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The Magic of Kerala, India HD


The Magic of Kerala, India HD

0:00 Start
0:34 Munnar
4:41 A Kerala Home
5:20 Rubber Plantation
6:40 Plantation Crops
9:34 Backwaters
All films at, Kerala, India, God's Own Country, Backwaters, Munnar, Kottayam, Houseboat, river, lakes, nutmeg, vanilla, spices, amazing shote, best travel video,

The MAGIC of Kerala - God's own country India!

Our very last stop of our 2 month trip in India - Kerala. It was pure magic!
Making our way further down south to God's own country, we bumped into 3 gigantic elephants taking part in an Indian festival - it was incredible we both nearly cried!
We spent our last few days exploring the backwaters of Kerala, relaxing and meeting some friends on the way!

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Experience the Magic of Malabar | Kerala Tourism

For more details, please visit:

The land of spices and exotic cuisine, Malabar in Kerala is a concoction of everything magical. Be it the ancient monuments, forts, beaches or the population exuding warm hospitality, Malabar is the cradle of cultural innovations and various philosophies. Wedged between the Western Ghats and the Arabian Sea, Malabar beams across the north of Bharathapuzha, stretching over the seven districts of Kerala. Here we offer you a sneak peek into the magic of Malabar - the quiet flowing Nila holding to its bosom endless folklores and mythical tales; the magnificent and historic Bekal Fort standing like a sentinel; the beautiful Malabar coastal line laced with silver beaches; the winding backwaters and a lot more! Come, time travel with us through the rich symbols of the past, harmonies of the present, and the diversity of nature! Come, discover Malabar!

#MalabarTourism #KannurTourism #BekalFort #BeachKerala #Houseboat #RainInKerala #KeralaTourism #Kayaking

رحلتي الى الهند الساحرة ( كيرلا ) || The Magic Of Kerala India

تقرير رحلة كيرلا الهند
بقلم مسلّم الصيعري بوسلمان

سناب ???? v711v ???? الانستغرام EJ2


تقع ولاية كيرلا الهندية على الساحل الجنوبي لشبه القارة الهندية عاصمتها : فاننتابورام (تريفيندرم)


اللغة الرسيمة : المالايالامية و تعتبر من أنظف ولايات الهند ويوجد ونسبة المسلمين فيها تصل الى 20% تقريباً يتمركزون في شمالها.

تعداد كيرلا قريب من ٣٥ مليون نسمة وهي ولاية من ولايات الهند الـ ٢٨ .. وهي الولاية الاستوائية بالهند، حيث الأمطار الموسمية تتميز كيرلا بطبيعة خاصة تميزها عن غيرها من الولايات الهندية

الطبيعة تطل على المحيط الهندي وبها القنوات المائية والغابات الاسترائية وبها الجبال الملتفة بالأشجار. ليس هناك صحراء وانما الأشجار والمراعي الخضراء تلف بكيرالا بكاملها .


اشهر مناطقها : كوشي و ترواردرام و كاليكات و مونار و تيكدي و كوماراكم و اليبي و كواڤكم ومراريكولام كوفالام ، فاركالا ، تريفيندرم


تحمل كيرلا اليوم لقب (الولاية المثقفة)) لان نسبة طلاب المدارس والجامعات فيها في ارتفاع مستمر، ولكنها لا تزال من افقر الولايات الهندية.

تشتهر كيرلا بزراعة الشاي و الارز و جوز الهند والموز و الفانيليا و المطاط
من اشهر مناطقها مونار : تشتهر مونار الخضراء بـ مزارع الشاي والتوابل ومناخها الرائع وجبالها الباردة. وحقولها اللانهائية من الشاي وهي من أهم مزارع التوابل في الهند. مليئة بالمغامرات ورائعة لمحبي المشي والاستكشاف في الطبيعة، وحتى لرحلة شهر عسل رومانسية.
العملة في الهند الربيه و تساوي مقابل الدرهم الاماراتي او الريال السعودي = ١٥ ربية
الدرهم الواحد = ١٥ روبيه هندية

شركات النت والاتصالات
فودا فون و اي ديا و ايرتل
Vodafone , idea & Airtel
خذيت نت ٤ قيقا يومياً ب١٥٠٠ روبيه و ١ قيقا يوميا لمدة شهر ب٥٠٠ روبيه

