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5 People With Superpowers Caught On Tape


#superpowers people caught on camera

#Mysterious World
5. Real Superman Caught on Camera in Hong Kong
4.Thai Girl with Mind Control Caught on Camera
3.Figure with Super Speed in the parking area
2. A hooded figure in a grocery store
1.Teleporter in India

Real superhero caught on camera.

Is superhero exist? This footage show a girl crossing the road being saved by a lightning fast person (just like The Flash or Quicksilver). This is a true footage taken by traffic cam. Real superhuman exist.

This Mysterious Cloud Killed 1200 People ????


Teleportations On Camera In Real Life Real Superman Caught On Tape Blue Light 360p

Tylypurttyuns ke Real Life Real Superman kgt ka pahupaʻiwikiō puke wehewehe'ōlelo 360 pela aku ke leki haunaele

Tylypurttyuns ق الحياة الحقيقية ريال سوبرمان KGT القاموس الكاميرا 360 ج ق الشغب الشريط

Tylypurttyuns s Real Life Echt Superman kgt der Kamera Wörterbuch 360c s Band Ausschreitungen

टीलीपरतयूनस ों कैमरा उनके रेल लाइफ रेल सुपरमैन कगत ों टेप बलवे शब्दकोश 360 ग

People With Superpowers Caught On Camera | दुनिया के सुपर पावर लोग जो कैमरा में कैद हुवे |

Unbelievable 5 SuperHuman which really exist |

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Top Amazing People With Real Super Powers

Amazing People with Real Superpowers .Have you ever dreamed about having super powers.Well we have found top super power.examples of people
who have some unbelievable abilities.

Top 10 Unbelievable People With Real SuperPowers

People having super powers like super man or others that Other can not do.They are God Gifted.
No 1 Garry Turner Super Skin stretch abilities.
NO 2 The man that never sleeps: Hai Ngoc.
NO 3 The Rubber boy Daniel Browning Smith.
NO 4 Stephen Wiltshire, photographic memory.
NO 5 Rathakrishnan Velu has teeth and BONE of steel.
NO 6 ICE MAN (Wim Hof ).
NO 7 The Torture King (Tim Cridland).
No 8 The Man who can see with sound.
NO 9 Cassie Graves has a potent scent.
NO 10 Claudio Pinto has Big Eyes.
Claudio Pinto doesn't resemble a superman at first look, however he has an uncommon ability. He can do himself able to pop his eyes out of their attachments and stretch out them up to 7 millimeters, which is around 95% of the eyeball.
NO 9 Cassie Graves has a potent scent.
Cassie Graves is a wonderful twenty-three-year-old artist from the UK who fights an issue that causes her sweat and breath to smell of spoiling substance. She experiences trimethylaminuria, otherwise called fish smell disorder, which is a greatly uncommon metabolic issue where the body can't separate trimethylamine found in specific sustenances, for example, meat and eggs. Not certain if that gives her any genuine superpowers however it unquestionably would arrive her a part in a X-Men flick.
No 8 The Man who can see with sound
Ben Underwood).
Ben Underwood taught is visually impaired, both of his eyes were uprooted (malignancy) when he was 3. Yet, he plays ball, rides on a bike, and carries on with a very ordinary life. He taught himself to utilize reverberation area to explore far and wide. With no aide puppies, he doesn't even need hands: he uses sound. Ben makes a short snap sound that bobs over from items. Amazingly, his ears get the to tell him where the articles are. He's the main individual on the planet who sees utilizing only eco area, similar to a sonar or a dolphin.
NO 7 The Torture King (Tim Cridland).
Tim Cridland doesn't appear to feel agony like whatever is left of individuals. He dumbfounded everybody by pushing needles into his arms without wincing and he now performs an unnerving represent gatherings of people all over America. Exploratory tests have demonstrated that Tim can endure much larger amounts of torment than are humanly conceivable. He clarifies that, by utilizing brain over matter, he finds himself able to push sticks through his body and endure amazing warmth and cool unharmed - however to do this securely he has broadly concentrated on human life structures, in light of the fact that puncturing a supply route could be deadly.
NO 6 ICE MAN (Wim Hof )
This is Wim Hof and he is impenetrable to cool. Wim Hof climbed Mount Everest in only some bike shorts! The temperatures on Mount Everest can fluctuate from between short 35 degrees Celsius and less 60 degrees Celsius – temperatures where some other human would have been killed in minutes without the right .
NO 5 Rathakrishnan Velu has teeth and BONE of steel.
A Malaysian man with the entertaining handle Ruler Tooth can pull a seven-mentor train utilizing a steel rope held as a part of his mouth, a deed that is viewed as the world record for the heaviest weight pulled with teeth. Teeth of steel for sure?.
NO 4 Stephen Wiltshire, photographic memory.

