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IELTS Speaking Example Arabic Learner Score 7.5


IELTS Speaking Tips by 8.5 Scorer Syed Test Samples Band 8

Speaking Topics:
Part 1:
Part 2:
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Twitter: @learnwithsyed
If you email or message me about IELTS or English language, please mention a few things about yourself first so that I know who I am talking to.
Stay tuned with 8.5 scorer SYED for: Listening, Reading, Writing, Speaking Preparation, Tips, Tricks, Practice, Tests, Materials, Sample, Course in English, Hindi, Urdu, Bangla / Bengali, Sylheti, Arabic.

IELTS Speaking Tips by 8.5 Scorer Syed Test Samples Band 8 (1/3)

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Twitter: @learnwithsyed
If you email or message me about IELTS or English language, please mention a few things about yourself first so that I know who I am talking to.
Stay tuned with 8.5 scorer SYED for: Listening, Reading, Writing, Speaking Preparation, Tips, Tricks, Practice, Tests, Materials, Sample, Course in English, Hindi, Urdu, Bangla / Bengali, Sylheti, Arabic.

Egypt ???????? IELTS Speaking Test Samples Band 6 online with SYED 8

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Twitter: @learnwithsyed
If you email or message me about IELTS or English language, please mention a few things about yourself first so that I know who I am talking to.
Stay tuned with 8.5 scorer SYED for: Listening, Reading, Writing, Speaking Preparation, Tips, Tricks, Practice, Tests, Materials, Sample, Course in English, Hindi, Urdu, Bangla / Bengali, Sylheti, Arabic.

IELTS Speaking - Tips & Tricks | 100 Questions

About the Speaker: Shailly has been training for IELTS, TOEFL, GRE, GMAT, SAT, and ESL in different parts of the world for more than 12 years now. She is also a Permanent Resident of Canada.
* Any personal help for IELTS would be a paid service and can be asked by contacting her directly at *

Can you please introduce yourself?
Tell me something about your job/ work environment.
Describe the process of taking a job in your country.
Compare the role of job men and women in your country.
Describe your hometown. What is special about it.
Compare your hometown with another city.
Describe your country’s education system.
What is brain drain? What are the causes and effects of it?
Do you like cooking? Can you explain its recipe?
Describe a traditional dish in your country. What are the ingredients?
Do you like reading? Which is your favourite book?
Can you talk about mass media?
What are your thoughts about music?
Describe a traditional instrument in your country.
Describe the ethnic mix in your country.
Describe a traditional garment in your country.
Which is your favourite colour and why?
What is the importance of colours and how do they affect your life?
Name a book, film or a piece of music that you like the most and explain why?
Why do people collect things? Why?
What will you do if you don’t score the desired score in IELTS?
Compare your time with your parents? What is the same and what has changed since then?
How has travelling changed since 50 years ago?
What is the importance of flowers in your life?
Do you like surprises? Describe an incident when you were surprised by someone?
Do you like partying? Which was the last party that you attended?
What are your thoughts on late night party culture?
Talk about the best gift that you have got in your life.
How do you choose a gift for your friends?
On what occasions people give presents in your country?
Compare a person who has been in a foreign country with someone who hasn’t
Tell me something about your last vacation?
Which is your dream city that you wish to visit? What is so special about it?
Talk about the most populated area in your country.
Describe a dream city that you visited and impressed you so much. What was so impressive about it?
If you win a lottery worth millions of dollars what will you do?
Describe one of your photos. Where and with whom was it clicked?
What is your favourite childhood memory?
Do you have any childhood memory of toys? What was your favourite toy?
What was your favourite time pass as a kid?
What do you think worlds greatest problem in 100 years time?
What do you know about Global Warming? What is greenhouse effect?
What is capital punishment? Is it necessary to control crime?
What do governments do in case of disasters?
What is the role of public artworks?
What do you think about children’s school age? Advantages and disadvantages?
What do you think about increasing school pressure on children these days?
At what age children considered to be adults in your country? Which all rights are they granted then?
What is the main industry in your country?
What do you know about the wildlife in your country? Who is responsible for its preservation?
What is the meaning of your name?
Does your name match your personality?
What is the importance of friendship in your life?
What are the properties of a good friend? What do you expect from your friends?
Who is your closest/friend? Tell me something about him/her.
Describe a child you know. How has he/she influenced you?
Describe a sportsperson you admire. Why you admire this person?
Do you think that people have enough time for leisure now?
How are foreigners treated in your country?
Describe any historical monument in your country.
Describe a traditional wedding ceremony.
How have weddings changed in recent years?
What is destination wedding? What are your thoughts about it?
Why is divorce rate increasing so rapidly?
Are there any traditions concerning the birth of a baby?
What is fashion for you?
What do people follow fashion? Do you follow fashion?
Which is your favourite festival?
Which places in your hometown/region should the visitors go?
Who does most household chores in your home?
What are your thoughts about live-in relationships?
What is your opinion of the family planning policy?
How would you discipline your child?
If you had a chance, would you have a son or a daughter?
Will you do anything differently in bringing up your child from what your parents did?
If you could start life again, would you do anything differently?
What ambitions do you have?
How do you see yourself in 10 years time?
How do you think will cope abroad?
How does it feel to go abroad for the first time?
What do you do in your leisure time?
Describe a typical working day for you.
If you had the opportunity to change your job, what would you do instead?
Do you agree with private education? Why?
What can be done to close the gap between urban and rural areas?

