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Sivananda Yoga Asana Sequence in 12 Basic Postures


The Forward Bend from the Sivananda Yoga asana series

Yoga demonstration at the Sivananda Yoga Retreat House in Tyrol, Austria: Forward Bend and Inclined Plane
Sivananda Yoga -- The way to a healthy and balanced body and mind
The International Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centres is a non-profit organisation with locations around the world. We take a holistic approach to teaching yoga, as a way to promote physical, mental and spiritual health. The goal is a healthy body, a balanced mind and inner peace. Yoga helps us to maintain equanimity and gives us the inner strength we need to cope with the everyday challenges of modern life.
The Sivananda Yoga Retreat House is nestled on a sunny hillside overlooking the village of Reith amidst the glorious countryside of the Tyrolean Alps. We offer year-round yoga vacation, yoga teacher training and further training, certificate courses as well as special programmes with international guest speakers.

Sivananda Yoga 12 Steps Long Hold Session - Swami Paramananda

Sivananda Yoga 12 Steps Long Hold Session - Swami Paramananda


Full body stretch relaxing 12 basic postures part 5. Enjoy relaxing yoga with this full body stretch yoga class Sivananda Hatha yoga style. This is part 5 and part 6 will be up tomorrow.
Hope you enjoy this full body stretch relaxing yoga 12 basic postures but DON'T click the following link: (you just might be stuck with me by subscribing)
If you're on a roll here's the playlist with the full body stretch relaxing yoga:



Travel Vlog Iv is a travel vlog channel. I'm Ivana, nice to meet you! I travel and make daily travel vlogs so you can travel with me. Subscribe if you like to travel!

When I'm not traveling you can hang out with me in my home town Amsterdam. So if you always wanted to travel in Amsterdam this is the place to be to get an insight in the local life without actually having to travel. Enjoy!


Q Where are you from?
A I am born in former Yugoslavia. Mom is Serbian, Dad is Bosnian. During the '90's war we came to the Netherlands and I got Dutch nationality. Have been living in Amsterdam for over 5 years.

Q How can you afford to travel so much?
A I saved for 3 years while working full time and now travel vlogging is my job. I work together with tourism agencies but also do some freelance work on the side.

Q What camera do you film with?
A Canon G7X

Q Why doesn't Stephan want to be on camera?
A Because he is an artist manager and feels artists should be in the spotlight. Way before he met me he already never featured in party pics or anything.

Q Why do you usually travel alone?
A Because my friends have jobs with limited holidays, kids and partners. Also I really like exploring on my own.

Q Why do you love India so much?
A Watch this video:

Sivananda Yoga Teacher Training in Austria

The Sivananda Yoga Teachers’ Training Course takes place several times a year. The goal of this training programme is to produce qualified and inspiring yoga teachers who are able to draw on their own practice and personal discipline in imparting the yoga experience to others. More info:

Online Sivananda Yoga Teachers' Training Course (TTCOL)

Experience the authentic live training from home.

Full Sivananda Yoga Class with Lakshmi Alejandra

Full Length Sivananda Open Class taught by Lakshmi Alejandra
On the Beach Platform at the Sivananda Yoga Retreat, Paradise Island, Bahamas.

Initial Relaxation
8:20 - Opening Mantras (Dhyana Slokas: Gajananam)

~'It is a tradition at the Sivananda Yoga Centers to begin any activity with the chanting of the Dhyana Slokas. This helps to tune the mind to God and to the teachers. The ego is set aside and one feels like an instrument. Offering all activities to God helps to spiritualize them.

~'First, Ganesha is invoked to remove all obstacles, then Subramanya to give us strength to remove all forms of negativity. Next comes Saraswati, the bestower of divine knowledge. Then ask the teacher to give continuous guidance. Finally, we invoke the Divine Mother Narayani to bring auspiciousness for all our undertakings.'

11:20 - Pranayama: Kapalabhati & 21:50 Anuloma Viloma
28:38 - Savasana Relaxation
31:45 - Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutations)
44:00 - Leg Lifts

Asanas Begin

53:08 - Headstand or Dolphin
1:00:40 - Shoulderstand, Plough & Bridge
1:07:35 - Fish Pose
1:11:05 - Sitting Forward Bend
1:14:42 - Backbend Series: Cobra, Locust, Bow
1:21:40 - Half Spinal Twists
1:24:35 - Crow Pose
1:25:50 - Stretch & Standing Forward Bend
1:28:25 - Final Relaxation - Full body scan guided relaxation
1:44:05 - Closing Prayers (Maha Mrtyunjaya Mantra)

'The Maha Mrtyunjaya Mantra is a life-giving mantra. In today's complex life, accidents are an everyday affair. This mantra wards off death caused by all types of accidents. In addition, it has a great curative effect for diseases. It should be repeated before travelling. It invokes the grace of Lord Siva in order to conquer death. This mantra is traditionally chanted by family and friends for a person who is ill or approaching death.'

