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Freetown...Ever Elevating commentary


A View of Freetown

A view of Sierra Leone's capital Freetown from the hillside Signal Hill end

Freetown / Sierra Leone

City-Tour with a Keke through the capital of Sierra Leone.
A Keke tour through Sierra Leone's capital Freetown is a real experience! The three-wheeled mopeds, which are called Tuk-Tuk in Asia, give you the feeling of safety and security (unlike on the motorcycle taxis), while at the same time you can feel the wind and hear all the sounds of the bustling city around you. And with a bit of luck you might even find a city guide in a smart driver ... Get in, please!

City-Tour mit einem Keke durch die Hautstadt von Sierra Leone.
Eine „Keke“-Tour durch Sierra Leones Hauptstadt Freetown ist ein echtes Erlebnis! Die dreirädrigen Mofas, die in Asien Tuk-Tuk heißen, geben einem das Gefühl von Sicher- und Geborgenheit (anders als auf den Motorrad-Taxen), während man gleichzeitig den Fahrtwind spürt und alle Geräusche der quirrligen Stadt um sich herum wahrnimmt. Und mit etwas Glück hat man bei einem pfiffigen Fahrer auch noch einen Stadtführer gefunden ... Einsteigen, bitte!

Sunday Drive in Freetown, Sierra Leone

Freetown is the capital and largest city of Sierra Leone. It is a major port city on the Atlantic Ocean and is located in the Western Area of the country. Freetown is Sierra Leone's major urban, economic, financial, cultural, educational and political centre, as it is the seat of the Government of Sierra Leone. The population of Freetown was 1,055,964 at the 2015 census. (

Please enjoy this video of Freetown highlighting some main areas and Landmarks. Filmed April 2019

Song: Fredji - Happy Life (Vlog No Copyright Music)
Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music.
Video Link:

Sierra Leone Tourism: Freetown (by NTBSL)

Brand Sierra Leone TV: Building Innovative Perceptions
Welcome to Freetown, the capital of Sierra Leone. A beautiful country on the West Coast of Africa. Sierra Leone has many things to offer, and it's waiting to be explored....
(A series of videos from the National Tourist Board of Sierra Leone-NTBSL available at

See more:


Freetown, capital of Sierra Leone, travel, hotels, city, outskirts, athmosphere, mudslides

Freetown , capital of Sierra Leone, travel, hotels, city, outskirts, athmosphere, mudslides, business, travel in Sierra Leone, hotels Sierra Leone, hotels Freetown ,
Freetown is the economic and financial centre of Sierra Leone. The country's state television and radio station, the Sierra Leone Broadcasting Corporation, is primarily based in Freetown. They have regional headquarters in the country's other primary cities of Bo, Kailahun, Kenema, Koidu Town, Magburaka and Makeni. The other national broadcasters, such as Capital Radio, are also based in Freetown. Many of the country's largest corporations locate their headquarters' home offices in Freetown as well as the majority of international companies.
The city's economy revolves largely around its final natural harbour, which is the largest natural harbour on the continent of Africa. Queen Elizabeth II Quay is capable of receiving oceangoing vessels and handles Sierra Leone's main exports.
Industries include food and beverage processing, fish packing, rice milling, petroleum refining, diamond cutting, and the manufacture of cigarettes, paint, shoes, and beer.[citation needed] the Fula and Sierra Leonean-Lebanese play a major role in local trade in the city.
The city is served by the Lungi International Airport, located in the city of Lungi, across the river estuary from Freetown.
mudslide in Freetown,landslide in Sierra Leone,houses submerged,mudslide,landslide Freetown,Freetown landslide,Sierra Leone mudslide,submerged houses,outskirts,capital of Sierra Leone,mud,heavy rains,mountain town,Regent,rivers of mud,mountain town of Regent,town of Regent
Glissement de terrain à Freetown, glissement de terrain en Sierra Leone, maisons submergées, glissement de terrain, glissement de terrain Freetown, glissement de terrain de Freetown, glissement de terrain de Sierra Leone, maisons submergées, périphérie, capitale de la Sierra Leone, boue, pluies abondantes, ville de montagne, régent, rivières de boue, ville de montagne De Regent, ville de Regent

