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10 Best place to visit in Xiaogan China


Best places to visit

Best places to visit - Xiaogan (China) Best places to visit - Slideshows from all over the world - City trips, nature pictures, etc.

Anlu, Xiaogan, Hubei, China

Anlu City, a county-level city in Hubei Province, is administered by Xiaogan City and is a part of Wuhan City Circle. It is located in the northeast of Hubei Province, with a total area of 1,355 square kilometers. The total registered population is 605,000, and the resident population is 498,400. As of June 2020, Anlu City has 2 streets, 9 towns and 4 townships under its jurisdiction.
In September 1987, Anlu County was abolished and the county-level Anlu City was established. The Han-Dan Railway, Anwei Railway, Wuhan-Wuxi High Speed Railway ( Han-Shi High Speed Railway ), Fuzhou-Yinchuan Expressway ( Han-Shi Expressway ), Xiaochang-Honghu Expressway and National Highway 316 pass through the territory of Anlu.
Anlu City is a national garden city , a district county of revolutionary cultural relics protection and utilization area, and a typical county of national rural innovation and entrepreneurship.

Chinese metropolis of Baoding City: Where Time-Honored Traditions Meet Modernity

Another city with a million people in population and this is China again. We continue the heading the biggest cities in the world.

Aerial China:Jingmen City, Hubei Province湖北省荊門市

Jingmen is a prefecture-level city under the jurisdiction of Hubei Province.
It is an important city in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River.
Central Hubei regional central city, known as Jingchu gateway said.
Located in central Hubei Province, located in the middle and lower reaches of the Han River,
North Xiangyang City and Suizhou City, west Yichang City,
Xiaogan in the east, Jingzhou in the south,
Qianjiang City, Tianmen city bordering
Jingmen City is a famous historical and cultural city in Hubei Province.
During the Xia and Shang Dynasties, Jingmen belonged to Jingzhou.
In the Western Zhou Dynasty, it was divided into the power state and the 鄀 state.
Dangyang County in Han Dynasty, Jingmen County in Tang Dynasty,
Jingmen Army was built in Song Dynasty, Jingmen Mansion was established in Yuan Dynasty.
Jingmen Zhili Prefecture in Qing Dynasty; In 1979, Jingmen County was established.
County-level Jingmen City; In 1983,
Jingmen County and county-level Jingmen City merged into prefecture-level Jingmen City.
Jingmen City is an important node city in the Yangtze River Economic Belt.
With iron, water, public, air, pipe
Five-in-one modern three-dimensional integrated transportation system;
The territory has Jiaoliu, Changjing, Jingsha, Menghua and other railways,
Huonan high-speed railway and Riverside high-speed railway converge here;
Hanjiang Jingmen combined port, Tongjiangda sea; Shanghai-chengdu,
Two wide, with Yue, jujube latent high speed, interweaving;

Best places to visit

Best places to visit - Yingkou (China) Best places to visit - Slideshows from all over the world - City trips, nature pictures, etc.

