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A Celebration of Life: El Dia de los Muertos


A Celebration of Life: El Dia de los Muertos

Beneath our differences, we are all the same — or as famed Mexican printmaker and creator of the symbolic La Catrina, José Guadalupe Posada, once said, Todos somos calaveras — we are all skeletons.

Join Beautiful Destinations creators Cory Martin and Arman Mitchell as they explore the city of Oaxaca, Mexico during Dia de los Muertos, a three-day celebration dedicated to remembering the lives of those who've passed and to support them on their spiritual journey; it's a time to celebrate life, not mourn the loss of it. Have you celebrated life today?

Happy Dia de los Muertos from all of us at Beautiful Destinations.

Music Credit:
Lila downs- cumbia de mole

Ampersan- madre tierra

Cory S Martin
Arman Mitchell
Margot Roussel | Creative Producer |

Mexico’s Celebration of Life: The Day of the Dead | Festivals | TRACKS

Festivals explores different festivities around the world, giving you a deep insight into the traditions and customs of the people celebrating them.

Dia de Muertos - Mexico’s infamous festival - celebrates the people that have passed.
This custom was born out of the integration of an ancient native indigenous celebration with the Christian holiday “All Saints Day”, making this celebration unique.

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From Festivals

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All about DAY OF THE DEAD/Dia de los Muertos in MEXICO CITY & MICHOACAN (we loved it)

After a decade of wanting to go, we finally experienced the REAL DAY OF THE DEAD in Mexico!

This is one of the most beautiful celebrations in the world and such a great way to remember loved ones who have passed.

In this video, we take you to downtown zocalo to see the huge Mexico City parade that was made famous by James Bond and take a road trip to the heart of the Day of the Dead - Michoacan! We visit Morelia to see the beautiful zocalo and some dance celebrations before going to Patacuaro, the most famous destination for Dia Los Muertos, including a night in a cemetery!


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????We’re Matt & Karla, a Canadian couple with two totally different backgrounds.

Matt is the “quintessentially Canadian”, born under the northern lights in Northern Alberta with family all over the country, whereas Karla is originally from Mexico City, bringing a totally fresh perspective to a country she has fallen in love with.

Over the past 10 years, we have travelled to 42 countries spanning six continents, which has given us the expertise to plan amazing trips and find memorable experiences.

In 2017, we decided to explore our own massive backyard with Road to 150, a 150-day #roadtrip across #Canada, witnessing the beauty and diversity of this country and sharing our experiences through video, pictures, social media, and articles. Since then, we’ve helped thousands of Canadians and travellers worldwide make the most of every Canadian experience.

This is Day of The Dead Parade in Mexico City (Día De Muertos)

See all my photographs from The Day of the Dead here: Support my channel and help me create more videos: Photographer Captures Stunning Photos of Mexico Day of The Day of Dead. I'm on Instagram. Come say hi!

The Day of the Dead is around the corner and today, a week before the actual Day of the Dead, we have a parade.

The Day of the Dead parade was fun and a good warm-up for next week!

I hope you enjoyed the Day of the Dead parade video aka Desfile de Día de Muertos.

Next year, I will be at Dia de Los Muertos, or The Day of The Dead in Mexico City and take even more pictures.

The Day of the Dead (or Día de los Muertos in Spanish) is a Mexican holiday celebrated on November 1st and 2nd. It is a time for families and friends to come together to honor and remember their loved ones who have passed away.

The holiday has roots in the indigenous Aztec culture and has been celebrated in Mexico for thousands of years. It is believed that during the Day of the Dead, the spirits of the deceased return to the world of the living to be reunited with their loved ones. Families prepare altars, or ofrendas, with photos, favorite foods, flowers, and other offerings to welcome the spirits back home.

The Day of the Dead is a vibrant and colorful celebration that includes parades, music, dancing, and feasting. It is a time for reflection, gratitude, and joy, as families come together to celebrate the lives of those who have passed on and to show that death is a natural part of the human experience.

Once-in-a-lifetime MEXICO CITY celebrations!: The ultimate guide to Dia de los Muertos

Join us on the once-in-a-lifetime trip to celebrate Day of the Dead in both Mexico City, & Oaxaca.

Día de Muertos is celebrated all over Mexico, and we were lucky enough to book a last-minute trip to two iconic locations to join in the festivities. The celebration is one-of-a-kind to remember and honour loved ones lives, where annual parades, face painting, offerings and partying occurs for well over 1-week!

In this Vlog Travel Guide part 1, we visit Ciudad de Mexico to watch the incredible Dia de Muertos parade inspired by James Bond Spectre for an incredible celebration, party and all round good vibes!

