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GABON Top 13 Tourist Places | Gabon Tourism


GABON Top 13 Tourist Places | Gabon Tourism

Gabon (Things to do - Places to Visit) - GABON Top Tourist Places
A country in Central Africa

Gabon, a country along the Atlantic coast of Central Africa, has significant areas of protected parkland. The forested coastal terrain of its famed Loango National Park shelters a diversity of wildlife, from gorillas and hippos to whales.

Lopé National Park consists of mostly rainforest. Akanda National Park is known for its mangroves and tidal beaches.

GABON Top 13 Tourist Places | Gabon Tourism

Things to do in GABON - Places to Visit in Gabon

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GABON Top 13 Tourist Places - Gabon, Central Africa

12 Best Places to Visit in Gabon | Travel Video | Travel Guide | SKY Travel

12 Best Places to Visit in Gabon | Travel Video | Travel Guide | SKY Travel
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LIBREVILLE Top 7 Tourist Places | Libreville Tourism | GABON

Libreville (Things to do - Places to Visit) - LIBREVILLE Top Tourist Places
Capital of Gabon

Libreville is the capital city of Gabon, a country on the coast of Central Africa. Its seafront boulevard has parks and sculptures. The National Museum of Arts and Tradition exhibits tribal crafts such as masks and wood-carved artifacts.

Nearby, the colossal Presidential Palace dates from the 1970s. Mont-Bouët open-air market sells a wide range of goods, from household items and local produce to traditional medicine.

LIBREVILLE Top 7 Tourist Places | Libreville Tourism

Things to do in LIBREVILLE - Places to Visit in Libreville

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LIBREVILLE Top 7 Tourist Places - Libreville, Gabon, Africa

Best Places To Visit - GABON | Travel & Tourism

Here are the Top 10 places you must visit in Gabon.

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Top 10 Best places to visit in Gabon - Must See - TheQLGConsultants

Suppose you love nature, wildlife, adventure, and beaches. In that case, the Top 10 Best Places to Visit in Gabon will undoubtedly be on your list of places to visit in Africa! Gabon, a remote country on the Atlantic coast of central Africa, has many exciting places to visit that offer something unique for all its visitors. The rainforests of its famous Loango National Park shelter a diversity of exotic wildlife, from hippos and gorillas to whales. Lopochu National Park is best known for its mangrove forests and salt pans.

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Country in Central Africa | Worldtripco | Gabon Tourist places | Top places to visit in Gabon |

Gabon, country lying on the west coast of Africa, astride the Equator. A former French colony, Gabon retains strong ties to France and to the French language and culture. The capital is Libreville. It is notable for the Oklo reactor zones, the only known natural nuclear fission reactor on Earth which was active two billion years ago.

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MALI Top 13 Tourist Places | Mali Tourism

Mali (Things to do - Places to Visit) - MALI Top Tourist Places
A country in West Africa

Mali, officially the Republic of Mali, is a landlocked country in West Africa. Mali is the eighth-largest country in Africa, with an area of just over 1,240,000 square kilometers.

The population of Mali is 18 million. 67% of its population was estimated to be under the age of 25 in 2017. Its capital is Bamako.

MALI Top 13 Tourist Places | Mali Tourism

Things to do in MALI - Places to Visit in Mali

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MALI Top 13 Tourist Places - Mali, West Africa

Découvrez LIBREVILLE : La capitale du Gabon | 10 FAITS INTÉRESSANTS

Libreville est la capitale et la plus grande ville du Gabon avec une population de 703904 personnes au recensement de 2013. La ville occupe environ 65 kilomètres carrés dans la province du nord-ouest de l’estuaire. Libreville est un port sur le fleuve Komo, près du golfe de Guinée. Plus d’un tiers de la population du Gabon vit à Libreville.

