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Tobago (travel-documentary from the season Caribbean Moments)


Tobago (travel-documentary from the season Caribbean Moments)

Wonderful nature and culturel diversity - that's caribbean!
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The beauty of the nature of Tobago once inspired Daniel Defoe to let his famous castaway Robinson Crusoe land there. The island appeared to the hero as a planted Garden of Eden, and it is still impressive today. Main Rich Forest Reserve is the earliest preserved virgin rainforest in the western hemisphere (since 1776).

Arawak people were the first settlers on the island. Later the Caribs came from South America. The name Chistopher Columbus gave the island in 1498 was Bellaforma, later it became the name Tobago from Tobacco, which was growm on the island. Tobago was colonised by the British Empire. With the colonization different plants come to the island, such as cocoa and sugar cane. Plantations of these plants were driven with the labour force of slaves until the abolishment of slavery in 1833.

The island state Trinidad and Tobago belongs geographycally to South America, because of its nature. At the end of the last ice age melting glaciers caused the sea level to raise turning Trinidad and Tobago into islands.
Ian Flemming was inspired by the book Birds of the West Indies, written by the ornithologist james Bond, who made his research on Tobago and gave its name to the very famous protagonist of his romans: the British secret agent, Commander James Bond.

The documentation shows also the different fishing methods of the tobagonians. Some still fish in a very traditional manner by throwing the fishing nets into the sea and pull them back on the beach. The locals sell the fish at the market in Scarborough.

Liming ist the tobagonian art of doing nothing. People get together, drink and play cards. And of course music plays an important role on the village. Every Sunday is Sunday school, a huge street party featuring bands playing the steelpan.

TOBAGO: TRAVEL GUIDE Trinidad & Tobago - ALL top sights in 4K + Drone

In this video I take you on an adventure through the natural paradise of Tobago. The island is part of the country of Trinidad and Tobago, named after the two islands. Trinidad is busy, industrial, built-up and even a bit dangerous due to the amount of crime. Tobago, on the other hand, is an oasis of peace, where people still mainly live from fishing and now a small amount of tourism. The country is one big natural paradise. In this video I show you why Tobago is a surprisingly beautiful and unique destination, which is wrongly not often mentioned on lists of beautiful Caribbean islands. It is simply even more unknown and therefore so untouched and pure.

I visit Tobago with my wife and three year old son, on an island hopping adventure like no other through the Caribbean. This year we picked up the route in Martinique and from there we took the boat to Saint Lucia. From there we flew a small plane over the azure waters to Tobago. We sleep in a tree house between the jungle and the beach, see local fishermen at work and enjoy all the plants and animals all around us. From Castara we cross the rainforest to Argyle Falls, the most beautiful waterfall. We also visit Crown Point and Pigeon Point to the west and the most beautiful pristine beach at Englishman's Bay.

This year we are traveling all over the world and after the Canary Islands, Oman, Cape Verde, Martinique and Saint Lucia, Tobago is our sixth destination. Follow us on this world tour, first in the Caribbean and then to many more beautiful destinations! We travel non-stop all year round and film everything. Also take a look at instagram @woutoftheworld or

Music in the video, credits go to:
Track: Back to 1981 — Iaio [Audio Library Release]
Music provided by Audio Library Plus
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Endless Summer by extenz
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
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Music promoted by Audio Library
Feel Alive by Roa
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Music promoted by Audio Library
Music: Mr. Pink - Topher Mohr and Alex Elena

Tobago - Insel in der Karibik (Reisedokumentation in HD aus der Reihe Caribbean Moments)

Wunderschöne Natur und kulturelle Vielfalt - das ist Karibik!
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Die Schönheit der Natur inspirierte einst Daniel Defoe für seinen Roman Robinson Crusoe. Er ließ den Engländer auf Tobago stranden und von dort aus die Insel erkunden. Tobago ist die kleinere der beiden Inseln des Inselstaats Trinidad und Tobago und gehört mit seiner Lage nördlich von Venezuela zu den kleinen Antillen.

Die ersten Siedler waren die Arawak, die überwiegend von Landwirtschaft lebten. Erst später kamen die Kariben auf die Insel, auf die auch Christoph Columbus traf, als er 1498 dort landete und die Insel Bellaforma nannte. Der Name Tobago leitet sich von Tabak ab, der auf der Insel angebaut wurde. Tobago wurde von den Briten kolonialisiert. Im Zuge der Kolonialisierung kamen verschiedene Pflanzen auf die Insel, wie z.B. Kakao und Zuckerrohr. Der Plantagen wurde bis zur Abschaffung der Sklaverei 1833 mit der Arbeitskraft von afrikanischen Sklaven betrieben.

