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EYL The most beautiful Somali Town with SolaPortal


EYL - The Most Beautiful Coastal Town In Somalia!


EYL, the MALDIVES of Somalia

Waxaan walaalkeey Kudun geeyey EYL SOMALIA. Socod & orod ayuu ka bixi waaye.

Maldives of Somalia is EYL - Paradise on earth

#EYL #GeenyadaMadow



Xeebta ugu “aargoosatada” badan | EYL NUGAAL PUNTLAND | THIS BEACH IS FULL OF LOBSTERS

EYL booqashadeedii iyo maalmihii aan kusoo qaatay waxay baal dahaba kaga suntanaan doonaan noloshayda.
dadka xariirta ah ee soo dhawaynta badan, buuraha iyo bada isku sidkan, dooxa nugaaleed iyo daartii SAYIDKA ayaa iyaguna ah waxyabaha aan ku xasuusan doono magaalada EYL ❤️
Qays Qeyser Journey


Bosaso is the commercial, biggest and developing city in Puntland, Bosaso is situated in the north-East of Somalia, on the Gulf of Aden. Originally, this place was known as Bander Qasim. It was the name of an Arab trader who came and settled here in the 20th century. If we trace its history, it is quite clear that the Greeks sailed to this place of commerce and it was a strategic location for them. There have been several clans that have ruled the city since ancient times.
Group of Adventure travelers who visited over 190 countries traveled from Garowe, Eyl, Qardho and finally reached Bosaso. they visited some part of the ancient city and enjoyed.
Bosaso is about 1390 KM from the Capital City of Somalia where the distance between Bosaso and Hargeisa is about 870 KM.
Cape Guadaful area has a lot of resources that include: Frankincense, Fishi production, Date Plam, Coal Deposit and Natural water springs and livestock and is one tourist loved to see the real corner of Horn of Africa.

#Bosaaso #BosasoCity #BaddaCas #RedSea #Eyl #Qardho #Biyokulule #CapeGuadaful #XeebtaBoosaaso #Gacaytehotel #GobolkaBari #BandarQaasim #Somaliatours #Africatours #UNWTO #Somalihotels #AdentureTravelers #SomaliaTravelGuide #Puntland #MareereBeach #BuurahaGollis

10 Most Beautiful Destinations of Somalia

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to the Earth Discovery channel! Today, we embark on a journey like no other, as we explore the hidden gems of Somalia. A land that has endured its fair share of challenges, Somalia's spirit remains unbroken, and its landscapes are nothing short of mesmerizing. Join me as we uncover 10 magical places that will leave you yearning for more!

Our journey begins in the heart of Somalia, a land known for its resilience.

Amidst the struggles and challenges faced by this nation, one cannot help but admire the strength and determination of its people. Despite the odds, Somalia stands tall, ready to unveil its breathtaking landscapes and historic treasures to the world.

1. Laas Geel: The Enigmatic Rock Art of Somalia.

Our first stop takes us to the mystical caves of Laas Geel. Hidden amidst the rugged terrain, these caves are adorned with ancient rock art that dates back over 5,000 years. As you stand before these vibrant, millennia-old paintings, you can't help but marvel at the artistic mastery and the mysteries they hold.

2. Mogadishu: The Resilient Capital.

Next, we venture to Mogadishu, the capital city that has faced adversity with unwavering strength. While its past may be checkered with turmoil, Mogadishu is now reemerging as a vibrant coastal city. Explore its bustling markets, stunning architecture, and beautiful beaches, and witness the indomitable spirit of its people.

3. Berbera: The Shimmering Gem on the Red Sea.

Our journey continues to Berbera, a coastal town nestled on the shores of the Red Sea. Here, the waters sparkle like sapphires, and the beaches stretch endlessly. Dive into the underwater wonderland, explore the historic port, and savor the fresh seafood that will leave your taste buds dancing.

4. Hargeisa: The Cultural Oasis.

Hargeisa, the capital of Somaliland, offers a vibrant tapestry of culture and history. Wander through the bustling streets and discover the captivating art scene, the local markets, and the stunning Jigjiga Yar rock formations that rise majestically from the earth, casting long shadows under the golden Somali sun.

5. Kismayo: The Coastal Paradise.

As we move along the Somali coast, Kismayo beckons with its pristine beaches and rich biodiversity. Marvel at the lush mangrove forests and the diverse marine life that thrives beneath the waves. This is a place where paradise meets adventure.