ثلاث مطارات في كيرلا : مطار كوشن (اكبر مدينة وتجارية) منطقة كوتشي و مطار ترفاندرام العاصمة ومطار كاليكيت و مطار رابع جديد كنور بيفتتح خلال الفترة القادمة والهند فيها ٧٠ مطار و ٣٠ مطار دولي

الفيزة #الهند تحتاج لفيزة والاماراتي فيزة الكترونية تطلع في خلال يومين عمل ورسوم ٥٠ دولار .. والخليجي ٥٠٠ درهم ومن السفارة والرحلة كانت سنة ٢٠١٨ ولا أعلم هل هناك قوانين جديدة او لا

الضريبة ١٨٪؜ اذا اخذت بـ ٧٥٠٠ روبية ومادون واذا تجاوزت هالمبلغ توصل الضريبة ٢٨٪؜ !! انتبه

اذا زرت كيرلا لابد لك من تجربة الهاوس بوت House Boat ???????? تجربة فريدة و جميلة جدا .. وهي عبارة عن فنادب عائمة تجول بك في البحيرات وسط الطبيعة الخضراء الرائعة وأصوات العصافير في أجواء من الرفاهية والخصوصية .. و هي عبارة عن قوارب خشبية كبيرة تنقسم إلى عدة أقسام شبيهة بتقسيمات الفنادق، فمنها العادي ومنها الديلوكس ومنها السوبر ديلوكس والفخم جدا وتحتوي القوارب من ١-٥ غرف في كل قارب، جميعها مكيفة ومع حمامات وبعض الحمامات فيها جاكوزي ، طاولة طعام، أماكن للجلوس، ومطبخ الخ. ويمكنك أن تتفق مع صاحب القارب على تجهيز الطعام الذي تريد اكله ويمكنك حجز الهاوس بوت House Boat عن طريق الفندق أو عبر النت أو الذهاب إلى الميناء بنفسك ومشاهدة القوارب واختيار المفضل لديك والاسعار تختلف حسب القارب ومساحته ونوعيته

السواق تقريبا ياخذ ٣٠٠٠ او ٣٥٠٠ روبية في اليوم تقريبا ٢٠٠ درهم وأيضا حسب المواسم الأسعار

افضل اوقات الزيارة في نوفمبر و ديسمبر و يناير الاجواء بارده و شهز يونيو و يوليو الصيف اشهر الامطار الكثيرة و شهر سبتمبر واكتوبر الجو معتدل ومتوسط بالنسة للامطار و شهر مارس وابريل اشهر حارة جدا بالنسبة لهم

المنتجعات و الخيارات كثيرة وجميلة جدا في كيرلا و تحديد اسم معين هذا ظلم لان فيها اماكن كثيرة وفنادق ومنتجعات جميلة جدا بحط بعضها

في رحلتي هذه انا سكنت في : منتجع Zuri Kumarakom Resort في ماراريكالم ( ماراري ) وكانت فيلا رئاسية وثم في منطقة مونار سكنت في فندق The Panoramic Getaway جناح رئاسي

الفنادق في كوتشن (فيها المطار الدولي) :

ماريوت الي بجانب مول الولو + كراون بلازا + منتجع رمادا + لي ماريديان + تاج ريفاندا + هوليدي ان + وقريبا اكبر فندق غراند حياة سيفتتح قريبا

افضل الفنادق في مونار الجميلة في الطبيعة:

The Panoramic Getaway + Blanket Hotel & Spa + Ragamaya Resort + the Fog + Chandys windy woods

الفنادق والمنتجعات في ماراريكالم ( ماراري ):

top stays in Marari are Xandari Pearl, Marari Beach Resort, Carnoustie Ayurveda & Wellness Resort (الاغلى) , El Oceano Beach Villas, Marari Villas, Marari Sea Lap Villas, Marari Dreamz, Flamingo Marari Villa, Achayans Homestay and Mayas Beach House. Kumarakom lake resort , Zuri Kumarakom resort


في اغلب المنتجعات عندهم مساج معروف بالزيت والأعشاب الطبيعية يسمى مساج شيرودارا Shirodhara يضعون وعاء زيت دافئ فوق رأسك وينزل الزيت على الرأس مباشرة مع التدليك جميل جدا


تشتهر كيرلا بمصحات العلاجية وفيه الكثير والشركة التي كنت معها ماشاء الله عنده الخبرة الكافية في الرحلات السياحية و أيضا الرحلات العلاجية والتعامل معها احترافي وجميل انصح فيهم بحكم تجربتي معهم في رحلة كيرلا


كل الشكر والتقدير للأخ جهاد حسين صاحب شركة جيت واي ملبار هوليديس Gateway Malabar Holidays الشركة الجميلة جدا والتي تعاملت معهم وكانوا في قمة الاحترافية هذه عناوينهم : ????????