Le Gabon était le centre de la traite des esclaves. Libreville a été fondée par des esclaves libérés. La tribu Mpongwé vivait dans la région bien avant que les Français ne prennent le contrôle des terres en 1839. La ville a été fondée sous le nom de « Gabon » en 1843, comme station de traite. Des esclaves libérés y ont été envoyés du navire L’Elizia. En 1848, elle a été nommée Libreville. Il a été le principal port de l’Afrique équatoriale française de 1934 à 1946.

Libreville a été nommé d’après Freetown. Il a grandi lentement comme un poste de traite et un centre administratif mineur. Elle comptait 31 000 habitants lorsqu’elle est devenue indépendante en 1960. Depuis son indépendance, la ville a connu une croissance plus rapide. Libreville est un centre commercial et maritime pour le bois, le caoutchouc et le cacao.

Léon M’ba fut le premier président gabonais après son indépendance en 1960. Le mémorial a été créé à l’initiative personnelle du chef de l’Etat gabonais Omar Bongo Ondimba, pour promouvoir l’histoire et se souvenir du père de la nation gabonaise. Il est devenu l’épicentre de la culture gabonaise où les habitants et les touristes viennent découvrir l’histoire du Gabon.

Quarante ans après sa mort, le Mémorial Léon M’ba a été construit à Libreville pour honorer sa mémoire. Le Président Bongo a posé la première pierre du Mémorial le 9 février 2007 et il a été inauguré par Bongo le 27 novembre 2007. En février 2008, il a été ouvert au public. Le Sénat commémore le chef de ce parti qui a obtenu l’indépendance du pays. Le leader le plus admiré. Le mémorial de Leon Mba est un bel ajout à la statue du premier président. Ce n’est qu’un des monuments de Libreville. Découvrez-en beaucoup plus lors de votre visite!

Le Musée national du Gabon est une institution culturelle située à Libreville, au Gabon. Le musée présente la riche histoire et le patrimoine du pays, de ses cultures autochtones à son passé colonial.
Les expositions du musée présentent une variété d’artefacts, y compris des instruments de musique traditionnels, des poteries artisanales et des documents historiques, ainsi que des expositions interactives qui donnent vie à l’histoire du Gabon. Les visiteurs du Musée national du Gabon peuvent en apprendre davantage sur le patrimoine culturel diversifié du pays, y compris sa musique, son art et ses coutumes, ainsi que son histoire politique et économique.
Le musée est également un centre de recherche pour l’étude de la culture et de l’histoire du Gabon, et offre des programmes éducatifs pour les visiteurs de tous âges. Que vous soyez passionné d’histoire, passionné de culture ou simplement curieux du passé du Gabon, le Musée national du Gabon est un endroit fascinant à explorer.

a) Le français est la langue officielle du Gabon, mais le fang est la langue la plus parlée dans le pays. Le français est surtout utilisé dans la capitale et parmi ceux qui ont terminé des études secondaires ou universitaires. Le français est le moyen d’enseignement du Gabon dans les écoles.

b) Fang - Fang est considéré comme la langue nationale du Gabon. Il est lié aux langues Ewondo et Bulu utilisées dans le sud du Cameroun. Fang fait partie de la famille Niger-Congo, et 32% des Gabonais utilisent Fang comme langue maternelle. La communauté Fang est l’un des groupes ethniques les plus importants au Gabon, ainsi que la Guinée équatoriale voisine. Fang est particulièrement populaire dans le nord du Gabon, et il est reconnu comme une langue bantoue du sud.

c) Les langues indigènes du Gabon sont classées dans la famille bantoue. Ces langues ont atteint le Gabon il y a environ 2000 ans, puis se sont répandues dans près de 40 langues. Les langues africaines survivent principalement à travers les familles et les clans. En dehors de Fang, Eshira et Mbere ont également des groupes importants de locuteurs. Les autres langues gabonaises sont le saké, la douma, le tsogo, le simba, le vumbu, le fufu, le barama, le bekwel et le benga. Les langues sont principalement parlées plutôt qu’écrites, et sont transmises par la famille et les clans.