6. Puntland: The Rugged Frontier.

Puntland, a semi-autonomous region in Somalia, is a rugged frontier waiting to be explored. Trek through the breathtaking Golis Mountains, where sheer cliffs and deep canyons reveal the secrets of the land. The sheer untouched beauty of this region is simply awe-inspiring.

7. Gaan Libah: The Desert Mirage.

Venture into the heart of the Somali desert to discover Gaan Libah, where the shifting sands create an ever-changing landscape. Witness the mesmerizing play of light and shadow across the dunes as the desert reveals its timeless secrets.

8. Zeila: The Ancient Port City.

Zeila, the historic port city, takes us back in time with its well-preserved ancient architecture. The Great Mosque of Zeila, believed to be one of the oldest mosques in Africa, stands as a testament to the city's rich history, while its pristine beaches beckon you to relax and unwind.

9. Somali Wildlife: The Forgotten Safari.

Explore Somalia's wildlife, often overlooked but rich in biodiversity. Journey through the protected areas like Daallo Mountain and Sanaag Plateau to catch glimpses of elusive species like the Somali wild ass and the endangered cheetah, reminding us of the importance of conservation.

10. The Somali Archipelago: The Paradise Islands.

Our final destination takes us to the Somali Archipelago, a group of islands surrounded by crystal-clear waters. These untouched paradises are perfect for diving, snorkeling, and basking in the sun. The serenity of these islands will leave you in awe.

In closing, Somalia, with its resilience and beauty, is a land of contrasts and untold wonders. From the ancient rock art of Laas Geel to the pristine beaches of Kismayo and the cultural riches of Hargeisa, each destination showcases the indomitable spirit and natural splendor of this remarkable nation. As we bid farewell to this enchanting journey, remember that Somalia is more than its challenges; it's a place where beauty, history, and resilience converge, leaving us captivated and yearning for more adventures. Stay tuned for more from the Earth Discovery channel, and don't forget to subscribe for more awe-inspiring explorations of our incredible planet!

Burtinle is one of the fastest growing cities in Puntland. Enjoy its Aerial view and visit.

Burtinle is one of the fastest growing cities in Puntland. Enjoy its Aerial view and visit.

Maldives in somalia |Eyl |

Eyl Safari Tour Day 2 | 4k 2021 | Somalia Tourism

Dalxiiska EYL waxaan ka helnay aqoon iyo waayo aragnimo, maalinkii labaad oo aan ku joognay dalxiis iyo dhul-barasho magaalada EYL, waxaan degnay Hotel xeebta ku yaal oo la yiraado beach Hotel kaas oo ku yaal daanta xeebta EYL.
EYL waa deegaan xeebeed ee Gobalka Nuugal, Puntland waxayna ay leedahay taariikh mug weyn oo ay wali raadadkeedi muuqdaan, waxaana halkaas ku baratamay Guumaystayaalkii Ingriiska iyo Talyaaniga, sidoo kale waxaa isku farasaaray halgamaagii Sayid Maxamed Cabdille Xasan iyo Ingriiska oo ugu danbayntii dilay hogaamiyihii guumaystaha Ingriiska horkacayay oo lagu macaabi jiray Richard Corfield.
Dalxiisayaasha waxaa ay booqdeen Gurii uu Sayad Maxamed Cabdille Xasan ka dhisay 1903 dii magalada EYL, Qalcadii Sayadka, Dhagaxii Kursiga u ahaa, beerta Sayadka iyo waliba dhagxaan farshaxano ah oo ay ku qoranyihiin fartii talyaniga iyo taliskiisi halkaa ka talinayay.
Waxa kale oo dalxiisayaashu booqdeen labda xaafadoo oo EYL ka koobantahay oo kala ah xafadada Badey oo ah xaafad ku taal bartamaha dooxada biyuhu qulqulaan iyo xeebta badweynta Hindiya, midda kale waxaa la dhahaa Daawad oo ah xaafad ku taal Qalcada sare ee Buurta EYL halkaas oo ay ku yaalaan waxyaabaha taariikhiga ah.
Hadaba waxa ay shirkadu idin la daagi doontaa meelo madan oo dalka quruxdiisa ah haddi Alle ogolaado.
During our tour of EYL we gained knowledge and experience, the next day we spent our tour and exploring the city of EYL was amazing, we stayed at a hotel called Beach Hotel which is on the banks of EYL beach.
EYL is a coastal settlement in the Nugal region of Puntland and has a long history of traces, with British and Italian colonialists competing, as well as a battle between Sayid Mohamed Abdille Hassan and the British who eventually assassinated the British-led leader. named Richard Corfield.
The tourists visited the house built by Sayad Mohamed Abdille Hassan in 1903 in the town of EYL, the Fortress of Sayad, the Stone of the Chair, the Sayad's garden as well as stone carvings with the Italian inscription and his rule there.
Tourists also visited the two EYL settlements, Badey in the middle of the floodplain and the Indian Ocean coast, and Dawad in the Eyl Mountain Fort. historical sites.
The company will be with you in many places in the beauty of the country, God willing.