00919847288822 ☎️ رقم الهاتف

???? موقعهم

حسابهم في الانستغرام????????

وحسابهم في السناب شات jihadhusain????????????

هذا باختصار شديد والسموحة على الاطالة أخوكم مسلّم الصيعري #بوسلمان رحلة #كيرلا
انستغرام EJ2 ????????

سناب شات ???? v711v

حساب تويتر alseiari01

دمتم بود ????

India - Welcome to Kerala ! [CINEMATIC TRAVEL FILM]

hi there!
In first, I would like to thank you all for the feedback of my last video !
all those views were unexpected for me and I decided to use my old footage to make a new video about Kerala.
For all those who asked about the places I forgot in the last video, don't worry guys I will come back soon to this amazing country to make a long movie and try to cover many many places I never seen like Thar desert , Kashmir or northeast India.
I apologize in advance , my quality of footage is not in 4K and I know many images I'm using are a bit noisy but I decided to still share it with you.
I wish you all the best . ✌️
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The name of the song :

- VESHZA - Explore Together
Gear :
- Polar Pro Variable ND's for the Dji mavic 2 zoom
- Dji osmo pocket
- Dji Mavic 2 zoom

Edited in Adobe premiere Pro.

WHAT IS KERALA?! | Exploring India’s Magical Backwaters

Join me as I explore & explain India's utopian ‘Venice of the East’...

SUB for Culture Shocks ►
Explore INDIA ►




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Explore the Enchanting Alappuzha | Kerala Tourism #DreamDestinations

This video takes you on a mesmerizing tour of the beautiful tourist places in Alappuzha. From the serene backwaters to the stunning beaches, the video showcases the diverse beauty of this enchanting town in Kerala. You'll witness the picturesque canals, lush green paddy fields, ancient temples, and the vibrant culture of the locals. So, sit back and enjoy the virtual tour of Alappuzha, one of the most popular tourist destinations in India.

#keralatourism #alappuzha #allepy #travel #tourism #mustvisitplacesinkerala #alappuzhahouseboats #houseboat #alappuzhabeach #tourism #touristplacesinkerala #placestovisitinalappuzha #travelguide #planyourtriptoalappuzha #traveller #visitalappuzha #kerala

Welcome to India ! [CINEMATIC TRAVEL FILM]

vanlifing through India was an impressive experience for me, a country where magic and incredible landscapes are everywhere. This is a part of mindblowing scenes i saw during this trip from himalayan mountains , to extreme south of Kerala.
Instagram :
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The name of the song :

- NOMAD - Pioneers - city & vine production music

Gear :
- Polar Pro Variable ND's for the Dji mavic 2 zoom
- Dji osmo pocket
- Dji Mavic 2 zoom

Edited in Adobe premiere Pro.

Exploring the Treasures of Kollam: A Travel Guide | Kerala Tourism #DreamDestinations

Welcome to our video featuring the top tourist destinations in Kollam, a charming city in the southern Indian state of Kerala. Known for its serene backwaters, pristine beaches, and historical landmarks, Kollam has something for everyone.

In this video, we take you on a virtual tour of Kollam's must-visit spots, including the picturesque Ashtamudi Lake, the iconic Thangassery Lighthouse, and the tranquil sambranikodi Island. We also explore the natural beauty of the stunning Kollam Beach and the exotic beauty of the Jatayupara
#Kollam #MunroeIsland #Sambanikodi #Ashtamudi #KollamBeach #JatayuPara #MustVisitPlacesinKollam #KollamTourism #VisitKollam #mustvisitplacesinkerala #travel #tourism #PlanYourKeralaTrip #keralatourism #kerala #Boating #Kayaking #adventuretourism #KollamWatersports #thingstodoinkollam #thingstodoinkerala

Kerala | India's Paradise Found

Take a magical ride in a houseboat in the tranquil #backwaters of #Alleppey, stroll through the lush tea plantations of #Munnar and enjoy Kochi's colonial and cultural heritage. Discover a million worlds in #Kerala, God's Own Country. #IncredibleIndia

Originally published on | CNBC Catalyst

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Thailand vs reality ???????????? #shorts #travel #thailand #thai #elephant #poop #funny #travelthailand

#shorts #travellife #thailand #thailandelephant #poopvideo

Scam Shops in Pakistan & India - Don't Be Fooled!