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Most Visiting Site in Gabon || Top Five || Mew Play

Tourism in Gabon is underdeveloped.Despite this, attractions include beaches, ocean and inland fishing facilities, the falls on the Ogooué River, and the Crystal Mountains.Tourists also come to see the famous hospital founded by Dr. Albert Schweitzer in Lambaréné. Hunting is legal in specific areas from December to September.
Point Denis is well known mainly because tourism hasn’t flourished there yet. Though it’s a rapid boat ride from Libreville, it looks like otherworldly. The beach stretches over several kilometers and ends where the Pongara National Park starts. The calm town has wonderful restaurants, tiny boutique hotels, and great water sports opportunities.
Situated on Mandji Island, it isn’t joined to the mainland by road. Port-Gentil is not only eminent for its industrial sector but also famous for the nightlife and casinos. During the day time, be sure to visit the local zoo and St. Louis Church built in the 20th century.
#Akanda National Park
Internationally famed as the nesting ground for one of the biggest populations of guest birds, Akanda National Park is the home of 25% of preserved mangrove in total Africa. The Bantu clan believes that the Mondah forest, within the park, is a holy place where many of their myths and fables were formed.
#Lopé Reserve
Réserve de la Lopé is precisely located on the equatorial. It contains savannah, rolling hills, and rainforest where you will probably locate buffalo, elephants, gorillas, and mandrills. This national park was actually a reserved area established in the 1940s after the Okanda Wildlife Reserve was created. It’s now a listed UNESCO World Heritage Site.
#Makoku and Kongou Falls
Makokou is the capital city of the Ogooué-Ivindo area and the entrance to Kongou waterfalls – Gabon’s own type of Niagara Falls. Situated inside Ivindo National Park, Kongou is certainly a must see with a 60-meter fall and huge theological significance to the locals. The village of Makokou is a bit separated but it can be accessed by air, rail, and river.
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Top 10 Places to Visit in Angola (Africa) | Travel Video | Travel Guide | SKY Travel

Top 10 Places to Visit in Angola (Africa) | Travel Video | Travel Guide | SKY Travel
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cities of Gabon , Libreville

cities of Gabon , Libreville

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LESOTHO Top 27 Tourist Places | Lesotho Tourism

Lesotho (Things to do - Places to Visit) - LESOTHO Top Tourist Places
A country in Southern Africa

Lesotho, a high-altitude, landlocked kingdom encircled by South Africa, is crisscrossed by a network of rivers and mountain ranges including the 3,482m-high peak of Thabana Ntlenyana.

On the Thaba Bosiu plateau, near Lesotho's capital, Maseru, are ruins dating from the 19th-century reign of King Moshoeshoe I. Thaba Bosiu overlooks iconic Mount Qiloane, an enduring symbol of the nation’s Basotho people.

LESOTHO Top 27 Tourist Places | Lesotho Tourism

Things to do in LESOTHO - Places to Visit in Lesotho

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LESOTHO Top 27 Tourist Places - Lesotho, Southern Africa

Top 10 places to visit Angola

Angola, located on the southwestern coast of Africa, is a vibrant and diverse country with a rich history, stunning natural landscapes, and a unique cultural heritage. Here are the top 10 places to visit in Angola, each offering its own distinctive charm.
Angola is a Southern African nation whose varied terrain encompasses tropical Atlantic beaches, a labyrinthine system of rivers and Sub-Saharan desert that extends across the border into Namibia. The country's colonial history is reflected in its Portuguese-influenced cuisine and its landmarks including Fortaleza de São Miguel, a fortress built by the Portuguese in 1576 to defend the capital, Luanda.

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TOGO Top 15 Tourist Places | Togo Tourism

Togo (Things to do - Places to Visit) - TOGO Top Tourist Places
A country in West Africa

Togo, a West African nation on the Gulf of Guinea, is known for its palm-lined beaches and hilltop villages. Koutammakou, inhabited by the Batammariba people, is a traditional settlement of fortresslike clay huts dating to the 17th century.

