cem Korkmaz Österreich, Cosmin Mihailov Rumänien, Daniel Gerlach Deutschland, Gregory Raymond Frankreich, Benjamin Graf Österreich, Joshua Tarlo UK, Yuri Marschall Deutschland, June Simon Deutschland, Kastiavos Michalis Griechenland, Gap Thangsubutr Schweiz, Nicole Battefeld Deutschland, Kyle Ramage USA, Div Pan Enqi China.

Das spannenden Finale gewann Agnieszka Rojewska nur kurz vor Yuri Marschall. Neben ihren zahlreichen anderen Titeln, gehört jetzt auch noch der Dallmayr Alpenbarista 2019 dazu.

Jack Simpson, Australia — 2023 World Barista Championship: Finals

Thank you to our sponsors, Barista Attitude, Victoria Arduino, Alpro, BWT water+more, and Cafetto #AthensWCC #WBCAthens

World Latte Art Battle of Seoul Cafe Show

A feast of marvelous latte arts,
A must for those who want to win World Barista Championship,
World Latte Art Battle of Seoul Cafe Show, which has had the attention of everyone every year, has started!
Particularly this year, as Agnieszka Rojewska from Poland won the championship of WBC,
World Latte Art Battle has been at the center of a lot of attention already.

Who is going to win the champion of the competition?

Sign up for the World Latte Art Battle
And find yourself at the nerve-racking final which will be held at a special stage in Seoul Cafe show from November 8th to 9th.

Sign up : July 16th ~ August 16th, at the official website
Details :
➀ Make ONE-TAKE making videos, one for the given pattern and another for the pattern you choose.
➁ Post the video on Youtube.
➂ Register at the World Latte Art Battle website below. ( )

#Seoulcafeshow #Worldcoffeebattle #Worldlatteartbattle #Latteart #competition #championship #coffee #cafeshow #seoul

TO ONI zaczęli PRZELEWAĆ KAWĘ nad Wisłą

COFFEE SPOTS POLSKA to kompendium wiedzy o dobrej kawie w Polsce. A ten film powstał przy okazji pisania przewodnika, który możecie znaleźć na

Przejechaliśmy dziesiątki tysięcy kilometrów, odwiedziliśmy 33 miasta i ponad 170 kawiarni, wypiliśmy hektolitry kawy, zjedliśmy tony ciast, a przede wszystkim poznaliśmy mnóstwo wspaniałych ludzi i historii. Przewodnik COFFEE SPOTS POLSKA opisuje wszystkie niezależne kawiarnie speciality, historię rozwoju trzeciej fali kawowej w Polsce, a także zawiera kompendium wiedzy na temat kawy, jej pochodzenia, obróbki i sposobów zaparzania.

Aga Bukowska, Krzysiek Rzyman & Vitalik Gudkov

W filmie wystąpili:

Agnieszka Rojewska - Mistrzyni Polski Latte Art (2014, 2016, 2017, 2018), Mistrzyni Polski Baristów (2015, 2016, 2018), Mistrzyni Świata Baristów (2018)
Barbara Szparagowska i Leszek Jędrasik - właściciele kawiarni Black & White Coffee
Mateusz Gaca, Brisman, współzałożyciel kawiarni o tej samej nazwie
Mateusz Karczewski, założyciel kawiarni PO CO/ Post Coffice, II v-ce mistrz Polski Roasting (2018)
Filip Kucharczyk, Mistrz Świata Aeropress (2016), założyciel Cafe Targowa
Tomasz Obracaj - współzałożyciel SCAE, inicjator i organizator Polskich Mistrzostw Barista i Olimpiady Kawy, właściciel palarni kawy Apro Trade i marki Tom Caffe
Sławek Saran - Mistrz Polski Baristów (2008), współzałożyciel kawiarni

Scenariusz: Krzysztof Rzyman, Vitalii Gudkov
Zdjęcia: Vitalii Gudkov
Montaż i efekty specjalne: Vitalii Gudkov
Udźwiękowienie: Jakub Turniak

#AllStarsOnline S3E3: Agnieszka Rojewska - 2018 WBC Champion, Poland

Agnieszka Rojewska2018 World Barista Champion, is featured on Episode 3 of All-Stars Online. Hear Aga chat with our host Winston Douglas about how she got into coffee, becoming World Barista Champion, and why Baby Groot is better than Baby Yoda.

Download Aga’s recipe card here:

Learn more about upcoming episodes of All-Stars Online and All-Stars x Barista Guild:

This program is made possible by Mahlkönig.

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0:00 Intro
2:46 All-Stars Around the World
4:04 Q&A with Agnieszka Rojewska and Winston Thomas
18:45 Signature Beverage Video by Martha Grill
22:08 More Q&A with Agnieszka Rojewska and Winston Thomas
35:30 Memorable Moments in Competitions: WCC 2017 Seoul
42:23 Stress Management for Competitions with Dajo Aertssen

Agnieszka Rojewska, Poland — World Coffee in Good Spirits Championship: Round One

Agnieszka Rojewska, Poland | Sheep & Raven

Thank you to our sponsors, Sanremo, Mahlkönig, Urnex, Pentair. #MilanWCC

Aga Rojewska, Poland — 2023 Cezve/Ibrik Championship: Round One


Trailer Finale DBC Dutch Barista Championship 2011

UAE Barista Competition

The first annual UAE Barista Competition wrapped up in Dubai with six talented winners qualifying for the finals in London 2010.

National Barista Competition 2016

The highlights from our National Barista Competition 2016

International Barista of the Year 2018


Relive the MONIN Cup Final 2018 with our official aftermovie, broadcasting the best moments of this event celebrating cultural diversity.

During this 2018 edition, candidates from all over the world gathered in Paris to highlight their expertise and skills around the « origins » theme : Mix Your Origins.


Anúncio da Semifinal - World Barista Championship 2019

Sigep 2018 - ARIANNA PELI - CIBC Campionato Italiano Baristi

CIBC Campionato Italiano Baristi Caffetteria valido per il WBC(World Barista Championship)
Sigep 20-24 gennaio 2018
Fiera di Rimini (ITALY)

La gara consiste nel preparare, in un tempo massimo di 15 minuti, 4 espressi, 4 bevande a base di caffè e latte caldo e 4 bevande analcoliche personalizzate a base espresso, da servire ad una giuria formata da esperti giudici degustatori. Le regole della gara sono le stesse del WBC (World Barista Championship - Campionato Mondiale Baristi), una vera e propria “Olimpiade del Barista”.
Sigep 20-24 gennaio 2018 - 39° Salone Internazionale di Gelateria, Pasticceria, Panificazione Artigianali e Caffè
Una rassegna straordinaria che anticipa tendenze ed innovazioni delle 5 filiere: materie prime, ingredienti, tecnologe e attrezzature, arredamento e servizi.
È uno show che premia le eccellenze mondiali, presenta nuovi format, sviluppa il networking internazionale e fa crescere il business

Sito web:

UK Barista of the year 2018

Slovak Barista Championship 2017 ⎮ Košice

Official aftermovie of Slovak Barista Championship 2017 in Košice.


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