Aerial China:Xinyang City, Henan Province河南省信陽市

Xinyang City, known in ancient times as Yiyang, Shenju, Gwangju, another name Shencheng,
Prefecture-level cities in Henan Province,
Located at the junction of Hubei, Henan and Anhui provinces,
In southern Henan Province,
Located between the northern foot of Dabie Mountain and the upper reaches of the Huai River,
North Zhumadian City, east Anhui Fuyang City, Lu 'an City,
South of Hubei Province Huanggang City, Suizhou and Xiaogan city,
Nanyang City in the west,
The terrain is high in the south and low in the north, alternating with Gangchuan,
It is a transitional area from subtropical zone to warm temperate zone.
By the end of 2022, Xinyang has jurisdiction over 2 districts and 8 counties.
With a total area of 18,916 square kilometers and a permanent population of 6.166 million,
The urban population was 3.191,500, with an urbanization rate of 51.76%.
In 2022, Xinyang's GDP is 319.623 billion yuan.
At comparable prices, it was up 3.2 per cent year-on-year.
The added value of the primary industry was 59.359 billion yuan, up by 4.0 percent;
The added value of the secondary industry was 111.710 billion yuan, up by 4.2%;
The value added of the tertiary industry was 148.554 billion yuan, up by 2.1%.
The city's three industrial structure is 18.6:34.9:46.5.
The per capita GDP was 51,752 yuan, an increase of 3.8 percent over the previous year.
Xinyang connects the east and west, south and north,
Within a 300 km radius there are Zhengzhou,
Three provincial capitals, Wuhan and Hefei,
It is an important regional integrated transportation hub and modern logistics hub.
Beijing-guangzhou, Beijing-Kowloon, Ningxi railway and Beijing-Guangzhou high-speed railway,
Beijing-hong Kong-Macao, Daguang, Huaigu, Hu-Shan, Huaixin five highways,
G106, G107, G220, G230, G312, G328
Six national highways cross the territory,
Ordinary roads to achieve counties have national roads,
Rural trunk line,
Every village has hardened roads.
Huaihe River Huaibin, Gushi port shipping can reach the sea.
Minggang Airport direct flights to Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou,
Shenzhen, Chongqing, Xi 'an, Kunming, Hangzhou, Chengdu, Haikou and other 17 cities.
The advantages of transportation hubs continue to be prominent,
Formed a coverage of urban and rural areas,
Water, land and air three-dimensional integrated transportation system.

武汉一元早市 了解一座城市 要用脚丈量那里的老街 品味一方水土 须亲身感受彼处的早市 旧日租界百年老街旁的狭窄巷弄间如今物阜民熙 人声鼎沸 藕圆 豆丝 鱼糕 春卷 鲜鱼糊粉 新鲜蔬果 这里应有尽有

湖北省武汉市江岸区一元街道一元路在一战前曾经是德国租界,是该租界内六条垂直于长江的道路中最靠南面的一条,当时名为奥古斯都路(Augusta street)。1917年德租界被中国收回,1926年正式命名为一元路,取“一元复始,万象更新”之意。



#集市 #武汉 #market #ExploringChina漫步中国 #早市 #streetfoodchina #streetmarkets #湖北 #一元路 #天声街 #天声路 #字幕 #字幕付き #subtitles #subtitle #subtitlesavailable #subtitled 日本語字幕付き

拍摄地点:湖北省武汉市江岸区一元街道一元路 天声路 公安路
Music track: Your Story by Piki
No Copyright Background Music

00:00 精彩片段
00:24 公安街
04:58 洪湖藕
07:27 手工麦芽糖
11:05 全家福摊位
13:00 亚麻籽摊位
14:31 现杀现煨鸡汤
18:35 春卷皮
20:25 藕圆
21:58 鲜鱼糊粉
23:30 恩施腊鸡腊肉

【广州漫步粤菜美食】惠州传统茶楼饮早茶|荣记茶楼|水东步行街|惠州海鲜街|惠州西湖公园|Canton Food Tour|Walk in GuangZhou [粤语中文字幕] [subtitle]

#惠州 #dim sum #茶楼

餐厅消费:虾饺 ¥6、干蒸烧卖 ¥6、紫菜卷 ¥6、蒸凤爪 ¥10、糯米饭 6、牛肉丸¥6,二人茶位¥2,消费合计¥46

惠州西湖国家风景名胜区地处广东省东南部惠州市惠城中心区, 由西湖景区和红花湖景区组成,总面积20.91平方公里,其中水域面积3.13平方公里,是以素雅幽深的山水为特征、以历史文化为底蕴、以休闲和观光为主要功能的国家级风景名胜区和国家AAAAA级旅游景区。 其山川秀邃、幽胜曲折、浮洲四起、青山似黛,古色古香的亭台楼阁隐现于树木葱茏之中,景域妙在天成,有“苎萝西子”、“岭南明珠”之美誉,并有“大中国西湖三十六,唯惠州足并杭州” 的史载。历代以苏东坡、李商隐、杨万里、祝枝山、陈尧佐、白玉蟾、梁鼎芬、丘逢甲为代表的400多位文人墨客曾踏足惠州,为西湖留下了宝贵的文化遗产;近代孙中山、周恩来等领导人在惠州从事过革命运动,在西湖留下了光辉的足迹。这些历史古迹和革命胜迹与西湖的青山秀水融为一体,相得益彰
2009年10月22日,祥云挂榜(高榜山)、玉塔微澜(泗洲塔)、西湖苏迹(东坡园·苏堤)、丰渚孝感(丰渚园) 、碧湖书香(丰湖书院)、留丹点翠(点翠洲)等景点被选为“惠州十大名胜”。 


