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Turkmenistan Food (Pilaf-Pilav) Part 6


Turkmenistan Food (Pilaf-Pilav) Part 6

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Palaw – Turkmen Pilaf:
1 kg chicken/turkey/lamb/beef
2 tablespoons salt
300 ml (1⅕ cups) vegetable oil
1 large onion, halved and sliced
5 large carrots, julienned
1 l + 375 ml (5½ cups) water
1 kg (4½ cups) basmati rice, rinsed

Cut the meat into mouthful chunks. Add 1 tablespoon of salt and mix well with your hand.
Heat the oil in a large pot over medium heat. Add the meat chunks and fry until lightly browned. Add the onion. When the onion begins to soften, add the carrots and fry for 5 minutes. Add the water and remaining salt, and increase the heat. Boil for 5 minutes.
Add the rice to the pot and stir with a perforated spoon. When the rice begins to absorb the water, lower the heat to medium and cover the pot. Steam the rice for 30 minutes, stirring once in between. Serve warm.

???????? UZBEKISTAN - Traditional Uzbek PLOV (Pilaf) preparation/cooking (pt7)

Uzbek people are very proud of their Plov (Pilaf). I tasted it and I cannot deny that Uzbek plov is really tasty and the best I've ever tried so far.

#Plov, #UzbekPlov, #tastyplov, #Pilaf, #Pilav

Turkmenistan. Bread cooking.

It was a small episode of my trip to Turkmenistan in 2009.

???????? FOOD you Must Try if you go to... TURKMENISTAN ????????

Discover the food you must try if you go to Turkmenistan / Achgabat
Most famous Turkmen dishes

Chachlik : Meat skewers, the best ones are the ones cooked on saxaoul branches
Tchal : Fermented camel milk
Dograma : shredded meat and bread served in a hot broth
Dogroma Chorba : Meat soup made with lamb or mutton and kidneys, heart and lungs
Gutap : flatbread stuffed with beef or lamb
Kovurma : Meat chopped into small pieces and fried in its own animal fat
Manti : Dumpling stuffed with meat
Nabat : cristalized sugar
Pilaf : Rice with meat, spices, and dried fruits
Shurpa : Soup made with mutton broth, potatoes and tomatoes





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Uzbekistan/Tashkent-Central Asian (Uzbek) Plov (Pilaf) Centre Part 28

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Central Asian Plov (pilaf) Centre:
Uzbek plov in Tashkent.
Central Asian, e.g. Tajik and Uzbek plov or osh differs from other preparations in that rice is not steamed, but instead simmered in a rich stew of meat and vegetables called zirvak, until all the liquid is absorbed into the rice. A limited degree of steaming is commonly achieved by covering the pot. It is usually cooked in a kazan (or deghi) over an open fire. The cooking tradition includes many regional and occasional variations.Commonly, it is prepared with lamb, browned in lamb fat or oil, and then stewed with fried onions, garlic and carrots. Chicken plov is rare but found in traditional recipes originating in Bukhara. Plov is usually spiced with whole black cumin, coriander, barberries, red pepper, marigold, and pepper. Heads of garlic and garbanzo beans are buried into the rice during cooking. Sweet variations with dried apricots, cranberries and raisins are prepared on special occasions.
Although often prepared at home for family and guests by the head of household or the housewife, plov is made on special occasions by the oshpaz (osh master chef), who cooks the national dish over an open flame, sometimes serving up to 1,000 people from a single cauldron on holidays or occasions such as weddings. Oshi nahor, or morning plov, is served in the early morning (between 6 and 9 am) to large gatherings of guests, typically as part of an ongoing wedding celebration.
The Uzbek-style plov cooking recipes are spread nowadays throughout all post-Soviet countries and Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region of China.

Reiseinfos Turkmenistan - Input für deine Reisevorbereitung

Reiseinfos Turkmenistan

???????? UZBEKISTAN - Traditional Uzbek PLOV (Pilaf) preparation/cooking (pt3)

Uzbek people are very proud of their Plov (Pilaf). I tasted it and I cannot deny that Uzbek plov is really the best!

#Plov, #UzbekPlov, #tastyplov, #Pilaf, #Pilav, #plovpreparation, #plovserving


Kabil Pilavı,tüm Türkistan coğrafyasında yapılan bir pilavdır.Her ülkede o ülkenin ismiyle anılır. Özbekistanda Özbek pilavı,Türkmenistan'da Türkmen Pilavı, Afganistan'da ise Afgan Pilavı yada Kabil pilavı olarak bilinir.
Qâbili palaw veya Qâbili pulao, Afganistan ve diğer Orta Asya ülkelerinde yapılan çeşitli pilavlardır. Kuru üzüm, havuç ve sığır eti veya kuzu eti ile karıştırılmış buharda pişirilmiş pirinçten oluşur. Bölgeye bağlı olarak farklı varyasyonlar vardır.