Geographisch gehört Tobago zu Südamerika. Am Ende der letzten Eiszeit steig der Meeresspiegel durch das Schmelzen der Gletscher an, so dass Trinidad und Tobago zu Inseln wurden und die Landbrücke zu Südamerika überflutet wurde. So erklärt sich auch, dass sich im Regenwald von Tobago die gleichen Pflanzenarten wie im Amazonasbecken wiederfinden. Der Main Rich Forest Reserve ist das am längsten geschützte Stück Regenwald in der westlichen Hemisphäre (seit 1776).

Ian Flemming übernahm den Namen James Bond für seine berühmte Romanfigur von einem Ornithologen, der auf Tobago forschte und das Buch Birds of the West Indies geschrieben hat.

Die Reisedokumentation zeigt auch die traditionelle Fischfangmethode der Einheimischen, die vom Strand aus ihre Netze auswerfen und und ihren Fisch auf dem Markt in Scarborough verkaufen.

Liming ist die Bezeichnung für die tobagonische Kunst des Nichtstuns: man trifft sich, trinkt, spielt Karten, erzählt sich Geschichten und lässt die zeit vorbeiziehen. Liming ist zur Lebensphilosophie geworden. Und natürlich spielt Musik eine wichtige Rolle: Die Steelpan ist das Nationalinstrument, typisch sind ganze Bands, die auf den Strassen spielen.

Ein Film von Hannes Naderhirn
Produktion: future production&promotion, 2010

Guadeloupe (travel-documentary from the season Caribbean Moments)

Creolic life style and diverse nature! Enjoy the caribbean!
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The French Caribbean Island Guadeloupe looks from above like two butterfly wings. Its two islands Grande Terre and Basse Terre are separated only by a narrow channel. The modern infrastructure and the good food are mixed with the local culture. Gwoka is the music of Guadeloupe, which is reminiscent of slavery.

Located on the lesser Antilles, Guadeloupe is the French part of the Caribbean and belongs to the European Union. It consists out of different islands: Grande Terre consists of limestone with long beautiful beaches, Basse Terre is a mountainous island with extensive rainforest and the volcano, la Soufrière. There are also the smaller islands of Marie-Galante and La Désirade, the Îles de la Petite Terre and the Îles des Saintes.
When Christopher Columbus came to Guadeloupe in 1493, the existing populations were the Caribs. But Christopher Columbus did not stay, because the Spanish wanted to discover larger islands. The smaller island in the Caribbean were colonized by the British and French, so in 1635 Guadeloupe by the French. It was mainly farmers from Normandie, Brittany and Charente settled on the island and cultivated Coffee and sugarcane plantations.

With the French revolution, slavery was abolished in 1794, but it was reintroduced by Napoleon in 1802 because of the cheap labour and lasted until 1848.

The civilization today is creole, a melting pot: French, the descendants of black slaves, Indian immigrants, Syrian-Libanese immigrants and nowadays Chinese immigrants. Creole cuisine is a mixture of European food with African ingredients, oriental flavours and products from the Caribbean.
Gwoka is the traditional music on Guadeloupe, but not only music and danse, but also the joy of life and a reminder of the time of slavery

by Hannes Naderhirn, 2010, future production&promotion

Caribbean Moments shows a different side to the Caribbean. Everyone visualises sand, sunshine and palm trees – but hardly anyone really discovers what lies behind them. In fact an unbelievable variety of cultures, music and religions has developed as a result of the different influences – African, Indian, English, French and authentically Caribbean.

This documentary series attempts to portray the people - be they the Rastas, who have a lot to say about their mission, the Amerindians in Trinidad, who still have their own Queen, or the Black Caribs – a mixture of escaped slaves and Caribs.

In addition, of course, there’s a huge variety of music: steelpan, parang, calypso, soca and chutney soca shape Trinidad, whilst other islands are especially scenically beautiful, such as Dominica, which is actually a single rain forest and which seduces with its abundant vegetation. Here too are the true Caribs, who occupy themselves with traditional boat building in the same way as their ancestors did centuries ago.

The films were produced in 6 parts to create a documentary series that shows what lies beneath the surface.

