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Is Civilization on the Brink of Collapse?


Western Civilisation: What to Keep and What to Kill

The Western world has developed at a rapid speed over the past 30 years with huge technological advances. How is that affecting us from keeping a global perspective? In this panel discussion led by Jamie Wheal, Wade, Gabor and Indra pick apart our modern-day societal structures to debate which are beneficial to humankind and the planet and which we could reconfigure or rid the world of entirely.

Where to Live During Economic Collapse... ????

Explore some remote towns of Eastern Washington, Oregon and California to see where's the best place to live during an economic collapse.

We're Ted and Diane, empty nesters and entrepreneurs, exploring the best places to live in America for personal freedom, liberty, happiness—and we hope you join us for this journey.

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Opinions on this channel are from our own experiences buying and selling property in the US and Puerto Rico and are for information/entertainment purposes only. Consult local professionals for serious inquiries about investing in real estate. If you allow us to introduce you to a local real estate agent and you later close a deal with them, they will pay us a referral fee, which helps support the channel. We receive nothing for introducing you to lenders or attorneys, other than good karma... :)

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The Example of a Civilized Society: Testimonies from Venezuela

Participants: Sumito Estévez, Chef, Writer, Entrepreneur and Educator; Alejandro Marius, Founder of the Association Trabajo y Persona, Caracas; Ana Cristina Vargas, Professor and Researcher for the Urbanism Institute at the Architecture Faculty of the Universidad Central de Venezuela, Founder and Director of Tracing Public Space.
Introduced by Monica Poletto, President of CdO-Opere Sociali.


Jairam Ramesh, Martin Goodman, David Wallace-Wells , Jeffrey Gettleman | Jaipur Literature Festival

Client Earth: Jairam Ramesh, Martin Goodman, David Wallace-Wells & Jeffrey Gettleman

Martin Goodman’s Client Earth, about ecolawyers saving the planet, written with James Thornton, was a Business Book of the Year 2017. Morning Star calls his new novel of music and the Holocaust, J SS Bach, ‘masterful’. He is Emeritus Professor of Creative Writing at Hull University and publisher at Barbican Press.

Jairam Ramesh is a Member of Parliament and Chairman of the Standing Committee on Science & Technology, Environment, Forests & Climate Change. He has been Union Minister of Commerce, Power, Environment & Forests, Drinking Water & Sanitation and Rural Development. He is the author of several well-known books, including Making Sense of Chindia, Green Signals: Ecology, Growth & Democracy in India, To The Brink & Back: India's 1991 Story, Indira Gandhi: A Life in Nature and Intertwined Lives: PN Haksar & Indira Gandhi. His latest book is A Chequered Brilliance: The Many Lives of VK Krishna Menon.

David Wallace-Wells is deputy editor at New York magazine and the author of the international bestseller The Uninhabitable Earth: Life After Warming. Wallace-Wells joined New York magazine as literary editor in 2011, became features director in 2016 and deputy editor in 2017. He writes regularly for the magazine about science and the near future, including his 2017 cover story on worst-case scenarios for climate change, and his regular column on global warming and its humanitarian impacts. He is a national fellow of the New America Foundation.

Jeffrey Gettleman is The New York Times’ South Asia bureau chief and winner of the Pulitzer Prize. Before India, he was based in Kenya for more than a decade. He is the author of Love, Africa, a memoir about his experiences in Africa and a whole bunch of other irresistibly fascinating things.