In the capital, Lomé, are the multistory Grand Marché bazaar and the Fetish Market, offering traditional talismans and remedies relating to the vodun (voodoo) religion.

TOGO Top 15 Tourist Places | Togo Tourism

Things to do in TOGO - Places to Visit in Togo

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TOGO Top 15 Tourist Places - Togo, West Africa

Travel to : Gabon !!!

best places to visit in Gabon !
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South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (Things to do - Places to Visit) - SOUTH GEORGIA AND THE SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS Top Tourist Places
British Overseas Territory

South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands is a British Overseas Territory in the southern Atlantic Ocean. It is a remote and inhospitable collection of islands, consisting of South Georgia and a chain of smaller islands known as the South Sandwich Islands.

South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands are a collection of islands in the South Atlantic Ocean. Most of the islands, rising steeply from the sea, are rugged and mountainous. At higher elevations, the islands are permanently covered with ice and snow.

SOUTH GEORGIA AND THE SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS Top 13 Tourist Places | South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Tourism

Things to do in SOUTH GEORGIA AND THE SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS - Places to Visit in South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands

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SOUTH GEORGIA AND THE SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS Top 13 Tourist Places - South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, Southern Atlantic Ocean

Discover Gabon - Cinematic travel video | Gabon Tourism | libreville - cinematography reel - A6300

Discover Gabon - Cinematic travel video | Gabon Tourism | libreville - cinematography reel - A6300
With an impressive area of the country proclaimed as national parkland, Gabon offers a spectacular array of wildlife in its dense rain forests and open Savannah to captivate nature enthusiasts. Gabon’s tourism industry is still in developing stage, but beautiful weather all year round, there is almost never a bad time to explore Gabon. In Gabon, you’ll find yourself in a vast and largely undiscovered paradise of white sandy beaches, dense jungle, raging rivers, pristine landscapes and you have an Eden-like travel experience in an unexplored part of Africa.
This is a short cinematic compilation of the best of Gabon tourism I filmed along the way.

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Sony A6300
35 mm F1.8
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DJI Mavic pro

Made by Paul Tng Visual cinematography reel gh5 gh5 cinematic libreville matt komo

MAURITIUS Top 47 Tourist Places | Mauritius Tourism

Mauritius (Things to do - Places to Visit) - MAURITIUS Top Tourist Places
A country in East Africa

Mauritius, an Indian Ocean island nation, is known for its beaches, lagoons, and reefs. The mountainous interior includes Black River Gorges National Park, with rainforests, waterfalls, hiking trails and wildlife like the flying fox.

Capital Port Louis has sites such as the Champs de Mars horse track, Eureka plantation house, and 18th-century Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam Botanical Gardens.

MAURITIUS Top 47 Tourist Places | Mauritius Tourism

Things to do in MAURITIUS - Places to Visit in Mauritius

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MAURITIUS Top 47 Tourist Places - Mauritius, East Africa

???????? Gabon Unveiled | Top 5 Must-Visit Destinations | 5 Traveling Places to visit in Gabon????????????????????????

???????? Gabon Unveiled | Top 5 Must-Visit Destinations | 5 Traveling Places to visit in Gabon????????????????????????

Welcome to our channel! In this exciting video, we are taking you on a virtual tour to the top 5 must-visit places in Gabon, a hidden gem in Africa. Join us as we uncover the beauty and wonders of this incredible country.

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00:00:00 Discovering Libreville
00:01:44 Unearthing History at Lopé National Park
00:02:45 The Coastal Charm of Port-Gentil
00:03:50 The Mystical Mayumba National Park
00:05:18 The Cultural Hub of Oyem

#Gabon #HiddenGems #MustVisit #Travel #Explore #Vacation #Tourism #Adventure #BeautifulPlaces #Nature #Wildlife #Culture #Landscapes #TravelInspiration #Unveiling #TouristAttractions #ExploreGabon #AfricanDestinations #TravelGoals #DiscoverGabon

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