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10 Informations sur l'Estonie qui en font un pays à part



Bonjour tout le monde !
Aujourd'hui on vous emmène en Estonie, et on vous explique plusieurs choses sur ce pays méconnu pour la plupart.

Et si vous souhaiter voir un peu du pays, j'ai d'autres vidéos sur Tallinn majoritairement. Bon visionnage ! :)

Voyage en Estonie | Tallinn, Tartu, Narva, Pärnu | vidéo 4k | Estonie que voir

Voyage en Estonie. Une courte vidéo vous présentera des lieux et des sites intéressants de l'Estonie. Donnera une idée de sa capitale et de ses grandes villes. Une vue plongeante de la vidéo 4K capturée par le drone vous permettra de voir la beauté des paysages et l'attractivité de la nature de ce pays balte.

Informations générales sur le pays
L'Estonie est un petit État sur les rives de la mer Baltique. Voisins avec la Russie et la Lettonie. Officiellement appelé la République d'Estonie. 1 330 068 personnes vivent dans le pays (au 1er janvier 2021).
La majorité de la population parle l'estonien, qui est la langue officielle. Il y a beaucoup de résidents russophones en Estonie, en particulier à la frontière avec la Russie.

La capitale de l'Estonie est Tallinn (dans les médias estoniens en russe - Tallinn, Est. Tallinn). La plus grande ville de l'État, ainsi qu'un grand port maritime. Le centre de la vie culturelle, scientifique, économique et politique du pays avec une population de près de 440 000 personnes.
Les premières mentions écrites de la ville se trouvent en 1154. Un voyageur arabe a décrit la ville sur la colline de Toompea, l'appelant Kolyvan. Les conquérants danois en 1219 ont démoli l'ancienne fortification et en ont construit une nouvelle, appelée plus tard Revel. En 1919, Revel est rebaptisé Tallinn.
La principale attraction de la capitale est la vieille ville, inscrite sur la liste du patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO.

Le climat de l'Estonie est maritime, l'éloignement de la côte devenant continental tempéré. L'hiver est neigeux. Il n'y a pas de fortes gelées, en janvier la température moyenne est de -4 0С.
Il fait très humide sur la côte, le temps est couvert et nuageux. L'été n'est pas chaud. La température moyenne en juillet est de + 170C.
La période la plus propice à la visite est de mai à septembre, lorsqu'il pleut moins et qu'une longue journée chauffe les réservoirs à une température de baignade agréable.

Nature estonienne (paysages, beaux endroits)
Le relief du pays est généralement bas, se transformant en bandes de basses collines et de hautes terres au nord et au sud-est.
Près de la moitié du territoire du pays est couvert de forêts, dominées par des forêts d'épicéas et d'épicéas à feuilles caduques. Au nord, il y a des champs de bosquets de genévriers.

Villes principales:
Tartu. Une ville riche en musées (20 institutions). Il est intéressant pour les monuments architecturaux et les grands événements sportifs, par exemple les rallyes cyclistes. Environ 90 000 personnes vivent.

Narva. Attiré par le voisinage inhabituel des forteresses ennemies médiévales - Narva et Ivangorod - si proches les unes des autres.

Parnu. Une station balnéaire avec des bains d'eau et de boue. Le touriste sera également intéressé par l'architecture ancienne, les festivals de musique et un yacht club.

Que voir
L'île de Kihnu. Environ 600 personnes vivent dans quatre villages de l'île. L'île se distingue par le fait que ses habitants ont conservé les coutumes et les traditions qui se sont formées au fil des siècles. Par conséquent, Kihnu est inclus dans la liste de l'UNESCO des chefs-d'œuvre du patrimoine culturel. Les femmes portent des costumes nationaux tout le temps et les habitants connaissent des chansons folkloriques. Ils sont engagés dans des travaux d'aiguille. Campings et chambres d'hôtes accueillent les touristes.

Château de Narva. Construit à Narva par les Danois au 13ème siècle. Depuis lors, il est passé entre les mains de différents propriétaires : l'Ordre de Livonie, l'Allemagne et la Suède. Pendant la Grande Guerre patriotique, il a été gravement détruit, puis reconstruit. Les tours et puissantes murailles ont été restaurées. Maintenant, il y a un musée dans la forteresse, des spectacles de différentes époques sont organisés, des master classes dans divers métiers sont organisées.

