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10 Best place to visit in Wuxue China


10 Incredible Facts about the Yangtze River // Along the Yangtze Day 10

I traveled along the Yangtze River for 10 days from Chongqing to Shanghai. It was an incredible trip and I learned a lot about the people, the country, and the river. Here are 10 amazing facts about: the world's most populated river, Asia's longest river, and China's most important waterway.

---/// ABOUT ME ---
I live in China and am constantly exploring and traveling the country and other parts of Asia. Subscribe to my channel to watch more adventures... and to learn a bit about food, cultures, and more.

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Eric Reprid (
Produced by Clueless Kit (

Wuhan, Hubei Province in normal times before the Corona Virus

Hubei Province has become known as the province with the Corona virus. However, this province and capitol city of Wuhan is actually a really nice place with many nice people.

Nyainqên Kawagarbo, Deqen, Yunnan Province, China – 神 山 卡 瓦 格

Deqen County 德 欽 縣, Diqing Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture 迪 慶 藏 族 自 治 州 in Yunnan Province 雲 南 省

Diqing is in the northwest of Yunnan and overseas the prefecture-city of Shangri La City 香 格 里 拉 市, or called Zhongdian 中 甸, and 2 counties; namely, Weixi Lisu Autonomous County 维 西 傈 僳 族 自 治 縣, and Deqen or Deqin County.

Deqen has a heritage from the southern Kham 喀 木 or 康 區.

Feilai Si 飛 來 寺 in Deqen County 德 欽 縣

Feilai Si, Naka Zhashi or Trashi Gompa in Tibetan, is 10 km further from Deqen on the National Highway 214. In China, some places are named after their temples and Feilai Si is one of them.

Feilai Si is where we shall see the majestic Kawagarbo 卡 瓦 格 博, which lies between Deqen, and Zogang 左 貢 and Zayu 察 隅 in the Tibet Autonomous Region 西 藏 自 治 區 to the west.

Getting There and Away

The gateway to Feilai Si 飛 來 寺 in Deqen County 德 欽 縣 is Shangri La City 香 格 里 拉 市 or called Zhongdian 中 甸.

The bus trip is a memorable one and reaches the highest point at 4292 m above sea level. I would include this ride with others in a later video to showcase the scenic routes along the Three Parallel Rivers 三 江 併 流 in Yunnan Province 雲 南 省.

Kawagarbo 卡 瓦 格 博, the Sacred Mountain of Tibetan Buddhism

Kawagarbo, Khawa Karpo or Kawagebo, is also known as Meili Snowy Mountain 梅 里 雪 山, a small ridge of the extensive Hengduan Mountain Range 横 斷 山 脉, which runs north-south skirting the eastern edge of the Tibetan Plateau.

Peak at 6740 m, Kawagarbo is said to be second only to Mount Kailash or Kang Rinpoche 岡 仁 波 齊 峰 in the western Tibet Autonomous Region 西 藏 自 治 區, as the most Sacred Mountain of Tibetan Buddhism.

Summit at 6638 m, Mount Kailash is the venerated mountain of 4 religions, namely Bon 苯 教, Buddhism 佛 教, Hinduism 印 度 教, and Jainism 耆 那 教.

The impassable Kawagarbo divides the upper reaches of Nujiang 怒 江 or the Salween River 薩 爾 溫 江 in Burma 緬 甸 or Myanmar, and Lancang Jiang 瀾 滄 江 or the Mekong River 湄 公 河 in Vietnam.


Kawagarbo 卡 瓦 格 博 or Taizi 13 Peaks 太 子 十 三 峰

Kawagarbo is commonly known as Taizi 13 Peaks, where Taizi means Prince. The 13 peaks from south to north are :

1 … Mianzimu Peak 缅 茨 姆 峰 – 6054 m *
2 … Jiawaren-an Peak 吉 娃 仁 安 峰 – 5471 m *
3 … Baowuduji Peak 包 烏 杜 吉 峰 – no record of height
4 … Bujiong Songjie Wuxue Peak 布 迥 松 階 吾 學 峰 – 6000 m *
5 … Wugedong Peak 烏 格 冬 峰 – 6000m
6 … Pabanidingjiuzhao Peak 帕 巴 尼 頂 九 焯 峰 – 5880 m
7 … Badui Peak 八 堆 頂 峰 – 5157 m
8 … Kawagarbo Summit 卡 瓦 格 博 峰 – 6740 m *
9 … Shuolazanguimianbu Peak 說 拉 赞 歸 面 布 峰 – 5295 m
10 ... Zhandiwuxiu Peak 沾 迪 吾 修 峰 – 6365 m
11 … Nairidingka Peak 奶 日 頂 卡 峰 – 6379 m *
12 … Cuguilaka 粗 歸 腊 卡 – 5993 m
13 … Mangkuanglaka 芒 框 腊 卡 – 6400 m