Every bit as radical the name suggests, ClientEarth continues to be a necessary intervention in times of rampant ecological devastation. Comprising of a bastion of passionate and purposeful lawyers, the revolutionary non-profit law organisation has sought to represent the Earth and advocate for its interests. Martin Goodman speaks about his latest book, which charts the journey of the firm and provides insight into the development of environmental enforcement litigation and its broader implications. In a session to bring back hope, eminent writers and environmentalists Jairam Ramesh and David Wallace-Wells alongside journalist Jeffrey Gettleman discuss our responsibility towards the Earth and discuss what it means to act planet

Presented by Motwani Jadeja Foundation

Described as the 'greatest literary show on Earth', the Jaipur Literature Festival is a sumptuous feast of ideas.
The past decade has seen it transform into a global literary phenomenon having hosted nearly 2000 speakers and welcoming over a million book lovers from across India and the globe. Our core values remain unchanged: to serve as a democratic, non-aligned platform offering free and fair access.
Every year, the Festival brings together a diverse mix of the world's greatest writers, thinkers, humanitarians, politicians, business leaders, sports people and entertainers on one stage to champion the freedom to express and engage in thoughtful debate and dialogue.
Festival Co Directors Namita Gokhale and William Dalrymple, alongside Producer Sanjoy K Roy and Teamwork Arts, create a platform for an array of speakers to debate, discuss and present their ideas in the annual five-day programme set against the backdrop of Rajasthan's stunning cultural heritage and the Diggi Palace in the state capital Jaipur.
Past speakers have ranged from Nobel Laureates His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, J.M. Coetzee, Muhammad Yunus and Orhan Pamuk, Man Booker Prize winners Ben Okri, Howard Jacobson, Margaret Atwood, Marlon James, Michael Ondaatje, Paul Beatty and Yan Martel, Pulitzer Prize winners Andrew Sean Greer, Benjamin Moser, Colson Whitehead and Jhumpa Lahiri, Sahitya Akademi winners Gulzar, Javed Akhtar, M.T. Vasudevan Nair as well as the late Girish Karnad, Mahasweta Devi and U.R. Ananthamurthy along with literary luminaries including Amish Tripathi, Chima¬manda Ngozi Adichie, Vikram Chandra and Vikram Seth.

Link to our website:
Link to Jaipur Literature Festival 2020 sessions:

Links to the other session by Jairam Ramesh:
Links to the other session by Jeffrey Gettleman:

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اعظم امبراطورية في التاريخ -The greatest empire in history????????-

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ينقسم تاريخ روما إلى عدة مراحل أبرزها مرحلة ما قبل التاريخ والتاريخ القديم والعصور الوسطى وعصر النهضة والعصر الحديث المبكر وأخيراً العصر الحديث. سكن البشر المنطقة التي بُنيت فيها روما منذ 5000 سنة على الأقل؛ ولا يُعرف الكثير عن هذه الفترة أو عن تأسيس المدينة سوى ما زودتتنا به أسطورة رومولوس وريموس، التوأمين اللذين أرضعتهما الذئبة لوبا كابيتولينا. طبقا لكتابات ماركوس فارو فإن تاريخ تأسيس روما هو 21 أبريل 753 ق.م، وبدأت المدينة في جذب السكان إليها في هذه الفترة لتنمو المدينة حول المستوطنات الريفية على هضبة بالاتين والهضاب المجاورة على بعد حوالي 30 كم من البحر التيراني على الجانب الجنوبي لنهر التيبر. بعد 650 ق.م كان الإتروسكانيون الحضارة المسيطرة في إيطاليا وقاموا بالتوسع نحو شمال إيطاليا والذين تركوا أثرا دائمًا على روما حيث تعلم الرومان منهم بناء المعابد وأخذوا منهم عبادة ثلاثية الآلهة جونو ومنيرفا وجوبتر.

تعتبر الجمهورية الرومانية فصلا آخر من روما القديمة والتي استمرت من 509 ق.م وحتى 27 ق.م. في هذه الفترة ظهر تفوق روما على الدول اللاتينية وفي النهاية أصبحت روما القوة المهيمنة على لاتيوم. عقدت روما معاهدة سلمية مع قرطاج في نهاية القرن السادس ق.م. كانت الفترة فترة نزاعات وحروب مستمرة لروما والتي بحلول عام 290 ق.م، كانت قد أحكمت سيطرتها على شبه الجزيرة الإيطالية. لم تتوقف روما عند هذا الحد بل اندفعت نحو إسبانيا، ووضع الجيش الروماني أقدامه في آسيا. انتهت الجمهورية الرومانية بصراع على السلطة بين ماركوس أنطونيوس وأغسطس قيصر، والذي انتهى بمعركة أكتيوم البحرية ليصبح أغسطس قيصر الحاكم الوحيد لروما في 2 سبتمبر 31 ق.م وتنتهي الجمهورية وتبدأ الإمبراطورية الرومانية.

