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The UK’s SAS & SBS: Best Special Forces In The World⚔️


Top 3 Deadliest Special Forces in the World #shorts

Welcome to our channel! In this video, we explore the three deadliest special forces units from around the globe.

At number three, we have the Kaibiles, a fearsome Guatemalan special operations force known for their expertise in jungle warfare and survival skills. Their involvement in the Guatemalan Civil War has cemented their reputation as formidable warriors. Witness their intense training, which includes feats like hand-to-hand combat with live animals, consuming raw meat, and drinking blood.

Moving on to number two, we have the Alpha Group, an elite Russian counter-terrorism unit. Renowned for their participation in high-profile operations such as the Moscow Theater storming and the Beslan school siege, they possess exceptional skills in close quarters combat, sniping, explosives, and martial arts. Get an inside look at their training and the relentless dedication that makes them a force to be reckoned with.

Finally, we unveil the top spot occupied by the US Navy SEALs. Recognized worldwide for their extraordinary underwater operations and hostage rescues, they are the epitome of elite and secrecy within the US military. Witness the grueling selection process and rigorous training that only a select few can endure. Join us as we delve into their notable achievements, including the historic mission that led to the capture of Osama bin Laden.

Join us on this thrilling exploration of the most lethal special forces units on the planet!

U.S. Military Elite: Top 10 Special Forces Units in Action #youtuber #fypシ #specialforces


Navy SEALs: Operator khusus Angkatan Laut AS yang dikenal atas keahliannya dalam operasi darat, laut, dan udara. Mereka terkenal dengan operasi anti-terorisme, termasuk operasi yang mengakibatkan kematian Osama bin Laden.

Delta Force: Unit kontraterorisme elit Angkatan Darat AS yang terkenal karena keahliannya dalam pertempuran jarak dekat dan operasi rahasia, seperti misi penyelamatan sandera.

Green Berets: Secara resmi adalah Pasukan Khusus Angkatan Darat AS, mereka memiliki spesialisasi dalam perang tidak konvensional, kontrainsurjensi, dan bantuan militer asing.

Rangers: Unit infanteri ringan elit Angkatan Darat AS yang memiliki keahlian dalam serangan udara, operasi amfibi, dan pertempuran darat.

Marine Force Recon & Force Recon: Elemen rekayasa elit Korps Marinir AS yang melakukan pengintaian dalam, penggerebekan tindakan langsung, dan pengumpulan intelijen.

Air Force Pararescue (PJs): Operator khusus Angkatan Udara AS yang dilatih untuk menyelamatkan dan memberikan bantuan medis kepada personel militer yang terluka dalam pertempuran.

DevGru (SEAL Team Six): Unit yang sangat khusus dalam Navy SEALs yang fokus pada operasi kontraterorisme berisiko tinggi.

160th SOAR: Resimen penerbangan operasi khusus Angkatan Darat AS yang bertugas memasukkan dan mengeluarkan pasukan khusus dalam pertempuran.

Intelligence Support Activity: Unit Angkatan Darat AS yang mengumpulkan intelijen medan pertempuran untuk mendukung pasukan operasi khusus.

MARSOC: Komando Operasi Khusus Korps Marinir AS, yang bertugas melakukan operasi khusus, termasuk rekayasa khusus dan operasi tindakan langsung.

Combat Controllers: Operator khusus Angkatan Udara AS yang diterjunkan dengan tim pasukan khusus untuk mengendalikan udara dan memberikan dukungan udara dekat.

TACP (Tactical Air Control Party): Operator Angkatan Udara AS yang disematkan dalam unit darat untuk mengkoordinasikan dan mengarahkan dukungan udara selama operasi tempur.

Para Jumpers: Pelompat yang sangat terampil dalam militer AS yang melakukan lompatan dari ketinggian tinggi dan pembukaan rendah (HALO) untuk misi operasi khusus.

Semua unit ini memiliki peran yang berbeda, tetapi secara kolektif, mereka melindungi kepentingan AS dan meningkatkan keamanan nasional melalui kemampuan unik mereka.

English :
Navy SEALs: U.S. Navy special operators known for their expertise in sea, air, and land operations. They're famous for anti-terrorism operations, most notably the raid that led to the death of Osama bin Laden.

Delta Force: An elite U.S. Army counterterrorism unit renowned for close-quarters combat and covert operations, such as hostage rescue missions.