* denotes those peaks that can be clearly identified in the video


Mingyong Glacier 明 永 冰 川 – the lowest Glacier in China

From the summit of Kawagarbo 卡 瓦 格 博 at 6740 m, the Glacier runs a 12 km course down to below 2000 m and is exposed to monsoon weather with unstable snow condition that makes climbing almost impossible.

An avalanche on 3 Jan 1991 claimed 17 life of a joint-expedition by the Japanese and Chinese at an altitude of 5100 m.

No one has succeeded climbing Kawagarbo.

Today, climbing is banned.

According to traditional belief, any mortal reaching the summit would anger God, who would withdraw the blessing and disasters would come.



In het gebied rond Sanjiang in de autonome region Guangxi in Zuid-China wonen o.a. de Dong (etnische bevolkingsgroep). Zij zijn meesters in houtbouw. Speciaal wind & regenbruggen en drum torens. We wandelen door het dorp BoAo en omgeving en zien het traditionele dorpsleven van alle dag.

助け合い×自転車世界世界一周 in タクラマカン砂漠  河原啓一郎(Chinese編)

Around the world by bike.& volunteer

河原啓一郎(keiichiro kawahara) Japan



Documentary TV

sina weibo

tencent weibo

How to work in younan(یو نان )

How to work in younan .younan mein perdasi log sabzi ka kam kerty ab goda ja rha hai or baad mein pani lgaya ja

【What is MENTAI?】Mentai Park & Picking Mandarin Orange Shizuoka Japan


※This video was taken November 2020

自転車旅行カナダ編:ロッキーマウンテン|Adventure Cycling in CANADA. What a beautiful country!!!


It is a recorded image that started in Vancouver, Canada on June 10, 2014, crossed Rocky Mountain and reached Calgary.
Without processing, I just connected what I took.


世界一周自転車盗難事件 心のリレー 中国武漢




Glimpse of Padma bridge construction project.

Glimpse of Padma bridge construction project. Taken on 20 July, 2016. The Padma Bridge is a multipurpose road-rail bridge across the Padma River to be constructed in Bangladesh. It will connect Louhajong, Munshiganj to Shariatpur and Madaripur, linking the south-west of the country, to northern and eastern regions. Padma Bridge is the most challenging construction project in the history of Bangladesh. The two-level steel truss bridge will carry a four-lane highway on the upper level and a single track railway on a lower level. With 150 m span, 6150 m total length and 18.10 m width it is going to be the largest bridge in the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna river basins of country in terms of both span and the total length.

The bridge will contribute significantly towards facilitating the social, economic and industrial development of this relatively underdeveloped region with a population of over 30 million. The area of influence of the direct benefit of the project is about 44,000 km2 or 29% of the total area of Bangladesh. Therefore, the project is viewed as very important infrastructure towards improving the transportation network and regional economic development of the country. The bridge has provisions for rail, gas, electric line and fibre optic cable for future expansion. Padma Bridge, when commissioned, will boost the GDP by as much as 1.2 percent.

TARO on the [Long Way Home] Turkey part 1

ユーラシア大陸往復自転車旅。動画投稿はポーランドからスタート。 Hongkong→London→JAPAN I'm on the way back home.Videos started from Poland.
林原太郎 自転車 ユーラシア アジア ヨーロッパ 横断 縦断 海外 ビデオ ムービー 世界一周 チャリダー 旅 峠 サイクリング ちゃりんこ 黒海 ポーランド チェコ スロバキア ハンガリー ブルガリア トルコ シルクロード グルジア アルメニア イラン Long Way Home Taro Hayashibara videos Japan Eurasia Europe Asia around world bike bicycle tour touring trial accident motivation mountain road cycling journey who's now channel Poland Czech Slovakia Hungary Serbia Danube Bulgaria Turkey Black Sea Silk road Georgia Armenia Iran

自転車世界一周 皆の国にもいつか兄貴がやってくる~




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