Monuments de l'Estonie
Vieille ville. Le plus vieux quartier de la capitale. Les bâtiments, une partie des rues du Moyen Âge et la majeure partie du mur de la forteresse avec des portes et des tours ont été conservés depuis l'Antiquité. Les touristes seront intéressés par la mairie, les églises et les cathédrales.
L'église St Olaf à Tallinn, vieille ville
Il a été construit au 13ème siècle. Puis il a été achevé en hauteur, de nouveaux locaux ont été ajoutés. Au XVIe siècle, il était considéré comme le plus haut bâtiment d'Europe (159 mètres). Mais après que la foudre ait provoqué un troisième incendie, les habitants ont décidé de raccourcir l'église. Vous pouvez monter sur la plate-forme d'observation de la tour d'observation et voir tout Tallinn à partir de là, mais pour cela, vous devez franchir 232 marches.


Top pays les moins chers et les plus sûrs pour s'expatrier

Vous souhaitez vous expatrier mais vous ne savez pas où aller ? Dans cette vidéo, je vous présente les 5 pays les plus sûrs et les moins chers pour vivre, selon mes recherches approfondies et mon expérience en matière d'expatriation. Que vous soyez entrepreneur ou travailleur indépendant, ces destinations sont idéales pour débuter une nouvelle vie à l'étranger. Vous découvrirez également comment j'ai établi ce classement pour vous aider à faire le meilleur choix pour votre expatriation.

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Music by Music_Unlimited from Pixabay

Exploring Estonia - There is more to Estonia than just Tallinn - Travel Guide

Estonia is an underrated country and well worth a visit for its medieval buildings, history and friendly people. Estonia is one of the 3 Baltic State Countries.
Estonia has more to offer than just its beautiful capital, Tallinn and we wanted to see more.
In this video after exploring the Old Town of Tallinn we take a road trip around Estonia, heading for the largest Island, Saaremaa and the medieval town of Kuressaare. It has a wonderful moated castle and picturesque streets and lanes to explore.
We also head to southern Estonia and visit the town of Viljandi with its hilltop castle ruins and cute suspension bridge.
Next, we cross to the second largest city in Estonia, Tartu taking a short walk around the old town and up to Cathedral Hill to see the ruins of the Tartu Cathedral.
Our final overnight stop was in the wonderful Lahemaa National Park, with its beautiful nature reserve and waterfall.
We came away from Estonia wanting more and with a better appreciation of its history, culture and nature. We hope this video inspires you to visit Estonia sometime soon!

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With thanks to and google earth for use of images

00:00 Coming Up
00:54 Tallinn
01:44 Upper Old Town
07:36 Lower Old Town
10:46 Tallinn Station
11:04 Telliskivi
11:38 Tallinna Linnahall
13:40 Olde Hansa Medieval Restaurant
14:34 Getting to Kuressaare in Saaremaa
16:29 Kuressaare
22:58 Viljandi
26:37 Tartu
28:29 Lahemaa National Park
30:46 Jägala waterfall

#estonia #visitestonia #tallinn


Je vous donne 10 destinations pas chères aux 4 coins de l'Europe, pour voyager sans dépenser toutes vos économies, dans quelques unes des plus belles villes du continent.

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Je vous donne les 10 destinations en Europe qui à mes yeux sont incroyables tout en restant accessibles à tous les budgets ! Des villes dans lesquelles j'ai vécu ou que j'ai visitées pour la plupart, et qui valent vraiment le détour.

Le site dont je vous parle pour connaitre le budget à prévoir dans chaque ville :

La marque que j'ai créée et qui a pour but de fédérer les voyageurs francophones autour du monde :

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TOP 10 Countries in Europe With the Most Immigrants

IMPORTANT NOTE: The terms expats and immigrants are sometimes used and understood differently in different countries. We have followed the terminology used by the UK's Immigration Advice Service: The basic definition of an immigrant is someone who travels to a foreign country with the intention of settling there permanently. Therefore, in this video, the terms expats and immigrants have been used interchangeably, and are completely devoid of any political or racial meaning.