Green Berets: Officially the U.S. Army Special Forces, they specialize in unconventional warfare, counterinsurgency, and foreign military assistance.

Rangers: A U.S. Army elite light infantry unit skilled in airborne assaults, amphibious operations, and ground combat.

Marine Force Recon & Force Recon: Elite reconnaissance elements of the U.S. Marine Corps that conduct deep reconnaissance, direct-action raids, and intelligence gathering.

Air Force Pararescue (PJs): U.S. Air Force special operators trained to rescue and provide medical assistance to wounded military personnel in combat.

DevGru (SEAL Team Six): A highly specialized unit within the Navy SEALs that focus on high-risk counterterrorism operations.

160th SOAR: The U.S. Army's special operations aviation regiment responsible for inserting and extracting special forces in the heat of battle.

Intelligence Support Activity: A U.S. Army unit that gathers battlefield intelligence to support special operations forces.

MARSOC: U.S. Marine Corps Special Operations Command, responsible for special operations, including specialized reconnaissance and direct-action operations.

Combat Controllers: U.S. Air Force special operators who deploy with special forces teams to establish air control and provide close air support.

TACP (Tactical Air Control Party): U.S. Air Force operators embedded with ground units to coordinate and direct air support during combat operations.

Para Jumpers: Highly skilled parachutists in the U.S. military who perform high-altitude, low-opening (HALO) jumps for special operations missions.

1. #SpecialForces
2. #NavySEALs
3. #DeltaForce
4. #GreenBerets
5. #Rangers
6. #MarineForceRecon
7. #AirForcePararescue
8. #SEALTeamSix
9. #160thSOAR
10. #IntelligenceSupportActivity
12. #CombatControllers
13. #TACP
14. #ParaJumpers
15. #EliteMilitary

World's Top 10 special forces

Top 10 special forces in The world

Top 10 Dangerous Commandos in the world.

The world's top commando units are renowned for their elite training, unmatched skills, and the ability to execute high-risk operations with precision. Among them, the U.S. Navy SEALs stand out for their expertise in sea, air, and land operations, while the British SAS, one of the oldest and most prestigious units, excels in a wide range of special operations. Russia's Spetsnaz forces are known for their rigorous training and versatility, covering diverse combat scenarios. Israel's Sayeret Matkal specializes in counter-terrorism and intelligence gathering, showcasing strategic prowess. Delta Force, the U.S. special operations unit, focuses on counter-terrorism and hostage rescue missions. Other notable units include the French GIGN, German KSK, Indian Marcos, Canadian JTF2, and Australian SASR, each bringing unique capabilities to their respective nations' defense forces. These elite commando units operate in the shadows, their actions often classified, but their reputation as some of the most formidable forces on the planet is widely acknowledged.

Navy Seal thinks The British SBS are better than Navy Seals????⚔️????????

NATO’s Most Elite Forces ~ Special Operations Forces from U.S. & Croatia

NATO’s Most Elite Forces ~ Special Operations Forces from U.S. & Croatia

Special operations on dry land are one thing – but quite another in the water. That’s why the Croatian Special Forces teamed up with the US Navy SEALs to hone their skills. Special Operations Forces from Croatia and the US linked up near the Adriatic city of Split to practise underwater infiltration, ship boarding and beach assaults. By training together in a challenging operational environment, the two teams of elite commandos got to exchange tactics. US Special Operations Forces regularly conduct Joint Combined Exchange Training, or JCET, with NATO Allied and partner forces. These training exercises ensure that, in the event of a crisis, NATO’s most elite forces can perform high-risk tasks together seamlessly.

10 Most Elite Special Forces Worldwide - Skill and Valor | Part 1 #youtuber #fypシ #specialforces


Dalam dunia militer, pasukan khusus adalah elit dari elit, yang dilatih untuk menjalankan misi yang paling sulit dan berbahaya. Dari operasi penyelamatan sandera hingga kontraterorisme dan perang gerilya, pasukan khusus ini selalu berada di garis depan pertempuran. Dengan keahlian, keberanian, dan dedikasi yang tak tertandingi, mereka mewakili yang terbaik dari kemampuan militer suatu negara. Dalam video ini, kita akan mengulas 10 pasukan khusus paling elit di seluruh dunia, menyelami pelatihan yang ketat yang mereka jalani, dan mengungkap misi-misi bersejarah yang pernah mereka lakukan. Saksikan sekarang untuk mendapatkan pandangan mendalam tentang kehidupan dan pencapaian pasukan khusus ini.