Om Peace, Peace, Peace

instagram: @Lakshmi_Alejandra
Om Tat Sat

Sivananda Yoga Vedanta - TTC, Sydney, Australia - 2013

Die sitzende Vorwärtsbeuge aus der Sivananda Yoga Reihe

Yoga-Vorführung im Sivananda Yoga Seminarhaus in Tirol, Österreich: die sitzende Vorwärtsbeuge und die schiefe Ebene.
Sivananda Yoga -- Weg zu körperlicher und geistiger Gesundheit und Ausgeglichenheit.
Die Internationalen Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Zentren sind eine weltweite gemeinnützige Organisation. Yoga wird hier mit einem ganzheitlichem Ansatz als Weg zu körperlicher, geistiger und spiritueller Gesundheit unterrichtet: Das Ziel ist ein gesunder Körper, ein ausgeglichener Geist und innerer Frieden. Yoga verhilft zu Gelassenheit und innerer Kraft, um die Herausforderungen des hektischen Alltags in unserer modernen Welt besser zu meistern.
Das Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Seminarhaus liegt am Südhang über der kleinen Ortschaft Reith bei Kitzbühel, inmitten der malerischen Naturlandschaft der Tiroler Alpen.
Wir bieten ganzjährig Yogaurlaub, Yogalehrer-Ausbildungen und Fortbildungen, Zertifikatskurse und Sonderprogramme mit internationalen Gastsprechern



A Yoga Asana is a body posture that helps to bring your health and wellness to its highest possible state. The pusuit to learn Yoga Asanas for our overall wellbeing is growing across the world.

Yoga means Union, bringing the body, mind and energies in union to the source of creation.The Hatha yoga practice connects you to the energy source of life, the Sun (Ha) and the Moon (Tha) through proper sadhana. Hatha yoga practice brings the balance of both the forces the pingala (solar force) and the ida (Moon force) and in our body channels (nadi).

This video is from the excerpt of the Hatha Yoga Teachers' Training Course at Sivananda Yoga Camp in Val-Morin, Quebec, Canada during during summer. To know more about Yoga, Vedanta, Kirtan, Asanas, please subscribe to the YOGALIVEWIRE YouTube channel and click the Like button.

To get Yoga articles, news and events, follow WWW.YOGALIVEWIRE.COM website and also our Instagram account:

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About Yogalivewire
Yogalivewire web and digital content is from contributors who are practitioners of yoga, meditation, mindfulness and spirituality. We travel around the world to experience the diversity of life and to discover inner peace, love and harmony. Our goal is to deliver the best to humanity in the process of continuous learning, practice and through the experience of yoga.

Our Team @Yogalivewire
We provide a platform to reach you with the latest health and wellness stories. We focus on providing the best yoga practices, healthy lifestyle, food and nutrition advice, travel tips and overall
wellness and more. Yogalivewire’s mission is to reach out to audience to provide the wisdom of health and wellness through practices which have existed for thousands of years. Our efforts are to
bridge the ancient and the modern and reap the best out of both.

Yogalivewire – Contact Us
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Recorded by: Prem Lee Prasannan

How to start Beginner's Yoga practice| Sivananda Yoga | Easy Yoga Practice

Yoga is the Ancient given knowledge by our gurus. The above sequence is Hatha Yoga flow of six basic Asanas which you can practice everyday. These Asanas(Physical Exercises) builds your posture, self-confidence, increases your flexibility and gives you youthful vital energy. It also gives you a natural glow to your face, promotes Hair growth and balances your Hormones.
Highly recommended for people with pcod, thyroid(hormonal imbalance), sugar etc.
Lead a happy life with this Yoga flow.
Om Namah Shivaye ????❤️????✌️

60 Years of Sivananda Yoga and 2017 International Yoga Day

Yoga Exercises for a Healthier Lifestyle - Yoga Sivananda Yoga Part 1

Yoga Exercises for a Healthier Lifestyle - Yoga Sivananda Yoga Part 1
Yoga Exercises
Learn about yoga exercises for a healthy lifestyle.
Yoga is an exercise system used by millions of people around the world to gain a healthier lifestyle.
In this free online course, Dashama, who is an innovator in the field of yoga, mind/body transformation and healing,
will guide you to a deeper understanding of yourself through yoga, teaching you a powerful system to access a
healthier physical and mental state of wellbeing. This course will be of great interest to all learners who would
like to learn the basics of yoga and to learn how to gain a healthier and more energetic lifestyle.

