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Lalo Mora - 07 La Vieja Banca


西安百年大集 风味美食中体味传统文化魅力 焦岱集市上感受浓郁人间烟火气 人声鼎沸的大街小巷里挤满赶集的游客 关中地区特色小吃比比皆是 老糖 烂牛肉 葱花饼 花馍 荞麦饸饹 洋芋糍粑 甑糕 红豆饭 糖糕




#subtitled #subtitle #西安美食 #西安 #焦岱 #老糖 #chinamarket #chinesestreetfood #ExploringChina漫步中国 #exploringchina #古城 #大集 #烂牛肉 #荞麦饸饹

Mines de saphir, 12 ans après

La fortune ou la mort les attendent peut-être au bout de ce tunnel sombre étayé par quelques planches. A dix mètres sous terre – une terre aride et inhospitalière - des milliers de mineurs jouent chaque jour leur vie pour découvrir la pierre bleue qui pourrait les sortir de la misère. Nous sommes retourné à Ilakaka, 40 000 habitants, eldorado du saphir situé au sud de Madagascar. Il y a douze ans, Ilakaka ressemblait à un bidonville déposé dans un décor de mauvais Far-West. Les mineurs dépensaient leur maigre fortune en filles et en alcool. Les acheteurs étrangers ne sortaient leurs liasses de billets que sous escorte armée. Ferdinand, 10 ans, s’était improvisé négociant en pierres précieuses. Il nous avait présenté sa petite amie, Olga, 12 ans. Olga vendait ses charmes dans les bars d’Ilakaka. Que sont-ils devenus ? Ont-ils fait fortune ? A quoi ressemble aujourd’hui la vie dans ce Far-West, douze ans après le début de la ruée vers l’or bleu ?

Bangladesh, les galériens du bambou | Les routes de l'impossible

Au Bangladesh, des hommes montent à l'assaut des collines du Nord pour couper les précieux bambous qu'ils assemblent en un grand radeau flottant. Pour rejoindre la capitale Dacca, trois cents kilomètres de marais et de fleuves les attendent. Au milieu de paysages sauvages, le périple de ce convoi hors norme va durer près d'un mois. Ce monstre indomptable de 80 mètres de long et 40 de large est manœuvré par six hommes.

Réalisé par : Philippe Lafaix

9 Yıldır Adada Yaşayan TÜRK (Nikaragua - Ometepe) ???????? ~469

9 Yıldır Adada Yaşayan TÜRK'ü ziyaret ettik. 13 yıldır Nikaragua'da yaşayan Ali Kemal abi 53 yaşında. Son 9 yılını da Nikaragua'nın küçük bir adası olan Ometepe'de yaşayarak geçiriyor. Maceralığı hayatını anlattığı bu video umarım hoşunuza gider. İyi seyirler

0:00 Giriş
0:36 Ometepe'de Ali Kemal Abi'yi arıyoruz
4:37 Sonunda Ali Kemal Abi'yi bulduk
34:44 Çalıştığı yer
43:58 Ali Kemal Abi'nin el sanatları
49:31 Vedalaşma vakti
50:17 Çıkış

Merhaba ben Oğuzhan Tıraş. 64. ülkem olan Nikaragua'dayım. Dünya üzerinde bulunan 197 ülkeyi bu kanalda içerikler üreterek gezeceğim. Seyahatim esnasında çektiğim günlük videolarımda farklı kültürleri ve ilginç hayatları sizlerle paylaşıyorum. Amacım sizlere seyahat ve dünyamızın güzellikleri konusunda ilham olmak.
Çünkü dünyamız görülmeye değecek kadar güzel !!

