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South Arabian Peninsula - Yemen - Hadhramout


South Arabian Peninsula - Yemen - Hadhramout

Hadhramaut, Hadhramout, Hadramawt or Ḥaḍramūt (Arabic: حضرموت‎ Ḥaḍramawt) is a historical region of the south Arabian Peninsula along the Gulf of Aden in the Arabian Sea, extending eastwards from Yemen to the borders of the Dhofar region of Oman.

One week in Yemen, June 2019 - Hadhramaut

My one Week trip around Hadhramaut, from Omani border to Al Ghaydah Seyun, Tarim, Shibam, Wadi Doan, Al Mukalla, Indian Ocean coast in June 2019


this is the magnificent old city of Shibam, Hadramout in Yemen, co-named Manhattan of the desert the world first skyscrapers classified by the UNSCO, a world heritage site and must seen when Visiting Yemen


hello my friends. this is a map of yemen. Yemen is in Western Asia, in the southern part of the Arabian Peninsula, It is bordered by Saudi Arabia to the north, the Red Sea to the west, the Gulf of Aden and Guardafui Channel to the south, and Oman to the east. Yemen's portion of the Rub al Khali desert in the east is much lower, generally below 1,000 m , and receives almost no rain. It is populated only by Bedouin herders of camels.

A number of Red Sea islands, including the Hanish Islands, Kamaran, and Perim, as well as Socotra in the Arabian Sea, belong to Yemen; the largest of these is Socotra. Many of the islands are volcanic; for example Jabal al-Tair had a volcanic eruption in 2007, and before that in 1883. Socotra faces the Guardafui Channel and the Somali Sea.
Yemen can be divided geographically into four main regions: the coastal plains in the west, the western highlands, the eastern highlands, and the Rub' al Khali in the east. The Tihāmah (hot lands or hot earth) form a very arid and flat coastal plain along Yemen's entire Red Sea coastline. thats all. please comment and subscribe for the best maps. goodbye.
أهلا أصدقائي. هذه خارطة اليمن. اليمن في غرب آسيا ، في الجزء الجنوبي من شبه الجزيرة العربية ، تحدها المملكة العربية السعودية من الشمال ، والبحر الأحمر من الغرب ، وخليج عدن وقناة جاردافوي من الجنوب ، وسلطنة عمان من الشرق. جزء اليمن من صحراء الربع الخالي في الشرق أقل بكثير ، وعمومًا أقل من 1000 متر ، ولا يتلقى أي مطر تقريبًا. يسكنها البدو رعاة الإبل فقط.

ينتمي عدد من جزر البحر الأحمر ، بما في ذلك جزر حنيش وكمران وبريم ، وكذلك سقطرى في بحر العرب ، إلى اليمن ؛ أكبرها سقطرى. العديد من الجزر بركانية. على سبيل المثال ، حدث انفجار بركاني في جبل الطير في عام 2007 ، وقبل ذلك في عام 1883. تواجه سقطرى قناة غواردفوي والبحر الصومالي.
يمكن تقسيم اليمن جغرافياً إلى أربع مناطق رئيسية: السهول الساحلية في الغرب ، والمرتفعات الغربية ، والمرتفعات الشرقية ، والربع الخالي في الشرق. تشكل تهامة (الأراضي الساخنة أو الأرض الساخنة) سهلًا ساحليًا قاحلًا ومنبسطًا على طول ساحل البحر الأحمر في اليمن. هذا كل شئ. الرجاء التعليق والاشتراك للحصول على أفضل الخرائط. مع السلامة.
Hola mis amigos. Este es un mapa de Yemen. Yemen se encuentra en el oeste de Asia, en la parte sur de la Península Arábiga. Limita con Arabia Saudita al norte, el Mar Rojo al oeste, el Golfo de Adén y el Canal de Guardafui al sur y Omán al este. La parte de Yemen del desierto de Rub al Khali en el este es mucho más baja, generalmente por debajo de los 1.000 m, y casi no recibe lluvia. Está poblada únicamente por pastores beduinos de camellos.

