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Learn lao ,useful lao phrases


Dis-le en LAOTIEN : les mots de base pour communiquer au LAOS

Si tu prévoies de voyager au LAOS, voici quelques mots d'usage en laotien qui te seront bien utiles pour avoir un premier contact avec la population locale.

Un effort est toujours apprécié et c'est toujours bien pour faire une bonne première impression.

Retrouvez des infos et des photos complémentaires dans l'article :

Let's learn simple Laotian expressions.

Hi this is Seokjin. Learning foreign languages is always fun to me. Today I learned several Laotian expressions from our guide Phong Sip. Let's learn Laotian and Korean!

If you want to learn more Korean, please check out

Thanks for watching!

Learning English in Laos


Lao Language Project - Fruit and Vegetables 1

This is a quick Lao Language Lesson on fruits and vegetables. Words include: Fruit, Banana, Cabbage, Broccoli, Green Beans, String Beans, Onion, Potato, Eggplant, Pineapple, Apple, Strawberry, Coconut, Tamarine, Vegetables, Tomato, Dragonfruit, Durian, Lime/Lemon, Mango, Orange, Salad, Spinach, Garlic, Rice, Plain Rice, Sticky Rice, Peanuts.

Note: some of the literal meanings are simply the words broken up into their constituent parts. Together they mean something else. Its just helpful to know the words for two reasons: remembering them (Onion is a big smelly head) and to learn more words ('falang' is a 'foreigner').

If you have any helpful suggestions or more fruits/vegetables that would be helpful (not some rare specimen), feel free to comment. If you don't like something... be constructive/positive about it. This is to help people out there coming to Laos, so I can use all the helpful feedback to make things better.

Vocabulaire Khmer Lao

Comment dit-on bonjour, merci et bicyclette en Khmer et en Lao ?

Learn Lao Ending Particles through Emojis

Please sure to check out

Lao is a tonal language where different word tones can indicate different meanings. Thus, mood particles at the end of a sentence can help to express a certain feeling/mood.

Similarly, in American English, we may use ending words like, Go ahead, dear., Go ahead, fool! to politely (or impolitely) express a mood. The Lao equivalent would be ໄປເດີ and ໄປແມ້, respectively.

The usages of ending particles are so natural among native Lao speakers, that many would have a hard time explaining its concept. Much like asking a fish to explain water.

Here some use of visual mnemonics (Lao-mojis) to help you learn Lao particles. These are not a full exhaustive list but rather some common ones.

라오스어 공부방법 (how to study lao)

= 사진이 아닌 사연과 함께 하는 라오스 여행기 =

영상 재미있게 보셨나요??

재밌게 보셨다면 좋아요와 구독 부탁드릴게요 ^.^

여러분의 구독신청과 좋아요! 댓글은
동영상을 제작하는데 많은 도움이 됩니다.

일단 한번 눌러 주세요.

The Easiest Alphabet #72


Raw Travel Tip 215 - Helpful Words When Traveling to Laos

Here are some helpful pronunciations and words to keep in mind when traveling to Laos.

???????? Speak Lao - 4 sentences in Lao language

We played cards during our event in ???????? Vientiane and the challenge asked was to teach us some Lao sentences !


#blablalanguageexchange #languageexchange #learnlao #speaklao #laolanguage #vientiane #meetpeople #makefriends #laos #laostravel

Lao Cooking Terms

Please sure to check out


These are common Lao words for cooking methods you might hear in Laos (or growing up in a Lao household in America like me).⠀

Isn't it interesting that there are more than one way to say 'chop' or 'boil' in the Lao cooking world? ⠀

ຕຳ /dtam/ -- to pound, pounded ( ຕຳໝາກຫຸ່ງ /dtam mak hoong/) -- literally pounded and shredded papaya⠀
ສັບ /sab/ = to chop/cut, cutting meat ສັບຊີ້ນ⠀
ຕົ້ມ /dtom/ = to boil, boiled ຕົ້ມຫມູ (boiled pig)⠀
ໝ່າ /maa/ = to soak, soaked ( ໝ່າເຂົ້າ)⠀
ຫຸງ /huung/ = to steam/boil, steamed/boiled - ຫຸງເຂົ້າຈ້າວ steaming rice using a rice cooker⠀
ໜຶ້ງ /neuang/ = to steam, steamed ໜຶ້ງເຂົ້າຫນຽວ process of steaming sticky rice⠀
ຂົ້ວ /kua/ = to fry, fried (fried egg) ,ຂົ້ວໄຂ່⠀
ອົບ /ob/ = to bake, baked (bake the bread) ອົບເຂົ້າຈີ່ (bread + baked) or /ob kow nom bang/ ອົບເຂົ້າຫມົມປັງ⠀
ຟັກ /fak/ = to chop, chopped ຟັກໝາກຫຸ່ງ = chopping/shredding papaya⠀
ຈືນ /jeuan/ = to pan fry, pan-fried fish ( ຈືນປາ ) ⠀
ທອດ /thawd/ = to deep fry (with oil) ທອດໄກ່⠀
ປິ້ງ /bping/ = to grill, grilled ປິ້ງໄກ່ ⠀
ຜັດ /pad/ = stir fry ຜັດຜັກ (stir fried veggies)⠀

[Photo credits]⠀
Photo by from Pexels⠀

Good Morning, Laos

5.30am, Luang Prabang

How to Understand Lao People

What is small Saturday? And what is a kik?

Laos can be a confusing place for foreigners. But it doesn't have to be! I've got tips for the English phrases you'll hear (that we don't use in English) and what to expect when you''re texting with your Lao friends.

Greetings from Laos

Lao are People From the Heart

There are hundreds of words in Lao language that incorporate the word for heart, jhai. In this video we highlight several of the words and break down their derivation. For example, the word for Understand is Khao Jhai which literally means to Enter the heart. I think language can provide a lot of insight into culture. Hope you enjoy!

Teaching English in Laos

What did you learn while teaching in Laos?

Sounds contradictory? Not at all. Listen to a few of our participants sharing why they enjoyed their time in the local school and what they took away from it.

The Green Lion operates across Asia, Oceania, Africa, Latin America and Europe as a trend setter in developing exciting and meaningful programs in the fields of culture, travel, education and volunteer projects.

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Lao students Learn speak English with foreigner

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Watch Your Thoughts - Lao Tzu

Watch your thoughts, they become your words; watch your words, they become your actions; watch your actions, they become your habits; watch your habits, they become your character; watch your character, it becomes your destiny.

Lao Tzu also rendered as Laozi (Chinese: 老子, commonly translated as Old Master) and Lao-Tze, was an ancient Chinese philosopher and writer. He is the reputed author of the Tao Te Ching,  the founder of philosophical Taoism, and a deity in religious Taoism and traditional Chinese religions.

Laos Language - Hen Jhai

We edited this short clip from our longer Lao - People of the Heart video to highlight one word, Hen jhai which literally means to see the heart which is their word for empathy.

Thai/Lao most underrated languages????????????????❤️ #polyglot #thai #laos #blackpolyglot



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