Eslabón Por Eslabón - Los Invasores De Nuevo Leon

Paraguay, les invincibles du Chaco | Routes de l'impossible

Les hommes du Gran Chaco, au Paraguay, tentent de se faire une place au milieu d'une nature sauvage au climat extrême. Suivant la saison, le thermomètre passe de zéro à 50° Celsius. Les routes qui traversent le Chaco sont rarement entretenues, et se rendre d'un point à un autre demande du courage, surtout pendant les pluies d'hiver. Michelin, 67 ans, est l'un des rares à s'y aventurer. Comme il ne touche aucune retraite, il continue de jouer les transporteurs dans sa vieille camionnette. Malgré le climat inhospitalier du Chaco, d'étranges colonies d'hommes et de femmes s'y installent, et sous leurs mains la forêt disparaît, laissant place à d'immenses champs.

réalisé par : Daniel Lainé


Herkese selamlar
Bu videoda sizlere moldova'ya gidişimi ve giderken hangi evraklar gerekli, süreç nasıl işliyor bunları anlattım yorum yapıp beğenerek destek olursanız sevinirim

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Barbour Wax Jackets + How to Re-Wax a Barbour waxed coat

Check wax availability + Price on Amazon -

00:00 Barbour Wax Jackets
00:56 Buying Barbour Wax
04:18 Barbour Leadenhall Market
07:55 How to rewax a Barbour waxed Jacket
13:11 Pro Tips rewaxing Your Barbour wax Jacket

How to Re-Wax Your Barbour Wax Jacket for Optimal Performance

Barbour wax jackets are known for their durability, versatility, and classic style. But even the best jacket needs a little TLC every now and then. That's where re-waxing comes in. Re-waxing your Barbour wax jacket is a simple process that can help maintain its waterproofing, protect against wear and tear, and extend its lifespan.

In this complete guide, we'll take you through the importance of Barbour wax, how to prepare your jacket for re-waxing, step-by-step instructions for re-waxing your jacket, and aftercare and maintenance tips to keep your jacket looking and performing its best.

What is Barbour Wax?

Before we dive into the re-waxing process, let's talk about Barbour wax. Barbour wax is a unique blend of natural waxes that provides a water-resistant coating to your jacket. It also helps protect against the elements, like wind and rain, and can prolong the life of your jacket.

Barbour wax is made from a blend of paraffin wax, beeswax, and other natural ingredients. The exact blend depends on the type of Barbour wax you choose, which can vary based on the level of waterproofing and finish you desire.

How to Prepare Your Barbour Wax Jacket for Re-Waxing

Proper preparation is key to achieving a smooth and even wax coating on your jacket. To prepare your jacket for re-waxing, follow these steps:

Clean your jacket: Use a sponge or cloth to remove any dirt, dust, or debris from your jacket. For stubborn stains, use a mild soap and water solution.

Dry your jacket: Hang your jacket in a well-ventilated area to air dry. Make sure it's completely dry before moving on to the next step.

Warm the wax: If you're using a tin of Barbour wax, warm it up by placing it in a bowl of warm water for a few minutes. This will make the wax easier to apply.

How to Re-Wax Your Barbour Wax Jacket

Now that your jacket is clean and dry, it's time to start re-waxing. Follow these steps for best results:

Apply the wax: Using a sponge or cloth, apply the wax to your jacket in small circular motions. Pay extra attention to high-wear areas, like the elbows and shoulders.

Spread the wax: Use a hairdryer or heat gun to spread the wax evenly over the jacket. This will help the wax penetrate the fibbers and create an even coating.

Let it dry: Hang your jacket in a well-ventilated area to dry. Avoid exposing it to direct heat sources, like radiators or heaters.

Aftercare and Maintenance of Your Re-Waxed Barbour Wax Jacket

To maintain the wax coating on your jacket and extend its lifespan, follow these tips:

Store your jacket in a cool, dry place.

Avoid folding or crushing your jacket, as this can damage the wax coating.

Spot clean any stains with a mild soap and water solution.

Re-wax your jacket every year or as needed, depending on how often you wear it.