In 4 European Countries, Migrants Make Up at Least a Quarter of the Population, and in Two They Are Even More Than Half.
Europe has always been a land of immigration. In fact, in 2022, more than 3.7 million people emigrated within the European Union alone. This includes both Europeans who moved to another country on the continent and non-Europeans who came to live in Europe. The latter represent 5.4% of the population currently living in Europe.

Welcome to this new video from Amazing Europe titled TOP 10 Countries in Europe With the Most Immigrants.

In this TOP 10, we will see which are the 10 European countries with the highest percentage of migrants, according to data provided by EUROSTAT or the statistical institutes of the various European states. At the end of the video, we will also take a look at the European microstates to discover some very interesting information.

The data we have reported is the official data from EUROSTAT and refers to the year 2022.
Obviously, for non-EU countries, the data provided is not from EUROSTAT, but from the statistical offices of each individual country.

If you want any information about your country that is not on this list, please ask in the comments.
If you want to help us spread the word about our project to showcase the wonders of European culture and society, please like this video ????, subscribe to our channel, and click the bell icon to turn on all notifications ????. It doesn't cost you anything, but it would mean a lot to us. Thanks so much! ????????????
????The Dark Reality: TOP 10 Fastest Dying European Countries Exposed:
????Expats Beware: 10 Unfriendly European Countries:
????TOP 10 Friendliest and Most Hospitable Countries in Europe:
????Tourists Beware: 10 Rudest European Cities:
????TOP 10 Saddest Nations in Europe:
????TOP 10 Countries in Europe where You'll be Happy!:
????10 European Countries Where Workers Are Saddest (some will surprise you!!!):
????TOP 10 European Countries Where Workers are Happiest (the first 2 will amaze you!!!):
????TOP 10 Most Dangerous Countries in Europe:
????TOP 10 Safest Countries in Europe:
00:00 Intro
00:52 Number 10
02:00 Number 9
03:26 Number 8
04:44 Number 7
05:46 Number 6
06:53 Number 5
08:03 Number 4
09:18 Number 3
10:28 Number 2
11:38 Number 1
13:08 Microstates

Lituanie, Lettonie, Estonie: les perles de la Baltique

Pendant le webinaire, nous vous informerons:
- ce qui rejoint ces trois pays et ce qui les différencie;
- quelles sont les principales attractions touristiques des pays baltes;
- quels itinéraires sont les meilleurs et ce que nous recommandons aux groupes organisés.

Expatriates' Delight: TOP 10 Best European countries Preferred by Expats

There are currently about 38 million expats in Europe. These are both Europeans who move to other European nations and immigrants who come from outside the continent. In today's video (Expatriates' Delight: TOP 10 Best European countries Preferred by Expats), we present the countries preferred by expats. Obviously, this ranking is not the result of our opinions, but of the study by InterNations.

InterNations is one of the largest meeting networks for expatriates worldwide. Every year it conducts a study, called Expat Insider, where it publishes the results of interviews with more than 12,000 regular migrants from 171 different nations now living in 172 countries. However, the ranking does not include all the countries in the world, but only those nations where they have been able to collect a sufficient number of interviews and information from expats.

Expat Insider ranks 53 nations, the nations with the most immigrants for work reasons. Expats were asked questions about 5 main categories (each of which was divided into other subcategories): Quality of life, Ease of Settling in, Working Abroad, Personal Finance, Expat Essentials.

From these nations, we at Amazing Europe have extracted the European ones and have made the ranking of the 10 best European countries preferred by expats. If you want to know more details about the study, write it in the comments. If you are interested in learning more, here you can find the study conducted by InterNations (

The top 10 countries from which the majority of interviewed immigrants come are: USA, UK, India, Germany, Italy, France, Canada, Netherlands, Philippines, Turkey.