Schlammlawine in Freetown, Erdrutsch in Sierra Leone, Häuser untergetaucht, Schlammlawine, Erdrutsch Freetown, Freetown Erdrutsch, Sierra Leone Schlammlawine, untergetauchte Häuser, Außenbezirke, Hauptstadt von Sierra Leone, Schlamm, starker Regen, Bergstadt, Regent, Flüsse von Schlamm, Bergstadt Von Regent, Stadt Regent
Deslizamento de terra em Freetown, deslizamento de terra em Serra Leoa, casas submersas, deslizamento de terra, deslizamento de terra Freetown, deslizamento de terras de Freetown, deslizamento de terra de Serra Leoa, casas submersas, arredores, capital da Serra Leoa, lama, chuvas intensas, cidade montanhosa, regente, rios de lama, cidade montanhosa De Regente, cidade de Regente
Błota w Freetown, osuwisko w Sierra Leone, domy zanurzone, błoto, osuwisko Freetown, osuwisko Freetown, błoto lądowe Sierra Leone, domy zanurzone, obrzeża, stolica Sierra Leone, błoto, opady śniegu, miasto górskie, Regent, rzeki błota, miasto górskie Regent, miasto Regent
Оползня в Сьерра-Леоне, оползни в Сьерра-Леоне, омытые оползнями, оползнями, Фритаун, оползень Фритауна, оползень Сьерра-Леоне, подводные дома, окраины, столица Сьерра-Леоне, грязь, проливные дожди, горный городок, регент, реки грязи, горный городок Риджент, город Регент
Mudslide i Freetown, jordskred i Sierra Leone, hus nedsänkt, mudslip, jordskred Freetown, Freetown jordskred, Sierra Leone mudslide, nedsänkt hus, utkanter, Sierra Leone huvudstad, lera, kraftiga regn, bergsstaden Regent, lerder, bergsstaden Av Rege

Regent, beautiful suburb of Freetown in Sierra Leone, mountainous town, friendly people

