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10 Best place to visit in Zhovkva Ukraine


Ukraine Before War - The 10 Most Beautiful Places In Ukraine

Ukraine is a gorgeous country with UNESCO World Heritage Sites, glorious cathedrals, Orthodox churches, lush forested hills, culture, and more.
Vibrant cities, ancient castles, stunning countryside, diversity of landscapes, and a welcoming attitude all help make it a special destination, regardless of its troubles.
Most of this country is open for business. The prices here are extremely cheap.
Although it's one of the biggest countries in Europe, Ukraine struggles to attract visitors.
The lack of mass tourism lends Ukraine a charm and authenticity often missing elsewhere.
Here are the 10 beautiful cities that will make you fall in love with this eastern European country.

1. Lviv - The largest city in western Ukraine and one of the most beautiful cities in the country.
2. Kyiv - The beautiful capital of Ukraine.
3. Odesa - A pretty port city on the Black Sea.
5. Kharkiv - The city is known for Freedom Square, which is one of Europe's largest squares.
6. Chernivtsi - One of the hidden gems of Western Ukraine.
7. Poltava - A city steeped in military history due to a legendary battle in the 18th century between Sweden and Russia.
8. Vorokhta - An urban-type settlement and one of the best places to visit in Ukraine
9. Uzhhorod - Known for its cherry blossom festival.
10. Zhovkva – One of the most interesting small historical towns in Ukraine.
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???????? Zhovkva. Qué ver en Zhovkva, una de las ciudades bonitas de Ucrania.

Hola viajeros!

En la zona oeste de Ucrania, cerca de la popular ciudad de Lviv nos encontramos con Zhovkva, un bonito municipio, con una gran riqueza histórica, la cual visitaremos en el próximo video de @GemaRod

Vamos a hacer un recorrido donde os enseñaré todo lo que podemos encontrarnos aquí y qué ver en un día. Como su antiguo castillo situado junto a las viejas murallas, o su plaza principal, Iglesias, museos, tambien alberga una sinagoga, todo un legado. Templos que mantienen el espiritu de la ciudad.

Un lugar muy interesante para pasear por sus calles admirando su arquitectura.

Espero que os guste. Dejadme vuestros comentarios, os leo y contesto.

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Lugares a visitar:

• Inicio 0:00
• Bienvenida 0:45
• Presentación 0:58
• Museo de Zhovkva 1:21
• Intro Colegiata de San Lorenzo 3:25
• Colegiata San Lorenzo 4:11
• Castillo de Zhovkva 4:54
• Casco histórico 7:40
• Fuente curativa 8:33
• Plaza Vicheva: 8:50
• Sinagoga de Zhovkva 9:15
• Monasterio Basiliano Intro 9:28
• Interior Monasterio Basiliano e Iglesia Corazón de Jesús 10:33
• Despedida 11:29

#Ukraine #Zhovkva #ZhovkvaUkraine #Lviv #ucrania #viajes #turismoucrania #queverenucrania #queverenzhovkva #quehacerenucrania #quehacerenzhovkva #quevercercadeLviv #quehacercercadeLviv #whattoseenearLvivUkraine #thehiddengem #townZhovkva #whattoseeZhovkva #cityzhovkva #kyev #imprescindibleKyiv #kyiv

Zhovkva, Part 1 | Towns and Cities

The former residence of the King of Poland, the mausoleum, where the tomb of the commander who captured Moscow, is located.
The ancient castle with defensive walls and a gateway, the city hall, the market square, and stately temples.
A unique wooden church, which is registered on the UNESCO World Heritage List.
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Zhovkva, Part 2 | Towns and Cities

A medieval castle and a royal tomb, majestic temples and a wooden church, built without a single nail. A perfect European town with exquisite architecture and a rich history.
Today, we continue getting acquainted with the royal town of Zhovkva.
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Ukraine Travel Video (Best places to visit in 2022) |

Top 15 places to visit in Ukraine

As the second-largest country in Europe, there are a lot of places to visit in Ukraine. It is renowned for its numerous historical monuments.

Well, that series is based on the nuclear explosion that took place in Ukraine. Don’t worry, the nuclear plant is taken care of now.

It is an amazing country with excellent natural, historical and cultural sites. It has plenty of beautiful places where people can have a great time and are also very interesting to explore.

Also, the Ukrainian people are friendly, kind, and hospitable making it an unforgettable country to visit.

Check out our recommended top places to visit in Ukraine

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6 Best Places to Visit in Ukraine - Travel Video

Ukraine, country located in eastern Europe, the second largest on the continent after Russia. The capital is Kyiv (Kiev), located on the Dnieper River in north-central Ukraine.


TOP Highlights you need to visit in Lviv, Ukraine. Lviv city tour.

