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1144 miles of Trust | Kristina Palten | TEDxVilnius


Why don't tourists come to Iran?!!!! (cycling in iran)

Iran is not a good choice for cycling.
That is why tourists do not choose Iran for cycling and traveling.
I think the worst drivers of this galaxy live in Iran.

thanks for subscribe CYCLE TUBE channel.????????

ایران گزینه مناسبی برای دوچرخه سواری نیست.
به همین دلیل است که گردشگران ایران را برای دوچرخه سواری و مسافرت انتخاب نمی کنند.
فکر می کنم بدترین رانندگان این کهکشان در ایران زندگی می کنند.

#cycle_tube #cycling_in_iran #iran #cyclist

Alone through Iran: 1144 miles of trust - Trailer

Streaming now on ADVENTURE SPORTS TV!
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Alone Through Iran
1 x 61 Min HD Documentary
Producer: Fango Produktion
Year: 2017
Theme: Adventure, Female, Running, Social Issues, Solo, Travel
Audio: Swedish
Subtitles: English
‘Alone Through Iran – 1144 Miles of Trust’ – Kristina Paltén, a lone Swedish woman, began her run through Iran on September 5th 2015. She was to become the first woman ever to run across Iran. Kristina, with her two world records in both 12-hours and 48-hours running on a treadmill, chose Iran for her run for three main reasons. The beautiful nature, the long distance and her own prejudices against the country. Without any prior connection to the country she wanted to explore a, to her, unknown country upon which she only had the western media coverage to rely on to understand. During two months Kristina therefore challenged herself and her own fears for the unknown and her own prejudices about what a muslim country means for a lone woman running 1144 miles. The film follows Kristina before, during and after her run and portray both her running but also her inner journey. The journey where she challenges her own and other’s prejudices and fears by meeting the people she has heard so little about, the people along the road in Iran. Best in Show – Adventure Travel Film Festival 2018. Award – Northern Character Film Festival 2017. Official Selections 2018: Bømlo Ultrafestival, Iranian Film Festival & Inverewe Scottish Adventure Film Festival. Official Selections 2017: Adventure Film Festival, Umeå European Film Festival, International Festival of Outdoor Films & Run Nation Running Film Festival.


Alone Through Iran - Trailer

Streaming now on ADVENTURE SPORTS TV! 
Download the app:

Alone Through Iran
1 x 61 Min HD Documentary
Producer: Fango Produktion
Year: 2017
Theme: Adventure, Female, Running, Social Issues, Solo, Travel
Audio: Swedish
Subtitles: English
‘Alone Through Iran – 1144 Miles of Trust’ – Kristina Paltén, a lone Swedish woman, began her run through Iran on September 5th 2015. She was to become the first woman ever to run across Iran. Kristina, with her two world records in both 12-hours and 48-hours running on a treadmill, chose Iran for her run for three main reasons. The beautiful nature, the long distance and her own prejudices against the country. Without any prior connection to the country she wanted to explore a, to her, unknown country upon which she only had the western media coverage to rely on to understand. During two months Kristina therefore challenged herself and her own fears for the unknown and her own prejudices about what a muslim country means for a lone woman running 1144 miles. The film follows Kristina before, during and after her run and portray both her running but also her inner journey. The journey where she challenges her own and other’s prejudices and fears by meeting the people she has heard so little about, the people along the road in Iran. Best in Show – Adventure Travel Film Festival 2018. Award – Northern Character Film Festival 2017. Official Selections 2018: Bømlo Ultrafestival, Iranian Film Festival & Inverewe Scottish Adventure Film Festival. Official Selections 2017: Adventure Film Festival, Umeå European Film Festival, International Festival of Outdoor Films & Run Nation Running Film Festival.

15min studijoje —Iraną apibėgusi ultramaratonininkė Kristina Paltén

15min studijoje —Iraną apibėgusi ultramaratonininkė Kristina Paltén

Swedish house party!(4)


(english below)
Hola amigos de Youtube!
IRAN, un país que nos enamoró y al cuál volveríamos una y otra vez. Muy distinto y ajeno a lo nuestro, que nos permite explorar y vivir nuevas sensaciones y emociones.
Su cultura y gastronomía nos cautivó desde el primer momento, aunque nada puede compararse con la amabilidad Persa.
Un capítulo aparte para su gente, que nos pedía por favor, contemos al mundo lo que realmente es Irán, y no lo que nos venden los medios.

Que bueno que elegimos Irán en nuestro recorrido!
100% recomendable para todos los que quieran vivir nuevas aventuras...

Gracias Irán por darnos tanto. Nos llevamos mucho.
Aquí un pequeño resumen de nuestros días por las tierras persas.
Esperamos que disfruten tanto como nosotros!

Te gustó?
Dejanos tu comentario y no te olvides de suscribirte a nuestro canal y activar la campanita para no perderte ningún capítulo de nuestras aventuras alrededor del mundo!

Te mostramos la aventura de vivir en una pequeña casa rodante alrededor del mundo, con dos hijos. Juntos 24/7... Todo un desafío!

+ de 3 años en ruta
+ de 60.000 Km
20 países (Europa, Asia, Oceanía)


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Once .... per week, or per month. What you can, how you want. It all adds up!

IRAN, a country that we fell in love and we would return again and again. Very different and stranger for us, and that allowed us to explore and live new sensations and emotions.

Its culture and gastronomy captivated us from the first moment, although nothing can compare with the Persian kindness.
A separate chapter for its people, who asked us please, tell the world what Iran really is, and not what the media says.

it's good that we chose Iran in our journey!!
100% recommended for all who want to live new adventures ...

Thank you Iran for giving us so much. We get along a lot.

Here is a brief summary of our days in the Persian lands.
As always .... We hope you enjoy as much as we do!

We show you the adventure of living in a small home on wheels around the world, with two children. Together 24/7 ... quite a challenge!

+ 3 years on the road
+ more than 60,000 km
20 countries (Europe, Asia, Oceania)


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Advertising, ideas and collaborations:

How to travel to Iran as a solo woman - Tips from a solo traveller

Traveling solo in Iran is something that most of the time makes you uncomfortable or impossible, as a travel company that provides visas and tours can totally understand you!!
So for that reason, we talked with a great woman who experience Iran and explore Iran totally alone from getting a visa to finding a route to going to the hotels and this kind of stuff
So I asked her to explain a little more about how was her process and what the people thought about her journey, during this process she lost one of her friends and she was so upset but she never disappointed
The good news is that she is also a journalist but due to not having freedom in news she quit her job and try to explore more and write what she sees
So she will explain what the news says and what you will see in real
Just be careful full she traveled to Iran in 2017 and some of the rules are changed during these days and after the pandemic so if you wanna travel to Iran and you didn't know about the visa process I highly recommend you to contact us through WhatsApp
Also, I should mention that our consultant will help you to find the best routes for visiting Iran depending on your taste and your personality
The best way that you can reach us :
WhatsApp: +989139257995
If you wanna know about some hacks and tricks for your visa process follow us on Instagram:
Each week we will talk with some travelers that you can subscribe to us to learn more about their experience
We will wait for you ;)

00:00 Intro
00:55 How do you travel to Iran?
01:10 What is the new rule for an Iran visa?
02:10 How is shopping for women in Iran?
03:22 How do the European think about Iran?
05:00 What was the people's reaction to your trip to Iran?
06:58 Did you face any problems during your trip to Iran?
09:20 What did you shock during your trip to Iran?
10:16 How do the media and journalists think about Iran?
11:30 What should I wear in Iran as a woman??
12:26 Tips for women who wanna travel to Iran?



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