Regent is a mountainous town in the Western Area Rural District of Sierra Leone. Regent lies approximately fifteen miles east of Freetown, and close to the village of Gloucester. The population of Regent is largely from the Creole ethnic group.
Regent is the hometown of Sierra Leonean economist and politician Solomon A.J Pratt
Regent was founded in 1812 to provide accommodation for liberated enslaved Africans, who had been brought to Freetown by the British Royal Navy West Africa Squadron.[1]:122 Originally called Hogbrook,[2] Regent was named in honour of the George IV of the United Kingdom, at the time Prince Regent of England.
St Charles Church[edit]
The St Charles’ Church was built in 1816 as part of the Parish Plan.[2] This stone church was financed by the colonial government, and from 1817 the Church Missionary Society paid for a minister, a position taken up by Rev. William Johnson, nicknamed the “Apostle of Regent”.[2] He was so successful in his evangelicism that soon his congregation exceded the 500 person capacity of the church, and a gallery was added so that another 200 worshippers could be catered for.[2] However after Johnson's death in 1823, the size of the congregation became much smaller.[2]
2017 mudslide[edit]
On the morning of August 14, 2017, a large landslide killed at least 350 people after a night of heavy rains, with the death toll expected to rise
mudslide in Freetown,landslide in Sierra Leone,houses submerged,mudslide,landslide Freetown,Freetown landslide,Sierra Leone mudslide,submerged houses,outskirts,capital of Sierra Leone,mud,heavy rains,mountain town,Regent,rivers of mud,mountain town of Regent,town of Regent
Mudslide i Freetown, jordskred i Sierra Leone, hus neddykket, slam, jordskred Freetown, Freetown skred, Sierra Leone mudslide, nedsenket hus, utkanten, hovedstaden i Sierra Leone, leire, tunge regner, fjellby, Regent, elver av mudder, fjellby Av Regent, byen Regent
Tanah runtuh di Freetown, tanah runtuh di Sierra Leone, tanah runtuh, tanah runtuh, tanah runtuh Freetown, tanah runtuh Freetown, tanah liat Sierra Leone, rumah yang terendam, pinggir bandar, ibu kota Sierra Leone, lumpur, hujan lebat, bandar gunung, Bupati, Dari Bupati, kota Bupati
dzeFreetown, dzimba dzeFreetown, Sierra Leone mudslide, dzichivhara dzimba, kunze kwemvura, guta guru reSierra Leone, dope, mvura ine mvura, guta remakomo, Regent, nzizi dzedope, gomo regomo WeRentent, guta reRentent
Muddin sun tashi a Freetown, sun rushe a Saliyo, gidajen da suka rushe, da laka, sun rushe Freetown, Flatown landslide, Sierra Leone mudslide, suka rushe gidaje, ketare, babban birnin Saliyo, laka, ruwan sama, tsaunuka, Regent, koguna na laka, dutse dutse Na Regent, garin Regent
Mudslide na Freetown, gbadaa na Sierra Leone, ụlọ gwakpuru, mudslide, gbadaa Freetown, Freetown ala, Sierra Leone mudslide, ụlọ ndị mebiri emebi, mpụga, isi obodo Sierra Leone, apịtị, oké mmiri ozuzo, ugwu, Regent, osimiri nke apịtị, ugwu Nke Regent, obodo Regent
ಸಿಯೆರಾ ಲಿಯೋನ್ನಲ್ಲಿನ ಭೂಕುಸಿತ, ಮನೆಗಳು ಮುಳುಗಿಹೋದವು, ಮಣ್ಣಿನ ಹರಿವು, ಭೂಕುಸಿತ ಪ್ರೆಟ್ಟೌನ್, ಫ್ರೀಟೌನ್ ಭೂಕುಸಿತ, ಸಿಯೆರಾ ಲಿಯೋನ್ ಮಣ್ಣಿನ ಹರಿವು, ಮುಳುಗಿದ ಮನೆಗಳು, ಹೊರವಲಯಗಳು, ಸಿಯೆರಾ ಲಿಯೋನ್ ರಾಜಧಾನಿ, ಮಣ್ಣು, ಭಾರಿ ಮಳೆ, ಪರ್ವತ ಪಟ್ಟಣ, ರೀಜೆಂಟ್, ಮಣ್ಣಿನ ನದಿಗಳು, ಪರ್ವತ ಪಟ್ಟಣ ರೀಜೆಂಟ್, ರೀಜೆಂಟ್ ಪಟ್ಟಣ
ការរអិលបាក់ដីនៅហ្វ្រីថោលការបាក់ដីនៅស៊ីរ៉ាឡេអូនផ្ទះដែលលិចទឹកការរអិលបាក់ដីការបាក់ដីនៅភ្នំ Freetown ការរអិលបាក់ដីនៅហ្វ្រេតថេនប្រទេសសៀរ៉ាឡេអូនការរអិលបាក់ដីផ្ទះនៅលិចទឹកជាយក្រុងសៀរ៉ាឡេអូនទឹកភក់ភ្លៀងធ្លាក់ខ្លាំងទីក្រុងភ្នំ Regent ទន្លេភក់ភ្នំទីប្រជុំជន នៃ Regent ទីក្រុងនៃ Regent
Pozemky v Sierra Leone, zosuvy pôdy, zosuvy pôdy, zosuvy pôdy Freetown, zosuvy pôdy Freetown, zosuvy pôdy v Sierra Leone, ponorené domy, predmestí, hlavné mesto Sierry Leone, bahno, silné dažde, horské mesto,
Мудслиде у Фреетовну, клизишта у Сијера Леонеу, куће потопљене, мудслиде, клизишта Фреетовн, клизишта Фреетовн, Сиерра Леоне мудслиде, потопљене куће, периферије, главни град Сијера Леоне, блато, обилне кише, планински град, Регент, ријеке блата, планински град Регент, град Регент
सिएरा लियोन में भूस्खलन, सिएरा लियोन में भूस्खलन, घरों में डूबे हुए, चिड़चिड़ाहट, भूस्खलन फ़्रीटाउन, फ़्रीटाउन भूस्खलन, सिएरा लियोन कीचड़ियां, डूबे हुए घर, बाहरी इलाके, सिएरा लियोन की राजधानी, कीचड़, भारी बारिश, पहाड़ शहर, रीजेंट, कीचड़ की नदियों, पर्वत शहर रीजेन्ट का शहर, रीजेन्ट का शहर