The complete list of nations ranked by InterNations is as follows: Kuwait, Norway, Turkey, South Korea, Germany, South Africa, Italy, Malta, New Zealand, Japan, UK, Austria, Denmark, Hong Kong, Ireland, Belgium, Singapore, India, Poland, Hungary, France, Cyprus, Qatar, USA, Estonia, Saudi Arabia, Canada, China, Greece, Sweden, Switzerland, Netherlands, Czech Republic, Australia, Luxembourg, Kenya, Colombia, Finland, Brazil, Vietnam, Indonesia, Oman, UAE, Portugal, Bahrain, Philippines, Costa Rica, Thailand, Taiwan, Malaysia, Panama, Spain and Mexico.
If you want to help us spread the word about our project to showcase the wonders of European culture and society, please like this video ????, subscribe to our channel, and click the bell icon to turn on all notifications ????. It doesn't cost you anything, but it would mean a lot to us. Thanks so much! ????????????
????The Dark Reality: TOP 10 Fastest Dying European Countries Exposed:
????Expats Beware: 10 Unfriendly European Countries:
????TOP 10 Friendliest and Most Hospitable Countries in Europe:
????Tourists Beware: 10 Rudest European Cities:
????TOP 10 Saddest Nations in Europe:
????TOP 10 Countries in Europe where You'll be Happy!:
????10 European Countries Where Workers Are Saddest (some will surprise you!!!):
????TOP 10 European Countries Where Workers are Happiest (the first 2 will amaze you!!!):
????TOP 10 Most Dangerous Countries in Europe:
????TOP 10 Safest Countries in Europe:
00:00 Intro
00:53 Number 10
01:59 Number 9
03:01 Number 8
03:51 Number 7
04:46 Number 6
05:50 Number 5
06:46 Number 4
07:49 Number 3
08:51 Number 2
10:07 Number 1
11:39 Who are the expats who participated in the study?

EXPATRIATION : ???????? Thailande vs Estonie ????????

S'installer en Estonie ou Partir Vivre en Thaïlande ?

???? Rapport Confidentiel - Le Plan B :
Entrepreneur depuis 1999, j'ai tout plaqué en 2007 pour me lancer sur internet. 

En 2010, je me suis affranchi du système et j'ai quitté la France pour m'installer en Asie.
Aujourd'hui, au travers d' et de la communauté des #Affranchis, j'aide les entrepreneurs à se créer une vie sur mesure et à gagner leur liberté comme je l'ai fait.

✅ Rejoindre les Affranchis :

???? Rapports Confidentiels :
- Le Plan B :
- Immobilier International :
- Offshore Banking :
- 2ème Passeport :
- Créer une entreprise Offshore :
- Business en Ligne :
- Placements #Offshore :
- Investissements Offshore :
- Anonymat :

???? Voyage / Expatriation :
- Le Guide des Visas #Thailande :
- 6 Pays d’Asie où s’installer :
- Trouver le Pays Idéal :

???? Pour aller plus loin :
- Résumés de Livres offerts :
- Concours :
- Conférence :

➡️➡️ Catalogue :

AVERTISSEMENT : Les informations présentées ici ne sont qu'à titre informatif et ne sont en aucun cas un conseil. En matière de fiscalité, de comptabilité ou de création d'entreprise, il convient toujours de consulter un juriste qui saura vérifier la faisabilité et la légalité des montages vis à vis de votre situation personnelle.

-------------------------- Plus d'Informations --------------------------

Expatriation : Thailande vs Estonie.

Quand on n'y regarde bien le monde des entrepreneurs Web se divise en plusieurs pôles : l'Europe avec en gros l'Estonie, le Portugal et quelques pays comme la Roumanie. Ensuite on a Malte qui commence à être déserté, l'Amérique latine avec le Panama en particulier, et enfin l'Asie avec la Thaïlande le Vietnam et l'Indonésie comme principaux spots.

Alors évidemment la question que beaucoup se posent avant de quitter la France et de savoir vers quelle zone ils vont se diriger. Et du coup une des questions qu'on me pose, très régulièrement, c'est : Thaïlande ou Estonie ?

Voici quelques éléments de réponse !

Bu Ülkeye Gitmeden Online Şirket Kurabilirsiniz - Estonya'da Bakın Neler Oldu !