#puntland #Nugaal #Garowetour #Eyltour #Somalitour #Dalxiis #SayidMohamed #Daawad #Eyl_Badey#Qalcaddasayidka, #XeebtaEYL #Gurigasayadka #tourtoEYL

My Adventure to Falfalah Travel Vlog Somalia: The Unforgettable Experience

If you're interested in traveling to Somalia, then be sure to watch my Adventure to Falfalah Travel Vlog Somalia! In this video, I'll share with you all the details about my trip to Somalia, from the airport to the hotels to the amazing experiences I had.

If you're looking for an unforgettable travel experience, then watch my Adventure to Falfalah Travel Vlog Somalia! I'll show you all the highlights of my trip and tell you about the unforgettable experiences I had. From the beautiful scenery to the friendly locals, I hope you'll find this video helpful in making your decision about whether or not to travel to Somalia!
Ac Kornayl

Muuse khaalid contact number:002520907410501 falfalah
Instagram :
All Music Music Used in this Video comes from HERE

Eyl,Somalia part1

Mali_soolja's Trip back home to Africa(somalia)Part1
Summer 06
my ireporter page which was showin on CNN

Garowe To Eyl Safari Tour Day1 2021| 4k | Somalia Tourism

Shirkadda Somali Safari waxa ay Koox dalxiisayaal ah Safar dhulka ah ku gaysay Magaalada Qadiimiga ah EYl ee dhacda waqooyiga Gobalka Nugaal oo qiyaastii 220km dhanka xeebta ah ka jirta Garoowe. Subs

Socdaalka oo safar dhanka hawada ah kaga soo bilowday Geggida Aden Abdulle ee Magaalada Muqdihsu ayaa dalxiisayaashu soo gaareen Garoowe halkaas oo ay kaga sii gudbeen safar dhulka ah oo qaatay lix saacadood ee magaalada EYL.
Inta lagu gudo jiray Safarka dhulka Miyiga ah ayaa dalxiisayaashu indhahoodo qabanayeen Dooxooyin, Qalcado, Buuro ay dhirto labeen ku tahay ayna daaqayaan duunyada Soomaalidu dhaqato sida Geela, Ariga riya cadku u badanyihay iyo Lo’da inta aan ku soconay wadada u dhaxaysa Dangoranyo iyo EYL.

A group of tourists traveled to the ancient town of Eyl in the northern Nugal region about 220km from the coast of the Puntland capital Garowe.

The journey began by air from Aden Abdulle International Airport in Mogadishu and the tourists arrived in Garowe where they proceeded on a six-hour road trip to EYL.
During the tour to the countryside, the tourists caught sight of valleys, forts, rocky hills, and grazing Somali livestock such as camels, a herd of goats, a flock of sheep, and a Herd of Cows on the road between Dangoranyo and EYL. Its very historic and unique tour destination attracted many locals and int' travelers.
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#Somali #SomaliAdventuretour #Puntland #Somaliatravelguide #ExploreSomalia #SomaliaDestination #SomaliaTourism #BooqoGooboQurxoon #KalaBaroDalkaaga #SomaliaCamel #DalxiisayaalAjaanibah #CaanoGeel
#Garowe #Eyl #Dalxiis

Somali - Dusha Buuraha Eyl iyo meel aan daayeer buureedka Nugaal ugu tagney

Buuraha Eyl iyo rugta daanyeerka Nugaal


Mareero beaches bosaaso quruxda Africa xeebta dalxiiska Somalia

Kalay ila dalxiis oo ad mareero beaches bosaaso
Fadlan isaar channelka Abdala Vlog