بدأت الإمبراطورية الرومانية الضخمة قوية، إلا أنها واجهت بعض الأزمات والتي بلغت أقصاها في أزمة القرن الثالث والتي وضعت الإمبراطورية على حافة الانهيار، والتي انتهت ببناء الإمبراطور قسطنطين الأول لمدينة القسطنطينية كعاصمة جديدة للإمبراطورية. وصلت المسيحية إلى روما في القرن الأول الميلادي، وعانى المسيحيون كثيرًا من الاضطهاد خاصة في عهد الإمبراطور ديوكلتيانوس. خلال القرنين الثاني والثالث، حدثت أزمات مهددة بسقوط الإمبراطورية مما أدى في النهاية إلى تقسيم الإمبراطورية في 286 م. إلى شرقية وعاصمتها القسطنطينية وغربية وعاصمتها روما. في 324 م. أصبح الإمبراطور قسطنطين الأول أول إمبراطور يتحول إلى المسيحية وفي 380 م. أقر ثيودوسيوس الأول المسيحية الديانة الرسمية للإمبراطورية. في عام 410 م. أدت غزوات الشعوب الجرمانية إلى سقوط الإمبراطورية الرومانية الغربية.

تميزت روما العصور الوسطى بقيام الدولة البابوية والتي استمرت من القرن السادس تقريبا وحتى توحيد شبه الجزيرة الإيطالية في عام 1861 م. على يد مملكة سردينيا. في عام 962 م. ظهرت الإمبراطورية الرومانية المقدسة والتي كان لها علاقات كبيرة مع الدولة البابوية. بلغ الخلاف مع الإمبراطورية البيزنطية ذروته في الانشقاق العظيم والذي أدى في النهاية إلى فصل الكنيسة الكاثوليكية والكنيسة الشرقية الأرثوذوكسية. تميزت العصور الوسطى بمعاناة روما بشكل عام في مقاومتها للشعوب والممالك والإمبراطوريات التي حاولت الاستيلاء على المدينة.

بدأت روما عصر النهضة بتقليد النهضة الناشئة في فلورنسا حتى أصبحت روما مركز النهضة في شبه الجزيرة الإيطالية.

تحقق في روما العصر الحديث توحيد شبه الجزيرة الإيطالية عن طريق مملكة سردينيا. ظهرت المملكة الإيطالية بعد الحرب العالمية الأولى بعد صعود الفاشية إلى الحكم بقيادة بينيتو موسوليني، والذي تحالف مع ألمانيا النازية.

بتاريخ يمتد لحوالي 3000 عام، تعتبر المدينة مثالا رائعا للتطور العمراني والذي يوضح كيف أن أي تجمع عمراني يمكن أن يتميز بالتطور الديموغرافي والجغرافي إلى أقصى حد ممكن (روما القديمة)، كما يمكن أن يصاب بالركود والانحدار حتى يقترب من الاندثار (روما العصور الوسطى)، كما يمكن أيضا أن يعود من تحت الأنقاض ليحقق تطورا جديدا (روما الحديثة). لم يحقق ذلك التطور وهذه الأهمية سوى عدد قليل من المدن في التاريخ الإنساني، مع كونها مدينة أنشأت حضارة كاملة، كما أنها كانت مهدا للعديد من الحركات والمؤسسات الفنية سواء مدنية أو دينية.
بقاء مدينة روما وسكانها على الرغم من لحظات الانحدار التاريخية هي حقيقة مذهلة

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Beach talk: Jamie Wheal - Unpacking the Meaning Crisis & the Meta Crisis

With rising political tensions around the world and modern lifestyles and technology impacting our natural environment, life as we know it isn't sustainable. Jamie takes an anthropological perspective to acknowledge the failings of global structure and tribalism to understand how to move forward in future. Rather than a governance system for all, different cultures and opinions should be celebrated, with dignity returned to all beings.