NO 3 The Rubberboy Daniel Browning Smith.

NO 2 The man that never sleeps: Hai Ngoc.

No 1 Garry Turner Super Skin stretch abilities

Levitation Trick Explained ????

The Adventures of Aquaman

Last week's exploits caught on tape!

Superpowers caught on camera - Believe it or not! | ক্যামেরায় ধরা পড়া মানুষের আশ্চর্য ক্ষমতা

Superpowers caught on camera - Believe it or not!

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Water thrown into lava lake creates explosive results

Attempting to make obsidian by throwing water into lava...

Geoff Mackley throws a jerry can full of water into the lava lake at Erta Ale to test what happens.

Filmed by Bradley White (Ambrose) with clip by Geoff Mackley
Edited by Bradley White (Ambrose)
© Bradley White and Geoff Mackley

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Alien probe caught on tape

It was scary, I finally got away, but they probed me

በደህንነት ካሜራ የተቀረፁ አስደንጋጭ ክስተቶች (ክፍል 2)| Mere Tube| Scary Things Caught on Camera

በደህንነት ካሜራ የተቀረፁ አስደንጋጭ ክስተቶች (ክፍል 2)| Mere Tube| Scary Things Caught on Camera

5. የአዳራሹ ጥላ፡- በኢንግሊዝ ሀገር የሚገኘው ኢንግልፊልድ የተሰኘው አዳራሽ ከ100 ዓመታት በፊት አስገራሚ ታሪኮች ተከውነውበታል፡፡ በ1880 ይህ አዳራሽ ሲመሰረት ቡና ቤት ነበረ፡፡ በመቀጠልም ሆቴል ሆኗል፡፡ ከዚያም በ2ተኛው የዓለም ጦርነትም መንግስት እንደማቆያነት ተጠቅሞት ነበረ፡፡ ጦርነቱ ካበቃ በኋላም እንደ መማሪያ ክፍል ተጠቅሞት ነበረ፡፡ ከዚያም በኋላ በ1963 ሙሉ በሙሉ ተዘግቶ ነበረ፡፡ ከ30 ዓመታ ዝግ ሆኖ ከቆየ በኋላ በቅርቡ ተከፍቶ ለስራ ይውላል፡፡ ይህ አዳራሽ ከተከፈተ ጀምሮ በውስጡ የሚሰሩ ሰራተኞችና ጎብኚዎች በአዳራሹ ውስጥ ሰው መሰል ጥላ በተደጋጋሚ ሲንቀሳቀስ እንዳዩና ለመማስረዳት የሚከብዱ ድምፆእን እንደሰሙና አልፎ አልፎም የጫማ ኮቴ እንደሰሙ ይናገራሉ፡፡ እንደውም ይባስ ብሎ አንዳንዶቹ የሴት ህፃን ጥላ በየክፍሎቹ ሲዘዋወር እንደተመለከቱ ይናገራሉ፡፡ ይህንንም የሰማው ጄፍ ያንግ የተባለ ዩትዩበር ጉዳዩን ለማጣራት ከጓደኞቹ ጋር ወደ አዳራሹ ይሄዳል፡፡ እዛም ሄደው የቀረፁት ነገር ለማመን የሚከብድ ነበረ፡፡ ጄፍና ጓደኞቹ በፎቁ የታችኛው ክፍል ሳሉ በለይኛው ፎቅ ያስቀመጡት ካሜራ ለማመን የሚከብድ ነገር ይቀርፃል፡፡
በፎቁ ላይ ከሚገኙት ክፍሎች የአንዱ በር ሲከፈትና ሲዘጋ ይታያል፡፡ አስተውሉ ይህ በሚኖንበት ሰዓት ማንም በአከባቢው አልነበረም፡፡ በመቀጠልም ጄፍና ጓደኞቹ በነበሩበት ክፍል አንድ አስገራሚ ነገር ይከሰታል፡፡ እሱም ጄፍ ወደ አንዱ ክፍል ለማጣራት ሊገባ ሲል የጫማ ኮቴ ድምፅ ወደሱ እየሮጠ ሲመጣ ይሰማል፡፡ ነገር ግን በክፍሉ ምንም የሚታይ ነገር አልነበረም፡፡
ብዙም ሳይቆይ በክፍሉ አስቀምጠውት የነበረው ካሜራ አንድ የማይታመን ነገር ይቀርፃል፡፡ እሱም በአዳራሹ ከሚገኙት ክፍሎች አንዱ የሰው ጥላ የሚመስል ነገር በፍጥነት ተራምዶ ሲያልፍ በካሜራው ይቀረፃል፡፡
ይህ በሚከሰትበት ሰዓት ጄፍና ጓደኞቹ በታችኛው ፎቅ ነበሩ፡፡