IELTS Writing Test Band 8.0 Sample Task 2 Academic 8.5 scorer SYED

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Twitter: @learnwithsyed
If you email or message me about IELTS or English language, please mention a few things about yourself first so that I know who I am talking to.
Stay tuned with 8.5 scorer SYED for: Listening, Reading, Writing, Speaking Preparation, Tips, Tricks, Practice, Tests, Materials, Sample, Course in English, Hindi, Urdu, Bangla / Bengali, Sylheti, Arabic.

IELTS How Long does it take to Prepare to get a High Score?

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Twitter: @learnwithsyed
If you email or message me about IELTS or English language, please mention a few things about yourself first so that I know who I am talking to.
Stay tuned with 8.5 scorer SYED for: Listening, Reading, Writing, Speaking Preparation, Tips, Tricks, Practice, Tests, Materials, Sample, Course in English, Hindi, Urdu, Bangla / Bengali, Sylheti, Arabic.

Algeria ???????? IELTS Speaking Test Samples Band 7.5 Tips SYED 8

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Twitter: @learnwithsyed
If you email or message me about IELTS or English language, please mention a few things about yourself first so that I know who I am talking to.
Stay tuned with 8.5 scorer SYED for: Listening, Reading, Writing, Speaking Preparation, Tips, Tricks, Practice, Tests, Materials, Sample, Course in English, Hindi, Urdu, Bangla / Bengali, Sylheti, Arabic.

India ???????? IELTS Speaking Test Samples Band 7.5 online preparation Skype SYED 8

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Twitter: @learnwithsyed
If you email or message me about IELTS or English language, please mention a few things about yourself first so that I know who I am talking to.
Stay tuned with 8.5 scorer SYED for: Listening, Reading, Writing, Speaking Preparation, Tips, Tricks, Practice, Tests, Materials, Sample, Course in English, Hindi, Urdu, Bangla / Bengali, Sylheti, Arabic.

Egypt ???????? IELTS Speaking Test Samples Band 7 Practice SYED 8

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Twitter: @learnwithsyed
If you email or message me about IELTS or English language, please mention a few things about yourself first so that I know who I am talking to.
Stay tuned with 8.5 scorer SYED for: Listening, Reading, Writing, Speaking Preparation, Tips, Tricks, Practice, Tests, Materials, Sample, Course in English, Hindi, Urdu, Bangla / Bengali, Sylheti, Arabic.

✔ NEW 2018 ???????? IELTS Band 7.5 Speaking Test Samples INDIA Mumbai online with SYED 8

All Rights Reserved: SYED MAHMOOD
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Twitter: @learnwithsyed
If you email or message me about IELTS or English language, please mention a few things about yourself first so that I know who I am talking to.
Stay tuned with 8.5 scorer SYED for: Listening, Reading, Writing, Speaking Preparation, Tips, Tricks, Practice, Tests, Materials, Sample, Course in English, Hindi, Urdu, Bangla / Bengali, Sylheti, Arabic.