Freetown Aerial

Aerial videography of Freetown, Sierra Leone using a DJI Phantom 2 and GoPro Camera

Sierra Leone Travel Guide: The Cotton Tree (Freetown)

Brand Sierra Leone TV: Building Innovative Perceptions

The imposing Cotton Tree standing in the centre of Freetown towers above the nearby buildings and is a historical symbol of Sierra Leone´s capital. Located in the middle of the hustle and bustle of the main roundabout on Siaka Stevens Street, near the Supreme Court Building and National Museum, the city´s most famous landmark provides welcome shade for passers-by as well as being the entrance to the capital´s downtown district.

See more:

Top 5 Best Hotels in Freetown, Sierra Leone - sorted by Rating Guests

Radisson Blu Mammy Yoko Hotel, Freetown
17 Lumley Beach Road, Aberdeen, Freetown, Sierra Leone
3-star hotel in Freetown with outdoor pool and restaurant
Free WiFi

Sierra Palms Resort
Lunley Beach, Freetown, Weatern Area, 00232, Sierra Leone
Upscale beachfront B&B in Freetown with restaurant
Free continental breakfast, free WiFi and free parking

New Brookfields Hotel
Jomo Kenyatta, New Englandville, Freetown, Sierra Leone
4-star hotel in Freetown with restaurant and bar/lounge
Free WiFi and free parking

Home Suites Boutique Hotel
78A Cape road, Bintumani Drive, Aberdeen, Freetown, Sierra Leone
4-star aparthotel in Freetown with outdoor pool and restaurant
Free WiFi and free parking

Bintumani Hotel
11 Man of War Bay, Aberdeen Hill, Freetown, Sierra Leone
Bayfront hotel in Freetown with 2 restaurants and outdoor pool
Free buffet breakfast, free WiFi and free parking

Jummah Prayer ???? at Juba - Freetown

Friday prayer at Juba - Freetown

Freetown is a port city and the capital of Sierra Leone in West Africa. It is known for his beaches and his historical role in the transatlantic slave trade. Freetown is named for a reason. Land purchased by local rulers in the late 18th century became a new home for resettled slaves from Britain and North America and vulnerable conquered by captive slave owners from the Atlantic after the United Kingdom repealed the 1807 Abolition act of the slave trade.

***Thanks to; Wikipedia/Bensound/Shutterstock & Google***

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Sierra Leone Tourism: Nature (by NTBSL)

Brand Sierra Leone TV: Building Innovative Perceptions
Sierra Leone offers visitors a unique landscape and scenery. There are many beautiful places to explore, especially upcountry...
(A series of videos from the National Tourist Board of Sierra Leone-NTBSL available at

See more:

Freetown Movies 1944-1948 by George Grimshaw

Hurricane of 1944, Fourth of July bonfires, parades, Lions Convention at Harwich Port.

Digitized from VCR tape converted from 16mm.

The Turkish power ship supplying 34 Mega watts to the eastern part of Freetown; Sierra Leone

Power ship, DJI mavic2pro

A RichMan in Freetown (Sierra Leone)

#richmanz #sierraleone #legalhustler

A showcase of clips from my trip to West Africa.

Sierra Leone, Freetown (12.2016)

Be sure to check me out on Social Media

Tour of Freetown


Flight takeoff from Lungi airport freetown Sierra Leone

Aerial view of the Freetown Sierra Leone in West Africa.

Gloucester Estates, Freetown, Sierra Leone

Affordable housing now available in Freetown, Sierra Leone. With all of the amenities of living in the west, electricity, running water, paved roads, gated community with places of worship, shops, and more. Come own your piece of paradise in West Africa. As of 5/1/2014 prices start at 49,900 USD. Mortgages available. For more information contact Milly Terry at:

KLM A330-200 PH-AOA Runway 12 Night Departure from Freetown Lungi Airport

KLM Airbus A330-200 PH-AOA
Seat 8J - Economy Comfort (New Cabin)
KL511 - Freetown - Monrovia - Amsterdam
September 19th 2018.