Grenada (travel-documentary from the season Caribbean Moments)

Nutmeg and sugar cane or music of the rastafari? Typical Caribbean!
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Grenada is the nature and spice island – the world's largest nutmeg producer and also a large cocoa bean grower.
Guadeloupe, on the other hand, is a French colony and has an incredible culinary tradition. This is where the term “Creole cuisine” comes from, which is characterised by French, Indian and African influences. Here we had the opportunity to enjoy the world champion chef’s menu with him in person. St. Vincent & the Grenadines is a natural paradise with black beaches, on which the film “Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl” was filmed.

by Hannes Naderhirn, 2010, future production&promotion

Caribbean Moments shows a different side to the Caribbean. Everyone visualises sand, sunshine and palm trees – but hardly anyone really discovers what lies behind them. In fact an unbelievable variety of cultures, music and religions has developed as a result of the different influences – African, Indian, English, French and authentically Caribbean.

This documentary series attempts to portray the people - be they the Rastas, who have a lot to say about their mission, the Amerindians in Trinidad, who still have their own Queen, or the Black Caribs – a mixture of escaped slaves and Caribs.

In addition, of course, there’s a huge variety of music: steelpan, parang, calypso, soca and chutney soca shape Trinidad, whilst other islands are especially scenically beautiful, such as Dominica, which is actually a single rain forest and which seduces with its abundant vegetation. Here too are the true Caribs, who occupy themselves with traditional boat building in the same way as their ancestors did centuries ago.

The films were produced in 6 parts to create a documentary series that shows what lies beneath the surface.

Trinidad - Insel in der Karibik, HD (Reisedoku aus der Reihe Caribbean Moments)

Kulturelle und musikalische Vielfalt und der größte Asphaltsee der Welt! Endecke die Karibik!
Unsere Playlist Karibik:

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Trinidad ist die größere Insel des Staates Trinidad und Tobago. Der Einfluss der Kolonialisierung und der Sklaverei ist bis heute durch verschiedene Traditionen, Religionen und Musikrichtungen spür- und hörbar. Landschaftlich bietet die Insel neben typisch karibischen Stränden auch ein besonderes Highlight: Den La Brea Pitch Lake, den weltweit größten Asphaltsee.

Bevor 1498 Christoph Kolumbus auf Trinidad landete, lebten die Kariben und Arawaks auf der Insel. Ihre Nachfahren werden Amarindians genannt und sind in den Regenwäldern bei der Stadt Arima zu finden. Zu Besuch bei den Amarindians wird über ihre Religion und ihre kulturellen Riten gesprochen.

Orisha, Yoruba und natürlich die Musik mit der typisch karibischen Steelpan sowie die Musikrichtung Parang prägen den Alltag der verschiedenen Kulturen. Die Musikrichtung Parang hat seine Wurzeln sowohl in den langsamen spanischen Rhytmen der Adrenaldos und in den schnellen venezuelanischen Beats.

Aber auch die indische Diaspora spielt eine große Rolle. Hier steht auch die größte Statue des Gottes Hanuman außerhalb Indiens.
Chutney Soca verbindet zwei Kulturen: den Soul und Calypso und Chutney aus Indien

In Trinidad gibt es den weltweit größten natürlichen Asphaltsee. Die durch den Abbau des Asphalts enstehenden Löchern füllen sich nach kurzer Zeit wieder mit dem aus der Tiefe kommenden Asphalt.

Ein Film von Hannes Naderhirn
Produktion: future production&promotion, 2010

Discovering Tobago - A month in Paradise (4K)

This video is about a month spent in the idyllic village of Parlatuvier while exploring the exotic southern Caribbean island of Tobago (Trinidad and Tobago).

Tobago is a must visit destination for anyone seeking an authentic taste of Caribbean culture, world class beaches, stunning landscapes and friendly people.

Nat and I spent a month in peak season in Parlatuvier, a sleepy fishing village that offers visitors a quintessential, laid back base to experience some of the best Tobago has to offer. From picture perfect beaches to the many nearby restaurants in Castara and incredibly natural beauty at nearby waterfalls and UNESCO listed Main Ridge Forest Reserve.

Buying fish everyday direct from the fishermen, eating local cooked food and having guides turned friends take us around the island on a private tour made for a memorable stay. Only a few locals feature in this video but we're forever grateful for the many others in Parlatuvier that made us feel welcome from the day we arrived. They know who they are!

If you get the opportunity to visit this beautiful island, we'd strongly encourage you to do so. For now, hopefully this video can give you a taste of the Tobago experience.


