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Best Scenes of Bükk Mountains, Hungary


NORTH HUNGARIAN MOUNTAINS (Mátra, Bükk National Park, Zemplén Mountains, Aggtelek, Tokaj), HUNGARY

Video footage of my trip to the North Hungarian Mountains (Mátra, Bükk National Park, Zemplén Mountains, Aggtelek National Park and Tokaj Wine Region) in Oct, 2020.
COME WITH ME and explore this amazing Hungarian region with my eyes. ENJOY! :)

The Amazing Bükk Mountain

The Bélkő hill
2k amazing nature film of Dronefilm Hungary

Shining | Hiking Mátra and Bükk mountain range in northern Hungary | Cinematic Nature Film

Enjoy this adventure with us in Hungary.
Hiking through a dark, rocky valley following a thin brook, which we could hear running. The mist which covered the surroundings were just added to the unearthly adventure. But never forget! After the dark, there is always the shine, which brings hope and inspiration.

Sojourner: The Dark Project by Gutterhulk

Ayla Nereo - By the Light of the Dark Moon - 01 - Beacon by Ayla Nereo

Forest Train through the Bükk Mountains | Lillafüred Miskolc | Hungary |

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Bükk - Hungary 12-04-2022

0:00 Lillafüred,
0:19 Zsófia kilátó,
1:05 Bánkút - Nato radar,
1:28 Bánkút - Turistaház,
2:13 Sólyom-kő,
2:44 Magos-kő,
3:22 Felső-Bagoly-hegy - egykori TV átjátszó,
3:43 Bükkszentkereszt,
4:23 Kis-kő-hát déli oldala alatti zöld turistajelzés közelében,
4:46 Három-kő, Tar-kő


Music: Braak - Beginnings

Hungary 4k - Magical Scenes with Soothing Music

Hungary 4k - Magical Scenes with Soothing Music shows you the beautiful parts of Hungary alongside relaxing and soothing music. This Hungary Magical Scenes with Soothing Music will put you in a state of relaxation and tranquility. Enjoy this magical Hungary film across the Hungary’s most impressive regions and cities including Budapest. Hungary 4k scenes with soothing music is a source of happiness and enjoyment.

???? Hungary 4k - Magical Scenes with Soothing Music ????
0:00 Basilica of Budapest
05:35 Nature of Hungary
13:00 Danube River
16:00 Snow in Hungary
19:00 Hungarian Parliament Building
22:00 Downtown of Budapest

Make sure to subscribe for more incredible videos! Enjoy it the maximum!

???????? Istanbul - Turkey ????????

???????? Magical Norway ????????

♦️ Agriculture - Farming ♦️

???? Scenic Landscapes 4k ????

Thanks a lot for watching ! ????????
#hungary4k #hungarymagicalscenes #magicalhungary

Bükk National Park - Driving from Eger to Lillafüred / Miskolc - Road Film

????Bükk National Park (Hungarian: Bükki Nemzeti Park) is a national park in the Bükk Mountains of Northern Hungary, near Miskolc. It was founded in 1977 as the third national park in the country. It contains 431.3 km2 (of which 37.74 km2 is under increased protection). Mountainous and forested, Bükk is Hungary's largest national park and is situated in the northern mountains, between Szilvásvárad and Lillafüred. Bükk's important geological features include various karst formations within its limestone mountains - particularly caves (once inhabited by pre-historic people), swallow-holes, and ravines. The country's longest (4,000 metres) and deepest (245 metres) cave, Istvánlápa, is located in the park. Bükk National Park also contains ninety species of nesting birds, some considered endangered.

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Clips from the Bükk mountains

Some clips I took with my new DJI Mavic Air 2 around the Bükk mountains in Hungary: Eger, Szarvaskő, Bélapátfalva

Bükk: Nagy-mező 4K

Nagy-mező és környéke

Forrás: wikipédia

Elképesztő felvételek a Bükk hegységről, A BÜKK HEGYSÉG CSODÁI filmelőzetes #túrázás #utazás

Még soha nem látott, elképesztő felvételeket hoztam nektek ebben a videóban a Bükk hegység csodáiról, és rejtett kincsiről.
Az idei Bükk túránk pár ismert és kevésbé ismert látnivalót fog bemutatni nektek, olyan egyedi látószöggel mely felfedi e táj elképesztő csodáit. Felfedezzük a Város a város alatt alagútrendszerét, és leereszkedünk Lilafüred legszebb barlangjába. A Hámori-tó víztükrén is lebegünk majd, és bejárjuk a Szalajka-völgy vízeséseit, felmászunk a völgyet záró barlanghoz is, bejárjuk az Egri várat, majd megkóstoljuk a legjobb Egri borokat a Szépasszony völgyben. Meglátogatjuk az idei aszáj legnagyobb áldozatát a Fátyol vízesést, és lakmározunk a bükki pisztrángból, majd megnézzük milyen a kilátás a Bükki csillagdából. Utazásunkat gyönyörű naplementék, és elbűvölő vízesések övezik. Gyere és fedezd fel velünk a Bükk hegység tájait és ismerd meg Magyarország egyik legszebb hegységét!

