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10 Best place to visit in Yanggu China


【旅遊好去處】 Shandong, China Travel Info 好客山東 (8 min Trailer 八分鐘宣傳片)

Official Website:



Shandong, home of Chinese philosopher Confucius, boasts a large number of cultural relics and historical sites, which are spread throughout the province. It has 51 key historical monuments under state protection, and 397 under province protection, in addition to six famous historical and cultural cities -- Jinan, Qingdao, Qufu, Liaocheng, Zibo and Zoucheng. The mansion, temple and cemetery of Confucius in Qufu have been designated World Cultural Heritage sites.

For more knowledge on oriental/ Chinese Culture:

中国聊城市城市宣传片 Liaocheng,Shandong,China


聊城市经济合作局 0086-635-8212005,0086-15506358328(24小时),
聊城市经济合作局 地址:中国山东省聊城市东昌西路24号市政府219室 邮编:252000

국내 여행 가 볼만한 곳, 음식, 특산품이 한 자리에 모였다! 2023 K-웰니스 푸드 & 투어리즘 페어 현장 체험 리뷰 / 훈타민

꼭 가봐야 할 국내 여행지, 먹어봐야 할 음식, 구매해야 할 특산품 모두가 한 곳에 모인 행사. 13곳 K-웰니스 도시, 100여 곳의 지방자치단체 및 기업의 120여 부스가 모인, 한국웰니스산업협회와 한국관광지원서비스업협회가 함께 주최하고 주관한 '2023 K-웰니스 푸드 & 투어리즘 페어'에 다녀왔습니다.

★ 2023 2023 K-웰니스 푸드 & 투어리즘 페어 - 훈타민 편
0:19 충청남도 보령시
1:08 전라남도 영암군
2:07 전라북도 진안군
3:12 경상남도 합천군
4:18 경기도 김포시
5:43 강원도 양구군
6:53 경상북도 포항시
7:44 (주)239바이오
8:45 경상북도 안동시, 조옥화 안동소주
9:19 경상남도 창녕군, 우포라이스텍
10:07 전라북도, 지리산처럼
10:47 전라남도 여수, 갓버터 도나스
11:24 경상남도 산청, 2023 산청 세계 전통 의약 항노화 엑스포
12:44 경상북도 경산, 경산동의한방촌
13:01 경상북도 청도군

You can see Korea's various tourist attractions, interesting foods, and attractive specialties in this video. '2023 K-Wellness Food & Tourism Fair' site sketch and review.

※ English, Spanish, Portuguese, Turkish, Russian, Greek, German, French, Indonesian, Melayu, Vietnamese, Japanese, Chinese, Thai, Hindi, Arabian : 16 additional language subtitles are available! For these subtitles, please click CC button - 'setting' on PC, or 'CC' on mobile.

#k웰니스 #국내여행 #koreatravel

○ 각국어 번역 자막 제작 : 컨텐츠 제작의 마무리는 컨텐츠플라이! 글로벌 진출을 위한 최고의 파트너, CONTENTSFLY에서 제작되었습니다.

Yang-gu ,the center of Korean peninsula (2019' 한반도 정중앙, 양구 여행)

As you know, Korea is divided into two countries. South and North Korea. Also, it is mandatory for Korean men to join the military.
Yanggu is an area located just in front of the Demilitarized Zone. Therefore, there are many military units and most Korean men think of Yanggu as military areas. However, recent exchanges between South and North Korea have opened up previously inaccessible areas to tourists. I think it is meaningful to introduce a trip to the clean area, Yanggu through YouTube.

○ Park Soo-geun Museum
Park Soo-geun is one of representative Korean artists. And he was born in Gangwon Province, he painted many works featuring ordinary people's lives. Park Soo-keun Museum of Art displays works by various artists in addition to his works containing his Korean ethnic sentiments. In addition, the museum itself has a beautiful view, so it is a good place to go for a walk or a contemplative space.

○ Punch Bowl Village
The village of Punch Bowl is a basin in the alpine region of Yanggu County. It began to be called a punch bowl because it was a bowl-shaped land surrounded by mountains. This area is a battleground between South and North Korea during the Korean War.
It used to be off-limits to the public, but it was opened recently for tourists. There are still signs of 'landmine' over the area. It is one of the most beautiful and unique areas in Korea, but not much-known tourist destination, Punch Bowl Village, recommended.

○ Dutayeon, Sculpture Park and the Way to Mt. Geumgang
Dutayeon was also off-limits to the public, but it was opened recently for tourists. It is known as Korea's largest habitat for Brachymystax lenok, and it is a natural monument place because of its beautiful scenery. Tours are available from Dutayeon to the entrance of the road to Mount Geumgang via the sculpture park. The best Korean mountain, Mt. Geumgang(located on North Korea)was not able to travel. We could travel only to the entrance of the mountain. The road was so rough that we could barely walk along with my bicycles.