TikTok: @laurarobertson__

All copyright free music used in this video comes from here:
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Dia de Muertos in Mexico (LIFE CHANGING)

Dia de Muertos, Dia de los Muertos, Day of the Dead! If you’re here to experience Dia de Muertos in Mexico or learn the day of the dead history you have found the right Mexico Vlog.

Dia de Muertos, Day of the Dead is a pre-hispanic sacred tradition dating back thousands of years. Dia de los Muertos is a beautiful celebration of life and we can’t wait to learn all about it with you!

We spent Dia de los Muertos Oaxaca Mexico and it was the perfect first Dia de Muertos celebration we could have asked for. Dia de Muertos in Mexico is Mexico’s most sacred holiday so in this day of the dead video we are taking you around the city in search of the most authentic Dia de Muertos we can find.

In this video we go to Ocotlan and learn how to make an ofrenda for the Day of the Dead and spend time getting to know the traditions of Dis de Muertos. We then tour the streets for the Day of the Dead Oaxaca 2021 where we admire all the decorations and join in on a Comprasa! The night of Nov 1st we take a trip to Etla and finish off with a wild celebration welcoming the spirits home!

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Day of the Dead- Flavor and Tradition

Explore one of the most popular festivals of Mexico, Day of the Dead! It is both a celebration of life and also a time to honor relatives and loved ones who have passed with offerings of food and drink.

Join me on this colourful and unique tour of the traditional foods of Dia de los Muertos..

Exploramos una de las festividades más populares de México, El Día de Muertos, una celebración
a la vida y un momento para honrar con ofrendas, a amigos y familiares que se han ido.

Acompáñanos en éste recorrido lleno de color y tradiciones, donde la comida no puede faltar.

Dia de los muertos in Oaxaca

Dia de los muertos (Day of the Dead) is a spectacular event in Mexico. We were lucky to experience it in Oaxaca where you can see it at its best. We're hoping you enjoy the video, let us know how you liked it in comments.

Music using Creative Commons licensing: La Barca de Sua: Pueblo Duerme

Una celebración a la vida | Día de Muertos en Janitzio y Pátzcuaro Michoacán México | Cómo es

El Día de Muertos es una de las festividades mexicanas más importantes y se celebra con color, flores y mucha emoción en todo el país, aunque hay lugares que tienen fiestas impactantes: el Día de Muertos en el pueblo mágico de Janitzio Michoacán , es realmente conmovedor.

Entre los purépechas se cuenta que las almas, al regresar, vuelan como mariposas sobre el lago de Pátzcuaro, hasta llegar a la Isla de Janitzio. Dicen que, si uno abre su corazón, es posible verlas dibujadas en las ondas que forma el andar de las lanchas.

Hacia la medianoche del 1 de noviembre, el panteón se llena de ofrendas florales, música y misterio. La isla impresiona a los visitantes, desde que desembarcan a la luz de los faroles que alumbran el muelle de San Pedrito.

Su fiesta del Día de Muertos, el Animecha Kejtzitakua, se traduce en español como ofrenda a las ánimas , y tiene su origen en la historia de amor de dos príncipes purépechas. Mintzita era hija del rey Tzintzicha; Itzihuapa, del Rey Taré y príncipe heredero de Janitzio.

Estos dos príncipes se conocieron y se enamoraron locamente, pero su amor no pudo concretarse, porque se supo de la llegada de los conquistadores españoles. El padre de Mintzita fue aprendido por Nuño de Guzmán, a quien le ofreció un tesoro fabuloso, el cual se encontraba bajo las aguas, entre Janitzio y Pacanda.

Itzihuapa se aventuró en busca del tesoro, a pesar de que éste estaba resguardado por las sombras de veinte remeros espectrales, quienes, al entrar el príncipe al agua, lo adormecieron y así, el joven amante murió ahogado.

Los espectros se quedaron con su alma, volviéndolo el vigésimo primer guardián de la fantástica riqueza. La leyenda cuenta que, desde entonces, cada noche del primero de noviembre, al escucharse el sonido triste de las campanas de Janitzio, surge de entre las aguas la sombra de príncipe y de sus compañeros guardianes del tesoro.

Itzihuapa vuelve, siempre con la esperanza de ver a su amada, que lo espera radiante a la orilla del lago. Año con año suben la empinada cuesta de la isla tomados de la mano y se dirigen al panteón para recibir la ofrenda de los vivos. En las noches en que la festividad coincide con la luna llena, dicen que es posible ver a los dos amantes despedirse bajo la plateada luz, prometiéndose volver a encontrarse al año siguiente.

Las flores, la música y la comida tradicional no pueden faltar en el Día de Muertos en Janitzio. Las pirekuas, declarada Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial de la Humanidad (UNESCO) no pueden faltar en la celebración, tanto en los hogares como en los panteones.