Barbour waxed jackets are as iconic as they are popular and stylish especially here in Britain. Designs include country classics, iconic biker jackets style and chic vintage looks in a range of finishes, from heavy and tough to antique and distressed.
My Barbour wax jacket needed re-waxing. So I got a pot of wax from Barbour and waxed my Barbour Beaufort myself. I purchased a pot of Barbour Thornproof dressing aka wax from a Barbour store in London. And then melted the wax and applied it to the coat.

Equipment Used to produce this film:
- Canon PowerShot G7X II
- Manfrotto Befree Travel Camera Tripod
- Manfrotto PIXI Mini Travel Camera Tripod
- Blue yeti USB microphone

Edited Using:
- Apple MacBook Pro
- Apple Final Cut Pro X

London vlog vlogger + blogger

Mexique : Le Yucatan, Pays Maya

La Péninsule du Yucatan abrite certains des plus beaux sites archéologiques des Amériques : les extraordinaires Chichen Itza et Uxmal. Les mayas, peuple indien d’Amérique centrale sont les fondateurs d’une brillante civilisation qui connut une période de forte croissance entre le 7ème siècle et le 9ème siècle après JC, et qui sombra dans l’oubli. La civilisation maya s’étendait des états Mexicains du Chiapas et du Yucatan, et sur ceux du Belize, du Guatemala et de l’Honduras.

Chichen Itza, élu nouvelle merveille du monde, est là pour nous rappeler la grandeur de cette civilisation maintenant quasi disparue. On y trouve la grande pyramide appelée « Castillo » par les conquistadores espagnols. En son sommet, on peut voir tous les autres édifices de la cité antique, comme les temples, le jeu de paume, le pigeonnier ainsi que la forêt. Uxmal, l’autre antique cité maya, mais de la période classique, est caractéristique du style Puuc, façades au niveau inférieur très dépouillées et au niveau supérieur plus travaillées. Sa pyramide et ses bâtiments ont un charme incomparable. Le Yucatan c’est aussi des villes coloniales comme Mérida, Valladolid, Isamal où l’empreinte espagnole reste encore présente et laisse chacune d’elles parler de son histoire par son architecture. Au centre de chaque ville, on trouve une place carrée appelé Zocalo, bordée par les symboles du pouvoir : le palais du gouverneur, la mairie et la cathédrale ainsi que ses rues bordées de maisons aux couleurs pastel caractéristiques du Yucatan.

Réalisé par Jacques VICHET

Kolombiya'nın Sahil Kasabasında 1 Günümüz Böyle Geçiyor - Santa Marta

Kanala katılıp, dünya turumu desteklemek isterseniz✅➡️
Kanala Abone Olun, Maceraya ortak olun. Bu seneki dünya turumu her hafta izleyin, bildirimleri açmayı unutmayın???? Yaklaşık 30 ülke gezeceğiz.
hesabımdan dünya turunu anlık paylaşmaya başladım.

İş Birliği İçin:
Kolombiya Cartagena'dan ayrıldıktan sonra artık Santa Marta gezimiz başlıyor. Bu şehir Kolombiya'nın en turistik yerlerinden olsa da, aslında klasik Kolombiya'nın 2 yüzünü görebileceğiniz yerlerden. İyi seyirler. ????

00:00 Santa Marta'da Kaldığımız Hostel
02:45 Sabaha kahvaltımız - Sokak yemeği arepa
07:30 Santa Marta Halk pazarı
13:30 Santa Marta Sokakları
17:10 Eski Şehir Bölgesi - Gezilecek Yerler
22:30 Santa Marta Plajları
24:30 Taganga Kasabası
27:00 Balıkçılar ve akşam yemeğimiz
video tasarım : gokseltuzun

#kolombiya #santamarta #video

DANGEROUS HIKE in Tatra Mountains in Poland ???????? (I Nearly Died)

Get ready for an EPIC adventure in the jaw-dropping Tatra Mountains! ????️❄️ Picture this: starting our hike around beautiful nature and then chilling out at Morskie Oko, sipping tea and munching on Szarlotka (Apple crumble), with the mountains as our backdrop. Then, we hit the trails, taking on the legendary Valley of Five Lakes hike, soaking in those breathtaking views... And guess what? We ended our day crashing at the highest shelter, surrounded by snow-capped peaks! It was like something out of a dream ????