4 çorba kaşığı margarin
1 kg kemikli koyun eti
6 su bardağı pirinç
4 adet büyük soğan
200 gr kuru üzüm
1/2 kg havuç
1 çay kaşığı karabiber
1 çorba kaşığı tuz

Soğanları kalınca rendeleyin, yağda koyu pembe olana dek kavurun. Etleri ilave edip, bir süre beraberce kavurun. Ardından sıcak su, tuz ve karabiberi ilave edip orta ateşte 30 dakika pişirin. Havuçları yarım parmak kalınlığında boylamasına kesip, yağda çevirerek kızartın, süzüp bir kenarda bekletin. Üzümleri çok az yağda hafifçe kavurun, süzüp bir yanda bekletin. Pirinçleri ayıklayıp, iyice yıkayın, süzüp pişmiş etin suyuna katın. Ezmeden ağır ağır karıştırın, demlenmeye bırakmadan önce bir kenarda beklettiğiniz havuç ve üzümleri kenarlara dizin. Çok hafif ateşte, yarım saat kadar demlendirin. Servis yapmadan önce üzerini havuç ve üzümlerle süsleyin.


4 tablespoons margarine
1 kg of bone-in mutton
6 cups rice
4 large onions
200 g of raisins
1/2 kg carrots
1 teaspoon of black pepper
1 tablespoon of salt

Grate the onions thickly and fry in oil until they turn dark pink. Add the meat and roast it together for a while. Then add hot water, salt and pepper and cook for 30 minutes over medium heat. Cut the carrots longitudinally in half a finger thickness, fry them in oil, strain and set aside. Fry the grapes lightly in a little oil, strain and leave on one side. Clean the rice, wash it well, strain and add it to the cooked meat. Stir slowly without crushing, and arrange the carrots and grapes that you have left aside before letting them brew. Let it steep for half an hour over a very low heat. Before serving, decorate with carrots and grapes




Dünya'nın doğusunu, batısını, kuzeyini güneyini sizler için köşe bucak geziyoruz. Gittiğimiz ülkeleri her yönüyle sizlere aktarmaya çalışıyoruz. Olur'da bir gün sizlerinde yolu bu ülkelere düşerse, neleri gezmeli, nerede kalmalı, ne yemeli, nereleri görmeden asla dönmemeli gibi alternatifli pratik bilgilerinde konuların işlenildiği bir program. Ali Sami Palaz'ın hazırlayıp sunduğu köşe bucak dünya programı ,aslında seyyahın gezi izlenimlerinin aktarıldığı bir seyir defteri.

İyi Seyirler



Kabul Pilaf
Kabuli Pulao
Afgan Pilavı
Afgan Rice
Özbek Pilavi
Türkmen Pilavı
Afgan Cuisine
Afgan Yemekleri
Afgan Mutfağı
Quabalı Palau
Kabul Style Rice
Spiced lamp Pilaf
قابلی اوزبیکی
afganistan'da yaşam
afganistan haberleri
afganistanda sondurum
milyon izlenme


Turkmenistan (Traditions of Hospitality) Part 8

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Traditions of Hospitality:
Hospitality is a distinguishing feature of these friendly people and old well respected Turkmen traditions. Turkmen often judge a person by the way he treats his guests. A guest is greeted by phrase Khosh geldiniz! and besides that such ritual phrases as: How happy we are to see you! What an honor you have rendered to us! are a must.

The cloth with food on it is considered sacred and it is a sin to step on them. Before eating everyone according to tradition should praise the Lord. They say in the Orient: Every guest is sent by the Allah!”. It means that hospitality is not only the host's duty but also his sanctity. This tradition was born in the ancient times and has rooted in modern Turkmen lifestyle. In those days it was a simple form of security. People could not survive the hardships experienced in the desert without each other's support. Therefore, if somebody had been inhospitable to a traveler, even the relatives of such a person would have despised him. Turkmen have always considered bread and salt sacred. Stepping on them was a sign of misfortune.
Traditional Respect of Seniors

The respectful attitude toward seniors is also based on ancient traditions. It is considered as acceptable not to help them, to argue with them, to look at them frowningly or to show discontent, to wait for their gratitude for the rendered service or to remind of it. The customs demand honoring parents and seniors. Turkmen saying runs: Gold and silver do not grow old, the father and mother are priceless. The father as the family head has the right to evaluate his children's behavior and is obliged to protect them. Children should worship their mothers and respect them. The slightest display of disrespect or inattention to mother is not only denounced by people but also should be stopped on the spot.
Traditions of Morality

Turkmen are highly moral people. In the attitude toward life they cultivate hospitality, honoring of seniors, modesty, nobleness, truthfulness, honesty, boldness, sincere generosity. They say Only a noble person can keep his word.