Ricky (and Nat)

Links / Contact:

Tamarind House can be rented through Airbnb:

David and Anna (Island Girl Tours) can be contacted via their website or on Instagram

Car hired through Taylor's (great experience)

To buy some fresh fish from Leeroy, Andrew and the other fishermen - head down to the local jetty 7 days a week. Normally in the afternoon.

To enjoy a delicious home cooked meal from Joanne - turn left at the beach and continue along the dirt road to the end. You’ll likely hear music coming from Joanne’s house.

We hope you enjoy this guide/vlog on our experience in wonderful Tobago.


00:00 Overview
00:55 Parlatuvier
04:44 Joanne’s kitchen
05:50 Island Girl Tours
10:43 Self drive
13:55 Final Words


ABOUT US ????:

We're an Aussie couple who gave up great jobs in Los Angeles to live a location independent life and travel the world. Ricky has worked in the tourism industry for many years and has visited over 70 countries (living in 4 of them) and Nat is a master's qualified teacher. Together, we've been living this lifestyle since mid 2019. We both share a passion for travel and experiencing new places and cultures. We usually spend at least 1 month in the places we visit and do our best to seek out an authentic experience and take in the natural beauty of the region.

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Tobago Travel Guide, Tobago destination information, Trinidad and Tobago Holiday, where to stay Tobago, Tobago travel ideas, what to do in Tobago, where to go Tobago, island girl tours Tobago, fishing village Tobago, tamarind house Tobago, when to visit Trinidad and Tobago, authentic Caribbean destination, Tobago vacation tips, Tobago vlog, Tobago travel video, where to stay tobago

Trinidad et Tobago - Crazy World Stories (Documentary, Discovery, History)

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Produced by NIGHT & DAY.

Tobago explored.

Exploring the rainforest, flora and fauna, and walking to deserted beaches.
Best viewed at 720pHD quality if your download speed is fast enough. If not let it load first then play.

Most Beautiful Caribbean Island in 2024: Mayreau (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines)

Mayreau Island is part of the nation of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines and is located in the stunning Tobago Cays Marine Park. Mayreau is the smallest inhabited island of the Grenadines. This tiny place has one village and one paved road. The unmarked village stands on top of Station Hill. This community is quite secluded, accessible only by boat. It wasn't until 2002 that electricity was introduced, thanks to a central generator in Saline Bay. At the tip of the island, you will find a small elementary school, a telecommunications building, the historic Catholic Church of the Immaculate Conception, consecrated in 1930, and a Pentecostal church. Beyond the crest of the hill, behind the Catholic church, there is a panoramic view of the Tobago Cays, Canouan, and Union Island.

In this video travel guide, I am going to show you the best beaches on Mayreau Island and the most beautiful spots in the Tobago Cays Marine Park. We will take a short boat ride from Mayreau to visit the Tobago Cays, an archipelago of 5 uninhabited islands surrounded by shallow reefs. This precious ecosystem is a biodiverse nature reserve for marine life, corals, and turtles.

We are also going conch fishing with a local fisherman.

A visit to Mayreau Island and the Tobago Cays is an unforgettable Caribbean adventure. There are no words to describe the joy of swimming with turtles in these crystal-clear green-blue waters.

To me, Mayreau Island is the most beautiful island in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.

???? Interesting information about St. Vincent and the Grenadines:

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???? Tobago Cays:

???? We stayed at Dennis’ Hideaway:

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???? Video Content:
00:00 Introduction to Mayreau Island
00:58 Island information
01:15 Station Hill
01:49 Salt Whistle Bay
02:22 Windward Bay
02:39 Twassante Bay
02:50 Saline Bay
03:08 Stone Church & village
03:52 Tobago Cays Marine Park
05:25 Conch fishing
06:08 Baradal Island
06:42 Dennis' Hideaway
07:02 How to get here

#Mayreau #Tobagocays #stvincentandthegrenadines

Amazing Tobago! 5 things to see in Trinidad & Tobago's beautiful island

Thinking about Where to travel in 2021? Trinidad and Tobago offers an amazing blend of activities, from beautiful beaches to food, amazing cultural experiences and even goat races!