In the military world, special forces are the elite of the elite, trained to carry out the most difficult and dangerous missions. From hostage rescue operations to counterterrorism and guerrilla warfare, these special forces are always on the front lines of battle. With unparalleled expertise, bravery, and dedication, they represent the best of a country's military capabilities. In this video, we will review the 10 most elite special forces from around the world, delving into the rigorous training they undergo, and revealing the historic missions they have undertaken. Watch now for an in-depth look into the lives and achievements of these special forces.

Di seluruh dunia, pasukan khusus adalah kebanggaan dan simbol kekuatan militer suatu negara. Ini bukan hanya tentara biasa - mereka adalah prajurit terpilih yang memiliki keahlian, keberanian, dan kepercayaan diri yang tidak dimiliki oleh yang lain. Dari gurun Sahara yang tandus hingga hutan hujan Amazon yang lebat, mereka beroperasi di medan yang paling ekstrim dan dalam kondisi yang paling sulit.

Pasukan khusus ini tidak hanya dilatih untuk bertarung, tetapi juga untuk memenangkan perang dengan kecerdasan dan kelincahan. Mereka bisa menyusup ke balik garis musuh, melumpuhkan infrastruktur penting, atau bahkan menyelamatkan sandera tanpa meninggalkan jejak. Keberhasilan mereka bukan hanya bergantung pada persenjataan canggih yang mereka miliki, tetapi juga pada keahlian, ketekunan, dan dedikasi mereka yang luar biasa.

Salah satu kekhasan dari pasukan khusus adalah kemampuan mereka untuk beradaptasi dengan cepat dengan situasi yang berubah-ubah. Baik dalam pertempuran di medan urban atau dalam misi penyelamatan di pegunungan terpencil, mereka selalu siap untuk menghadapi tantangan apa pun yang muncul. Mereka adalah prajurit yang tidak hanya siap untuk berperang, tetapi juga untuk mengatasi rintangan apa pun yang menghalangi jalannya keadilan dan perdamaian.

Ketika negara membutuhkan pahlawan untuk menjalankan misi yang paling sulit dan berbahaya, pasukan khususlah yang akan mendapatkan panggilan tersebut. Mereka adalah yang terbaik dari yang terbaik, pahlawan yang tidak pernah berhenti berjuang demi keadilan, keamanan, dan kebebasan.

Across the globe, special forces are the pride and symbol of a nation's military strength. These are not just ordinary soldiers - they are chosen warriors with skills, bravery, and confidence that others do not possess. From the barren Sahara Desert to the dense Amazon rainforest, they operate in the most extreme terrains and under the toughest conditions.

These special forces are not just trained to fight, but to win wars with intelligence and agility. They can infiltrate behind enemy lines, cripple vital infrastructure, or even rescue hostages without leaving a trace. Their success relies not only on the advanced weaponry at their disposal but also on their exceptional skill, determination, and dedication.

One of the hallmarks of special forces is their ability to quickly adapt to changing situations. Whether in urban combat or a mountain rescue mission, they are always ready to face whatever challenges arise. They are soldiers who are not just prepared to go to war but to overcome any obstacle standing in the way of justice and peace.

When a nation needs heroes to undertake the most difficult and dangerous missions, it is the special forces that will receive the call. They are the best of the best, heroes who never cease fighting for justice, security, and freedom.

1. #SpecialForces
2. #EliteTroops
3. #NavySEALs
4. #GreenBerets
5. #SAS
6. #DeltaForce
8. #Spetsnaz
9. #GIGN
10. #JTF2
11. #Kopassus
12. #Commandos
13. #CounterTerrorism
14. #SpecOps
15. #BlackOps

SAS v SBS: Ant Middleton speaking about UK Special Forces⚔️

SBS Operator Working With MI5, MI6 & CIA: Ant Middleton’s Life In United Kingdom’s Special Forces⚔️


Top 10 Greatest Special Forces in The World

Welcome to our countdown of the Top 10 Greatest Special Forces in the World. These elite units are known for their rigorous training, advanced tactics, and unmatched skills on the battlefield. Let's dive into the list.