Aircraft surprisingly started take-off run at taxiway A, instead of taxiing down to the end of the runway, due to its weight.

wild nature in Sierra Leone, forests , wetlands coast , falls, mud, mudslides, floods , animals

wild nature in Sierra Leone, forests , wetlands coast , fall, mud, mudslides, floods , animals and mountains

nature sauvage en Sierra Leone, des forêts, des zones humides, côte automne, la boue, les glissements de terrain, les inondations, les animaux et les montagnes
Naturaleza salvaje en Sierra Leona, bosques, humedales, costas caída, barro, deslizamientos de tierra, inundaciones, animales y montañas

natureza selvagem na Serra Leoa, florestas, costa zonas húmidas, queda, lama, deslizamentos de terra, inundações, animais e montanhas
Poplave u Freetown, poplava u Sierra Leoneu, odronima, rijeke blata katastrofe u Sierra Leoneu, klizišta u Freetown, Freetown poplave, Sijera Leone poplave, elementarne nepogode, katastrofe Sijera Leone, klimatske promjene, globalno warmng, jakih kiša Sijera Leone, kiša Sijera Leone, kiša Freetown, poplava Sijera Leone, poplava, prirodne opasnosti Sijera Leone, krize, rotacijski krize, krize Freetown, Sijera Leone earthflow
banjir di Freetown, banjir di Sierra Leone, tanah longsor, Sungai bencana lumpur di Sierra Leone, tanah longsor di freetown, Freetown banjir, Sierra Leone banjir, bencana alam, bencana Sierra Leone, perubahan iklim, warmng global, hujan lebat Sierra Leone, hujan Sierra Leone, Freetown hujan, genangan Sierra Leone, genangan, alami Hazard Sierra Leone, kemerosotan, kemerosotan rotasi, merosot Freetown, Sierra Leone earthflow
πλημμύρες στην Freetown, πλημμύρες στη Σιέρα Λεόνε, κατολισθήσεις, Ποτάμια της καταστροφής λάσπης στη Σιέρα Λεόνε, κατολισθήσεις στην Freetown, Freetown πλημμύρες, τη Σιέρα Λεόνε πλημμύρες, φυσικές καταστροφές, καταστροφή Σιέρα Λεόνε, η κλιματική αλλαγή, η παγκόσμια warmng, καταρρακτώδεις βροχές Σιέρα Λεόνε, τη βροχή Σιέρα Λεόνε, βρέχει Freetown, πλημμύρες Σιέρα Λεόνε, πλημμύρες, φυσικές κινδύνου Σιέρα Λεόνε, ύφεση, περιστροφική ύφεση, ύφεση Freetown, earthflow Σιέρα Λεόνε
Povodne v Freetown, povodeň v Sierra Leone, zosuvy pôdy, Rieky bahna katastrofe v Sierra Leone, zosuvy pôdy vo Freetowne Freetown povodne, Sierra Leone povodne, prírodná katastrofa, katastrofa Sierra Leone, zmena klímy, globálne warmng, výdatných dažďoch Sierra Leone, dážď Sierra Leone, prší Freetown, záplavy, Sierra Leone, záplavy, prírodné Hazard Sierra Leone, prepad, rotačné prepadu prepad Freetown, Sierra Leone earthflow