Huizhou West Lake National Scenic Area is located in the central area of ​​Huicheng, Huizhou City, southeastern Guangdong Province. It consists of West Lake Scenic Area and Honghua Lake Scenic Area, with a total area of ​​20.91 square kilometers, of which the water area is 3.13 square kilometers. It is a national-level scenic spot and a national AAAAA-level tourist attraction with history and culture as its foundation and leisure and sightseeing as its main functions. Its mountains and rivers are beautiful, secluded and twisted, floating islands are everywhere, green mountains are like dais, and ancient pavilions and pavilions are hidden in the lush greenery. The Thirty-Six West Lakes in Great China, Only Huizhou and Hangzhou are recorded in the history. Over 400 literati and writers represented by Su Dongpo, Li Shangyin, Yang Wanli, Zhu Zhishan, Chen Yaozuo, Bai Yuchan, Liang Dingfen and Qiu Fengjia have set foot in Huizhou and left valuable cultural heritage for the West Lake. Through the revolutionary movement, it left a glorious footprint in the West Lake. These historical sites and revolutionary sites are integrated with the green mountains and beautiful waters of the West Lake and complement each other.
On October 22, 2009, Xiangyun was listed on the list (Gaobang Mountain), Yuta Weilan (Sizhou Tower), West Lake Suji (Dongpo Garden · Sudi), Fengzhu Xiaogan (Fengzhu Garden), Bihu Shuxiang (Fengzhu Garden) Lake Academy), Liudan Diancui (Diancuizhou) and other scenic spots were selected as Top Ten Scenic Spots in Huizhou. 
On October 30, 2018, according to the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Huizhou West Lake Scenic Area was promoted to a 5A-level scenic spot. With six lakes, nine bridges and eighteen scenes, it has become the second 5A-level scenic spot in Huizhou after Luofu Mountain Scenic Spot.
Huizhou West Lake covers a vast area, with twists and turns on the shore of the lake, dotted with islets on the lake, and surrounded by green mountains on three sides. The widest point of the lake is 4 kilometers from east to west, and the longest from north to south is 6 kilometers. The largest area is 10 square kilometers, and the lake area is about 80 square kilometers. On the lake with vast smoke and waves, the dykes and bridges divide the lake into five parts, known as five lakes and six bridges. Su Dongpo, a great writer of the Northern Song Dynasty, praised Huizhou for its beautiful landscapes. It is a famous 5A-level national scenic spot and tourist attraction in Guangdong. 

Huizhou West Lake Tourism Sign
According to Zhang Youren's Huizhou West Lake Chronicle: During the Eastern Han Dynasty, there were still wolves and tigers living on the lake, and it didn't matter. At that time. The lake area is probably still a grassy depression infested by wolves and tigers. But by the time of Emperor Yuan of the Eastern Jin Dynasty in AD 318, the Longxing Temple was built on the lake (Huizhou Fuzhi), which shows that the lake has been formed in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. In the Tang Dynasty, Kaiyuan Temple was built in Huizhou, and Yu Jing of the Northern Song Dynasty wrote the Record of Kaiyuan Temple to describe the scenery of this area: Chongshan complex mountains, hidden rock valleys, long streams with flags, and lakes and lakes. From these historical records, it can be inferred that Huizhou West Lake probably formed in the historical period after the Eastern Han Dynasty and before the Eastern Jin Dynasty.









