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Life in Svalbard - Leben in Spitzbergen EPISODE 3 Supermarket


HOW EXPENSIVE IS SVALBARD? | Cost of groceries and food in Longyearbyen Coop

For this week's vlog, we thought it would be helpful to take you around the biggest supermarket in Longyearbyen, Svalbard. Surprisingly, I found that Svalbard cost of living (at least the supermarket food prices) are not that expensive.

From produce prices, Svalbard alcohol and beer, to the bread and whale meat, Co-op Svalbard has it all. And even better, they have a locker to store your polar bear rifle if you need it!

Don't forget to check out our other Svalbard vlogs!

If you are looking for Svalbard accommodations, here's our ultimate list of hotels in Svalbard:

And check out these cool Svalbard adventures that you can book before your visit!
Longyearbyen: Northern Lights Hunt by Snowcat
Longyearbyen: Northern Lights Evening with Dinner
Longyearbyen: Northern Lights Hunt by Electric Snowmobile
Longyearbyen: Historic Coal Mine Tour at Gruve 3

We send an email every so often to keep you updated on where we are, what we're doing, and how much we are spending! Get our emails here!


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Michael and Halef live in Atlanta, GA, but are originally from Canada and Indonesia, respectively. They love to travel and try to do it as much as possible. They saved for a few years and are currently on a long-term round the world trip!

BBC Nature's Microworlds Svalbard


Barentsburg - a must see on a Spritzbergen Exploration Trip

Barentsburg is a must see town for the tourist who visits Spitzbergen / Svadbard. It is the second biggest community on Spitzbergen run by Russia under Norway’s Administration. Coal mining is still active on this island. This settlement has a small recently rebuilt russin Orthodox Church, a modern sports center, a school two bars and a hotel.

A day in the life of a Swedish girl on Svalbard | High Arctic - Northernmost Norway | Off-grid Vlog

I live in a little cabin in the northernmost settlement in the world - Longyearbyen, Svalbard! I make videos about my life here, so subscribe if you want to see more! :)
Instagram: @sejsejlija
Music: Epidemic Sound

78 degrees north in Longyearbyen Svalbard

We just had to get past the arctic circle and what better place to visit than the worlds most northern town. Longyearbyen Svalbard. This is our arrival.

Dare To Travel – 26-Year-Old Singaporean Living in the High Arctic in Svalbard, Norway

My family and friends thought I was crazy when I wanted to move up to the Arctic at 78° north.

Meet Wei Si, a spunky 26-year-old currently living in the Arctic Longyearbyen in Svalbard, Norway — the northernmost town in the world! Away from family and friends, she shares with us why she moved from tropical Singapore, and what it's like living in a town with more polar bears than people.

Edited by:
Jing Yi -
Hui Wen -

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Solo Traveling in the Arctic: Svalbard

Svalbard is an Arctic archipelago in between Norway and the North Pole, and also the Northernmost inhabited place in the world! I got to go there for 5 freezing days where I did tons of awesome activities with Spitsbergen Travel like Ice Caving, Snowmobiling to a frozen waterfall, and even dogsledding!

For more information and travel tips check out my blog,!

REVIEW: Funken Lodge Hotel in Longyearbyen

Read the full review on (Norwegian).

???????? Svalbard REINDEER + FREE Bicycles = Longyearbyen World's NORTHERNMOST Town (NORWAY on a Budget)

The warmth of a Longyearbyen summer, during 24-hour daylight, brings out a herd of Svalbard reindeer to graze and prance through the village. This is what life is like in the world's northernmost town.

Even in Norway's High Arctic, surprisingly, there are bargains to be discovered and affordability for the budget traveler. The Svalbard tourist information center distributes free bicycle rentals and although the ride itself isn't special, it sure beats beating the pavement on foot.

When cycling in Svalbard in Norway Land of the Midnight Sun, Matt views a sunset over the town and other unique features in this remote northern village.

Magnificent Svalbard reindeer are observed in town as is the helicopter during an Arctic Search and Rescue. The village's school, greenhouse and an abandoned mine are also on display during this ride when, even on flat roads, a free bicycle presents its physical challenges.