La flor de cempasúchil engalana casi toda la isla, así como las gardenias y las gladiola, rodeadas todas ellas de las veladoras y el copal. El conjunto crea la apariencia de un neblinoso y perfumado jardín.

Poco antes de la medianoche del 1 de noviembre, los habitantes de Janitzio salen de sus casas y se unen a la procesión hacia el panteón, con solemnidad y respeto. Cuando llegan a las tumbas de sus difuntos, colocan hermosas servilletas bordadas sobre las tumbas y depositan ahí los alimentos que en vida eran sus preferidos. Adornan la tumba con flores y veladoras.

La noche transcurre entre alabanzas, rezos y cantos de las mujeres y niños, mientras que los hombres montan guardia en las afueras del cementerio, para que todo transcurra en paz.

No puede faltar el sonido melancólico de la campana colocada en el arco de la entrada del cementerio, que llama a las ánimas para que se manifiesten.

Las calles y los camposantos son invadidos, además, por el aroma de los guisados típicos, que indudablemente te alborotarán la lombriz. La sopa tarasca está elaborada a base de frijol bayo, caldo de pollo, jitomate, tortillas fritas y chile ancho.

Las corundas son los tamales típicos de la gastronomía michoacan, unos triangulitos de masa rellenos de queso, carne o verduras.

Y los uchepos, hechos de elote tierno, que pueden ser salados o dulces.

La olla podrida –sé que no suena bien, pero es deliciosa-, es un caldo cocinado con pulque que lleva carne de res, cerdo y pollo, además de todo tipo de verduras.

Acompaña tu comida con las ricas aguas frescas, un licor de membrillo o un rico y pegador caballito de charanda, el tradicional aguardiente michoacano, hecho de caña de azúcar, similar al ron.

El Lago de Pátzcuaro y su isla de Janitzio se ubican a 60 kilómetros de Morelia, capital del estado de Michoacán. Checa la página oficial con todos los eventos del Día de Muertos en Janitzio

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2018 Dia de los Muertos Viva la Vida Parade & Festival Austin Texas 1080p HD

Pictures and Videos from the Day of the Dead Parade and Fest in Austin, Texas 10/27/18

Dia de los Muertos (the Day of the Dead), a Mexican celebration, is a day to celebrate, remember and prepare special foods in honor of those who have departed.

It is believed that the spirit of the dead visit their families on October 31 and leave on November 2.

The multi-day holiday focuses on gatherings of family and friends to pray for and remember friends and family members who have died and to help support their spiritual journey.

Dia de los Muertos is much different than Halloween. Día de los Muertos embraces the dead returning home as something spiritual and natural. For some, Día de los Muertos has helped with healing and closure after losing a loved one.

In order to celebrate, the families make altars and place ofrendas (offerings) of food such as pan de muertos baked in shapes of skulls and figures, candles, incense, yellow marigolds and most importantly a photo of the departed soul is placed on the altar.

It might sound somewhat morbid, but the Mexicans react to death with mourning along with happiness and joy. They look at death with the same fear as any other culture, but there is a difference. They reflect their fear by mocking and living alongside death.

Living alongside death means that Mexicans have learned to accept it within their lives. Death is apparent in everyday life. It is in art and even in children's toys.

Children carrying yellow marigolds enjoy the processions to the cemetery. At the cemetery, music is played and dances are made to honor the spirits.

November 1st is traditionally referred to as Dia de los Angelitos (Day of the Little Angels) in Mexico and is the day to honor infants and children who have died. November 2nd is the actual Dia de los Muertos when families honor adults whom they have lost. It is believed that on these days, the souls of the deceased return to earth to be with their families and loved ones.

Death is a celebration in Mexico. Death is among them.

Please enjoy this celebration of our departed souls. Our love for each other will live on forever... with every beat of my proud corazon!

Cover of Proud Corazon (from the movie Coco) by Cat Rox :


A celebration of life & death

After living in Mexico on and off for the last two years, this would finally be Rob's first Dia de Los Muertos. Often mistaken as just the Mexican version of Haloween, this holiday holds quite a bit more meaning, and is a tradition that goes back before the Spanish arrived. It celebrates friends and family who have passed on, having a night where they decorate the graves with orange flowers, and leave out alters with pictures and food so they can come back to visit.

We celebrated this year at Xcaret Park, just south of Playa del Carmen, Mexico with their Celebration of Life and Death. We wandered through the Bridge to Paradise Cemetary - which was decorated for the day of the dead - as well the bird sanctuary and the Mayan Ruins. The day ended with two shows; the Xcaret Mexico Espectacular and a performance by Mexican performing artist Ely Guerra. 