UPDATE: The morning after I fell down the mountain and could of died Here is the video where I got rescued by TOPR the helicopter rescue team in the Tatra Mountains

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0:00 Tatra National Park
1:51 Wodogrzmoty Mickiewicza
2:27 Morskie Oko
9:57 Szarlotka Time
14:18 The Valley of Five Ponds Trail
23:12 Last Stretch
26:15 Mountain Hut
31:30 Our Room + Costs Breakdown
34:00 Morning Views

PS: Some of the links in this description are affiliate links where I'll earn a small commission if you make a purchase at no additional cost to you.


There are a ton of awesome neighborhoods in the city of Queretaro, Mexico but in this video I’m showing you 3 of my favorites!
Introducing my new girlfriend:

These are some of my favorite neighborhoods in Querétaro for a few reasons: They all have great locations, they’re walkable, and safe.

They are actually all older neighborhoods as well which is actually a big selling point for me because it means they’re a bit of an escape from the concrete jungle of the rest of the city.

I also like these neighborhoods because they’re pretty quiet, aesthetically pleasing, and right by or close to a great restaurant scene.

Are these the fanciest neighborhoods in the city? No, not even close. However, I consider them some of the best areas for other reasons. If you’re looking for the fanciest, maybe you want to look at Campanario, Balvanera, or parts of Juriquilla.

► Get 80% Off +3 extra months free:

If you’d like to meet my new girlfriend, watch this video next:

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

I'm Jordan, an American living in Mexico with my Husky, Laska. In January of 2018 I left the US to start traveling Mexico. Since then, I've been making travel videos about my life in Mexico, travel tips, Las Vegas tips videos, and advice for those considering moving abroad.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

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We ONLY include affiliate links for products we use, love, and trust. If you make a purchase after clicking on our links, we may earn a commission which helps us continue our travels and produce more videos.

#TangerineTravels #Queretaro #Mexico

Villa de Arriaga, Septiembre 2016

Romania Vlog | Travel guide, tips, things to do & 4 days itinerary

Welcome to our Romania travel vlog, where we dive into the heart of Eastern Europe to explore the best places to visit in Romania. In this Romania travel guide, we'll share essential Romania travel tips to enhance your journey, highlighting everything from the top places in Romania to the hidden gems waiting to be discovered. If you're planning a trip and looking for a comprehensive Romania itinerary, you're in the right place. We've packed our adventures into 4 days in Romania, showing you the most exhilarating things to do in Romania, ensuring you make the most of your visit. From the vibrant streets of Bucharest to the serene beauty of the Carpathian Mountains, our Romania vlog is filled with inspiration for your Romania travel itinerary. Whether you're wondering what to do in Romania or searching for Romania travel tips, our experiences will guide you through Romania's best places, offering a glimpse into the country's rich culture and breathtaking landscapes. Join us as we visit Romania, showcasing the Romania places to visit and providing a sneak peek into the Romania things to do. Our journey is a testament to why Romania is a top travel destination, featuring everything from the Romania travel itinerary essentials to spontaneous adventures off the beaten path. So, if you're eager to explore Romania, let this travel guide Romania be your starting point to discover what to see in Romania and uncover the beauty of this enchanting country.

00:37 București or Bucharest is the capital and largest city of Romania. It is described as the cultural, financial, entertainment, and media center in Romania with a significant influence in Eastern and South-Eastern Europe. It is also an influence in education, tourism, research, technology, health care, art, fashion, sports, and politics in Romania. It is one of the most populated cities of the European Union (EU) within city limits and the most populated capital in South-Eastern Europe.