Lviv in Ukraine is a unique city. We invite you to have this amazing Lviv walking tour with our tour guide Julia Kardash. She will show you the main highlights of Lviv, will tell you a little bit about the history of the most beautiful city in Ukraine. Find out why you should travel to Lviv, Ukraine?
Enjoy Ukraine with JC Travel!

00:00 Introduction
00:41 Memorial of heavenly hundred heroes
01:30 About Lviv in general
02:18 Market Square and Lviv city hall
04:13 Latin Cathedral
05:31 Boim's Chapel
06:27 Armenian Cathedral
08:47 Opera House

This video was made with the financial support of the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation.

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(Have a possibility to get templates of itineraries to travel around Ukraine on your own, and to get discounts for tours to Ukraine)

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Discover Ukraine. Krekhiv Monastery. Крехів.

Krekhiv (Ukrainian: Крехів, Polish: Krechów) is a village in the Lviv Oblast (Province) of Ukraine, located within the densely forested Roztochia Upland about 10 km west of Zhovkva and 50 km north of Lviv. The village is famous for its Basilian monastery which is a popular pilgrimage site.

The monastery was established in the 16th century by two monks from the Kyiv Pechersk Lavra, Joel and Silvester, who settled in nearby caves. Around 1612 or 1618 the owner of Zhovkva, Stanisław Żółkiewski offered the monks land to build their monastery, later surrounded with fortifications during the second half of the 17th century to defend it from roaming Tatar hordes. In the 18th century the monastery'ss prosperity rose and wooden buildings were replaced with stone ones which stand there today. At the beginning of the 19th century it suffered from the policies of Austrian emperor Joseph, however by the end of the century it was one of the main centers of the rebirth of Ukrainian monasticism.

The hardest time for Krekhiv came with the advent of Soviet occupation in 1939; by 1949 the monastery was closed and many of the monks were martyred in Soviet prisons while others had to live undercover. With the collapse of the Soviet Union, the monastery was reopened on 29 August 1990 and the complex has undergone a thorough renovation.

The monastery is known for its miracle working icons of the Mother of God and of St. Nicholas. The largest annual pilgrimage to Krekhiv is held on the Feast of the Translation of St. Nicholas on May 22 (May 9 according to the Julian calendar).

Крехівський монастир святого Миколая Отців Василіян — монастир ЧСВВ УГКЦ у селі Крехів на Львівщині. Заснований як православний у 1612 році. Монастирський ансамбль — пам'ятка архітектури національного значення 17 — 18 століть.
Засновниками Крехівського монастиря вважаються ченці Києво-Печерської Лаври Йоіл (†1638[2]) та Сильвестр. Вони у 1590-х роках поселились у вирубаній в скелі печері за 12 км від м. Жовкви. З часом ченців стало більше, за підтримки магната Станіслава Жолкевського вони збудували неподалік від печери церкву св. Петра і Павла, пізніше церкву Преображення і Троїцьку церкву[3]. Тут же було зведено дзвіницю та келії монахів. Обитель мала свою чудотворну ікону Богородиці, яку подарувала монахам львівська православна родина Красовських. Свого часу у Крехові працював знаменитий художник Никодим Зубрицький (1688—1724), автор близько 400 гравюр[4]. З 1660-х років за підтримки короля Михайла Вишневецького монастир був оточений великими фортечними мурами, які замикали чотири високі вежі. За його мурами не раз рятувалось багато людей, особливо під час нападів татар. Під час облоги 1672 року монастир захищав молодий Іван Мазепа. Кілька разів у 1698 р. приїжджав до монастиря Петро I, який перебував у Жовкві і Раві-Руській, укладаючи угоду з королем Августом II про спільні дії проти шведів у майбутній Північній війні.

У 1721 р. Крехівський монастир став греко-католицьким. З цього часу ще більше посилюється його релігійне значення. З дерев'яного його перебудували на мурований. Постали північна в'їздна брама, дзвіниця, старша частина монастирського корпусу.

Між 1721 та 1751 рр. побудована нова мурована церква Св. Миколая. На початку 1990-х років вона була переосвячена на церкву Преображення Господнього. Монастир славився своїми чудотворними іконами, яких у Крехові було чотири: три ікони Богородиці (одна з Верхрати) та ікона святого Миколая Великого.

1751 року до Крехова переїхали монахи із монастиря у Буцневі.[5]
Верхратську чудотворну ікону Богородиці із скасуванням василіянського монастиря у Верхраті 1808 року урочисто було перенесено до монастиря отців-василіян у Крехові. Тут продовжували здійснюватися чуда. Після закриття монастиря в Крехові чудотворну ікону вдалося перенести до львівського храму св. Параскевії П'ятниці. З виходом із підпілля Греко-Католицької Церкви урочисто 19 травня 1991 року з львівського храму Крехівську (Верхратську) чудотворну ікону Пресвятої Богородиці було повернуто до Крехова.
У 1949 р. монастир був закритий, в його спорудах розмістили дитячий будинок, згодом школу-інтернат для розумово-відсталих дітей. У 1963 р. Крехівський монастирський комплекс внесений у список пам'яток архітектури України, що перебувають під охороною держави.