And during some down periods, the role of the Svalbard Governor and his responsibilities are discussed in this tranquil town.

Questions Answered:
- what is the summer weather in Longyearbyen?
- are their reindeer in the Svalbards?
- what is life like in the world's northernmost town?
- what is travel like in Longyearbyen?
- is Norway possible for budget travel?
- what are the responsibilities of the Svalbard governor?

Longyearbyen World's Northernmost Town #3:

Svalbard Islands Camping and Wildlife #3

Svalbard 2018

Longyearbyen, Svalbard
February 2018

Music: Uppermost - Beautiful light


Firma tur til svalbard 2011! ANBEFALES!

On the Spot: Svalbard (részlet)

Két digitális riporter, Cseke Eszter és S. Takács András beutazták a világot Gázától az Északi-sarkkörig, tudósítottak frontvonalról, földrengésről, elnyomásról és szabadságról. Néha elérhetetlennek hitt csúcspolitikusokkal beszélgettek, az ENSZ-főtitkártól Evo Morales bolíviai elnökig, de filmjeik középpontjában mindig a hétköznapi emberek történetei álltak. Forgattak gengszterekkel Johannesburgban, bemutatták a női körülmetélést Etiópiában, és olyan országokból is megrázó felvételeket hoztak haza, ahova újságírókként be sem tehették volna a lábukat...


Longyearbyen, Svalbard

November trip to Longyearbyen 2016. Last rays of light before polar night.

Reise-Podcast Spitzbergen: Nicht der Mond, aber fast #1

In der ersten Episode von „Nicht der Mond, aber fast – Spitzbergen“ reisen Lutz Neumann und seine Frau Sabine von Berlin, über Oslo und Tromsø nach Longyearbyen. Kälte, unendliche Weiten und glitzernder Schnee erwarten sie dort. Nachdem die beiden fertig sind mit staunen über diesen magischen Ort, besuchen sie Rolf Stange, der sie einnordet und einen Überblick über Spitzbergens Flora, Fauna, Menschen und Geschichte gibt. Und das macht er sehr gut, nicht umsonst wird er auch Spitzbergen-Rolf genannt.

Ein Podcast von lautgut.

Musik: Despite The Traffic by Wes Hutchinson
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0

Music provided by FreeMusic109

Svalbard.mine 2


Svalbard: En kuzeydeki yerleşim yeri - DW Türkçe

Svalbard Norveç ile Kuzey Kutbu arasında yer alıyor. Ada grubunun en büyük yerleşim yeri Longyearbyen. Nicole Frölich, Avrupa'nın bu en kuzeydeki yerleşim yerini ziyaret etti.

Svalbard Reiseliv opplevelser


Før gikk Bjarne rundt som en helt vanlig mann. Han tenkte ofte på hvordan han skulle måle seg med stål-gutta på kontoret. De som syklet milevis og løp på ski. Bjarne fikk liksom ikke tid til sånt. Eller lyst. Nå trenger han ikke tenke på det lenger. Han har nettopp vært på Svalbard.

Vinn flotte premier!

Delta i Game of Svalbard! Du kan vinne drømmereise til Svalbard for 2! Les mer på

Svalbard 2020

Svalbard August 2020 with NoSun

Svalbard 78º | KTH and U of I Summer 2013

I reuploaded to add better color correction and higher quality.

Video is taken from Svalbard locations of Petunia Bay, Pyramiden, and Longyearbyen. Those shown are Swedish KTH students and American University of Illinois students.

Vance Joy - Riptide
The Neighborhood - Say my name

2 sisters go to Svalbard

Julie Amer of Mountain High, made it possible for 12 women of different nationalities including me and my sis, from the U.A.E, me, a 2 times breast cancer survivor, to go to svalbard in the Arctic circle, 78 degrees North,
The Arctic womens challenge 2008, to raise awareness
for breast cancer, heres our trip...The fantastic music is by, LIVE, Album; Songs from black mountain, its amazing...



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