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In Mexico, Day of the Dead is actually a celebration of life

Day of the Dead 2022 No one knows when the first observance took place, but it is rooted in agriculture-related beliefs from Mexico's pre-Hispanic era, said Andrés Medina, a researcher at the Anthropological Research Institute of the National Autonomous University of Mexico. Catholic traditions were incorporated into the celebration after the Spanish conquest in 1521.

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History of El Dia de Los Muertos(Day of the Dead). Explore the roots of this important tradition!

Today we celebrate the Day of the dead. Today I am going to depart from the traditional YouTube video showing off Day of the Dead Celebrations.

This day is very important to the Mexican People as well as to me personally. I decided to do a video on the history of this unique and important celebration and how it evolved from ancient traditions.

Feliz Dia de Los Muertos and go celebrate your loved ones who have passed on and keep them alive in your memories!

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Day of the Dead in Mexico | A Colorful Celebration of Life and Tradition #shorts #dayofthedead

Explore Dia de los Muertos, a vibrant Mexican celebration honouring the departed. Witness the art, customs, and lively festivities that define this cherished tradition. Join us to experience the parades, face-painting, and delicious food that make this holiday unforgettable. Subscribe to immerse yourself in the magic of Dia de los Muertos

Dia de los Muertos, La Historia y La Cultura

#diademuertos #dayofthedead #mexico
This one is for the culture (with subtitles)! Dia de Muertos is Mexico's most popular and celebrated tradition. But what is Dia de Muertos and where did it come from? Lets talk about this emblematic Mexican festival.

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0:00 Intro
0:45 Dia de Muertos origins
2:53 How Morelia celebrates
4:09 Patzcuaro
4:50 The party
6:55 Patzcuaro & Janitzio
8:58 How the Mayan celebrate
9:41 Satirical Calavera poem
10:15 The Biggest Altar CDMX
10:50 Outro

Mexico Facts, Day of the Dead (Dia de Los Muertos) #dayofthedead #díadelosmuertos #halloween#mexico

Dia de los muertos celebrates life and death, it takes place yearly on November 1st.

Biggest Dia de Los Muertos Festival in the U.S. | Dia de los Muertos at Hollywood Forever

Dia de los Muertos at Hollywood Forever Cemetery hosts the biggest Dia de Los Muertos festival in the United States at the oldest memorial park in Hollywood dating back to 1899.
Día de los Muertos is a vibrant celebration that honors the lives and memories of those who have passed... and Hollywood Forever, a historic cemetery in Los Angeles, hosts an annual event that brings together thousands of people to celebrate this Mexican tradition.
Dia de los Muertos at Hollywood Forever provides an authentic venue where this ancient tradition is genuinely observed, celebrated, and preserved. The event features colorful altars, music, dance performances, food vendors, and art installations that pay tribute to the deceased. Everyone is encouraged to dress in traditional attire and bring offerings for their loved ones, such as flowers, candles, and mementos. This joyous celebration is a beautiful way to connect with ancestry and celebrate the cycle of life and death. Come and experience the magic of Día de los Muertos at Hollywood Forever and honor those who have passed with a festive and meaningful tribute.
Check it out as we explore this amazing event and learn more about the traditions and customs that make it so special, Dia de los Muertos at Hollywood Forever Cemetery.


Dia de Los Muertos
Day of the Dead
Hollywood Forever
Los Angeles
Noche de Los Muertos

Edited: Diverseego TV

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Dia de Los Muertos, the celebration continues in San Miguel de Allende!

Today, I released a video on Dia de Los Muertos. In this video, we are going to explore the celebration in my home town of San Miguel de Allende!

Feliz Dia de Los Muertos and go celebrate your loved ones who have passed on and keep them alive in your memories!

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Día de Muertos - A journey to the land of the dead

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A celebration of life, honoring our late ancestors through joyous activities and delicious dining in Mexico's richest tradition-infused holiday.

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Located in Mexico's most spectacular beach destinations, each Grand Velas Resort has received the AAA Five Diamond Award and features the brand's revolutionary interpretation of All Inclusive hospitality. With stunning architecture and interiors that celebrate the natural surroundings, we continue to innovate, providing guests with creative new services and amenities every year. During a visit to Grand Velas, avant-garde cuisine, tequila and mezcal pairings, oceanfront yoga and Spa workshops are just a few features to look forward to. We invite you to come and revel in the spirit of Mexico at our ultra-luxe properties.

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Tradición Mística en Día de Muertos #diademuertoscheck #diademuertos2023 #mexico

Día de Muertos: la tradición prehispánica que reúne a los vivos .
#fielesdifuntos #shorts



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