Estonya'nın Tallinn'den merhabalar.???? Estonya, özellikle yazılım ve bilişim alanında yapmış olduğu girişimler ile ön plana çıkmaya başladı. Özellikle dijital ortamda yürüttükleri bütün işleri size bu videoda anlattım. Ayrıca, Tallinn'de gezilecek yerleri, neler yendiğini ve en önemli noktalarını da gezerek gösterdim.
İyi seyirler.????

Avruparüyası'nın turlarına websitelerinden bakabilirsiniz????

hesabımdan her şeyi anlık paylaşacağım. Oradan da bakarsınız.????
İş Birliği İçin:

Eğer Estonya Tallinn'de merkezi otellerde kalacaksanız aşağıdaki bağlantıdan bakın????
Estonya'da Gezdiğim Yerlerdeki Otellere yandaki bağlantıdan ulaşın ????
00:00 Estonya'da neler göreceğiz
00:50 Tallinn'den merhabalar
03:10 Tallinn sokakları, tarihi, bilgiler
05:40 Surlar ve eski şehir çevresi
06:40 Estonya'da bilişim sektörü, online şirket kurma süreci
08:07 Güzel binalar, parklar
09:00 Estonya nasıl bilişim sektörü başarılı oldu ?
11:00 Tarihi meydan, sokaklar ve öğle yemeği
14:50 En ünlü mekan Old Hansa
18:00 Artık Finlandiya'ya geçiyorum

video tasarım : gokseltuzun

#estonya #tallinn #ülkesi

MUST SEE SITES OF TALLINN ESTONIA CINEMATIC TOUR Maarjamäe Memorial Complex German, Soviet, Estonian

In this vlog we continue with our tour of the top sights of Tallinn. There is so much fascinating history to be appreciated, absorbed and hopefully to learn from in this country!

We take the tram from the Balti Jaam station over to Kadriorg Park where we then use the Bolt app to get us the rest of the way by car! After getting dropped off just outside the History Museum (Maarjamäe Palace) we make the quick walk over to the Maarjamäe Memorial Complex, although this area is situated just outside the main city centre (10 mins by car) it is worth venturing over for the History museum, Memorials and Pirita Beach :)

There are 3 main points of interest here which we will take you through in their chronological order:

* The German War cemetery (1941)
* The Soviet Memorial (1960-1975)
* The Estonian Memorial (2018)

To see the Soviet Statue graveyard behind Marjamäe Palace click here: 8:08.

The German military cemetery was created by the German army in 1941 but after the war ended and Estonia fell under Soviet occupation, all the German headstones were removed and a Soviet memorial was erected (1960) Later the Soviets replaced the headstones with memorial markers to the Red Army units that fought in Estonia. In 1998 the cemetery was re dedicated and is now portrayed by the triple granite crosses that you can see among the grass where the bodies of some 2,300 German soldiers are buried.

In 1960 an Obelisk was raised beside the sea in Tallinn’s subdistrict of Maarjamäe (which in Estonian means “Maria’s Hill”). It commemorated the Bolshevik victims of the 1918 Russian Civil War, part of which played out here when Allied nations intervened against the Bolshevik forces in the Baltics.

The obelisk alone was already controversial. The Bolsheviks had actually been fighting against Estonia during the conflict it referenced, and numerous memorials to Estonia’s own dead were removed during the years of Soviet occupation. Nevertheless, in 1965, a decision was made to expand the memorial complex at Maarjamäe.

The extended memorial complex was overseen by the architects Allan Murdmaa, Valve Pormeister, and Henno Sepmann. It was completed in 1975. At the sea end of the complex, a symbolic amphitheater overlooks the road to Pirita and offers a panoramic view over Tallinn Bay. An “eternal flame” once occupied a corner of this space, surrounded by evocative hand-shaped reliefs.

Since Estonia gained its independence from Soviet rule in 1991, the Maarjamäe Memorial Complex has faced an uncertain future. Its symbolism goes beyond being merely pro-Soviet, to being, arguably, even anti-Estonian in meaning; celebrating the Bolshevik troops who died fighting against independent Estonia in 1918, while featuring the graves of crewmen from two Russian battleships that had been shelling the port of Tallinn during the conflict. We note that this section of the memorial is not really maintained.