Varias islas del Mar Rojo, incluidas las Islas Hanish, Kamaran y Perim, así como Socotra en el Mar Arábigo, pertenecen a Yemen; el más grande de ellos es Socotra. Muchas de las islas son volcánicas; por ejemplo, Jabal al-Tair tuvo una erupción volcánica en 2007, y antes de eso en 1883. Socotra se enfrenta al Canal de Guardafui y al Mar de Somalia.
Yemen se puede dividir geográficamente en cuatro regiones principales: las llanuras costeras en el oeste, las tierras altas del oeste, las tierras altas del este y Rub 'al Khali en el este. Tihāmah (tierras calientes o tierra caliente) forman una llanura costera muy árida y plana a lo largo de toda la costa del Mar Rojo de Yemen. eso es todo. por favor comente y suscríbase para los mejores mapas. adiós.
Bonjour mes amis. c'est une carte du yémen. Le Yémen se trouve en Asie occidentale, dans la partie sud de la péninsule arabique. Il est bordé par l'Arabie saoudite au nord, la mer Rouge à l'ouest, le golfe d'Aden et le canal de Guardafui au sud et Oman à l'est. La partie yéménite du désert du Rub al Khali à l'est est beaucoup plus basse, généralement en dessous de 1 000 m, et ne reçoit presque pas de pluie. Elle n'est peuplée que par des bergers bédouins de chameaux.

Un certain nombre d'îles de la mer Rouge, dont les îles Hanish, Kamaran et Perim, ainsi que Socotra dans la mer d'Oman, appartiennent au Yémen ; le plus grand d'entre eux est Socotra. Beaucoup d'îles sont volcaniques; par exemple Jabal al-Tair a eu une éruption volcanique en 2007, et avant cela en 1883. Socotra fait face au canal de Guardafui et à la mer de Somalie.
Le Yémen peut être divisé géographiquement en quatre régions principales : les plaines côtières à l'ouest, les hautes terres de l'ouest, les hautes terres de l'est et le Rub' al Khali à l'est. Les Tihāmah («terres chaudes» ou «terre chaude») forment une plaine côtière très aride et plate le long de tout le littoral de la mer Rouge au Yémen. c'est tout. s'il vous plaît commentez et abonnez-vous pour les meilleures cartes. au revoir.
#mapschool #mapsolo #petamap #yemen #yémen

YEMEN - the origin of all Arab nations

Yemen, Yemeni. Sana'a

Shibam-Hadramout-YEMEN- the new york in the desert.

Jul 2008. región de Hadramout en Yemen. Pueblo de Shibam. Espectacular. rascacielos de más de 8 pisos hechos de adobe ( barro, piedras y paja).

Old City of Shibam in the Wadi Hadhramaut, Yemen - Oct 2021

#travel #shibam #hadhramaut #yemen #yemeni #arabia

JEMEN ... YEMEN ... Happy Arabia .. Glückliches Arabien ..العربية السعيدة !!

Arabia Felix
العربية السعيدة
The Republic of Yemen (Arabic: الجمهورية اليمنية‎ al-Jumhūriyyah al-Yamaniyyah), commonly known as Yemen i/ˈjɛmən/ (Arabic: اليَمَن‎ al-Yaman), is a country located in Western Asia, occupying the southwestern to southern end of the Arabian Peninsula. It is bordered by Saudi Arabia to the north, the Red Sea to the west, and Oman to the east. Yemen is considered one of the poorest countries in the Arab world.
Its capital and largest city is Sana'a. Yemen's territory includes over 200 islands, the largest of which is Socotra, about 354 km (220 mi) to the south of mainland Yemen. It is the only state in the Arabian Peninsula to have a purely republican form of government.[4] Yemen was the first country in the Arabian peninsula to grant women the right to vote.[5] Yemeni unification took place on 22 May 1990, when the area of the People's Democratic Republic of Yemen (South Yemen) was united with the Yemen Arab Republic (North Yemen), forming the Republic of Yemen.

اليمن، رسميا الجمهورية اليمنية دولة تقع جنوب غرب شبه الجزيرة العربية في غربي آسيا. تبلغ مساحتها حوالي 527,970 كيلو متر مربع، يحد اليمن من الشمال السعودية و من الشرق سلطنة عمان لها ساحل جنوبي على بحر العرب و ساحل غربي على البحر الأحمر. عاصمتها و أكبر مدنها هي صنعاء، و لدى اليمن أكثر من 200 جزيرة في البحر الأحمر و بحر العرب أهمها جزيرة سقطرى، و هي الدولة الوحيدة في الجزيرة العربية ذات نظام جمهوري[3]، و كان اليمن أول دولة في الجزيرة العربية سمح للنساء بحق التصويت عام 1967 لليمن الجنوبي و 1970 للجمهورية العربية اليمنية[4] و تحققت الوحدة اليمنية بين الجمهورية العربية اليمنية و جمهورية اليمن الديمقراطية الشعبية في 22 مايو 1990.