#ck #dirisle_abdi #geenyadamadow #marishbeauty #qaysqayser #somaliland #somalisocialmedia #dirisle #puntlandtv

#naciimo jookar, qosol, #qosolka aduunka, #ruwayad cusub, #naciimo jookar 2021, #geenyada madaw, geenyada madow, shactiro qosol badan, #shactiro, #somali comedy, #qosolka aduunka 2020, #qosol iyo qaraaxo, genyada madow, #genyada madow official, #genyada madow iyo nimco jokar, #geenyada madow ayax, #geenyada modow, geenyada madow cuba, #geenyada madow malaysia

Chapters video lists
0:00 intro video
0:58 mareero
1:58 xeebta
2:58 dalxiis
3:58 Somalia travel Vlog
4:58 xeebta bosaaso
5:58 Vlog Somalia
6:58 dalxiiska mareero
7:00 dhamad

Somali Wedding Traditions: Building Houses, Dancing, Poetry and Singing.

???? Muqalkani waxa uu ku saabsanyahy aroos baadiye oo ka dhacey Gamasooley Burtinle Gobolka Hawd Puntland somalia.

In this video, we'll be documenting our Somali traditional wedding. This is a unique and special event that you don't want to miss!

We'll be documenting the preparations, the ceremony itself, and the reception. This is a must-watch video if you're interested in experiencing a Somali traditional wedding! Watch as we celebrate love and marriage in a beautiful and traditional way!

dalxiis subxaanyaale (2022):
My Adventure to Falfalah Travel Vlog (2022):
Dalxiis Eyl Summer 2020 Somalia:
Vlog 1 Qardho 2021 :

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???? Twitter -
???? Instagram -

I’m Ac Kornayl, ????Travel/ Filmmaker/ YouTuber ???? Currently in Somalia ???? contact

Relaxing by the Somali Coastline

Relaxing by the Somali Coastline

If you're looking for a relaxing vacation, look no further than the Somali Coastline. This area is known for its beautiful beaches and tranquil waters, perfect for anyone looking for a quiet getaway.

In this video, we'll take you on a relaxing trip to the Somali Coastline, showing you all the best spots to relax and enjoy the stunning scenery. From luxury beach rentals to peaceful coral reefs, this video will show you why this area is one of the world's most beautiful relax spots!

Cape Guardafui and Cape Hafun/ the most Eastern Point of Africa

Why to visit Cape Guardafui and Cape Hafun Ras Asir, (the most eastern point of African continent).fter long time requests from adventure travelers around the world on visiting The Most Eastern Point of mainland Africa, visit Mogadishu tours and Somalia safari group have decided to extend their tour service to Cape Guardafui and Cape Hafun in Somalia whilst exploring together with group of travelers on 13 October 2022.
@BBCNewsSomali @thesomalilandtourists-sami5279 @tourinsomalia297 @Pinkfong @RaviTeluguTraveller @mogadshualport8695 @Bestbeachesandcities @capehafun @cape guardafui @SafariTVLive @PuntlandTV @mediahafun2120 ​


Waaw wax kale iso raac ila dhamad bosaaso at night in the commercial city bosaaso puntland Somalia

Vlogs hore

#ck #dirisle_abdi #geenyadamadow #marishbeauty #qaysqayser #somaliland #somalisocialmedia #dirisle #puntlandtv

#naciimo jookar, qosol, #qosolka aduunka, ruwayad cusub, #naciimo jookar 2021, #geenyada #madaw, #geenyada madow, #shactiro qosol badan, #shactiro, #somali comedy, #qosolka #aduunka 2020, #qosol iyo qaraaxo, #genyada madow, genyada madow official, #genyada madow iyo nimco jokar, #geenyada madow ayax, #geenyada modow, #geenyada madow cuba, #geenyada madow malaysia

Chapters video lists
0:00 intro video
0:58 bosaaso
1:58 habeenki
2:58 suuqa bosaaso
3:58 caweyska bosaaso
4:58 dalxiis bosaaso
5:58 suuqa
6:58 Vlog Somalia
7:58 Somalia travel Vlog
8:58 dhamad

Somalia, Most Amazing Beaches In The World - INCREDIBLE Travel Destinations



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