○ Paroho Lake, Korean Peninsula Island
Paroho Lake is an artificial lake in Yanggu. This place also has a historical background. During the Korean War, China fought to support North Korea. This is a battleground where Korean and U.N. forces combined to defeat Chinese troops during the Korean War. The name 'Paro' means 'we defeated the enemy.'
The deep, clean Paroho Lake was peaceful, as if trying to conceal its sorrow. There is a special island in the lake, which is an artificial island shaped like the Korean Peninsula. Because this is the site of history with a painful past, the Korean Peninsula island has a special meaning for reunification.

○ Other...
A five-day market has been held in Yanggu. Traditionally, markets have been held once every five days because this is not a populated area. The flavor of the traditional market, the food of the night market, the sudden shower, were all romantic trips.

I hope you enjoy it. thanks

아시다시피 한국은 두개의 나라로 나뉘어 있다. 남한과 북한. 또한 한국 남성은 군대에 가는 것이 의무이다.
양구는 비무장지대 바로 앞에 위치한 지역이다. 따라서 군부대가 많고 대부분의 한국 남성들은 군사지역 정도로 생각한다. 그러나 최근 남,북한 교류로 인해 예전에 일반인이 출입 할 수 없던 지역들이 관광지로 개방되고 있다. 청정지역, 양구 여행을 유튜브를 통해 소개하게 되어 뜻깊게 생각한다.

○ 박수근 미술관
박수근은 한국의 대표적인 서양 화가로 강원도에서 태어나 평범한 서민 생활의 모습을 주제로 삼은 작품을 많이 그렸다. 박수근 미술관에는 그의 한국 민족 정서가 담긴 그의 작품 외에도 여러 다양한 작가의 작품이 전시되어 있다. 그뿐만 아니라 미술관 자체의 전경이 아름다워 산책이나 사색의 공간으로도 가 볼만한 곳이다.

○ 펀치볼 마을
펀치볼 마을은 양구군 고산지역에 있는 분지이다.주위가 산으로 둘러싸인 그릇 모양같은 땅이기 때문에 펀치볼로 불리기 시작했다. 이 지역은 한국전쟁때 남,북한이 전투를 벌였던 격전지이다.
예전엔 일반인 출입이 불가능했지만 최근 관광객에게 개방되었다. 지금도 이지역 곳곳에 '지뢰' 라는 표지가 남아있다. 한국에서 가장 아름다우며 독특한 지형, 그러나 많이 알려지지 않은 관광지 펀치볼 마을 추천한다.

○ 두타연, 조각공원 그리고 금강산 가는 길
두타연 또한 일반인 출입통제 지역이었다. 주위의 산세가 수려한 경관을 이루며, 오염되지 않아 천연기념물인 열목어의 국내 최대서식지로 알려져 있다. 두타연에서 조각공원을 거쳐 금강산 가는 길 입구까지 관광이 가능하다. 북한에 있는 한국 최고의 산, 금강산은 가보지 못하고 금강산 가는길 입구까지만 자전거로 여행할 수 있었다. 길이 매우 험해 자전거를 끌고 걸어서 간신히 갈 수 있었다.

○ 파로호, 한반도 섬

파로호는 양구에 있는 인공호수이다. 이곳 역시 역사적 배경이 있다. 한국전쟁때 중국이 북한을 지원하기 위해 참전하였다. 이곳은 한국전쟁때 한국군과 UN군이 연합하여 중국군을 물리친 격전지이다. 파로라는 이름은 '적을 물리쳤다'라는 뜻이다.
그때의 처절함을 감추려는듯 깊고 깨끗한 파로호는 평화로웠다. 이 호수에는 특별한 섬이 있는데 한반도 모양으로 만든 인공 섬이다. 이곳이 아픈 과거를 가진 역사의 현장이기 때문에 한반도 섬은 통일에 대한 특별한 의미를 지니고 있다.

○ 그 밖에...
양구에는 5일장이 열린다. 이 곳은 사람들이 많이 거주하는 지역이 아니기 때문에 전통적으로 5일에 한번 시장이 열렸다. 전통시장의 풍미, 야시장의 먹거리, 갑자기 쏟아진 소나기, 모두 낭만적으로 기억되는 여행이었다.

즐거운 감상되길 바란다. 감사.

东昌府-中华水上古城聊城市宣传片 Liaocheng Shandong


???? Cheongyang Alps Village, South Korea

This is actually Cheongyang Alps Village in South Korea where they host an Ice Fountain Festival featuring huge snow and ice sculptures and thrilling sledding slopes ❄️

How incredible is this? ????

Get the best flights & hotels 10% off !!!

#travel #travelvlog #traveling #tourism #nature #travelling

The Longest tunnel (from Chuncheon to Yanggu South Korea)

The Youth Cruise at Yanggu County tour. Nagulat kami sa aming nakita.

SPICY Tteokbokki! BEST Korean STREET FOOD at TRADITIONAL Markets in Seoul

My last day in #Seoul and I love going to the #traditional #markets when I'm in South Korea. You can get many things in the markets from clothing, souvenirs, food supplies, and lots of good street foods!