Der Jemen (arabisch ‏اليمن‎ al-Yaman) ist ein Staat in Vorderasien, im Süden der Arabischen Halbinsel. Er ist etwa anderthalbmal so groß wie Deutschland und grenzt im Norden an Saudi-Arabien, im Osten an Oman, im Süden an den Golf von Aden und das Arabische Meer, im Westen an das Rote Meer. Die Staaten Dschibuti und Eritrea liegen nur wenige Kilometer entfernt jenseits des Roten Meeres. Die Küstenlänge beträgt 2400 Kilometer; die Binnengrenzen sind 1746 Kilometer lang. Zum Jemen gehören auch die 3800 km² große Inselgruppe Sokotra sowie zahlreiche kleinere Inseln im Bab al-Mandab, im Roten Meer und im Arabischen Meer.

Hadramout Yemen Unesco Heritage by Edgar Ueberschlag

Hadramout , Shibam, Tarim, Seyun, Mukalla
Shibam Unesco Weltkulturerbe Cultural Heritage
Fotografie and Multivision by Edgar Ueberschlag

For Yemen Observer 2008

Wadi Hadhramout - Yemen وادي حضرموت

Hadhramaut, Hadhramout, Hadramawt or Ḥaḍramūt (Arabic: حضرموت [Ḥaḍramawt]) is a historical region of the south Arabian Peninsula along the Gulf of Aden in the Arabian Sea, extending eastwards from Yemen (proper) to the borders of the Dhofar region of Oman. . The people of Hadhramaut are called Hadhramis

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Arabian Peninsula: Qatar&Oman Part 1

Welcome to my travelchannel.On my channel you can find almost 1000 films of more than 70 countries. See the playlist on my youtube channel.Enjoy!
The Arabian Peninsula:Qatar&Oman
The Arabian Peninsula, simplified Arabia[is a peninsula of Western Asia situated northeast of Africa on the Arabian plate. From a geological perspective, it is considered a subcontinent of Asia.[3][4]
It is the largest peninsula in the world, at 3,237,500 km2 (1,250,000 sq mi). The Arabian Peninsula consists of the countries Yemen, Oman, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, and parts of Jordan and Iraq.The peninsula formed as a result of the rifting of the Red Sea between 56 and 23 million years ago, and is bordered by the Red Sea to the west and southwest, the Persian Gulf to the northeast, the Levant to the north and the Indian Ocean to the southeast. The Arabian Peninsula plays a critical geopolitical role in the Middle East and the Arab world due to its vast reserves of oil and natural gas.
Before the modern era, it was divided into four distinct regions: Hejaz, Najd, Southern Arabia (Hadhramaut) and Eastern Arabia. Hejaz and Najd make up most of Saudi Arabia. Southern Arabia consists of Yemen and some parts of Saudi Arabia (Najran, Jizan, Asir) and Oman (Dhofar). Eastern Arabia consists of the entire coastal strip of the Persian Gulf.
The Arabian Peninsula is located in the continent of Asia and bounded by (clockwise) the Persian Gulf on the northeast, the Strait of Hormuz and the Gulf of Oman on the east, the Arabian Sea on the southeast and south, the Gulf of Aden on the south, the Bab-el-Mandeb strait on the southwest and the Red Sea, which is located on the southwest and west. The northern portion of the peninsula merges with the Syrian Desert with no clear border line, although the northern boundary of the Arabian Peninsula is generally considered to be the northern borders of Saudi Arabia and Kuwait.
The most prominent feature of the peninsula is desert, but in the southwest there are mountain ranges, which receive greater rainfall than the rest of the Arabian Peninsula. Harrat ash Shaam is a large volcanic field that extends from the northwestern Arabian Peninsula into Jordan and southern Syria.
The peninsula's constituent countries are (clockwise north to south) Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) on the east, Oman on the southeast, Yemen on the south and Saudi Arabia at the center. The island nation of Bahrain lies off the east coast of the peninsula.
Six countries (Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, United Arab Emirates and Oman) form the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC).
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia covers the greater part of the peninsula. The majority of the population of the peninsula live in Saudi Arabia and in Yemen. The peninsula contains the world's largest reserves of oil. Saudi Arabia and the UAE are economically the wealthiest in the region. Qatar, a small peninsula in the Arabian Gulf on the larger peninsula, is home of the Arabic-language television station Al Jazeera and its English-language subsidiary Al Jazeera English. Kuwait, on the border with Iraq, is an important country strategically, forming one of the main staging grounds for coalition forces mounting the invasion of Iraq in 2003.Wikipedia

Yemen - Hadramout

Beautiful Hadramout Yemen

Yemen część 3 - Hadramout

Część 3 zapisu fotograficznego z wycieczki do Yemenu gru 2008/sty 2009.
Yemen, Jemen, półwysep arabski, arabic, travel, podróż

Hadramout .. Land of the Prophets and Guardians Nest

Hadramout .. Land of the Prophets and Guardians Nest
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Director : Ahmed Yahya Bin Yahya
Shared by : So You Think You've Seen Yemen?

