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Kochi Yosakoi Festival 2019


Yosakoi Festival - VISIT KOCHI JAPAN

Kochi Prefecture is located in the southern part of Shikoku on the Pacific Ocean side of Japan.
In land surrounded by rivers with the highest quality water in Japan, the magnificent ocean, and vividly green mountains, the people of Kochi enjoy the blessings of nature in food, culture, and fun, while preserving nature as it is.
Travel to Kochi, Japan's best kept secret, and experience an authentic and untouched Japan.

Relax amidst beautiful nature that gives you a sense of healing. A journey that will refresh your body and soul awaits.


Yosakoi festival

Yosakoi festival is a large-scale festival held in Kochi City in August every year. Yosakoi is an energetic group dance that originated in Kochi. Dancers in colorful costumes dance to a song that arranges a folk song called Yosakoi Bushi.
During this summer dance festival, the center of Kochi City turns into a stage for vivid performances, parades and celebrations.

よさこい祭りは、毎年8月に高知市で開催される大規模なお祭りです。よさこいは高知発祥のエネルギッシュな踊りです。 よさこい節という民謡をアレンジした曲に合わせて、色とりどりの衣装をまとった踊り子たちが踊りを繰り広げます。

Special website▶︎
Official Website▶︎


2019年 高知 よさこい祭り 本祭1日目 『ミヤタジュクJAPAN』 /  Yosakoi Festival in Kochi 2019, Japan

2019.8.10 はりまや橋商店街にて、ミヤタジュク

2019年 高知 よさこい祭り 本祭1日目 『PRIME MENBER』 /  Yosakoi Festival in Kochi 2019, Japan

2019.8.10 はりまや橋商店街にて撮影。

The Birthplace of Yosakoi: Kochi, Japan 90s ver

Do you know Kochi prefecture on Japan?
In Kochi, there is the passionate Yosakoi dance(Yosakoi Festival), beautiful nature and local culture.

▼What is Yosakoi?

▼What kind of place is Kochi?

Kochi Yosakoi Festival 2019

official website

【全演舞】高知よさこい祭り 2019 後夜祭 | Kochi Yosakoi Festival

中央公園 後夜祭

00:00:00 タイトル
00:01:07 りぼん de Yosakoi 「結心」【地区競演場連合会奨励賞】
00:05:29 七福よさこい連 祝禧【地区競演場連合会奨励賞】
00:10:21 DDよさこいチーム【地区競演場連合会奨励賞】
00:14:01 だるま【地区競演場連合会奨励賞】
00:18:36 祭三代・IKU!【地区競演場連合会奨励賞】
00:23:04 NTTドコモ【地区競演場連合会奨励賞】
00:27:12 よんでん(四国電力グループ)【地区競演場連合会奨励賞】
00:32:01 四国銀行【地区競演場連合会奨励賞】
00:36:44 祭屋-Saiya-よさこい踊り子隊【地区競演場連合会奨励賞】
00:41:20 俵屋グループ【地区競演場連合会奨励賞】
00:45:52 au【地区競演場連合会奨励賞】
00:50:34 國士舞双【地区競演場連合会奨励賞】
00:55:28 サニーグループよさこい踊り子隊SUNNYS【審査員特別賞】
00:59:49 いなん【審査員特別賞】
01:04:27 帯屋町筋【審査員特別賞】
01:08:51 上町よさこい鳴子連【銀賞】
01:13:45 旭食品【銀賞】
01:18:35 天空しなと屋 しん 【銀賞】
01:23:33 十人十彩 【金賞】
01:28:24 濱長花神楽【金賞】
01:33:30 ほにや 【金賞】
01:38:33 とらっくよさこい(ちふれ) 【よさこい大賞】
01:43:56 総踊り 『この地へ〜』
01:48:46 総踊り 『正調よさこい鳴子踊り』

Kochi Yosakoi Festival

#よさこい #yosakoi #高知

高知よさこい祭り。(第66回よさこい祭り:2019年) Kochi Yosakoi Festival. ( VISIT KOCHI )


映像は2019年の「 第66回 高知 よさこい祭り 」です。
The video is the 66th Kochi Yosakoi Festival in 2019.
チャンネル登録はコチラです。(Click here for channel registration.)

サブチャンネル登録はコチラです。(Click here for sub channel registration.)