Second Wind - Northside
Somnium - Franz Gordon

00:00 Intro
00:11 合江楼
01:31 荣记早茶
09:51 水东街市场
13:14 水东步行街/骑楼街
15:24 惠州西湖
21:51 下集预告
21:47 Ending

xiaogan ,hubei ,china

Best Budget hotels in Xiaogan | Cheap hotels in Xiaogan

Looking for a budget hotel for your upcoming trip in Xiaogan? Look no further! In this video, we'll be taking a closer look at a budget-friendly hotel in Xiaogan that will exceed your expectations without breaking the bank.

1. Jinjiang Inn Pinshang (Xiaogan Changzheng Road Sports Center)

2. Vienna Hotel (Xiaogan Beijing Road)

3. Oriental Hawaii Holiday Hotel

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00:00 Number 3
01:00 Number 2
02:00 Number 1
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Xiaogan Yintai City Upgrade by Cheer Amusement

Cheer Amusement is thrilled to be helping our long-term partner to fully upgrade his playground!
All play activities have been updated and the store has been completely renewed, which includes a slides Combination, Soft Ninja Course, Interactive trampoline, projection game and even more!
Where to go during this winter vacation? Don't hesitate! Xiaogan Yintai City will provide you unlimited happiness and fun for this entire holiday!

Jinyi Hotel Xiaogan

The Jinyi Hotel Xiaogan offers many services including a sauna, conference room(s), a beauty centre and a restaurant serving European, Asian and Italian dishes. In addition to a business centre and a beauty salon, the hotel features a fitness centre, a safe-deposit box and a laundry service. Business travellers will appreciate the quality and range of amenities offered. Guests can take advantage of the available internet access to keep connected while away. If health and wellness is a concern while on the road, you'll be happy to know there's a fitness facility on-site.

Each room is well-equipped to make your stay comfortable and has a TV, a mini bar and cable / satellite channels.

For those travelling by car, parking is provided by the hotel. Wuhan Tianhe International Airport (WUH) is a 70 minute drive from the hotel. Xiaogan town centre is within a 10 minute drive from the hotel.

Beautiful Landscapes & Scenery of Rural Hubei China - My hometown [Small Girl Big World]

I wish to show you the beautiful landscapes and beautiful scenery of my hometown which is located at the rural China. My hometown is situated in Huang Shan Tou(黄山头), Hubei Province, China.

In my rural countryside China hometown, the majestic lake, lush greenery from the farms and exotic trees are the things to see in china. These including others natural attractions in china are the backbone of the beautiful landscapes and scenery of China. These mystical natural scene were main of China's tourist attractions.

Although Huang Shan Tou may not a your China destinations for visit, but this piece of beautiful landscape will make your mouth waterish and longing for a visit to China.

Wuhan Hubei Top 4 Must Visit:

Changsha Hunan China Travel in One Day:

Wuhan Hubei China's two of the most DELICIOUS food I ever tasted:

Zhangjiajie Hunan Heavenly View:

Insanely Delicious Zhangjiajie Hunan Food:

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Video presented by Small Girl Big World

Main Video Camera: Iphone 7 Plus 128 GB

Action Cam: SJCAM SJ4000

Editing Device: Honor 8 64 GB

Selfie and Monopod: Yunteng YT-1288 Selfie Monopod + YT-228 Mini Tripod Stand (Set)

Memory: Sandisk ULTRA 128 GB

Camera Software: Filmic Pro

Editing Software: Kinemaster

★★★ Music ★★★
Desert Sky - Silent Partner
Anvion - Melange | | provided by CopyrightFreeNetwork
A Himitsu - Lost Within:
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

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Please watch: China Museum: Exploring ¥500 Million Wuhan Museum of Science and Technology [Small Girl Big World]




Top 10 Commercial Brands in China with Cheer Amusement

Congratulations to one of the top ten commercial brands in China, a commercial complex located in the Pinyuan. From design, production to installation, the family entertainment center in the mall is proudly built entirely by Cheer Amusement from start to finish. We strictly abide by all safety standards to ensure the smooth completion of the project before opening. It brings exciting climbing walls, high slides, and trampolines to millions of families in Shandong, and we can't wait to see all the fun they will enjoy!