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Jemen | Yemen | Yémen | Iémen | Yaman | Йемен | Ємен | Υεμένη | اليمن

Yemen - photos | Zdjęcia prezentujące Jemen

Yemen (Arabic: اليَمَن al-Yaman), officially the Republic of Yemen (Arabic: الجمهورية اليمنية al-Jumhuuriyya al-Yamaniyya) is a country located on the Arabian Peninsula in Southwest Asia. It is bordered by Saudi Arabia to the north, the Red Sea to the west, the Arabian Sea and Gulf of Aden to the south, and Oman to the east.
Yemen's land area is just under 530,000 km2 (204,634 sq mi), and its territory includes over 200 islands, the largest of which is Socotra, about 415 km (258 mi) to the south of mainland Yemen, off the coast of Somalia. Yemen is the only state in the Arabian Peninsula to have a purely republican form of government. Its capital is Sana'a.

Jemen - (اليمن Al-Jaman, Republika Jemeńska, الجمهوريّة اليمنية Al-Dżumhurijja al-Jamanijja) -- azjatyckie państwo położone na Półwyspie Arabskim nad Morzem Arabskim, Zatoką Adeńską i Morzem Czerwonym, pomiędzy Omanem i Arabią Saudyjską. Stolica: Sana. Największe miasta: Sana, Aden, Taizz, Al-Hudajda i Al-Mukalla.

For Polish-Yemen friendship!

Gliwice, Poland 2010

طبيعة شبه الجزيرة العربية - Nature of the Arabian Peninsula

Enjoy the beauty of nature in Saudi Arabia, Oman and Yemen.
تمتعوا بجمال الطبيعة في السعودية وعمان واليمن.


This is the dowan Valley in Hadramout, Yemen. A very historical valley in the shoulders of this valley lied many beautify cities and villages. This is also a must seen site when visiting Yemen.

Socotra Island in Aden, Yemen

Socotra, located between the Guardafui Channel and the Arabian Sea, is the largest of four islands in the Socotra archipelago. The territory is located near major shipping routes and is officially part of Yemen, and had long been a subdivision of the Aden Governorate. In 2004, it became attached to the Hadhramaut Governorate, which is much closer to the island than Aden. In 2013, the archipelago became its own governorate, the Socotra Governorate.

The island of Socotra constitutes around 95% of the landmass of the Socotra archipelago. It lies some 240 kilometres east of the coast of Somalia and 380 kilometres south of the Arabian Peninsula. While politically a part of Yemen, Socotra and the rest of its archipelago geographically are part of Africa, thus making Yemen a transcontinental country. The island is very isolated, home to a high number of endemic species; up to a third of its plant life is endemic. It has been described as the most alien-looking place on Earth. The island measures 132 kilometres in length and 49.7 kilometres in width. In 2008 Socotra was recognised as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Socotra is considered the jewel of biodiversity in the Arabian Sea. In the 1990s, a team of United Nations biologists conducted a survey of the archipelago’s flora and fauna. They counted nearly 700 endemic species, found nowhere else on earth; only New Zealand, Hawaii, New Caledonia, and the Galápagos Islands have more impressive numbers.

The airport for Socotra was established in 1999. Prior to this modest airport, the island could only be reached by a cargo ship. The ideal time to visit Socotra is from October to April; the remaining months usually entertain heavy monsoon rainfall, making it difficult to survive the weather for tourists. The island lacks any well-established hotels, although there are a few guest houses for the travelers to stay during their short visits. Due to the Yemeni Civil War that started in 2015, tourism to Socotra Island has been affected. The island received over 1,000 tourists each year until 2014.
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Shebam Hadhramout- Yemen - French Part 1

【K】Yemen Travel-Wadi Hadhramaut[예멘 여행-와디하드라마우트]사막의 고대도시, 시밤/Shibam/Desert/Mosque/Tower House