Turkmen highly value the idea of honor. My honor is the honor of my family, my nation, my people, - they like to repeat now and then. Turkmen possess a strongly developed spirit of kinship.

Turkmen have always appreciated sincerity. Tell the truth even if it is against thee. Duty and obligation are honored, light-mindedness and garrulity are denounced.

Turkmen society has always negatively treated malignant gossip, saying that “the one who gossips with thee, can gossip about thee too. And such unworthy features as cowardice and ingratitude were also despised.

Turkmen value friendship and love, maintain friendly relations with neighbors. There is a number of national by-words about this: Before building a home find out who thy neighbor is, If your neighbor is happy you will be happy too, First of all take care of your neighbor, A neighbor next door is better than a brother far way.

Kiev Street Food. Preparing Pilaf - Plov step by step

Street Food Festival ULICHNAYA EDA. CHEAT MEAL in Kiev, Ukraine

Thanks for cooperation to : @razguliai8405 - info at :

Pilaf or Plov or Pilau is a dish, originating from the Indian subcontinent, in which rice is cooked in a seasoned broth. In some cases, the rice may attain its brown or golden color by first being sauteed lightly in oil before the addition of broth.
Cooked onion, garlic cloves, sliced carrot, other vegetables, as well as a mix of spices, may be added. Depending on the local cuisine, it may additionally contain meat, fish, vegetables, pasta, or dried fruit.
Believed to have originated in ancient India and spread from there to ancient Iran, pilaf and similar dishes are common to Balkan, Middle Eastern, Eastern Europe, South Caucasian, Central and South Asian, East African, Latin American, and Caribbean cuisines.

#streetfood #food #kiev #ukraine #foodie

Isleki ricetta tradizionale Turkmenistan

Ricette di paesi lontani da Barca Pulita

Turkmenistan 7th dish - SilkRouteCooking

Unser 7. Kochevent auf der Reise. Diesmal in Ashgabad/ Turkmenistan.Unsere Reise entlang der Seidenstrasse - Wir kochen mit den Menschen, die wir begegnen Ihre Lieblingsgerichte und machen daraus ein Reise-Koch-Buch.

Turkmen Dograma soup meat and bread

Dograma, a simple and nourishing stew of shredded meat, bread and onions from Turkmenistan, is one of those miracles.

Dograma — the name comes from the Turkmen word meaning to chop up — is special occasion food and is sometimes called the national dish of Turkmenistan.

Uzbekistan From Khiva to Bukhara (470 km) Part 6

Welcome to my travelchannel. ☛☛☞☛
On my channel you can find more than 1000 films of almost 80 countries. See the playlist on my youtube channel.Enjoy!
Uzbekistan is within the South-Central Asian Union and has borders with other member states of Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan. It is doubly landlocked, but includes the southern shoreline of the Aral Sea.

Uzbekistan measures 1450 km West to East and 930 km North to South.

Mostly flat-to-rolling sandy desert with dunes; broad, flat intensely irrigated river valleys along course of Amu Darya, Syr Darya (Sirdaryo) and Zarafshon; Ferghana Valley in east surrounded by mountainous Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan; shrinking Aral Sea in west.
Syr Darya crosses the Ferghana Valley and runs on the North East edge of the Kizil Kum Desert. It is 2212 km long (3019 km including its source Naryn). In antiquity, it was called Jaxartes. Syr Darya flows into the (smaller) Northern part of the Aral Sea.
Amu Darya rises in the Hindukush and has a length of 2540 km. It was called Oxus in antiquity. It can be a rapid river in spring and is called Dsaihun (suffering from rabies) in Arabic. The river has changed its course several times. Konye Urgench in Turkmenistan, the capital of the old empire of Chwarezm, was situated on the banks of the Amu Darya. Today the distance between the river and the old city is about 40 km. Amu Darya flows into the (bigger) Southern part of the Aral Sea.

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