In 2018 An Estonian memorial was built adjacent to the Soviet and German memorials (during it’s construction further bodies of German soldiers were discovered).

The memorial consists of two parts – the Journey with plaques bearing the names of those who perished in the terror, and the Home Garden, to which are added location stones with information texts marking the locations where the terror was carried out. A monument to Estonian officers who fell victim to the communist terror is also part of the Memorial.

The communist regime of terror was established with the occupation of Estonia on 17 June 1940 and ended with the restoration of Estonia’s independence on 20 August 1991. Estonia lost every fifth person of its population of slightly over a million, of which more than 75,000 were murdered, imprisoned or deported. The Memorial to the victims of communism is dedicated to all of them.

Travel vlog 19 | Tallinn, Estonia | Country #4 | Filmed May 2020

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A British couple from just outside London, England. We got married in 2018 and decided instead of a honeymoon we’d travel the world together for a year. We saved money and travel points, quit our jobs, rented our house out and boarded a one way flight. We started this Youtube channel to share our experiences with friends, family and anyone who plans to travel to the places we’re visiting. We leave TKT tips/facts on all our vlogs and blogs to give information that we wish we’d had before visiting. We hope you find our content useful :)

#tallinn #travel #estonia #soviet #german #memorials #maarjamae #vlog #cinematic #visitestonia #dji #gopro #nikon

Europe Unveiled: Ranking ALL European Countries From Worst to Best

Welcome to Amazing Europe! In today's video, we delve into the comprehensive ranking of all European countries from worst to best, as determined by the Legatum Institute. This ranking takes into account 12 different factors including security, health, economy, infrastructure, and education. We've also included transcontinental states and those that identify socio-culturally as European, but excluded the 5 microstates as they are not part of the Legatum Institute's ranking. We can't wait to hear your thoughts! Enjoy the journey as we unveil Europe's diverse landscape, from its lowest to its highest ranked nations.
Welcome to this new video titled: Europe Unveiled: Ranking ALL European Countries From Worst to Best.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The Legatum Institute's Prosperity Index does not include microstates and Kosovo. The reason they gave for this choice is the following: due primarily to their small size (in terms of population).

These are the 12 categories considered by the Legatum Institute: Safety & Security, Personal Freedom, Governance, Social Capital, Investment Environment, Enterprise Conditions, Infrastructure & Market Access, Economic Quality, Living Conditions, Health, Education, Natural Environment. Each category is further divided into many subcategories. If you want to know the complete list (which includes all the nations of the world), you can find it here:
*France map: Superbenjamin, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
*Fallen Astronaut: NASA, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
If you want to help us spread the word about our project to showcase the wonders of European culture and society, please like this video ????, subscribe to our channel, and click the bell icon to turn on all notifications ????. It doesn't cost you anything, but it would mean a lot to us. Thanks so much! ????????????
????The Dark Reality: TOP 10 Fastest Dying European Countries Exposed:
????Expats Beware: 10 Unfriendly European Countries:
????TOP 10 Friendliest and Most Hospitable Countries in Europe:
????Tourists Beware: 10 Rudest European Cities:
????TOP 10 Saddest Nations in Europe:
????TOP 10 Countries in Europe where You'll be Happy!:
????10 European Countries Where Workers Are Saddest (some will surprise you!!!):
????TOP 10 European Countries Where Workers are Happiest (the first 2 will amaze you!!!):
????TOP 10 Most Dangerous Countries in Europe:
????TOP 10 Safest Countries in Europe:


Information generale

Postule au Luxembourg ????????

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bonne chance !!!

Bakın 50 Euro İle Letonya'da Neler Yaptım - Riga'da 1 Gün Nasıl Geçiyor ?