While travelling in India & Pakistan you'll find shops that have straight-up copied a famous shop's name, and then, opened their store next-door to the original!

In this video, you'll see the original Grato Jalebi sweet store in Rawalpindi and there's a big queue because locals know it's legit. But just a few metres down the road are 3 copies with the same name.

Karim's in Delhi also has the same problem. There are many counterfeit Karim's restaurants.

These fake shops make enough money to stay open by simply fooling travellers.

So don't be fooled, check online reviews to verify locations. Has this ever happened to you?

The original Grato Jalebi, Rawalpindi
The original Karim's, Delhi


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#Shorts #Pakistan #India #Scams #Scammers #TravelSafety #Rawalpindi #Delhi #Karims #Food #Scam #Counterfeit #Fake #Jalebi

The Magic of Kerala,India HD

Kerala is known for its panoramic backwater stretches, lush green paddy fields, highlands and beaches. A major backwater stretch lies in Kottayam district, where a network of rivers and canals empty into the great expanse of water called the Vembanad Lake. Located at Kumarakom 16 km from Kottayam town, the Vembanad Lake, an enchanting picnic spot and a fast developing backwater tourism destination, offers boating, fishing and sight seeing experiences that are truly exhilarating.

Kottayam located at a distance of 76 kilometers from Kochi in Kerala, south India, is one of the most riveting backwater destinations in the state. The place and its surroundings make for a beautiful tourist attraction with its vistas of green hills, mangrove forests and coconut groves interposed with waterways, offering excellent opportunities for Aqua Tourism.

One can enjoy the rural sights, the abundant marine life, boat cruises and angling tours with the services and privileges offered by the innumerable tour operators and travel agencies in Kerala. A pleasure trip to Vembanad Lake gives you an opportunity to explore the rich flora and fauna that is supported by this enchanting water world. You are free to go canoeing, dingy sailing, catamaran riding and much more. The Vembanad Lake happens to be an important Aqua Tourism destination that entices tourists to its luxury picnic spots by the dozen. With the nearby Kumarakom Bird Sanctuary that is home to exotic water birds, a boat cruise at this breathtaking tourist attraction will leave you speechless with wonder and excitement.

The Magic of Kerala - India


Kerala-South India.A Magic place.Full HD


The Magic of Kerala

*The Magic of Kerala*

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Thanks & Regards,

Naresh Surve (Indian Navy Veteran)
Blue Sea Tours And Travels
Sion - Chunabhatti, Mumbai - 400 022
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Un minuto por Kerala India

Un minuto por este magnífico estado del Sur de la India. Tierra de los cocoteros y de la gente que siempre sonríe, un paraíso digno de explorarse y disfrutarse.

Kerala India in a minute. A glimpse of the land of coconuts and smiles, a paradise that you'll love.

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Discover the Magic of Kerala: A Journey through India's Tropical Paradise | Hallmark Tour

Welcome to a journey where natural beauty meets tradition as this land harmonizes with its lush landscapes. With Hallmark Tours, your Kerala adventure awaits. So, book your package now to create memories that last a lifetime.

Experience the Magic of Kerala: A 6-Day Road Trip Through Kochi, Munnar, Thekkady, and Alleppey

Welcome to Explore and Unwind! Join me as I take you on a thrilling journey through Kerala, one of the most beautiful states in India. In this 6-day road trip, I explored the cities of Kochi, Munnar, Thekkady, and Alleppey, just when the rains had stopped in September 2022.

From the colonial charm of Kochi to the lush green tea plantations of Munnar, and from the exotic wildlife of Thekkady to the serene backwaters of Alleppey, this trip was full of adventure, excitement, and discovery.

In this channel, you'll get to experience the sights, sounds, and flavors of Kerala, from the comfort of your own home. Whether you're a travel enthusiast, a foodie, or just someone who loves exploring new places, this channel is for you.