- Understand yoga as a means of gaining physical and mental exercise and health;
- Be able to perform basic yoga postures and movements;
- Practice the Pranayama yoga breathwork;
- Practice the Sivananda yoga postures;

Sivananda 101, pose 3, Plough

​My practice in progress... slow down, make every movement count.
Sivananda 101, pose 3, Plough
Sanskrit name,​ Halasana
The third of the 12 basic postures of Hatha yoga. It is very similar to the shoulderstand pose. In this asana all the muscles from the neck to the heels are stretched.

Sivananda 101, pose 12, Extended Triangle

My practice in progress... slow down, make every movement count.
Sivananda 101, pose 12, Extended Triangle
Sanskrit name, Utthita Trikonasana
. Strengthens your legs, feet and ankles
. Stretches your hips, groins, hamstrings, calves and spine
. Opens your chest and shoulders
. Strengthens your back, neck and abdominals
. Stimulates your abdominal organs, aiding in digestion
. Therapeutic for stress, anxiety, infertility, flat feet, neck pain, osteoporosis, sciatica and symptoms of menopause
. Relieves backache, especially during pregnancy

Yoga Teacher Training at Sivananda Bahamas - The 'After' Asana Sequence

On May 6 2015, I became a Sivananda yoga teacher! This is a catch up from the video I did a month ago before starting my TTC, which hopefully shows some progress. It was a tough month and I've obviously still got a long way to go, but this is me now...

Original Post:

Today, April 9 2015, I'm starting the Teacher Training Course at the Sivananda Ashram Yoga Retreat in the Bahamas!

I originally came here to do Karma Yoga (selfless service) for 3 months because hanging out at the beach in the beautiful Bahamas, for free, in exchange for doing some work, seemed like a pretty good idea.

We then had to take a 5 day course, which was essentially a shortened version of the TTC, and it all made so much sense that I decided to do the TTC in the next intake and to dedicate myself to the yogic path.

I don't know if I'm going to be a yoga teacher or not, but I'm hoping that it will have a positive influence on my life. I'll do another video at the end of the month so that we can see the difference that a month of intense yoga practice does for the body.

I'll also be posting pictures onto my other social media channels, so please follow!


Sivananda 101, pose 6, Cobra

My practice in progress... slow down, make every movement count.
Sivananda 101, pose 6, Cobra
Sanskrit name, Bhujangasana
This is halfway through the basic asanas
The benefits of the cobra pose are many.
. Stretches muscles in the shoulders, chest and abdominals
. Decreases stiffness of the lower back
. Strengthens the arms and shoulders
. Increases flexibility
. Improves menstrual irregularities
. Elevates mood
. Firms and tones the buttocks
. Invigorates the heart
. Stimulates organs in the abdomen, like the kidneys
. Relieves stress and fatigue
. Opens the chest and helps to clear the passages of the heart and lungs
. Improves circulation of blood and oxygen, especially throughout the spinal and pelvic regions
. Improves digestion
. Strengthens the spine
. Soothes sciatica
. Helps to ease symptoms of asthma

Sivananda 101, pose 1, Headstand

My practice in progress... slow down, make every movement count.
Sivananda 101, pose 1, Headstand
Sanskrit name, Salamba Sirsasana
sah-LOM-bah shear-SHAHS-anna

Sivananda 101, pose 9, Spinal twist

My practice in progress... slow down, make every movement count.
Sivananda 101, pose 9, spinal twist
Half Lord of the Fishes Pose
Sanskrit name, Ardha Matsyendrasana
This pose is named after the great Yogi Matsyendranath, 9th Century Yoga Guru who founded Hatha Yoga. The name comes from the Sanskrit words ardha meaning half, matsya meaning fish, endra meaning king, and asana meaning posture. This pose rotates the spine whereas the other basic poses bend the spinal column forward or backwards. To become truly flexible your spine must be twisted laterally as well.
The name Vakrasana comes from the Sanskrit vakra, twisted or reverse.
. Tones and strengthens abs and obliques
. Stretches and energizes the spine
. Open the shoulders, neck, and hips
. Increases flexibility, especially in hips and spine
. Cleanses the internal organs
. Improves digestion and elimination of wastes
. Relieves symptoms of backache, fatigue, menstrual discomfort and sciatica
. Stimulates liver, heart, lungs, kidneys and spleen
. Releases excess heat and toxins from organs and tissues

Sivananda 101, pose 7, Locust

My practice in progress... slow down, make every movement count.
Sivananda 101, pose 7, Locust
Sanskrit name, Salabhasana
this pose strengthens the legs and core body while opening the chest and stretching the low back. Locust pose tonifies the kidneys and stimulates the reproductive and digestive systems.

Sivananda Yoga Center in Gurgaon 8/30/12

Here is the Sivananda Yoga Center where I took class with Arun and about 18 other students. It was a great experience! Dyntima is working the front desk. We went on a great site seeing trip together the next day! Thanks!!



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