Letonya'nın başkenti, en tatlı şehri Riga'dan selamlar. ???? Litvanya'dan sonra yolculuğum Baltıklar'ın en tarihi şehirlerinden Letonya, Riga oldu. Riga'da 1 gün boyunca ne yapılır, ne yenir, ülke hakkında bilgiler ve değişimler nelerdir hepsini sizlerle paylaştım
İyi seyirler.????

hesabımdan her şeyi anlık paylaşacağım. Oradan da bakarsınız.????
İş Birliği İçin:

Eğer Letonya Riga'daki merkezi otellerde kalacaksanız aşağıdaki bağlantıdan bakın????
Letonya'da Gezdiğim Yerlerdeki Otellere yandaki bağlantıdan ulaşın ????
00:00 Letonya'da Neler Göreceğiz !
00:52 Letonya'nin Başkenti Riga'dan selamlar
02:02 Letonya'daki ilk izlenimlerim ve Letonya hakkında bilgiler
03:45 Riga Central Market yani meşhur merkez pazarı
06:10 Tezgahlar, balıklar, halkın yedikleri yiyecekler
08:44 Öğle yemeği olarak deniz mahsulleri yiyorum
10:20 Riga'daki harika parkı geziyorum
12:15 Eski şehir merkezi
15:03 Üç kardeşler binası, meydanda bir kafeye oturdum
16:10 Meşhur restoran Lido'da akşam yemeği
18:50 Uygulama ile otele dönüyorum

video tasarım : gokseltuzun

#letonya #ülkesi #gezirehberi

Estonia Road in the country / Estonie Route dans le pays

One man, one camera, 197 country around the world

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Hors Frontieres, world tour continues. Already more than 160 countries visited. And as always, here is the full video of this great human adventure.
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Le tour du monde d'Hors Frontières continue. Déjà plus de 160 pays visités. Et comme toujours, voici les vidéos complètes de cette formidable aventure humaine. Si vous aimez mon travail, abonnez-vous à ma chaîne. Vous serez ainsi les premiers informés des nouvelles publications.

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Estonie devenir resident digital E Residency

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Entrer en Lettonie

6-12 novembre 2020 : Une nouvelle frontière

Même s’il ne nous faut que très peu de jours si on ne s’y arrête pas, impossible de traverser la Lettonie : flicage par QR Code, résidence obligatoire, amendes énormes… A quelques kilomètres de la frontière, on essaie d’avoir le plus d’information possible. Finalement on nous laisse passer sans trop de contraintes, Ben nous accueille à Riga et peut nous faire visiter la ville sans problème !

Elio et Justin, 17 et 18 ans, font, seuls, un tour d’Europe à vélo d’un an : 14 600 km à travers 26 pays, sur le thème de la transition écologique et de la citoyenneté européenne, à la rencontre de projets innovants, en partenariat avec des établissements scolaires de leur région.
A suivre sur le site Europa2vé…
Elio Dauch
Justin Poux

Où voyager en Europe en 2024? 10 destinations à ne pas manquer !

Aujourd’hui je te partage 10 destinations originales en Europe que je rêve de faire ou que j'ai adoré visiter!

Cité dans cette vidéo :

Vlog sur Riga :
Guide sur Riga :

Vlog sur les Acores :
Guide sur les Acores :

Vlog sur la République Tchèque :
Guide sur la République Tchèque :

La chaine de Romane, Éléphant Voyageur:

Le Blog:
Mon Instagram :

À bientôt!



Abonne toi !

Mes réseaux sociaux :


Mon matériel :

DJI Osmo Pocket
Sony Alpha 7R IV, Objectif Sony 16-50 et Sony 55-210.
Drone DJI Spark
Je monte avec LumaFusion sur IPad
Mes visuels avec Canva

Photos sur Pexels

Musique :

Lukrembo: Butter

Cette vidéo n’est pas sponsorisée

#europe #destination #voyage #voyager #roumanie #ilesferoe #iledeskye #paysbaltes #lettonie #lituanie #estonie #acores #zantes #montenegro #zante #destination2022 #destination2023 #europe2023 #destinationoriginale #voyageoriginal


Vous projetez un premier ROAD TRIP des parcs nationaux Américains ? Cette vidéo est faite pour vous. Je vous explique tout ce qu'il faut savoir pour comprendre comment ça se passe. L'idée est aussi de parler de la nature aux USA.
En complément, je vous conseille 2 vidéos :
- vidéo sur l'hébergement dans un parc national :
- vidéo sur la loterie de THE WAVE :



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