Once, This Island Had Just One Tree—Look at It Now | National Geographic

In the middle of the Atlantic, the tallest peak of a small volcanic island is covered in lush greenery, by design. When scientists talk about terraforming a landscape, there’s a good chance they’re talking about Mars. (To terraform a place is to make it earthlike—for instance, bringing in plants and animals.) But the first scientific experiment in terraforming actually took place starting in the 19th century.
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National Geographic is the world's premium destination for science, exploration, and adventure. Through their world-class scientists, photographers, journalists, and filmmakers, Nat Geo gets you closer to the stories that matter and past the edge of what's possible.

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Ascension Island was quite barren when Charles Darwin visited, and he had little good to say about the remote, rocky place. But a contemporary of Darwin’s, Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker, saw the island as a blank canvas, ready to serve as home to an ecosystem of his own making. After importing thousands of plants and animals, however, Hooker came to have second thoughts about the undertaking, which wound up threatening the island’s sparse native vegetation. Now, conservationists are working to save Ascension’s few endemic plants from extinction.

Read more in Mysterious Island Experiment Could Help Us Colonize Other Planets

Once, This Island Had Just One Tree—Look at It Now | National Geographic

National Geographic

North America's Commonest Ducks.

Each year, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, the Canadian Wildlife Service, and other regional agencies conduct a Waterfowl Population Status. Except for 2020 and 2021, when the global pandemic and travel restrictions were in effect, the survey has been conducted every year since 1955. The survey is conducted by ground and air crews over a 2 million square mile area that covers the principal breeding areas of North America, and includes parts of Alaska, Canada, and the northcentral United States. The data that is collected help wildlife managers establish annual hunting regulations. Below is a link to the entire 76-page 2022 Waterfowl Population Status report:





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GLOBALink | Global Civilization Initiative highlights diversity: Iranian political party leader

An Iranian political party leader speaks highly of the China-proposed Global Civilization Initiative and believes that the new initiative highlights both diversity and unity. #GLOBALink

Greek scholars hail Global Civilization Initiative as significant to harmonious development

Greek scholars have hailed the Global Civilization Initiative proposed by Chinese President Xi Jinping, believing the efforts in promoting dialogue between civilizations will advance the harmonious development of the world. #GLOBALink

Collectors Treasury in Johannesburg

The Collectors Treasury is the largest used and rare bookshop in Africa, and possibly in the Southern Hemisphere. I went there with my book-loving family.

The Last Sanctuary A Tale of Books and Bonds

The Last Sanctuary: A Tale of Books and Bonds invites readers into a mesmerizing world where the power of literature and the strength of human connections converge in a gripping narrative. This enchanting tale unfolds in a realm where books are not just repositories of knowledge, but living entities that hold the key to the survival of a fading civilization.

In a world on the brink of collapse, a young protagonist discovers a hidden refuge known as The Last Sanctuary. Here, amidst towering shelves of ancient tomes, a diverse community of survivors has found solace and purpose in the pages of literature. The sanctuary becomes a haven where people from different backgrounds unite, bound by the shared love for books and a collective determination to preserve the wisdom contained within them.

As the protagonist delves deeper into the mysteries of The Last Sanctuary, they unravel a profound connection between the books and the fate of their world. Each volume not only tells a story but possesses a unique, magical essence that can influence reality itself. The characters form bonds with the literary treasures, unlocking hidden powers that aid them in navigating the challenges of their desolate surroundings.

Amidst the ruins of a once-great society, the characters must confront the shadows of the past and the imminent threat that looms over their newfound haven. The Last Sanctuary becomes a symbol of resilience, a testament to the enduring power of literature to inspire hope and forge unbreakable bonds among its guardians.