Leishan County, Qiandongnan Prefecture, Guizhou • Xijiang Qianhu Miao Village貴州黔東南州雷山縣•西江千戶苗寨

The Qianhu Miao Village in Xijiang is a place where the primitive ecology culture of the Miao nationality is preserved intact. It is connected by more than 10 natural villages built on the hillside. It is the largest village inhabited by the Miao nationality in China and even in the world. It is a place to appreciate and understand the long history and development of the Miao nationality in China. Xijiang’s annual Miao New Year Festival, Taste Festival, and the 13-year Guzang Festival are all well-known all over the world. Xijiang Qianhu Miao Village is an open-air museum that exhibits an epic of Miao development and has become a place for viewing and studying the traditional Miao culture. Grandstand. There is a well-known Silversmith Village in Xijiang, where the Miao silver ornaments are all handmade and the craftsmanship is of extremely high level.
Xijiang Qianhu Miao Village is located at the foothills of Leigong Mountain in the northeast of Leishan County, Qiandongnan Miao and Dong Autonomous Prefecture, Guizhou Province. It is 36 kilometers away from the county seat, 35 kilometers away from Kaili, the prefectural capital of Qiandongnan Prefecture, and about 200 kilometers away from the provincial capital Guiyang. Connected by more than 10 natural villages built on the mountain, it is the largest village inhabited by the Miao nationality in China and even in the world.
The location of the Qianhu Miao Village in Xijiang is a typical river valley. The clear Baishui River passes through the village. The main body of the Miao Village is located on the slope of the river valley on the northeast side of the river. For thousands of years, the Xijiang Miao compatriots cultivated here at sunrise and at sunset, opening up large terraces in the upper reaches of the Miao Village, forming a farming culture and pastoral scenery.
The Miao buildings in the Qianhu Miao Village in Xijiang are dominated by wooden stilts, with a bucket-shaped Xieshan top structure. There are two types of stilts on flat ground and sloping stilts. Generally, they are three-story four-story three-room structure or five-story four-room structure. The bottom layer is used to store production tools, keep poultry and livestock, store fertilizers or use as toilets. The second floor is used as a living room, hall, bedroom and kitchen. The outer side of the hall has a unique beauty back, called step interest in Miao language. It is mainly used for cooling, embroidering and rest. It is a major feature of Miao architecture. The third layer is mainly used to store grain, feed and other production and living materials. [5] The Xijiang Miao stilt building originated from the southern dry fence architecture of ancient residents. It uses a combination of multiple structures such as rectangles, triangles, and diamonds to form a three-dimensional network system, which is integrated and harmonious with the surrounding green mountains and rivers and pastoral scenery. Unity and complement each other are the living fossils of ancient Chinese residential buildings; it has high aesthetic value in architecture and other aspects. Reflecting the Miao people's national psychology of cherishing land and saving land, it has positive educational significance under the current situation of more people and less land in our country. The congratulatory speeches and the song for the establishment of the house of the Liang Liang have a strong religious culture of the Miao nationality. It is an important carrier of the traditional culture of the Miao nationality.

Aerial China:Ningbo Yinzhou and Sanjiangkou寧波鄞州和三江口

Aerial China:Ningbo Yinzhou and Sanjiangkou 寧波鄞州和三江口

废弃矿坑的魅力 The Charm of Abandoned Mines

这是位于中国湖北孝感市周巷镇的一个废弃矿坑,非常适合摄影创作。This is an abandoned mine located in Zhouxiang Town, Xiaogan City, Hubei, China, which is very suitable for photography creation.

Aerial Photography China 0610 中国无锡

Spring turns to summer. Meanwhile , this wave of infections caused by Omicron virus is almost gone. Cities unlocks, tourists、businessmen、commuters rejuvenate. Our drone filmings are on the way
P.S if you want to see any chinese city's drone videos ,please let us know
We may show it on our next upload!
P.S 如果你想看任何的中国城市航拍视频,请告诉我们. 我们会在下一期的视频中上传,谢谢.

Enshi Grand Canyon of Hubei, China (2017)




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