00:30 Buccoo Beach in Tobago
01:54 Fort King George
02:34 Goat Races
05:00 The Limbo
06:30 Ethnic food: Pigtail

#1 Buccoo Beach
#2 The oldest forest reserver in the Caribbean
#3 Fort King George
#3 Goat Races
#4 The Limbo…original from Trinidad & Tobago

View more Trinidad and Tobago:
Why visit Trinidad & Tobago?
Carnival in Trinidad & Tobago

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Caribbean Island of Tobago tourism video by Malcolm Dent of MDDM

Caribbean Island of Tobago tourism video around the Island of Tobago showing places of interest, ecological rainforest sites, beaches and hotels by Malcolm dent of MDDM

TOBAGO: Top Things to see & do on the island

Dreaming of visiting a Caribbean island but are you looking for a quiet escape? Then, Tobago should be on your radar. With its lush rainforest, waterfalls, idyllic beaches and friendly locals, Tobago has everything you would expect from the Caribbean island.

The island with excellent diving spots and the oldest protected rainforest in the Western Hemisphere is a haven for turtle and bird watchers. Tobago is a stunning off-the-beaten-path island in the Caribbean and we are sure it will blow your mind!

Curious about what to see and do on the island? Stick around and let us show you some of the best things to do in Tobago. We cover some of the must-see things, especially for those who have 1 – 2 days to explore the island.

Tobago is probably best known for Pigeon Point and its powdery white beach. However, there is much more to see. Now let`s together discover the beauty of Tobago.

➡ Have you been to Tobago? Let us know in the comments below.

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If you would love to learn more about unique Tobago in the Caribbean, check out our guide with 19 of the best things to do in Tobago at


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#Tobago ***************************************************************************

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Ikson - Sunny
Ikson – Paradise
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11 BEST Things to Do in Trinidad and Tobago | Ultimate Bucket List Attractions! MUST SEE Places.

Here are the best things to do in Trinidad and Tobago.

Recommended Tours in Trinidad & Tobago:

The Grand Circle Island Tour 12 hour VIP ALL INCLUSIVE by ISLAND GIRL TOURS:

Buccoo Reef and Nylon Pool Adventure:

Trinidad Nighttime Food Tour:

Trinidad Highlights and Scenic Drive Tour:

Get ready to embark on a journey of adventure and cultural discovery in Trinidad and Tobago. In this video, you'll see some of the most breathtaking sights and experiences that this island nation has to offer. From the breathtaking Argyle Waterfall to the bustling Port of Spain, you'll be amazed at what Trinidad and Tobago has to offer. Explore the National Museum and Art Gallery and learn about the rich history and cultural heritage of this island nation.

Take a stroll along the stunning Englishman Bay and soak up the sun while taking in the breathtaking views. If you're looking for a truly unique cultural experience, don't miss the Trinidad and Tobago Carnival. This annual celebration is filled with music, dance, and colorful costumes, and is a must-see for anyone visiting the island.

Relax and unwind on the beautiful Maracas Bay and take a dip in the turquoise waters. Learn about the history of Trinidad and Tobago at the Fort King George and immerse yourself in nature at the Main Ridge Forest Reserve. The Nylon Pool is a popular destination for its crystal-clear waters, and is a must-visit for anyone looking for a serene and tranquil escape.

For those looking for a spiritual retreat, a visit to St. Benedict Monastery is a must. This beautiful place of worship is surrounded by lush greenery and is a peaceful escape from the hustle and bustle of city life. The Asa Wright Nature Center is a bird-watcher's paradise and offers the opportunity to see some of the most exotic species of birds in the world.

So, don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to explore the best of what Trinidad and Tobago has to offer. Join us as we take you on a journey to discover the hidden gems and must-see sights of this island nation. Get ready for an unforgettable experience filled with adventure, culture, and memories that will last a lifetime.

Keep watching to see the top things to do in Trinidad and Tobago, top attractions in Trinidad and Tobago, places to visit in the Trinidad and Tobago and Caribbean travel guides.

Subscribe for travel inspiration videos and travel guides! Inspired by Touropia, expedia, Wolters World, Beautiful Destinations, MojoTravels & Tourradar.

Inspired by TOBAGO - TRAVEL GUIDE in Trinidad & Tobago with ALL top sights in 4K + Drone - English


Inspired by TOBAGO : TOP 10 THINGS to See & Do | Travel Guide

Inspired by Visiting Trinidad of Trinidad & Tobago

Inspired by First time in Trinidad and Tobago!! ???????? 20-HOUR STREET FOOD TOUR - Ultimate Food in Port of Spain!!