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[한국어 정보]
간간이 낙타들이 길동무를 해줄 뿐 끝도 없이 펼쳐진 사막 길을 달리는 것은 길고 지루했다. 그리고 사막에 들어서자 나타나는 착시현상은 사막 길을 더 갈증 나게 했다. 5시간이 넘는 사막 길을 달리자 산도 아니고 계곡도 아닌 풍경이 펼쳐진다. 와디 하드라마트다. 와디는 평상시에는 물이 흐르지 않는 건조지역의 마른 골짜기를 말하는데 그 중에서 와디 하드라마트는 아라비아반도에서 가장 큰 와디지형이다. 와디 하드라마트의 중심에 자리 잡은 고대도시 쉬밤. 사막위의 맨해튼이라 불리는 쉬밤은 2000년의 역사를 자랑하는 고대도시로 반경 500미터 안의 도시 전체가 흙으로 빚은 고층빌딩으로 이뤄져 있다. 마을 입구에 자리 잡은 모스크는 물론이고 6-7층 높이의 타워하우스까지 모두 흙으로 지었다고 믿기 어려웠다. 쉬밤의 골목길을 누비다보면 아무데나 돌아다니는 염소들과 먼지를 일으키면 뛰어놓는 아이들까지 천 년 전 풍경 속을 걷는 듯한 착각에 빠진다. 그늘이 든 작은 광장은 한낮의 더위를 피해 온 마을 사람들의 차지다. 뽀리라는 예멘식 전통담배를 피는 사람과 도미노 게임을 즐기는 사람들 훈수를 두다 혼나는 사람까지. 오래도록 바라보고 싶은 여유로운 풍경이다. 마을 곳곳에서 이상한 자세로 앉아 있는 사람들을 볼 수 있다. 마치 벌 받는 것처럼 허리를 묶고 있었는데 허리가 상하지 않게 보호하는 거라고 했다. 마을에는 이런 사람들을 위한 전용 끈까지 팔고 있었는데 효과가 있는지는 알 수 없었다. 넘어지지 않고 뒤로 기댈 수 있다는 점만은 분명했다. 골목 끝에서 나는 향기를 따라 가보니 그곳엔 작은 숯불에 무언가를 태우고 있었다. 바로 태우는 향료인 유향이었다. 유향은 원래 이집트 등지에서 의식에 사용했는데 이곳에서는 방향제 등으로 쓰인다고 했다. 청년은 사용법까지 자세히 알려줬는데 친절이 지나쳐 다소 보기 민망했다. 옆에 있던 그의 친구는 한술 더 떠 신부용 두건을 써 보인다. 이렇게나마 자신들의 문화를 엿보게 해준 그들의 호의가 고맙기만 했다. 쉬밤을 벗어나려는데 한쪽에선 낡은 집을 부수는 공사가 한창이었다. 나는 그곳에서 타워하우스의 비밀을 조금이나마 알 수 있었다. 타워하우스의 흙집은 짚을 섞어 만든 흙벽돌을 한 장 한 장 쌓아 올려 만든 집이다. 이렇게 수만 장의 흙벽돌이 모여 굳어지면 수백 년을 가는 타워하우스가 만들어지는 것이다. 또, 500채의 타워하우스 하나하나가 모여 쉬밤이라는 도시의 풍경을 만들고 있었다. 그리고 와디에 물이 다시 넘치지만 않는 다면 쉬밤은 천 년 전 모습 그대로 다시 천년을 갈 것 같았다.

[English: Google Translator]
The camels were occasionally run a desert road stretching endlessly as a companion that will have a long and boring. Optical illusion that appears in the desert and lift chairs are reminded more thirsty desert road. Acidity Not more than 5 times going.Yup.Gonna desert valley road is also not the scenery unfolds. Wadi drama and chapped. Wadi say there is usually a dry valley of the dry areas of water that does not flow from the Wadi Wadi terrain and TV sites are the biggest in the Arabian Peninsula. Wadi Holding swibam located in the heart of the ancient city of Ramat hard. Swibam called Manhattan of the desert above the entire city within a radius of 500 meters in the ancient city with a history of 2000 is made up of skyscrapers debt to the soil.

■클립명: 중동126-예멘01-20 사막의 고대도시, 시밤/Shibam/Desert/Mosque/Tower House/Village/Frankincense
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 박건영 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2007년 1월 January

,중동,Middle East,,예멘,Yemen,,,박건영,2007,1월 January,,,,



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