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10 Best place to visit in Zarichne Ukraine


Moments of travel along the longest narrow-gauge railway in Europe: Antonivka - Zarichne

Experimental video format from a trip on the narrow gauge railway Antonivka - Zarichne, located in the north of Rivne region in Ukraine. It is the longest narrow-gauge railway in Europe, which has so far operated regular passenger services, which were canceled with the start of the lockdown and have not yet been restored. 106 kilometers of 750 mm track through Polissya's deep forests, swamps and quiet villages. Additional info - in the video. Enjoy ;)

Експериментальний формат відео з подорожі вузькоколійкою Антонівка - Зарічне, що знаходиться на півночі Рівненщини в Україні. Це найдовша вузькоколійка у Європі, що досі виконувала регулярні пасажирські перевезення, які були скасовані з початком локдауну та досі не відновлені. 106 кілометрів колії шириною 750 мм крізь поліські глухі ліси, болота та спокійні села. Додаткова інфа - протягом усього відео. Приємного перегляду ;)

Македони Makedony Пії Pii Липовий Ріг Lypovyi Rih Уляники Ulyanyky P19 Україна Ukraine 20.10.2014

Der Weg ist das Ziel... komm fahr mit in meinem Goggomobil =G=
Sightseeing in Krisenregionen, Armenviertel, Bürgerkriegsgebieten.
Along radioactive Death-Zones, MOAs, No-Go and Civil-War Areas.

меринка Zhmerynka Україна Ukraine 21.10.2014

Der Weg ist das Ziel... komm fahr mit in meinem Goggomobil =G=
Sightseeing in Krisenregionen, Armenviertel, Bürgerkriegsgebieten.
Along radioactive Death-Zones, MOAs, No-Go and Civil-War Areas.

Івашкове Ivashkove H08 Україна Ukraine 17.10.2014

Der Weg ist das Ziel... komm fahr mit in meinem Goggomobil =G=
Sightseeing in Krisenregionen, Armenviertel, Bürgerkriegsgebieten.
Along radioactive Death-Zones, MOAs, No-Go and Civil-War Areas.

Пекурівка Pekurivka Політрудня Politrudnya Хрипівка Khrypivka Півнівщина Pivnivshchyna P13 UA 141014

Der Weg ist das Ziel... komm fahr mit in meinem Goggomobil =G=
Sightseeing in Krisenregionen, Armenviertel, Bürgerkriegsgebieten.
Along radioactive Death-Zones, MOAs, No-Go and Civil-War Areas.

Лучка Luchka Сосонка Sosonka Климентове Klymentove H12 Україна Ukraine 15.10.2014

Der Weg ist das Ziel... komm fahr mit in meinem Goggomobil =G=
Sightseeing in Krisenregionen, Armenviertel, Bürgerkriegsgebieten.
Along radioactive Death-Zones, MOAs, No-Go and Civil-War Areas.

Красне Krasne Гранітне Hranitne Ленінське Lenins'ke H23 Україна Ukraine 18.10.2014

Der Weg ist das Ziel... komm fahr mit in meinem Goggomobil =G=
Sightseeing in Krisenregionen, Armenviertel, Bürgerkriegsgebieten.
Along radioactive Death-Zones, MOAs, No-Go and Civil-War Areas.

Корсунка Korsunka Україна Ukraine 18.10.2014

Der Weg ist das Ziel... komm fahr mit in meinem Goggomobil =G=
Sightseeing in Krisenregionen, Armenviertel, Bürgerkriegsgebieten.
Along radioactive Death-Zones, MOAs, No-Go and Civil-War Areas.

a train ride through central Ukraine

a glimpse out the window of a train traveling though central Ukraine in 2004, courtesy of Zoltan.

Skyview of Ukrainian railway

If God had intended us to fly, he'd have never given us railways
I can't disagree with this phrase, which I saw at Prešov railway station in Slovakia ????

Happy Railwayman's Day of Ukraine!
Let's enjoy the views of Ukrainian railways not only from locomotives, but also from the air ????

GOPRO timelapse Kharkiv Харків | Ukraine

GOPRO timelapse Kharkiv Харків

Positive Fuse - French Fuse

Gopro 4 silver
Tripod Sony VCT-R640

#shorts #timelapse #gopro

train in ukraine

train in ukraine

Beautiful railway in Tatra Mountains with train driver's view in Slovakia

A scenic journey on the famous narrow gauge railway into the heart of the Tatra Mountains with train driver of the historic train. You can read more about this railway here:
Video was shot in 2021.

Share your impressions from watching in the comments and support the channel on Patreon:

Таймлайн / Timeline:
00:01 - анонс / preview
01:10 - Starý Smokovec / Старий Смоковець
06:57 - Dolný Smokovec / Долішній Смоковець
09:16 - Pod lesom / Під лісом
13:47 - Nová Lesná / Нова Лесна
19:10 - Veľký Slavkov / Великий Славків
26:08 - Poprad-Tatry / Попрад-Татри

Мальовнича подорож відомою вузькоколійкою у серце Татр з машиністом історичного поїзда. Більше про цю залізницю ви можете почитати тут:
Відео зняте у 2021 році

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Train Lviv to Chisinau Ukraine to Moldova July 2009 Part 1

Train Lviv to Chisinau Ukraine to Moldova July 2009

Berlin Kiev Express

travelling by train through Ukraine

Remagen - why the bridge was not blown up

twitter : @ceepackaging

The Ludendorff Bridge at Remagen was a railway bridge across the Rhine in Germany, connecting the villages of Remagen and Erpel between two ridge lines of hills flanking the river. Remagen is situated about 20km south of Bonn.