4. የራሽያው ቁጡ መንፈስ፡- ራሽያዊው ዩትዩበር ቲም ሞሮዞ ስለዚም በመንፈስ ስለተሞላ ቤት ከተከታዩቹ ይሰማና ወደቦታው በመሄድ ሁኔታው ለማጣራት ይሄዳል፡፡ ነገር ግን ነገሮች እሱ እንደጠበቀው አልነበረም፡፡ ይህ ዩትዩበር ሌሊቱን ያሳለፈው በዚያ በመንፈስ በተሞላው ቤት ውስጥ ነበረ፡፡ እሱም በቤቱ ውስጥ መንፈስ ካለ ለማጣራት እሱን እንዲያናግሩት ይጠይቃል፡፡
እሱ ከጠየቀ ብዙም ሳይቆይ በቤቱ ውስጥ ተንጠልጥሎ የነበረው የመስታዎት ፍሬም ይወድቅና ይሰበራል፡፡ ልብ በሉ በሰዓቱ በአከባቢ የተፈጠረ የመሬት መንቀጥቀጥ አልነበረም፡፡ በመቀጠልም ይህ ዩትዩበር ብቻውን እንዳልሆነ እርግጠኛ ስለነበረ ከእንደገና በመደጋገም መንፈሶቹ እንዲያናግሩት ይጠይቃል፡፡ በዚህም ጊዜ ከሌላኛው ክፍል እቃዎች ሲወድቁ ድምፅ ይሰማል፡፡
ከዛም ድምፆቹን ወደሰማበት ክፍል በመሄድ የድምፁን ምንነት ሲያጣራ መሬቱ ላይ ሹካዎች ወድቀው ይመለከታል፡፡ ከዛም ክፍሉ ውስጥ አስቀምጦች የነበረውን የካሜራ ቅጂ ወስዶ ሲመለከተው ይህንን ይመለከታል፡፡
ሹካዎቹ በራሳቸው አንድ በአንድ እየተወረወሩ ወደ መሬት ይወድቃሉ፡፡ በመቀጠልም ይህ ዩትዩበር ወደ መኝታ ክፍሉ በመሄድ ፍለጋውን ይቀጥላል፡፡ ከዛም ይህ ይከሰታል፡፡
በአልጋው ላይ የነበረው ቢላ ወደሱ ተወርውሮ ለጥቂት ፊቱን ይስተዋል፡፡ እሱም እግሬ አውጥኝ በማለት ቤቱን ጥሎ ይሄዳል፡፡ ይህ ዩትዩበር እንደገና ከ2 ሳምንታት በኋ ተመልሶ ወደቤቱ ይሄዳል፡፡ ይህንንም ያደረገው በተመልካቾቹ ጥያቄ መሰረት ነበረ፡፡ ነገር ግን ነገሮች ከበፊቱ የባሰ ሆነው ጠበቁት፡፡ እሱም እንደከዚህ ቀደሙ እቃዎቹን በማዘጋጀት ከመንፈሶቹ ጋር መነጋገር ይጀምራል፡፡
እንደ በፊቱ ቢላ ከጠረዤዛ ስር ይወረወራል እንዲሁም የቁምሳጥን በሮች በራሳቸው ይከፈታሉ፡፡ ከዛም ቲም ቡቱን ለቆ ለመውጣት ይሞክራል ነገር ግን ከቤቱ ለመውጣት ሲሞክር ባልዲ መሰል እቃ ወደሱ አቅጣጫ ተወርውሮ ይጠልፈውና ይወድቃል፡፡ በመጨረሻም ተነስቶ ቤቱን ለቆ ያመልጣል፡፡

