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Djenné, Mali - Kanaga Adventure Tours


Djenné, Mali - Kanaga Adventure Tours

La città di Djenné sorse dopo il declino di Djenné-Djenno, considerata dagli archeologi la città più antica dell'Africa subsahariana occidentale, databile al 250 a.C. La tradizione vuole che questa città, importante centro commerciale tra l'800 e il 1400 d.C., venne abbandonata improvvisamente a causa degli spiriti maligni, delle mosche tze-tze e delle inondazioni del fiume Bani che la trasformarono in isola.

Bamako, Mali - Kanaga Adventure Tours [FRA]

Bienvenue à Bamako.

Kanaga Adventure Tours vous guide dans une des plus excitantes villes de l'Afrique de l'Ouest.
Découvrez le Mali, découvrez Bamako!!


Welcome to Bamako - as seen through our eyes.

Let Kanaga Adventure Tours take you on a tour of the sights and sounds of one of the most exciting cities of West Africa. Be a part of Mali. Discover Bamako.


Benvenuti a Bamako!
Kanago Adventure Tours vi invita a scoprire i suoni, i sapori e i paesaggi di una delle più vibranti e eccitanti città dell'Africa dell'Ovest. Scopri Mali. Scopri Bamako.

Bamako, Mali - Kanaga Adventure Tours


Walking Tour, Djenne, Mali

Ibrahim shows us around his town, Djenne. This video features a house where pottery is made.

Djenné - Mali

Djenné is a town and an urban commune in the Inland Niger Delta region of central Mali. The town is the administrative centre of the Djenné Cercle, one of the eight subdivisions of the Mopti Region.
The town is famous for its distinctive adobe architecture, most notably the Great Mosque which was built in 1907 on the site of an earlier mosque. To the south of the town is Djenné-Djeno, the site of one of the oldest known towns in sub-Saharan Africa. Djenné together with Djenné-Djeno were designated a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1988.

Walking in the streets of Djenne in Mali ????????

Walking in the streets of Djenné between mud-bricked houses, many with toucouleur-style facades among them the Great Mosque. SUBSCRIBE georeiser:

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MALI - Africa - Djenné

In the town of Djenné in Mali (Western Africa) you can find the famous loam mosque. On Mondays there is a big market in front of the mosque. Not only the mosque is made of loam, but a large part of the town as well. The town is registered on the Unesco World Heritage list. I recorded this video in January 2005. This copy comes from my Mali-film on DVD. Unfortunately I don't have the original footage anymore.

Djenné, Mali.

Ja kohtumine Goncaloga and meeting with Goncalo.

Viaggio in GABON - Kanaga Adventure Tours

Il Gabon è lo “scrigno verde” dell’Africa centrale, con imponenti fiumi che serpeggiano nella fitta foresta tropicale abitata da gorilla e mandrilli, spiagge selvagge dove si avvistano elefanti ed ippopotami, e le popolazioni Pigmee e Fang conservano i segreti delle ritualità del Bwiti.

Mali, la visite de Djenné


Festa del Meskel in ERITRA - Kanaga Adventure Tours

Ogni 27 Settembre ad Asmara prende il via la festa copta del Meskel, in cui si celebra il ritrovamento della vera croce di Gesù. Viene allestito un grande falò che, dopo essere stato benedetto dai sacerdoti vestiti con i paramenti liturgici più solenni, sarà acceso e la popolazione inizierà a cantare e ballare intorno al fuoco.
Un'esperienza unica da vivere con Kanaga Adventure Tours!

Timbuktu, Mali - How to get there the hard way

★ Timbuktu, Mali - How to get there the hard way » » 22-hour life-threatening desert trip to Timbuktu in Mali. The whole journey remains, to this day, among the craziest of adventures I've ever had in my life. This video was made back in 2008 with my cell phone camera. Sorry for the low image quality... but this video serves as an excellent example of traveling in Africa. I hope you like it...

Mali II: From Ségou to Djenné

After enjoying Bamako, Travelista Teri heads to the village of Ségou Koro and then to Ségou where she tries millet beer at a family's home and learns the secrets of making traditional Malian mud cloth.

Djenné (Mali) 1921-2

Film of the World Heritage site and its inhabitants at the beginning of the 1920s, when the Great Mosque was still new. The French film-makers want France to take the credit for designing the Mosque, claiming that a local French administrator drew up the plans, but no building in the world looks less European. The film records street scenes and some women dancing wonderfully, but condescends to the “Natives” and to the drummers, who are characterised as a “Bambara jazz-band”, but it does manage to depict Djenné at a period of great relative prosperity.
Du métrage du site UNESCO et ses habitants au commencement des années vingt, quand la Grande Mosquée était presque neuf. Les cinéastes français représentent la Mosquée comme la création d’un administrateur colonial français, mas aucune construction n’apparaît moins européene. Le film contient des scènes de rue et une danse extatique des femmes, mais condescend aux « indigènes » et aux joueurs de tam-tam, qui sont présentés comme un « jazz-band bambare », mais parvient à présenter la ville de Djenné à une époque de prospérité.