The bridge was built by Grün & Bilfinger between 1916 and 1919 to connect the Right Rhine Railway, the Left Rhine Railway and the Ahrtalbahn (German) to facilitate transport to the Western Front. It was a key element of a planned strategic railway that was to start in Neuss, cross the Rhine at Remagen and connect with the Ahr Valley railway that connected with the Eiffel railway that has lines into Luxembourg and France. The advantage of such a line was that troops and supplies could be transported to the Western Front from the Ruhr industrial area without having to go through the busy rail centres of Cologne or Düsseldorf. However, by the time World War I ended, the line between Neuss and Remagen had not been completed and never was. This is also the reason why the bridge at Remagen was not rebuilt after World War II.

Designed by Karl Wiener, it was 325 meters long, with two rail lines and a walkway. It was one of three bridges built to improve rail links between Germany and France during World War I, the other two being the Hindenburg Bridge at Bingen and Urmitz Bridge near Koblenz. This was one of the four bridges guarded during the Third United States Army occupation at the end of World War I.

The bridge was captured at around 16:30 on 7 March 1945 by the US army and became the first bridgehead across the Rhine. Both sides then engaged in a race to reinforce the area which ultimately was won by the American who had much greater resources. The Anericans captured the railway tunnel in the early hours of the following morning by passing over the hill and taking it from the rear.

Following the capture of the bridge, the Germans made frantic efforts to destroy it. They were hindered by weak forces in the area and the Erpeler Ley hill which actually protected the bridge from attack from the east. Without the possibility of artillery spotting, attacks were much more difficult. Several attacks were made by the Luftwaffe with one bomb scoring a hit but failing to detonate. Other attacks included the use of V2s and frogmen.

In other films I describe parts of the battle, why the bridge was not blown etc..

I would like to recommend the excellent 1968 - 9 film the Bridge at Remagen which is historically very accurate although names have been changed.

My channel is one of the most prolific from Poland, although not amongst the most visited. With almost one film per day, one may be forgiven for thinking I do nothing else but I do have a day job as well. I have produced around 1,000 original films, most in English but also in Polish, French, Italian, Spanish and the occasional hint of German and Hebrew. My big interest in life is travel and history but I have also placed films on other subjects

Please feel free to ask questions in the public area or to comment on things you disagree with. Sometimes there are mistakes because I speak without preparation. If I see the mistakes myself, I make this clear in the text. Please also leave a star rating!

There are a number of films here on the packaging industry. This is because I am the publisher of Central and Eastern European Packaging -- - the international platform for the packaging industry in this region focusing on the latest innovations, trends, design, branding, legislation and environmental issues with in-depth profiles of major industry achievers.

Most people may think packaging pretty boring but it possibly effects your life more than you really imagine!

Central and Eastern European Packaging examines the packaging industry throughout this region, but in particular in the largest regional economies which are Russia, Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Ukraine and Austria. That is not to say that the other countries are forgotten, they are not, but obviously there is less going on. However the fact that there are so many travel related films here is not from holidays but from business trips attending trade fairs around the region. Every packaging trade fair is a new excuse to make another film!

In 1997 I founded Polish Business News .There are a number of business related films here and I intend to do many more on CRM (customer relations management).

My blog can be found via and and contains background information and more details of many of my films. This information is in English.

VERY bad track I Vyhoda narrow gauge railway: train driver's view

It's time to open new horizons! In addition to big railways, there are also their younger brothers - narrow gauge railways. Vyhoda narrow gauge railway, better known as the Carpathian Tram, is one of them. Track gauge here is only 750 mm, which is twice less than the standard track width (1520 mm). Vyhoda narrow gauge railway was built in the 19th century to export timber from the mountains, and even still works for its original purpose. At the same time, there are special regular tourist trains, which gives hope that everything will be fine with this small railway. Estimate the contrasts of narrow gauge railways compared to large railways. Enjoy!

Part 1: Vyhoda - Novyi Mizun

Support channel on Patreon. Many interesting things are waiting for you:

Таймлайн / Timeline:
00:01 - анонс / preview
00:45 - станція Вигода / Vyhoda station
01:21 - річка Свіча / Svicha river
07:28 - листочки / leaves
09:27 - річка Крайна / Krayna river
10:16 - село Старий Мізунь / Staryi Mizun river
31:47 - річка Мізунка / Mizunka river
32:37 - село Новий Мізунь / Novyi Mizun village
35:00 - станція (роз'їзд) Новий Мізунь / Novyi Mizun station

Час відкривати нові горизонти! Окрім великих залізниць, існують та працюють ще й їх малі брати - вузькоколійки, яких залишилось небагато. Вигодська вузькоколійка, більш відома як Карпатський трамвай - одна з них. Ширина колії тут всього 750 мм, що вдвічі менше за стандартну ширину колії (1520 мм). Вигодська вузькоколійка будувалась у XIX столітті для вивозу деревини з гір, й навіть досі працює за оригінальним призначенням, хоч й у набагато менших масштабах. Паралельно, тут працюють екскурсійні потяги для туристів, що дає велику надію на те, що з цією маленькою залізницею все буде добре. Оцініть контрасти вузькоколійок у порівнянні з великими залізницями. Приємного перегляду!

Частина 1: Вигода - Новий Мізунь

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