おススメ動画【祭 ( festival )】

おススメ動画【高知よさこい祭り ほにやついすと】

おススメ動画【高知県 (Kochi Prefecture)観光 part2 】

おススメ動画【高知県 (Kochi Prefecture)観光 part1 】

おススメ動画【宮城県 観光 ( Sightseeing )】

おススメ動画【奈良県 観光 ( Sightseeing )】

おススメ動画【京都府 永観堂・南禅寺・建仁寺・嵐山編】

おススメ動画【京都府 東寺・三十三間堂・平等院・妙心寺編】


- Music -
 Audiostock ( オーディオストック )
 Artist : Kazumasa Okamoto ( 岡本 カズマサ )
#高知 #第66回よさこい祭り #ほにや #天空しなと屋 #とらっくよさこい #濱長 #万々歳 #俵屋 #十人十彩 #祭屋 #旭食品 #濱長花神楽 #とらっく #十人十彩

2019年 高知 よさこい祭り 本祭2日目 『無国籍』 /  Yosakoi Festival in Kochi 2019, Japan

2019.8.11 無国籍の踊りは、踊り易そうです。

【全演舞】高知よさこい祭り 2019 全国大会  ノンストップ49チーム | Kochi Yosakoi Festival

中央公園 全国大会

0:00:00 葵
0:05:04 常磐
0:09:01 りぐる
0:13:48 早稲田大学 よさこいチーム 東京花火
0:18:34 相模RANBU○
0:23:17 よさこい塾・ありがた屋
0:27:53 YOSAKOI JAPAN~祭育~
0:32:31 紀楽蝶
0:36:05 よさこい連「わ」
0:40:41 なるたか
0:45:29 男参S” with カァちゃん&木国
0:49:51 高知県よさこいアンバサダー絆国際チーム
0:54:25 東京学生”生っ粋”
0:58:41 我楽多
1:03:15 備後新選組
1:08:06 駿河リゾート
1:12:33 舞龍人
1:17:07 夢舞隊
1:21:37 びさんじん
1:26:33 かんしゃら
1:31:21 神石踊娘隊きらきら星
1:35:57 藍なり
1:40:41 浜っ鼓★弾★DAN
1:45:30 踊っこひおか
1:50:19 風神
1:54:44 そらいろ
1:59:27 つる姫
2:03:49 燦―SUN―
2:09:00 さが維新おどり
2:13:08 上總組
2:16:59 踊り陣 叶和
2:21:33 同志社大学よさこいサークル「よさ朗」
2:26:33 華鹿
2:31:04 お喜楽家~樂~
2:35:45 躍動
2:40:17 宴一座~宙~
2:44:47 備後ばらバラよさこい踊り隊
2:49:38 和歌山MOVE
2:54:18 能登國湧浦七士
2:59:07 らんラン東海
3:03:16 夢源風人
3:07:43 羅り瑠れ櫓連
3:11:58 ほろろ一座
3:16:47 朝霞彩夏祭連合チーム関八連
3:21:18 俄嘉屋
3:30:42 早稲田大学”踊り侍”
3:35:35 舞人

#よさこい #yosakoi #高知

Kochi Yosakoi Festival

Kochi Yosakoi 2019


Journeys in Japan 〜Kochi's Summertime Fever: The Yosakoi!〜

For more info

Yosakoi Kochi Japan Matsuri 2019 London

Yosakoi London

Temuzu is a yosakoi dance group based in London, started in Kōchi in 1954 and since then it has become very popular throughout Japan.

Have a great time when you all travel to Japan and Kochi Prefecture.

Kochi Tour : YOSAKOI FESTIVAL in August 2022 | Dance Carnival [Japan Travel Vlog]

Summer Season Free Walk Video.
YOSAKOI festival is Kochi's festival (Japan).
Many people dance for the first time in two years. Japanese traditional culture.

Part.1 :
Part.2 :

Location: Kochi City, Kochi, Japan
Date: August, 2022

**** YouTube Channel ****
Alone Everyday - Kitsune Suwa - (☝This) :

**** Social Media Account ****

Japan Travel
Let's enjoy TVL! Short:Tourist Spot!!!
VTVL(Video Travel) Shorts

#travel #vlog #daily
#food #restaurant #shopping #market
#city #dance #dancing #yosakoi #carnival #event #festival #dancevideo
#nature #beautiful #landscape
#japan #asia #world #tour #Journey

2019年 高知 よさこい祭り 本祭1日目 『ほにや』 /  Yosakoi Festival in Kochi 2019, Japan

2019.8.10 升形商店街にて、昨年のよさこい『大賞』チームとなります。

2019・YOSAKOI SORAN FESTIVAL (introduction video)

This is an introduction video of the Yosakoi Soran Festival held in Hokkaido.