3. የዊንጌቱ ሆቴል መንፈስ፡- በሆቴሉ የሚሰሩት የጥበቃ ሰራተኞች በሆቴሉ ከሚገኙት በአንዱ የመኝታ ክፍል ውስጥ ጩኸት እንደተሰማ ከሰዎች በደረሳቸው ጥቆማ መሰረት ወደ ክፍሉ ለማጣራት ይሄዳሉ፡፡ ነገር ግን ክፍሉ በዛን ቀን ለማንም አልተከራየም ነበረ፡፡ እነዚህ የጥበቃ ሰራተኞች ምን እንደሆነ ለማጣራት ወደ ክፍሉ ሲገቡ አስደንጋጭ ነገር ይከሰታል፡፡
የጥበቃ ሰራተኛው በሩን ሲከፍተው በክፍሉ ይሰማ የነበረውe ጪኸት ወዲያውኑ ይቆማል፡፡ የጥበቃ ሰራተኛውም ወደ ክፍሉ ሲገባ አንድ ሰው መሰል ጥላ ከክፍሉ ሲወጣ ይታያል፡፡ ነገር ግን በክፍሉ የነበሩት እቃዎች ተገለባብጠው ነበረ፡፡ የጥበቃ ሰራተኛውም ቃሉን ሲሰጥ በክፍሉ ውስጥ ማንም አልነበረም፡፡ ነገር ግን በክፍሉ የነበሩ እቃዎች ተገለባብጠው እንዳገኛቸው ተናሯል፡፡

2. ፕራንኩ፡- ፖሼ ሻቬርያ የተባለ ግለሰብ ልጂን ፕራንክ ለማድረግ ያቅዳል፡፡ ለዚህም በመፀዳጃ ቤቱ ውስጥ በድብቅ ቦታ ካሜራ በማስቀመጥ ልጂ እንኪመጣ ይጠባበቃል፡፡
ፕራንኪ እንዳቀደው ቢሳካለትም ፖሼ በካሜራው የቀረፀው ፕራንኩን ብቻ አልነበረም፡፡
ፖሼ ካሜራውን አስቀምጦ ከወጣ በኋላ ምንነቱ ያልታወቀ ጥላ ከቀኝ ወደ ግራ ሲያልፍ ይታያል፡፡ ይህንንም ፖሼ ቪዲዮውን ሲያጣራ የቀረፀውን ማመን ያቅተዋል፡፡

1. ከዛፉ ጀርባ፡- በዚኛው ቪዲዮ ሰውየው የእንስሳ ድምፅ የሰማማ ይመስለዋል፡፡ ነገር ግን ሚስቱ የእንስሳ ድምፅ እንዳልሆነ ትናገራለች፡፡ ከዛም ለማጣታት ሲወጣ ይህንን በካሜራው ይቀርፃል፡፡
ይህ በካሜራ የታየው ፍጥረት Alien ወይስ ምንነቱ ያልታወቀ እንስሳ ኮሜንት ላይ ሃሳባችሁን አስፍሩልኝ፡፡

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DRAGON Spotted in England flying!!! (REAL!!!)



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Time codes:
0:00 5. Turkish meteorite
0:43 4. The Midwest of America meteorite
1:01 3. Argentina meteorite
1:44 2. The Northeastern meteorite
2:14 1. Chelyabinsk meteorite

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5 असली लोग महाशक्तियां | 5 real people superpowers


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5 असली लोग महाशक्तियां | 5 real people superpowers

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