Also check out: 9 BEST Things to Do in Saint Kitts and Nevis (& Places to Visit) | Caribbean Travel h

Also check out: 11 BEST Things to Do in Trinidad and Tobago | Ultimate Bucket List Attractions! MUST SEE Places

Also check out: 13 BEST Things to do in the Bahamas (& Places to Visit) | Bahamas Travel Guide | Caribbean Tourism

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Track: Island by shandr


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A Week Vacation in Granada - Top Things To Do in Grenada - Best Tours and Travel Adventures


Incredibly scenic mountainous, and lush interior, the spice island of Grenada is bound to dazzle you with untouched beauty. This naturally beautiful, intriguing island also has dense, undiscovered rainforests, majestic waterfalls, gorgeous unspoiled beaches, unforgettable dive sites, the largest shipwreck in the Caribbean ‘Bianca C, and the world’s first underwater sculpture park!

In this video, we explore some of the main attractions and things to do in this tri-island destination of Grenada, Carriacou, and Petite Martinique.

Check out our Caribbean Travel Adventures by Jirie Channel:

Caribbean Travel:

0:00 - Top Things To Do in Grenada - Best Tours and Travel Adventures
2:47 - Grenada Capital and Historic District of St. Georges,
3:35 - Grenada Fort Frederick
4:24 - Grenada Underwater Sculpture Park
5:06 - Grenada Grand Anse Beach area
5:39 - Grenada Grand Etang National Park and Forest Reserve
6:31 - Grenada Gouyave Nutmeg Processing Cooperative
7:14 - Grenada River Antoine Rum Distillery
7:56 - Grenada Carriacou
9:23 - Grenada Restaurants and Night-Life
9:45 - Grenada Grand Anse Craft & Spice Market with Esther’s Bar
10:25 - Grenada Dodgy Dock
11:18 - Grenada Prickly Bay Marina
11:56 - Grenada Festivals and Culture
12:22 - Grenada Spicemas Carnival
13:23 - Grenada Carriacou Parang Festival
13:58 - Grenada Did You Know

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Guyanese Food in Queens NYC | No Passport Required with Marcus Samuelsson | Full Episode

Chef Marcus Samuelsson goes inside the Indo-Guyanese community to explore its roots and cuisine. Marcus eats Trinidadian roti, visits a cross-cultural bush cook, plays cricket and learns how to make a traditional Guyanese chicken curry. [Originally aired 2018]

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No Passport Required with Marcus Samuelsson
Hosted by renowned chef Marcus Samuelsson, No Passport Required is a PBS/Eater series that takes viewers on an inspiring journey across the U.S. to explore and celebrate the wide-ranging diversity of immigrant traditions and cuisine woven into American food and culture. Each week Marcus — an immigrant himself — visits a new city to discover the dynamic and creative ways a particular community has made its mark. A vibrant portrait of America today, No Passport Required features musicians, poets, chefs, business owners, artists, community leaders and home cooks who have enhanced the nation’s culture and cuisine.


Every year, travellers flock to Trinidad and Tobago to experience the famous Carnival. Myself and 7 other bloggers/vloggers headed to Trinidad and Tobago to experience what the twin island countries had to offer pre-carnival. In this video, we experience the beautiful island of Tobago.

Where you can find me:

SNAPCHAT - itskristensarah

If you like what I do, why not share my videos with your friends and family!

Watch my most recent videos:
First Bungee Jump -
Canadian Rainforest Magic -
Most Important Travel Tip -
Travel Panama: Panama Canal & Eating Bugs

Places visited in this video:

Stand Up Paddle Board Lessons:
Tobago Cocoa Estate
Argyle Waterfalls
Jemma’s Treehouse Restaurant

Other travellers in this video:

Datev Gallagher

Kristin Braswell
Instagram: @crushglobal

Tara Donaldson
Instagram: @tararielle

Rachel Quigley
Instagram: intouchweekly

Mareen Schauder
Instagram: miss.everywhere

Christy Woodrow

Music provided by:
Josh Woodward
Sol Okarina

The Caribbean Island of Tobago

Sometimes regarded as Trinidad's Little Sister, the Island of Tobago is located just off the eastern coast of Venezuela in the southern Caribbean. The island offers a uniquely unspoiled experience with a slow pace of life, beautiful beaches, coral reefs, small fishing villages, a rainforest, and plenty of sun, sand and sea. Tobago's colourful and tumultuous history includes Amerindian and African heritage, battles for European conquest and visits from ships bearing the skull and crossbones. For more information visit and check out episode #49 in our International category.

Tobago Tourism Feature

Copyright: Tobago House of Assembly, Division of Tourism & Transportation -

Tobago (Trinidad & Tobago) - Virtual Tour 2/2

A tourist information video on the Caribbean island of Tobago



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