Il Pays Manding, Mali - Kanaga Adventure Tours


Kanaga Adventure Tours presenta...Kanaga Africa Tours!

Grandi novita', stessa passione!

Siete pronti a ripartire?

La route culturelle vers Tombouctou pt 1

Realisé par Road Music/Marco Romano, avec la partecipation de Leonardo Francesco Paoluzzi, gérant de Kanaga Adventure Tours.

Mauritania di Eugenio Attard

Viaggio Kanaga Adventure Tours, Dicembre 2018

Danza delle maschere Dogon, Mali - Kanaga Adveture Tours

【K】Mali Travel-Djenne[말리 여행-젠네]흙으로 빚은 마을/Adobe Mud Brick House/Village/Children/Alley

■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
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[한국어 정보]
섬 도시 젠네는 독특한 풍경을 가진다. 좁은 골목이 끝없이 이어진다. 어린 동생을 동여맨 누나. 골목을 돌때마다 추억의 얼굴을 만난다. 무너진 집 사이로 흙벽돌이 가지런히 놓여 있다. 진흙에 볏짚 따위를 넣고 작렬하는 태양에 구워낸 이 흙벽돌은 장정이 올라가도 부서지지 않을 만큼 단단하다. 오직 흙과 물로만 집을 짓는다. 우기철 피해를 막기 위해 무엇보다 중요한 것은 배수. 배수만 잘되면 수십 년을 끄떡없이 지낼 수 있다. 두꺼운 외벽은 뜨거운 태양의 열기를 차단해주며 시원한 실내 공간을 만든다. 흙으로 세운 사원, 흙으로 지은 집, 흙으로 빚은 도자기…  흙으로 뭘 한대도 이상할 게 없다. 모든 게 자연스럽다. “여기 마을이 생기고 난 뒤부터 우리 할아버지의 할아버지 때부터 만들어왔습니다.” 일상에서 구할 수 있는 평범한 재료를 이렇게 훌륭하게 사용해왔다. 곡식들을 서늘하게 보관할 수 있는 항아리다. 젠네의 골목길을 따라 잠시 시간여행을 떠난다. 이곳의 시각은 아직 우리의 삶에서 예술이 분리되기 전이다. 골목길을 돌면 금방이라도 코흘리개 어릴 적 내 모습을 만날 것 같다.

[English: Google Translator]
Island Djenné city has a unique landscape. This leads to endless narrow streets. Laced sister and younger brother. Every checking your alley meets the face of memories. It sits neatly between the earthen stone house collapsed. Clay bricks baked in the sun to hit the straw into the mud something is hard to go up as much as you do not break the binding. Only build homes only soil and water. During the rainy season, it is important above all to prevent damage to drainage. If the drainage well for decades but can do without kkeutteok. Thick exterior walls gives off the heat of the scorching sun to make a cool indoor spaces. Dirt erected temples, built houses with dirt, dirt nothing to do with debt pottery clay ... one even more. Everything is natural. I'm here from behind the handsome town has made since the grandfather of my grandfather. So well have used ordinary materials that are available on a daily basis. The jars can be stored in the grain cool. Along the alleys of Djenné leaving little time travel. This is a vision of art is still jeonyida be separated from our lives. Just around the alleys seem to meet my childhood koheulrigae look at any moment.

[French: Google Translator]
Île Djenné ville a un paysage unique. Cela conduit à des rues étroites sans fin. Soeur lacets et son frère cadet. Chaque vérifier votre allée rencontre la face de souvenirs. Il se trouve parfaitement entre la maison de pierre terre effondré. briques de terre cuite au soleil de frapper la paille dans la boue quelque chose est difficile à monter autant que vous ne cassez pas la liaison. Seulement construire des maisons que le sol et l'eau. Pendant la saison des pluies, il est important avant tout pour éviter d'endommager le drainage. Si le puits de drainage des décennies, mais peuvent le faire sans kkeutteok. Murs extérieurs épais dégage la chaleur du soleil brûlant de faire un espaces intérieurs fraîches. Dirt érigé des temples, des maisons construites avec de la terre, la saleté rien à voir avec de l'argile de poterie de la dette ... une encore plus. Tout est naturel. «Je suis ici par derrière le beau village a fait depuis le grand-père de mon grand-père. Alors bien avoir utilisé des matériaux ordinaires qui sont disponibles sur une base quotidienne. Les pots peuvent être stockés dans la fraîcheur du grain. Le long des ruelles de Djenné laissant peu de temps Voyage. Ceci est une vision de l'art est encore jeonyida être séparé de nos vies. Juste dans les ruelles semblent rencontrer mon enfance koheulrigae oeil à tout moment.

■클립명: 아프리카048-말리01-10 흙으로 빚은 마을/Adobe Mud Brick House/Village/Children/Alley

■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 김병수 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2010년 12월 December

,아프리카,Africa ,,말리,Mali,Republique de Mali ,,김병수,2010,12월 December,,,,



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