The Last Sanctuary: A Tale of Books and Bonds is a captivating journey through a world where the written word transcends its conventional role, becoming a force that binds hearts, shapes destinies, and ultimately determines the survival of a civilization on the brink. This novel celebrates the enduring magic of literature and underscores the profound impact of human connections in the face of adversity.
The Last Sanctuary: A Tale of Books and Bonds by reilly's Workspace

The Last Bastion

Lena, the Librarian

Oliver's Discovery

A Bond is Formed

The Library Revives

Recognition and Legacy

A Tale of Accomplishment

Empire’s Downfall: Could China Be Next?

When empires crumble, the echoes of their downfall resonate through history, offering us a blueprint of power dynamics that can predict the fate of modern superpowers. Welcome to a journey through time, where the grandeur of Rome's expansion, its societal complexities, and the eventual decline provide a compelling parallel to China's rise.

In the same vein as Rome, China has soared to economic heights, flexed its technological might, and fortified its central governance. Yet, as we peel back the layers of this global giant, we find uncanny reflections of Rome's ancient dilemmas: demographic shifts, regional inequalities, and an economy grappling with its own success.

Can China circumvent the pitfalls that once ensnared Rome, leveraging historical hindsight to carve a resilient future? Or is it poised on the brink of its own historic downfall?

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With great power comes great responsibility Just let me sleep. #brussels #police


Dying Light 2 [PlaybookPulse]

The virus won and civilization has fallen back to the Dark Ages. The City, one of the last human settlements, is on the brink of collapse. Use your agility and combat skills to survive, and reshape the world. Your choices matter.

Deacades of Drought in Peru | BBC Studios

Evidence uncovered at ancient Moche strong holds suggest that the city was ravaged by a 30 year drought. Could this be the reason why so many bodies were discovered and the city was deserted? Fascinating documentary on the history of peru from the BBC

This is a channel from BBC Studios who help fund new BBC programmes. Service information and feedback:

Dantewada City ।। दंतेवाड़ा शहर।। Dantewada Bajar And Cinema।।Chhattisgarh।। #Onelilesh

Dantewada City।। दंतेवाड़ा शहर ।। Dantewada Bajar And Cinema ।। #onelilesh

#dantewadacity #dantewadabajar #dantewadacinema #dantewadatouristplaces #bastarcity

Hello friends ! Today I went to see the street road of Dantewada. Where I saw the cinema hall on the way which is built right near the bridge and the cafe right in front. After going a little distance ahead of the bridge, on the way to the temple, there was an indigenous Khadi market, which was very good.

About Dantewada City:

The city of Dantewada got its name from the city's presiding deity Maa Danteshwari. Legend has it that one of the fifty-two limbs of Sati fell here during the Daksha Yagya and a Shaktipeeth was built. According to the well-known historical text Ramayana, Lord Shri Ram Spent the time of his exile in this area. At that time this area was called Dandakaranya. Dantewada district was created on 25 May 1998 by separating it from Bastar district. It used to be a tehsil of Bastar district. In 2007, some area of ​​Dantewada was separated to form Bijapur district, then in 2012 some area of ​​Dantewada was separated to form Sukma district.
Some members of the Indus Valley Civilization settled in Bastar before 1500 BCE, referred to in Sanskrit as the Dravidian-speaking Nagas. Chhindaknag is said to be the ancestor of the modern Gond race. From 72 BC to 200 AD, Shatvahana kings ruled here, then from 350 AD to 760 AD, Nalvansh, then from 760 to 1324 AD, Chhindaknag dynasty ruled. Means from 600 to 1324 AD, tribal republic remained in this area. It gradually weakened in later times when the rule of the Chalukya dynasty came. His reign lasted from 1324 to 1777 AD. He destroyed the great Gond civilization and brought it to the brink of collapse. And with the arrival of outside rulers, the foundation of feudalism was laid here, which continued to hinder its development for the next 5 centuries.