09:45 Brașov is a city in Transylvania, Romania and the administrative centre of Brașov County. According to the latest Romanian census, Brașov has a population of 253,000 making it the 7th most populous city in Romania. The metropolitan area is home to 380000 residents. Historically, the city was the center of the Burzenland, once dominated by the Transylvanian Saxons, and a significant commercial hub on the trade roads between Austria and Turkey. It is also where the national anthem of Romania was first sung.

20:00 Bran Castle or Castelul Bran is a castle in Bran, 25 kilometres southwest of Brașov city in Romania. It is a national monument and landmark in Transylvania. The fortress is on the Transylvanian side of the historical border with Wallachia. Commonly known outside Transylvania as Dracula's Castle, it is marketed as the home of the title character in Bram Stoker's Dracula. There is no evidence that Stoker knew anything about this castle, which has only tangential associations with Vlad the Impaler, voivode of Wallachia, who shares his name with Dracula. Stoker's description of Dracula's crumbling fictional castle also bears no resemblance to Bran Castle. The castle is now a museum dedicated to displaying art and furniture collected by Queen Marie.

26:35 Peleș Castle is a Neo-Renaissance castle in the Carpathian Mountains, near Sinaia, in Prahova County, Romania, on an existing medieval route linking Transylvania and Wallachia, built between 1873 and 1914. Its inauguration was held in 1883. It was constructed for King Carol I. Peles Castle is the second-most visited castle in Romania and is arguably one of the prettiest castles in all of Europe. It has beautifully manicured gardens and 168 rooms filled with grand designs inspired by countries around the world. It’s a royal abode and summer family home that showcases paintings, sculptures, rare books, and an array of collectibles.

35:40 The Therme Bucharest is a wellness and relaxation complex with its 10 pools (indoor and outdoor), 6 dry saunas, 4 wet saunas, 16 water slides, pool bars, cafes, restaurants and more. Therme Bucharest is the largest Therme in Europe, with an indoor capacity of 4,000 visitors simultaneously. Moreover, with over 880,000 plants, on a total area of 18,000 square meters, Therme Bucharest has the largest indoor and outdoor botanical garden in Romania. Its three restaurants have a total capacity of 800 seats.

For more info:

Alp Galip

#romania #travel #vacation #romaniaatractions #românia

Pilgrims, Portuguese Sausage and A Malasadas Fail In Massachusetts

Today in this LONG video of my second day in Massachusetts, I will go explore the South Shore of Massachusetts. I will go to both New Bedford and Fall River to explore the wonderful Portuguese community there, go visit a friend on the Cape, take a walk around Plymouth and head to Boston for a late dinner.

0:00 Intro
2:24 The Town Of Bridgewater
4:24 Bridgewater State University
19:27 New Bedford
20:24 Miguel's Place
26:25 New Bedford and Hawaii Ties
27:55 Portugalia Market Fall River
36:30 Trying A Pasteis de Nata
40:18 The Search For Malasadas
42:44 Lizzie Borden House
44:02 Cape Cod Beaches
44:20 A Chat With Morgan About Chatham
47:12 Cranberry Bogs
48:33 Plymouth
55:55 Northern Chinese BBQ Skewers
59:53 Closing

Hey, I'm Misty, and thank you for stopping by my channel. I feature local restaurants to show case what food and menu items that they have to offer. If any of them interest you, please stop by and show them your support. Support local businesses to keep them going!

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Lalo Mora En Palenque de la Feria Tamaulipas


Los Invasores de Nuevo León con amplio repertorio dejó con un buen sabor de boca a los Linarenses que se dieron cita en el teatro del pueblo este 28 de de Julio del 2022. Un tema emblematico y muy popular en las familias Me refiero a tí dirigido a los papás.

Lalo Mora en la Fenapo 2017

alex mora 2

hola amigo

cuatro cienegas 2001 2009

Todo el proceso desde el terreno vacio hasta la actual casa e instalaciones de la casa de verano de Cuatro Ciénegas.



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