At number 10, we have the Special Air Service, or SAS, from the United Kingdom. This highly secretive unit is renowned for its counter-terrorism operations and hostage rescue missions.

Coming in at number 9 is the GIGN from France. This elite force specializes in high-risk operations, including hostage rescue and counter-terrorism.

At number 8, we have the Navy SEALs from the United States. These highly trained warriors are known for their expertise in sea, air, and land operations.

Next up at number 7 is the Delta Force, also from the United States. This top-secret unit is tasked with counter-terrorism and direct action missions.

At number 6, we have the Special Forces Group from Russia. This unit is known for its proficiency in unconventional warfare and counter-terrorism.

Taking the 5th spot is the Sayeret Matkal from Israel. This elite force is responsible for intelligence gathering, hostage rescue, and counter-terrorism.

Coming in at number 4 is the Special Forces Command from India. This unit is highly skilled in counter-insurgency operations and special reconnaissance.

At number 3, we have the Kommando Spezialkräfte, or KSK, from Germany. This unit is known for its expertise in counter-terrorism and special operations.

Taking the 2nd spot is the Special Services Group, or SSG, from Pakistan. This elite force specializes in unconventional warfare and counter-terrorism.

And finally, at number 1, we have the Special Forces from the United States. This elite group is comprised of the best of the best and is unmatched in its combat capabilities.

Thank you for watching our countdown of the Top 10 Greatest Special Forces in the World. Make sure to subscribe to our channel for more military and special forces content.

#SpecialForces #Military #Top10 #EliteForces #Army #NavySeals #SAS #DeltaForce #GIGN #Spetsnaz #SWAT #GSG9 #SpecialOperations #Combat #Warriors #Badass #Tactical #CounterTerrorism #Training #GlobalSecurity

10 ︻╦╤─ Most Elite Special Forces Units In The World || #shorts #dhago #dhagoFacts #top10 #topfacts

10 ︻╦╤─ Most Elite Special Forces Units In The World || #shorts #dhago #dhagoFacts #top10 #topfacts #viralshorts #trending #youtubeshorts #ytshorts #army #armylover #armyforever

“Top 10 DEADLIEST Special Forces In The World - Who's Number 1 Will Shock You!” #viral #trending

Discover the top 10 most elite Special Forces units in the world. This captivating YouTube video presents an in-depth analysis of highly trained military forces renowned for their exceptional skills, strategic abilities, and courageous acts. From the renowned Navy SEALs to the formidable SAS, witness the awe-inspiring missions and covert operations undertaken by these extraordinary soldiers. Explore the rigorous training methods and selection processes that make these special forces units stand out. Join us in this thrilling journey as we delve into the world of specialized military forces, honoring the brave individuals who serve and protect their nations with unwavering determination.

10 Most Dangerous Special Forces in the World #army #military #ytshorts

If you’re looking for the Top 10 Most Dangerous Special Forces in the World, then you are at the right place. In this article, we will discuss the Top 10 Most Dangerous Special Forces in the World.

The special forces are the most mysterious and powerful small forces in the armed forces of various countries. There are not many people, so the selection and training are extremely strict, and they usually carry out the most important secret tasks, such as “beheading operations”.

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Special Forces in different countries ☠️ #shorts #specialforces #slarmy

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11 Strongest SPECIAL FORCES In The World (Not What You Think)

Strongest special forces in the world!

Special forces are nothing short of being heroic groups, ever ready to take the plunge in the most dangerous of situations regardless of the terrain.

In this video, we will be looking at some of the strongest special forces in the world.

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Special Forces :The Silent Warriors

Welcome to our channel! In this highly anticipated video, we take you on an exhilarating journey into the captivating world of Special Forces. Brace yourself as we delve into their rich history, rigorous training, and awe-inspiring missions. From legendary units to covert operations, we uncover the fascinating facts that make these elite warriors an exceptional force to be reckoned with. So, if you're ready to explore the untold stories and secrets behind the Special Forces, hit that play button and prepare to be blown away! Don't forget to like and share this video with your friends and fellow enthusiasts. Let's spread the knowledge and appreciation for these remarkable individuals together. Get ready to experience the adrenaline rush like never before!
See Less

00:00:00 Inception of Special Forces
00:00:56 Evolution Through the Cold War
00:02:22 Special Forces in the Modern Era
00:03:58 Recap and Conclusion

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