This Castle in UKRAINE was CLOSED, but I still went INSIDE

I was able to get inside this castle. The Zhovkva castle. We will also get a history lesson from an expert on the history of Ukraine.

Also we go to a hidden gem in the forest. Visiting this castle is one things to do while here in Lviv, Ukraine.

The guy really knows his stuff. Lviv has a fascinating history and he makes sure we know it all.
Lviv to do, Ukraine to do, Ukraina to do

Horodenka | Towns and Cities

In Horodenka you can see a unique church, which, according to the folk song, was built as the remembrance of a girl from a neighboring village who was murdered by a Polish tycoon. In the Pokuttya Museum, you can rock an ancient cradle. In this town you can see how the famous Pokuttya ceramics are made and find out why this town stands on 3 bridges. Today, our town for the weekend is the ancient Horodenka.
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#News #Ukraine #UATV #TownsAndCities #Horodenka

Сопошин Soposhyn Жовква Zhovkva Воля Висоцька Volya Vysots'ka M09 E372 Україна Ukraine 23.10.2014

Der Weg ist das Ziel... komm fahr mit in meinem Goggomobil =G=
Sightseeing in Krisenregionen, Armenviertel, Bürgerkriegsgebieten.
Along radioactive Death-Zones, MOAs, No-Go and Civil-War Areas.

Zhovkva Ukraine in 8K UHD Drone

Zhovkva Ukraine is a city in Lviv Oblast of western Ukraine. Zhovkva is the administrative center of Zhovkva Raion. Top tour places in Zhovkva Ukraine 8k include Aerial view of the historical center of Zhovkva, Lviv region, Ukraine. Shooting with a drone.

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Tips on How to Save Money and how to make money for your next dream travels
The first aspect is for you to figure out how much money you need to save which depends on where you planning to travel and how much fun you want to have in your travel. Whatever your plans may be: it’s best to have a plan in place.
Create a saving plan which will help you to accumulate money for travel
-Assessment of the cost of your trips
-Set financial goals
-Create a saving plan
-Implement your travel money goals
-Monitor and reassess of your travel money goals
Adhere to your saving plans for your next dream travels
-Saving money is slow but you can do it if you set a goal by
reducing your expenditures, selling some stuff, and earning some extra income.
Start a dedicated travel fund
-You can potentially create your travel savings bank account and save on a monthly or weekly basis even if it's just $10. Make it fun, habit, natural, painless, and Revel its growth over time.
Additional Tips
-Reduce your utility bills
The average utility bill in the US ranges from $90 to $140 a month. If you reduce 15% off your money by doing fewer loads of laundry and conserving energy, you could add around $225 to your savings, annually.
-Invest in Real Estate or other asset classes so that you can potentially have a passive income that allows you to travel.
-build an online business like Amazon FBA, dropshipping, blogging, or your own eCommerce store that will generate you enough money for your travels.
-Reduce the cost of your gym membership
-Save on clothing expenses
Finally, be financially efficient. Watching your friends go out overnight to buy expensive electronics, pricey cocktails, and new boots will make it a little hard to save. Plan your trips: by budgeting both time and money, you will have a wonderful experience in your travels.

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Top 10 Places to Visit in Ukraine

Top places in Ukraine

1. Lviv
2. Kyiv
3. Dzharylhach Island
4. Vorokhta
5. Zhovkva
6. Bakota
7. The Pink Lake
8. Hoverla Mountain
9. Kamianets-Podilsky
10. Odesa

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???????? Zhovkva. Qué ver en una de las ciudades bonitas de Ucrania. #shorts Turismo Ucrania 4k #travel


Hoy visitamos Zhovkva, Ucrania. En un minuto te cuento que ver en ésta localidad de gran riqueza histórica.

Zhovkva es uno de los lugares de Ucrania, donde se llevaron a cabo importantes eventos históricos en diferentes épocas

Uno de los principales edificios que destaca es su antiguo castillo, situado junto a las viejas murallas.

Muy cerca tenemos el Ayuntamiento donde está el Museo de Zhovkva, desde su torre de reloj, tenemos vistas al casco histórico y a La Colegiata de San Lorenzo

Veremos su plaza principal, plaza Vicheva, la Sinanoga, cerca tenemos el monasterio basiliano e iglesia del sagrado corazon de Jesús.