So, come on this journey with me and let's explore the beauty of Kerala together! Don't forget to hit the subscribe button and turn on the notification bell to stay updated on my latest travel adventures.

Here are some handy tips for your 6-day road trip through Kerala's cities of Kochi, Munnar, Thekkady, and Alleppey:

1.Good time to plan your Kerala trip can at the beginning of September 2022. Not so peak season so you get good deals and less crowd  . Tourist season typically starts from October.

2.Take a rental self-drive car from Indus Go for a comfortable and convenient journey.

3.If you arrive in Kochi, you can choose to explore the city, relax and explore your property, or directly leave for Munnar from the airport.

4. If you choose to stay in Kochi on Day 1, then start for Munnar on Day 2. The estimated travel time from Kochi to Munnar is 3-4 hours, but you may end up spending more time due to the beautiful scenery.

5.Check-in at your property in Munnar at around 3-4 pm. Some hotel options to consider are The Panoramic Getaway, The Tea Castle, and Hotel Amber Dale.

6.There are several places of interest to explore in Munnar, such as Old British Church & Garden, Mattupetty Dam, Echo Point, and Kundale Lake. On

7.Day 4, you can either travel directly to Alleppey or go via Thekkady. In Thekkady, you can visit places like Devikulam, Lockhart Gap View & Rock Cave, Power House Waterfalls, and Anayirankal Dam.

8. On Day 5 and 6, you can start for Alleppey and reach there by around 11-11:30 am. Board the houseboat and carry your own drinks and cable for playing music. The houseboat serves 3 meals - lunch, evening snack with tea or coffee, and dinner, along with a welcome drink if it's part of your package. Do tell them your food preferences while booking.

9.On the last day, check out at 9 am and start for Kochi.

Feel free to add your queries in comments.

Unforgettable Kerala Backwaters Adventure: Discover the Magic of India's Hidden Gem!

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Welcome to our mesmerizing Kerala backwaters adventure! Join me, [Usman Haider], as we embark on an unforgettable tour of this magical destination. Get ready to immerse yourself in the enchanting beauty and unique experiences that await us! #KeralaBackwaters #AdventureAwaits #MagicalDestination

Our journey begins aboard a traditional houseboat, known as kettuvallams. ????⛵️ These magnificent vessels offer the perfect blend of comfort and authenticity. Let's dive into the wonders that await us as we glide through the serene backwaters. #HouseboatExperience #Authenticity

Meet our knowledgeable boatman, who will be our guide through this incredible journey. They have a deep connection to the backwaters and will share the secrets and stories that make this place so unique. ????‍♂️????️ #LocalGuide #HiddenGems

As we navigate the labyrinthine canals, you'll be captivated by the breathtaking scenery that unfolds before your eyes. ???????? Get ready to witness towering coconut palms, vibrant paddy fields, and charming villages lining the banks. #ScenicBeauty #RuralLife

No Kerala backwaters tour is complete without savoring the local flavors. ????️ We'll be stopping at a riverside eatery to indulge in mouthwatering Kerala cuisine. From spicy seafood delicacies to aromatic vegetarian dishes, each bite is a burst of flavors. #LocalCuisine #FoodieParadise

Get hands-on with local activities for a truly rewarding experience. ???????? Try your hand at traditional fishing techniques or learn the art of coir-making from skilled artisans. Immerse yourself in the local way of life and gain a deeper understanding of the culture. #LocalActivities #CulturalImmersion

Witness the backwaters bathed in golden hues as the sun begins to set. ???? Hop on a smaller canoe for a peaceful and intimate journey, connecting with nature and appreciating the tranquil beauty of this magical place. #SunsetCruise #NatureConnection

Explore iconic destinations along the way. From the idyllic Kumarakom with its bird sanctuaries to the bustling Alleppey, known as the Venice of the East, each place offers a delightful blend of natural beauty and cultural experiences. ???????? #IconicDestinations #CulturalHeritage

Our incredible Kerala backwaters tour comes to an end, filled with tranquility, natural beauty, and cultural immersion. Whether you seek relaxation, adventure, or a deeper connection with nature, the Kerala backwaters have it all. Thanks for joining me today, and until next time, happy exploring! ????????‍♀️???? #BackwatersExperience #TranquilBeauty #HappyExploring



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