The places I went to:
✧ Gwangjang Market
88 Changgyeonggung-ro, Jongno 4(sa)-ga, Jongno-gu, Seoul, South Korea

✧ Samchang Gyoja
517-34, Sinsa-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul
서울특별시 강남구 강남대로156길 33

✧ Bite Me
517-31, Sinsa-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul
서울특별시 강남구 강남대로156길 39

✧ Ben's Cookies
South Korea, Dosan-daero 11-gil, 33 KR 서울특별시 강남구 신사동 518-10

✧ Namdaemun Market
21 Namdaemunsijang 4-gil, Hoehyeon-dong, Jung-gu, Seoul, South Korea

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◈ Equipment I use for filming◈ :
Sony RX100 Mark V:
Wide Angle Lens:
Camera Mic:
Camera Lights:
Handheld Audio Recorder:

My Favorite Cookware!
Also this pan
Pressure pan
Nonstick pot
♫ Music from: Epidemic Sound

山东十大文化旅游目的地品牌短片 让世界瞩目




《旅遊天下》山东阳谷 寻找美食之旅


法人代表:訾士勇 联系人:陈美华
联系电话:0635-6262109 13563528515
Project of The Canal Town Zhangqiu Tourism Development
1、Project name:Project of The Canal Town Zhangqiu Tourism Development
2、 Project unit:Yanggu county Cultural Radio and Television News and Publication Bureau
Legal representative:Zi Shiyong
Contact person:Chen Meihua
Tel:0635-6262109 13563528515
3、Profile of Project Unit:
Yanggu county Cultural Radio and Television News and Publication Bureau
4、Designed Construction Details and Scale
This project is a canal town tourism comprehensive development project, including Zhangqiu townships and 11 km on both sides of the canal area, alongside Jindi, Jindi river to the south, and the famous JingYangGang tourist area to the west.The concept of theme is to build a comprehensive tourist area taking areaheritage exhibition, tourism, holiday leisure, folk customs, catering entertainment as a body.It can be devided into the following four theme zone: heritage exhibits, wetland leisure resort, business street along the river and the folk garden.
5、Market Prospects Prediction of this Project
Grand canal in Zhangqiu town had been listed as a key river of world cultural heritage, and Jingmen headlock and taillock are listed an a place to apply for world heritage. Since ancient times,Zhangqiu has the Suzhou and Hangzhou in the south;Linqing and Zhangqiu in the north reputation.The town is still keep the Ming and Qing dynasties street layout and architectural style, and has the rich Chinese culture.The ancient canal is the grand canal golden tourist line.
6、Project Investment Budget:The total investment is 630 million yuan.
7、Forcast of Economic Benefits:With comprehensive exploitation and utilization, it is expected that traffic reaches 600,000 person-time, annual revenue is 200 million yuan.,
8、Mode of Cooperation:Joint venture





  每年五一、十一、春节在阳谷景阳冈旅游区举办虎斗牛、虎斗羊、虎斗鸡等民俗表演。   每年五一、十一在狮子楼旅游城内举办各种各样的旅游活动,涉及山东快书、舞狮、斗鸡、扭秧歌等丰富多彩的文娱活动。

【ENG SUB】 [강원도] 국내여행 강원도 가볼만한 곳 철원, 화천, 양구, 인제, 고성 대표 관광지 요약 보고가세요! |


2020년 여행한 강원도 철원, 화천, 양구, 인제 고성의 대표 여행지들입니다

올해도 계속 가보겠습니다~ ㅎㅎ


Dear friends,

This video was taken last June 21, 2020, and it was summer in Korea at that time. My camera was not that good but this video is worth sharing. Hope you like it. Here's a little trivia about Soyang Dam:

Soyang Dam was built last October 1973. It is Asia's largest and the world's fourth-largest rock-fill dam. It stands 123 meters high and 530 meters long and can generate 200,000kW/h of electricity. It serves multiple purposes including flood control, hydroelectric power generation, irrigation, and fishing. It holds 29 million tons of water, which has become Soyangho Lake, Korea's largest man-made lake. Spanning a large area that borders the Gangwon-do cities and districts of Chuncheon, Hongcheon, Yanggu, and Inje, the lake is often referred to as an inland sea. Passenger ferries bound for Yanggu and Inje run along the 60 kilometer-long water route that leads to Seoraksan Mountain.

Copyright Disclaimer:
I do not own the music used in this video. Credits to the rightful owner of the song. No copyright infringement intended.

Music: Wander
Musician: Ikson

Copyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the copyright act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favour of fair use.

You can follow me in my other social media accounts:


Thank you for watching it. Stay tuned.

#soyangdam #largestdaminAsia #manmadelakeinKorea #largestdamintheworld #placetovisitingagwon #placetovisitinchuncheon #chuncheon #gangwonsouthkorea

山东聊城 中国运河文化博物馆

京杭運河兩岸行 山東聊城 江北水城十裏歌

情定聊城 山东省聊城市宣传片



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