ൽ, സിയെറ ലിയോൺ വെള്ളപ്പൊക്ക വെള്ളപ്പൊക്കവും, മുദ്സ്ലിദെസ്, സിയറ ലിയോൺ ചെളി ദുരന്ത നദികൾ, Freetown ൽ മണ്ണിടിച്ചിലും, Freetown ൽ വെള്ളപ്പൊക്കവും, സിയറ ലിയോൺ വെള്ളപ്പൊക്കവും, പ്രകൃതി ദുരന്തം, ദുരന്തം സിയറ ലിയോൺ, കാലാവസ്ഥാ മാറ്റം, ആഗോള വര്മ്ന്ഗ്, കനത്ത മഴ സിയറ ലിയോൺ, മഴ സിയറ ലിയോൺ, Freetown ൽ മഴ, ഇനുംദതിഒംസ് സിയറ ലിയോൺ, ഇനുംദതിഒംസ്, പ്രകൃതി ഹസാർഡ് സിയറ ലിയോൺ, മാന്ദ്യത്തെ, പരിക്രമണസമമിതിയായി മാന്ദ്യത്തെ, Freetown ൽ ഇടിവ്, എഅര്ഥ്ഫ്ലൊവ് സിയറ ലിയോൺ
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Наводнения в Фрийтаун, наводнения в Сиера Леоне, кални свлачища, реки от кал бедствие в Сиера Леоне, свлачища в Фрийтаун, Freetown наводнения, Сиера Леоне наводнения, природни бедствия, бедствия Сиера Леоне, изменението на Леоне earthflow
повені в Фрітаун, повені в Сьєрра-Леоне, зсуви, річки бруду катастрофи в Сьєрра-Леоне, зсуви в Фрітаун, Фрітаун повені, Сьєрра-Леоне, повені, стихійні лиха, катастрофи Сьєрра-Леоне, зміна клімату, глобальне warmng, проливні дощі Сьєрра-Леоне, дощ Леоне, дощ Фрітаун, Сьєрра-Леоне повеней, затоплень, природні небезпеки Сьєрра-Леоне, різкий спад, обертальний різкий спад, різке зменшення кількості Фрітаун, Сьєрра-Леоне earthflow
Freetown sel, Sierra Leone sel, çamur tabakasının, Sierra Leone çamur felaketinin Rivers, Freetown heyelan, Freetown sel, Sierra Leone sel, doğal afet, felaket Sierra Leone, iklim değişikliği, küresel warmng ağır yağmurlar Sierra Leone, yağmur Sierra Leone, Freetown, su baskını Sierra Leone, su baskını, doğal Tehlike Sierra Leone, çökme, dönme çökme, Freetown çökme, earthflow Sierra Leone yağmurlar
ನಲ್ಲಿ ಪ್ರವಾಹ, ಸಿಯೆರಾ ಲಿಯೋನ್ ಪ್ರವಾಹ, ಮಣ್ಣುಕುಸಿತಗಳು, ಸಿಯೆರಾ ಲಿಯೋನ್ ಮಣ್ಣು ದುರಂತದ ನದಿಗಳು ಫ್ರೀಟೌನ್ನಿಂದ ಪ್ರದೇಶದ ಭೂ ಫ್ರೀಟೌನ್ನಿಂದ ಪ್ರವಾಹ, ಸಿಯೆರಾ ಲಿಯೋನ್ ಪ್ರವಾಹ, ನೈಸರ್ಗಿಕ ವಿಕೋಪ, ದುರಂತದ ಸಿಯೆರಾ ಲಿಯೋನ್, ಹವಾಮಾನ ಬದಲಾವಣೆ, ಜಾಗತಿಕ warmng, ಭಾರಿ ಮಳೆ ಸಿಯೆರಾ ಲಿಯೋನ್, ಮಳೆ ಸಿಯೆರಾ ಲಿಯೋನ್, ಫ್ರೀಟೌನ್, ಪ್ರವಾಹದಿಂದ ಸಿಯೆರಾ ಲಿಯೋನ್, ಪ್ರವಾಹದಿಂದ, ನೈಸರ್ಗಿಕ ಅಪಾಯ ಸಿಯೆರಾ ಲಿಯೋನ್, ಕಳಪೆ, ತಿರುಗುವಿಕೆಯ ಕುಸಿತ ಫ್ರೀಟೌನ್ನಿಂದ ಕುಸಿಯಬಹುದು, earthflow ಸಿಯೆರಾ ಲಿಯೋನ್ ಮಳೆಯಾದಾಗ
iṣan omi ni Freetown, ikun omi ni Sierra Leone, mudslides, Rivers ti

No 2 Beach, Freetown Sulaiman cartwheeling.AVI



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