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Driving in Abidjan Cote D'ivoire: Cocody Angré, 7e 8e Tranche, Faya アビジャン


A short ride in Grand-Bassam, Ivory Coast

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Grand-Bassam, la destination touristique de Côte d’Ivoire

#Grand-Bassam is a town in south-eastern #IvoryCoast, lying east of Abidjan. It was the French colonial capital city from 1893 to 1896, when the administration was transferred to Bingerville after a bout of yellow fever.[4] The town remained a key seaport until the growth of Abidjan from the 1930s.
Grand-Bassam is a sub-prefecture of and the seat of Grand-Bassam Department; it is also a commune. The town has the aura of a ghost town, since large sections have been abandoned for decades. In 1896, the French capital was moved to Bingerville, and commercial shipping gradually declined until it virtually ceased in the 1930s. In 1960, with independence, all remaining administrative offices were transferred to Abidjan, and for many years Grand-Bassam was inhabited only by squatters. Beginning in the late 1970s, the town began to revive as a tourist destination and craft centre.

The town is divided by the Ébrié Lagoon into two halves: Ancien Bassam is the former French settlement, facing the Gulf of Guinea. It is home to the grander colonial buildings, some of which have been restored. The district is also home to a cathedral and the Ivory Coast National Museum of Costume. Nouveau Bassam, linked to Ancien Bassam by a bridge, lies on the inland, northern side of the lagoon. It grew from the African servants' quarter and is now the main commercial centre of the town.

グラン・バッサムは、#コートジボワール 南東部のコモエ地方南部の南コモエ州の都市。 かつての首都であり今も実質的に首都として機能しているアビジャンから東へ50km離れたギニア湾岸にある。1893年から1896年までフランス領コートジボワールの首都であったが、黄熱病の流行により首都はバンジェルヴィルへと遷都された。 ウィキペディア
面積: 109.89 ヘクタール (0.4243 mi²)
人口: 8.403万 (2014年)
現在の天気: 温度: 26°C、風向: 西、風速: 5 km/h、湿度: 89%
On the way to Grand-Bassam, Nice Tropical road!



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