IELTS Speaking Tips by 8.5 Scorer Syed Test Samples Band 8 (2/3)

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Twitter: @learnwithsyed
If you email or message me about IELTS or English language, please mention a few things about yourself first so that I know who I am talking to.
Stay tuned with 8.5 scorer SYED for: Listening, Reading, Writing, Speaking Preparation, Tips, Tricks, Practice, Tests, Materials, Sample, Course in English, Hindi, Urdu, Bangla / Bengali, Sylheti, Arabic.

Colombia ???????? IELTS Speaking Test Samples Band 6.5 Practice SYED 8

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Twitter: @learnwithsyed
If you email or message me about IELTS or English language, please mention a few things about yourself first so that I know who I am talking to.
Stay tuned with 8.5 scorer SYED for: Listening, Reading, Writing, Speaking Preparation, Tips, Tricks, Practice, Tests, Materials, Sample, Course in English, Hindi, Urdu, Bangla / Bengali, Sylheti, Arabic.

التحضير لإختبار الأيلتس - التحضير للأيلتس

اختبار الايلتس هو عبارة عن تكنيك و نقاط اذا ركزت عليها راح تجيب الدرجة المطلوبة ان شاء الله .

امتحان اللغة الانجليزية ????????????????????????????????(IELTS) بالتفصيل الممل كالعادة????

Uzbekistan ???????? IELTS Speaking Test Samples Band 6 online SYED 8

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Twitter: @learnwithsyed
If you email or message me about IELTS or English language, please mention a few things about yourself first so that I know who I am talking to.
Stay tuned with 8.5 scorer SYED for: Listening, Reading, Writing, Speaking Preparation, Tips, Tricks, Practice, Tests, Materials, Sample, Course in English, Hindi, Urdu, Bangla / Bengali, Sylheti, Arabic.

IELTS-এ 7.5+ পাওয়ার বুলেট টিপ্স ◉ IELTS Tips in Bangla ◉ IELTS-এ ভালো স্কোর করার কৌশল ◉ eGal YouTube

বিদেশে উচ্চশিক্ষার জন্য IELTS, TOEFL, GRE ইত্যাদি অনেকসময়ই বাধ্যতামূলক হয়ে থাকে। এর মধ্যে IELTS সবচেয়ে জনপ্রিয়। আজকের এই ভিডিওতে জানানোর চেষ্টা করা হবে কীভাবে IELTS-এ 7.5 বা তারও বেশি পাওয়া যায়। IELTS-এ ভালো স্কোর কীভাবে তোলা যায় সে বিষয়ে দিকনির্দেশনা দেবেন আইইএলটিএসে 7.5 স্কোরপ্রাপ্ত জার্মানির একটি বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের ছাত্র আবু তালহা। চলুন দেখে নিই ভিডিওটি।

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انت الحل : من خبير الايلتس...ازاي تحضر للايلتس

最大3ヶ月全授業料支援 One project:IELS 学生インタビュー

マルタに留学中の8代目One 柳瀬くんが、ブラジル人学生にインタビュー。他の国の学生はどうして英語を学ぶのか、そしてマルタの生活はどうなのか… ぜひご覧ください!

Colombia ???????? IELTS Speaking Test Samples Band 4 online SYED 8

No part of this video may be reproduced, copied, modified or adapted, without prior written consent of the copyright holder. You may share the URL link of this video.
Twitter: @learnwithsyed
If you email or message me about IELTS or English language, please mention a few things about yourself first so that I know who I am talking to.
Stay tuned with 8.5 scorer SYED for: Listening, Reading, Writing, Speaking Preparation, Tips, Tricks, Practice, Tests, Materials, Sample, Course in English, Hindi, Urdu, Bangla / Bengali, Sylheti, Arabic.


جميع المعلومات المتعلقة بالامتحان ، من البداية حتى النهاية - حصريا



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