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Jasiirada Socotra ma Soomaaliya mise Yaman? Suqadara


Hadibo, Socotra Island, Yemen - Scene Documentary Socotra: The Hidden Land

City of Hadibo, Capital of the Island of Socotra, Yemen.
Scene of the Documentary film of Socotra Island.
Title: Socotra: The Hidden Land
Genre: Documentary Film
Running time: 52 min
Year: 2015
Location: Socotra, Yemen

Watch the full documentary on:

The ancient beliefs and customs of the remote island of Socotra went unchanged for centuries, hidden from the eyes of the world. Yet now, in the face of global change, its people have the chance to redefine and improve their lives. This is the story of how the island of Socotra is emerging from its isolation.

The documentary tells the story of an extraordinary lost land, the island of Socotra, Yemen, whose ancient beliefs and lifestyles remained unchanged for centuries. Every step you take on Socotra is a discovery. To move through its coastal areas and unique landscapes, is to cross a frontier in time, on an amazing journey that can be made only once, as the experience the next time will be quite different.

The viewer is taken on one such journey, revealing the beauty and the striking strangeness of the island, showing the physical reality of Socotra and how it has shaped the islanders’ lives over the centuries.

The documentary is a reflection of the life and customs of this isolated society of the island of Socotra located in Yemen, told by some of the most remarkable characters on the island, who use their own words, and their own traditional tales, beliefs and ways of life, to tell us about their spirit, their future and their daily struggle to preserve their traditions in the face of globalization.

The future of the island is uncertain. For one hand there is an increasing interest of many travelers to visit Socotra island, not only for its unique ecosystem and beauty, also because of is a good place for adventure sport such us climb, surf, kitesurf or fishing. But the instability of the political situation makes many tourists to not travel to Socotra. There is also a military interest because the island could be a strategic location to do a military base in the Middle East.

Directed by Carles Cardelús
Produced by Steve Brown
Edited by Anna Escurriola
Music by Antonio Barba
Written by Carles Cardelús and Anna Escurriola
Co-produced by Carles Cardelús, Anna Escurriola and Antonio Barba

A Kilogram Box and Ignite Channel production
© 2015. All rights reserved
Documentary film Socotra: The Hidden Land


Yemen - Socotra Island

Socotra, Yemen - The Worst Travel videos in the world/Los peores vídeos de viaje del mundo

Esto dice el Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores sobre viajar a Yemen y Socotra: Se desaconseja el viaje bajo cualquier circunstancia (incluyendo a destinos como la isla de Socotra) y se recomienda a quienes tengan la nacionalidad española y que se encuentren en el país que lo abandonen lo antes posible.

Nosotros hemos estado y volvemos encantados con una naturaleza y una gente que no merecen ser apartados del interés humano por conocer. Eso sí, echad aun vistazo antes del viaje por si la situación estuviese complicada.
Artículo completo:
This is what the Ministry of Foreign Affairs says about traveling to Yemen and Socotra: Travel is discouraged under any circumstances (including destinations such as the island of Socotra) and it is recommended to those who have Spanish nationality and who are in the country to do so. leave as soon as possible.

We have been there and come back totally in love with a nature and people that do not deserve to be separated from the human interest to know. Of course, take a look before the trip in case the situation is complicated.
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¡Buen viaje y buenas fotos!
Vídeo grabado en 2021 por Laia López para

Incredible Socotra

Pictures taken in Socotra by Tadeusz Sokołowski in 2007 and 2008. Two photos of Jacek Herman-Iżycki. Edited by Tadeusz Słabczyński, Globograf. Music Natasha Atlas Habibi
Sokotra, wyspa na Oceanie Indyjskim, na południe od Półwyspu Arabskiego i jej unikalna przyroda


Ebaad Island Somaliland

Ceebaad (Ebaad) Island in Somaliland.

Imagine a beautiful tropical island. Its beaches are covered with soft white sand. This is a secret island. There is only few fishermen here.

Forgotten Island - Socotra - سقطرى - الجزيرة المنسية

سقطرى السعادة، عروس حسناء جميلة التفاصيل وأصيلة الانتماء، كُبرى جُزر أرخبيل سقطرى الواقع في المحيط الهندي، تبلغ مساحتها 1477 ميل مربع حسب الويكيبيديا، يقطنها أكثر من مائه وخمسة وسبعون ألف نسمة حسب موقع التراث العالمي لليونيسكو.
سقطرى أرض السعادة كما كان يُطلق عليها قديماً طريق الحرير وموطن الند (البخور) حسب منظمة اليونيسكو فإن تاريخ جزيرة سقطرى يعود إلى العصور الحجرية أي ما يقارب مليون ونصف المليون سنة.

Socotra, the land of happiness, as it was called in the past, the Silk Road and the birthplace of the Nood (incense), according to UNESCO, the history of Socotra Island goes back to the stone ages, that is, approximately one and a half million years.

Socotra Island - Pearl buried جزيرة سقطرى لؤلؤة مطمورة‬

Socotra - Hoq cave & Arher Beach - 2018

Day 3 of amazing Socotra tree.

Lot's of drone flight around Hoq Cave, Arher beach, Insel peninsula and Crabs' city.

Socotra - Deleisha beach - 2018

First day of our December 2018 trip to Socotra island.

STAY TUNED for more video about Socotra!

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