The Yosakoi Soran Festival was born when a group of youths declared that The streets are our stage! after witnessing the magic and passion of the historical Yosakoi Festival in Kochi. Beginning with only ten teams and 1,000 dancers with 200,000 people cheering them on, the festival continued to grow bigger with each year and now proudly hosts roughly 30,000 dancers and two million visitors. The festival has gained recognition both within and beyond Hokkaido and even overseas, earning it the honour of being the event marking the start of summer.
Every team designs their own colourful costumes and choreographs their own distinctive dance set to lively unique music, which results in no two teams being the same - making sure to keep the spectators constantly engaged and entertained. Not limited to Hokkaido, Yosakoi Festival events can also be seen being held in various places across the country, proving its growing popularity with local residents as a celebration regardless of age or occupation.


Kochi Prefecture created the Yosakoi dance song Yosakoi Flower with the main purpose being to use the Yosakoi team overseas to perform and to teach and promote Yosakoi overseas.This Yosakoi dance song can be use by domestic people.
(3) 演舞を行うイベント等が非営利で入場料等をとらず演舞者に報酬が支払われない場合
[About use of YOSAKOI dance song ]
If you perform this dance at an event etc., generally it is necessary to obtain the permission of Kochi Prefecture. Please report to us.
But in the case of (1) to (3) you can use it freely without the permission of Kochi Prefecture.
(1) Practice
(2) When performing in front of a specific person / a few people such as friends and acquaintances
(3) In the case of a non-profit event that does not take entrance fees, etc., and the performer is not paid a reward for the performer
[About charge of use of Yosakoi dace song ]
There is no charge for using the dance and choreography to dance and teach.
[About edition and change of Yosakoi dance song ]
This dance and choreography can be edited and changed without losing the essence.
However, you can not let third parties to use the secondly work that you edited or changed.
[No commercial use]
Do not use this Yosakoi dance song for commercial purposes.

2019年 高知 よさこい祭り 本祭1日目 『和建設しあわせ踊り子隊』 /  Yosakoi Festival in Kochi 2019, Japan

2019.8.10 いつも和ませてくれるフレーズ。高知では誰もがそのフレーズを知る。『わっわっわ、わっと書いて、かのう建設』

Yosakoi Makes the World Smile 90s ver

Yosakoi is danced in 29 countries and regions around the world.
We are sending smiles to the world, from the dancers in love with Yosakoi.

▼What is Yosakoi?

▼What kind of place is Kochi?

Kochi Tour : YOSAKOI FESTIVAL in August 11, 2022 - Part.3(Last) | Dance Carnival [Japan Travel Vlog]

Summer Season Free Walk Video.
YOSAKOI festival is Kochi's festival (Japan).
Many people dance for the first time in two years. Japanese traditional culture.

Part.1 :
Part.2 :
Part.3(Last) :

Location: Kochi City, Kochi, Japan
Date: August, 2022

**** YouTube Channel ****
Alone Everyday - Kitsune Suwa - (☝This) :

**** Social Media Account ****

Japan Travel
Let's enjoy TVL! Short:Tourist Spot!!!
VTVL(Video Travel) Shorts

#travel #vlog #daily
#food #restaurant #shopping #market
#city #dance #dancing #yosakoi #carnival #event #festival #dancevideo
#nature #beautiful #landscape
#japan #asia #world #tour #Journey


What is the “DREAM YOSAKOI FESTIVAL”(よさこい祭り)That Originated From Kochi Prefecture?!

Have you ever heard of the “YOSAKOI FESTIVAL” that originated and is traditional to Kochi Prefecture? Right now this festival is not only part of Japan’s culture but is spreading throughout the world, and every year in Tokyo’s Odaiba the “DREAM YOSAKOI FESTIVAL” is held. We went to check out the 18th annual festival so we could share what we found with you!

★Read more on our website↓
Hong Kong:

誕生自高知縣「DREAM 夜來節祭」是怎樣的祭典?

大家知道日本高知縣代代相傳的「夜來節祭YOSAKOI」嗎?其魅力不僅遍及日本,甚至擴展至全球,在東京台場每年會舉辦「DREAM 夜來節祭」。這次為大家採訪了第18屆夜來節祭的盛況啦!




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