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Lviv, Ukraine Travel Guide

A travel video featuring some of the sites around the city of Lviv. Shows a restaurant known as Kryyivka which is designed to be an underground bunker. Requires a password to enter: «Slava Ukrayini!» (Glory to Ukraine!). Also has footage and view from Lviv Town Hall and the clocktower in the center of the city, along with the historical architecture that make this place famous.

Ukraine - 4K Drone Video Tour (Ultra HD) ????????

See different cities and landmarks in Ukraine (before 2022). This video is to show and remember the beautiful places, buildings and culture of Ukraine.

It was quite difficult to collect material for this video, because all the videos had to be filmed before the terrible war. You won't be able to see every city in Ukraine, but we did our best to collect as much material as possible.

Let's hope that some of these places will remain as they were, so that we can visit and experience them in the future!

Location: Ukraine - different cities, landmarks and places.
Type: Drone footage.
Resolution: 4K Ultra HD.


Timecodes (Names in English)
0:00 Kyiv
1:48 Mariupol
3:36 Kharkiv
4:51 Odesa
6:04 Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi
6:30 Dnipro
7:21 Lviv
8:55 Zhovkva
9:28 Pidhirtsi
9:48 Olesko
10:10 Mukachevo
11:12 Vinnytsia
11:58 Chernivtsi
12:58 Chernihiv
13:54 Pochaiv
14:20 Baturyn
14:46 Korsun-Shevchenkivskyi
15:04 Kamianets-Podilskyi
15:38 Rivne


⚠️ All media in this video (footage, audio, music and graphics) are licenced by World 4K and can not be used in other productions.


Жо́вква, (лат. Zhovkva, нім. Schowkwa, пол. Żółkiew) (з 1951 по 1991 — Нестеров) — місто районного значення Жовківського району Львівській області, районний центр. Поселення засноване у 1368 р. Міські права отримало в 1603. Відоме як місто ремісників. У XVII столітті Жовква була резиденцією короля Речі Посполитої Яна III Собеського. Наприкінці XVII — на початку XVIII століть славилась художня школа і школа різьби по дереву.

Львів Жовква замок / Вигляд на місто з ратуші / Жовква кафе

Львів Жовква замок / Вигляд на місто з ратуші / Жовква кафе

Черговий відео-звіт після відвідин м. Жовква що на Львівщині. Компактне розташування найцікавіших об'єктів архітектури, можливість піднятись на міську ратушу та симпатичні місцеві кафе, роблять Жовкву гарною локацією для одноденної мандрівки.

#жовква #замок #ратуша

Fantastic Western Ukraine

10D9N Fantastic Western Ukraine:

For more information:
☎ 6438 1838

Svirzh Castle, Ukraine in 8K UHD | Drone and Flying Over with Balloons

Svirzh Castle Ukraine is an amazing aristocratic residence in Svirzh, Lviv Oblast, Ukraine. Svirzh Castle (8K) was originally built by the Swirski noble family in the 15th century. Top views in the Scorch Castle Ukraine 8K includes Aerial shooting of the old castle. Svirzh castle. Aerial view of Svirzh castle near Lviv, Ukraine at dawn. Lake, morning fog, and surrounding landscape at sunrise. Aerial view of Svirzh castle near Lviv, Ukraine. Lake and surrounding landscape at sunset. Shooting with FPV drone. Colorful hot air balloons fly over the medieval castle and lake in the morning fog. Maneuverable flight and power loops. Travel, adventure, festival.

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Tips on How to Save Money and how to make money for your next dream travels
The first aspect is for you to figure out how much money you need to save which depends on where you planning to travel and how much fun you want to have in your travel. Whatever your plans may be: it’s best to have a plan in place.
Create a saving plan which will help you to accumulate money for travel
-Assessment of the cost of your trips
-Set financial goals
-Create a saving plan
-Implement your travel money goals
-Monitor and reassess of your travel money goals
Adhere to your saving plans for your next dream travels
-Saving money is slow but you can do it if you set a goal by
reducing your expenditures, selling some stuff, and earning some extra income.
Start a dedicated travel fund
-You can potentially create your travel savings bank account and save on a monthly or weekly basis even if it's just $10. Make it fun, habit, natural, painless, and Revel its growth over time.
Additional Tips
-Reduce your utility bills
The average utility bill in the US ranges from $90 to $140 a month. If you reduce 15% off your money by doing fewer loads of laundry and conserving energy, you could add around $225 to your savings, annually.
-Invest in Real Estate or other asset classes so that you can potentially have a passive income that allows you to travel.
-build an online business like Amazon FBA, dropshipping, blogging, or your own eCommerce store that will generate you enough money for your travels.
-Reduce the cost of your gym membership
-Save on clothing expenses
Finally, be financially efficient. Watching your friends go out overnight to buy expensive electronics, pricey cocktails, and new boots will make it a little hard to save. Plan your trips: by budgeting both time and money, you will have a wonderful experience in your travels.

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