Eternals by Alex-Productions
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
Free Download / Stream:
Music promoted by Audio Library

• Eternals – Alex-P...

#kirándulás #utazás #túrázás #természet #természetfilm #videózás #barlang #naplemente #magyarvlog #magyarország #magyar #hegyvidéki #bor #eger #bükk

See The Light | Hiking Mecsek and Bükk Mountains in Hungary | Cinematic Nature Film

See the light, feel the light, BE THE LIGHT.
Open up your eyes for the light which strikes outside. Connect with nature and slow down with us. Enjoy the harmony of life.


Blur by Kai Engel

Cobweb Morning by Kai Engel

The Amazing Bükk trailer

2k nature film preview of amazing rocks and mountains

Turázás a legszebb hegycsúcsokhoz a Bükkben! Három kő, Tar kő kirándulás

Ellátogatunk a Bükk legszebb hegycsúcsaihoz, a Három-kőhöz ès a Tar-kőhöz. Már eddig is elkèpesztő helyeken túráztunk, de amit most mutatunk nektek az minden kèpzeletet felülmúl. Kirándulásunkat a Bükk hegysèg közepèn kezdjük Répáshuta közelében, sűrű ès vad erdőkben túrázunk. Magyarország legszebb erdőit találjuk a Bükkben. Ez az a hely ahova minden termèszetjárónak el kell jutni egyszer. Kb 2 óra túrázással fel is lehet jutni a Három-kő csúcsra, onnan fèl óra sèta a Tar-kő, a Bükk hegysèg legmagasabb termèszetes kilátópontja. Utazásunk utolsó napján mèg a Bèlapátfalvai Lak-völgyi tóhoz is eljutunk. A naplemente ès a víztükör a háttèrben pedig a Bèl-kő csodás összkèpet ad.
A túránk vègèn mèg egy rókát is lencsevègre kapunk Rèpáshuta közelèben.

Life In Silico by Scott Buckley
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
Free Download / Stream:
Music promoted by Audio Library


WildLife - Bükk

Wildlife Footages from Bükk Mountains (Hungary)
Panasonic HC-X1500
DJI Mavic 2 Pro

Lillafüred || A journey in the Lap of Bükk Mountains( Hungary Unexplored )

With the motive to help the upcoming student, we reached this time to explore the Miskolc and it's Surrounding and found ourself in a place, surrounded by mountains from every corner: Lillafured, a serene place with Waterfall, cave and a mile-long Lake, will leave you spellbound.
Join me on this journey to explore more about Miskolc and Miskolc University and Lillafured in this video series.
In short: You will get
1. How to reach Lillafured
2.Places to go in Lillafured
3. An idea about expenses in exploring
4. Campus tour of Miskolc University
5. Toy Train journey
6. Trains to Miskolc from Budapest
7. Unexplored Hungary
Time Stamp:
00:00 Intro
00:37 Miskolc Railway Station
00:54 Ticket and Pass info
01:09 Tram info to Lillafured
01:36 Bus to Lillafured
01:46 Lillafured Journey Begins
03:04 How to reach Eger from Lillafured
04:12 Lillafured Lake & Famous Hotel
05:51 Lillafured Libego ( Chairlift Info)
06:41 Lillafured Waterfall
07:43 Toy info...and Best route to take advice
09:25 Toy train Journey ride


Madárszemmel a Bükk fölött - kövek, rétek és erdők nyomában.

Bükk - Lillafüred

Homeland - realxing video :)

Lillafured | Miskolc castle town | Bukk mountains hike | Tulsi | Vlog 30

Hungary is definitely one of the best countries in Europe that offers amazing hike trails for the residents. Hiking is a sport that is majorly practiced by Hungarians and for sure it is well detailed and maintained for the hikers.
with the autumn colors flourishing all around the country, I took the opportunity to travel around Miskolc. I spent the first day exploring the city center and the next day I decided to hike along the Bukk mountains from Lillafured.

To know more about the hike, watch the entire vlog, and leave your questions in the comment section.

Music credits:
???? Track Info:

Title: Jungle by Norimaki
Genre and Mood: Dance & Electronic

???? Contact the Artist:


Megsebzett Bükk: Kirándulás a tapolcai kőbányához és a Bélkő-hegyhez (4K)

4x4 Safari. European Safari Bukk Mountains-Hungary 2021 GTS Productions 1.

The Bükk Mountains, a part of the Northern Mountain Range – was established on 1st January 1977 on an initial 38,774.6 hectares; as of today it covers 43,168.8 hectares. It is the third national park in Hungary, but the first one in a mountain area. The Bükk Mountains belong to the inner range of the Carpathians. The High Bükk is mainly an area of cavernous limestone, the slightly undulating plateau is characterised by low peaks and the typical formations of karstic surfaces (karrenfelds, dolinas, sink-holes, shafts, and caves). The rocky masses of the southern edge are particularly spectacular (the range of the Bükk Rocks).



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