1. Nala Dynasty - 350 AD to 760 AD
2. Chhindaknag Dynasty - 760 AD to 1324 AD
3. Chalukyas - 1324 AD to 1777 AD
4. Bhosale - 1777 AD to 1853 AD
5. British - 1853 AD to 1947 AD
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Dantewada tourist places in hindi
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Dantewada city
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Sukma city
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Dantewada ka status video
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Dantewada cinema hall
Dantewada cinema
Cinema Dantewada

#Dantewadacity ।। दंतेवाड़ा शहर ।। #DantewadaCinema।। #Dantewadabajar।। #chhattisgarh ।। #Onelilesh
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from Bastar Chhattishgarh (India) #onelilesh

I Got Lost While Camping - #145 || Lost and Found: My Solo Camping Survival Story ????

I Got Lost While Camping - #145 || Lost and Found: My Solo Camping Survival Story

In the remote wilderness of the Pacific Northwest, adventure beckoned, and I heeded its call. Armed with nothing but my backpack, camping gear, and an unquenchable thirst for exploration, I embarked on what would become the most challenging and ultimately rewarding solo camping trip of my life.

#GettingLost As the sun dipped below the horizon on that crisp autumn evening, I set up camp in a secluded spot deep within the forest. The quiet solitude was both eerie and exhilarating. As I stoked my campfire and watched the stars appear one by one, I felt a sense of accomplishment and self-sufficiency that can only be experienced in the wild.

#TheWrongTurn The next morning, I awoke to the chirping of birds and the rustling of leaves in the gentle breeze. Ready to continue my adventure, I packed up and set out on a trail I believed would lead me to a breathtaking waterfall. Little did I know that this would be the beginning of an unexpected ordeal.

#TheDisorientingWilderness Hours passed as I trekked deeper into the forest, following the trail that grew increasingly narrow and overgrown. I was lulled into a false sense of security by my confidence in my navigational skills. Suddenly, I realized I had taken a wrong turn at a fork in the path, and panic began to set in.

#SurvivalMode As my phone signal dwindled to nothing, I realized I was truly on my own. Survival instincts kicked in, and I knew I had to stay calm. I took inventory of my supplies and rationed my food and water, but it was clear that I was lost deep in the wilderness.

#FacingChallenges The days turned into weeks, and each moment was a battle against the elements. I forged makeshift shelter, scrounged for food, and filtered water from nearby streams. My journal became my lifeline, a way to document my thoughts, fears, and hopes.

#TheUnexpectedDiscovery Just when I thought all hope was lost, I stumbled upon a hidden cave that would become my sanctuary. In the cave, I found ancient cave paintings that hinted at the presence of an indigenous tribe that had once lived in this area. This discovery renewed my determination to find my way back to civilization.

#TheJourneyHome With newfound purpose, I studied the cave paintings and attempted to decipher their meaning. They seemed to depict a series of landmarks and symbols that could guide me out of the wilderness. Armed with this newfound knowledge, I set off on a perilous journey, retracing my steps and using the cave paintings as my map.

#TheRescue After what felt like an eternity, I emerged from the wilderness, battered and exhausted, but alive. Search and rescue teams had been scouring the area for weeks, and they found me just as I was on the brink of collapse.

#Reflection My solo camping adventure had turned into an unexpected survival story. I had faced my deepest fears, learned to adapt, and discovered strength within me that I never knew existed. The wilderness had tested me in ways I could never have imagined, and I emerged from it forever changed.

#LessonsLearned I learned the importance of preparation, humility, and respect for the wild. I also gained a profound appreciation for the beauty and unpredictability of nature. My solo camping trip, which had started as an escape from the world, had become a transformative journey of self-discovery and resilience.

#LostAndFound In the end, I found more than just my way out of the wilderness; I found myself. My solo camping survival story, documented as #145 in my journal, is a testament to the indomitable human spirit and the enduring power of nature to both challenge and inspire us.

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A short story about the fall of #Rome

This story tells the story of the pivotal and decisive period in the history of the Roman Empire, the period of collapse that led to the fall of this great civilization. The description centers on the political, economic, and social transformations that led to the weakening and end of the empire's structure.



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