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10 Best place to visit in Vranje Serbia


Serbia Travel Guide - Top 10 Places To Visit ! (2020)

One of the most beautiful and diverse countries to visit in Europe, Serbia seems to have it all. From lively urban attractions, to calm and peaceful towns and villages, Serbia, is well-worth a visit. Watch the Serbia travel guide and take a look at the Top 10 places to visit in Serbia.

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Serbia,Serbia travel,Serbia travel guide,Serbia travel vlog,Serbia tourism,top 10 places to visit in Serbia,Serbia places to visit,Travel and tourism.

VRANJE ???????? - The Most UNDERRATED Town In Serbia? - Summer Vlog 2021 #2

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Because my family is originally from the Southeast of Serbia, I naturally spend most of my vacations there. One of the major places in Southeastern Serbia is Vranje, a town with just shy over 50,000 inhabitants. It is a rather undervisited town and not well known internationally, but with this video I want to show you that even a rather unknown place is worth checking out for a few hours. Would you like to see what Vranje has to offer? Check the video out!

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Ikson - Good

Ikson - Okay

KINGS - Pagoto / Παγωτό

#serbia #vranje #srbija

[2023] We ranked Serbia's Top 10 beaches: From hidden gems to world-famous shores

10 Best #beach in #Serbia #travel

Looking for the ultimate beach vacation? Look no further than Serbia! In this video, we will unveil the top 10 beaches in Serbia that you must visit. From stunning landscapes to crystal clear waters, Serbia's beaches have it all. We'll explore each beach in detail and give you insider tips on what to do and see. Whether you're a beach bum or just looking for a relaxing getaway, this video is for you. Join us as we take you on a virtual journey to Serbia's top 10 beaches.

0:10 Ada Ciganlija
Located in the heart of Belgrade, Ada Ciganlija is a popular destination for locals and tourists alike. This man-made island on the Sava River features a long, sandy beach, several restaurants, cafes, and bars, and plenty of activities such as water sports, cycling, and jogging.

0:25 Silver Lake
Located in the east of Serbia, Silver Lake is a picturesque spot with crystal clear water and sandy beaches. The lake is surrounded by lush greenery and is a popular destination for swimming, boating, and fishing.

0:40 Lido Beach
Situated on the banks of the Danube River, Lido Beach is a popular destination for families with children. The beach has several swimming pools, water slides, and play areas for children, as well as plenty of cafes and restaurants.

0:55 Borsko Lake
Located in the Bor region, Borsko Lake is a man-made lake that offers plenty of recreational activities such as swimming, boating, and fishing. The lake is surrounded by lush greenery and is a popular spot for camping.

1:10 Srebrno Jezero
Srebrno Jezero is a large lake located in the south of Serbia, close to the city of Vranje. The lake is surrounded by green hills and has several small, secluded beaches that are perfect for swimming and sunbathing.

1:25 Tresetiste Beach
Tresetiste Beach is a hidden gem located in the central part of Serbia. The beach is surrounded by thick forests and is perfect for those looking for a secluded spot to swim and sunbathe.

1:40 Donji Milanovac Beach
Located on the banks of the Danube River, Donji Milanovac Beach is a popular spot for swimming and sunbathing. The beach has several cafes and restaurants and offers stunning views of the Danube Gorge.

1:55 Vlasina Lake
Vlasina Lake is a large, man-made lake located in the southeast of Serbia. The lake is surrounded by lush greenery and has several sandy beaches that are perfect for swimming and sunbathing.

2:10 Sava Lake
Sava Lake is a small, man-made lake located in the outskirts of Belgrade. The lake has several small beaches that are perfect for swimming and sunbathing, as well as several cafes and restaurants.

2:25 Krupajsko Vrelo
Krupajsko Vrelo is a natural spring located in the central part of Serbia. The spring feeds several small streams and waterfalls, and the surrounding area is perfect for swimming and sunbathing.

VRANJE - Unity Of The Old And The New (Serbia)

All day in small, but interesting town in Serbia....Vranje.

Belgrade TOP 10 Things To Do In Belgrade Serbia

In this video, we travel to Belgrade Serbia to tour the best things to do in this incredible location. Belgrade is a capital city hence the wide variety of activities for you to enjoy. Whether you travel to Belgrade solo, with family, friends, or with your partner, you won't be disappointed with what you find. If you're planning on traveling to Belgrade Serbia, be sure to visit the top 10 spots mentioned in this video.

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0:00 Introduction


Where to go when you come to Serbia / Explore Serbia #vidisrbiju

Did you know that Serbia was first mentioned by the Greeks in the 10th century? Probably not, but what we know for sure is that Serbia is full of beautiful places. Each place has its own legend and long history.

Explore Serbia in 2017
It is time to learn something new and get familiar with this amazing and rich country. First check out photos of a few sights that will make you wanna go to Serbia right now!

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Врање, Бујановац 52 - викенда у Србији | Vranje, Bujanovac 52 - vikenda u Srbiji

| | |

Чувени књижевник Бора Станковић, аутор „Коштане“ и „Нечисте крви“, открио је Србији до тада непознати свет Врања. После смрти родитеља, остао је да живи са очевом мајком баба Златом. Од ње је чуо велики број прича и песама и наследио њен приповедачки дар. Такође, баба Злата је лепо певала и без ње се није могло замислити ниједно весеље, где је увек водила Бору, који је тако упијао дух града. Родна кућа знаменитог књижевника налази се у улици која данас носи баба Златино име.

Врањски мелос прославиле су песме из „Коштане“: „Да знајеш, моме, мори“, „Русе косе, цуро, имаш“, „Отвори ми, бело Ленче“... Уз врањске песме и чочек, посебност поднебља су изврсни народни трубачки оркестри.

У старим конацима Раиф-бега Џинића (1765), у здању његовог раскошног харемлука, данас се налази пословни клуб са чувеним рестораном. Компанија „Симпо“ је обновила то здање, сачувавши аутентични изглед харема.

Легенда каже да је муслиманку Ајшу која се заљубила у пастира Стојана грешком убио њен гневни
отац. Када је схватио шта је починио, наредио је да се на месту Ајшиног и Стојановог страдања сазида нови мост и да се уклешу речи: „Проклет био онај који раздваја оне које љубав спаја.“

Најзанимљивији догађаји:
* Дани Врања, септембар, Врање
* Борина недеља, март, Врање
* Борини позоришни дани, октобар, Врање
*Међународни фестивал фолклора Коло Бујановац, јул, Бујановац

ТО Врање,
СБ Бујановачка Бања,

Čuveni književnik Bora Stanković, autor „Koštane“ i „Nečiste krvi“, otkrio je Srbiji do tada nepoznati svet Vranja. Posle smrti roditelja, ostao je da živi sa očevom majkom baba Zlatom. Od nje je čuo veliki broj priča i pesama i nasledio njen pripovedački dar. Takođe, baba Zlata je lepo pevala i bez nje se nije moglo zamisliti nijedno veselje, gde je uvek vodila Boru, koji je tako upijao duh grada. Rodna kuća znamenitog književnika nalazi se u ulici koja danas nosi baba Zlatino ime.

Vranjski melos proslavile su pesme iz „Koštane“: „Da znaješ, mome, mori“, „Ruse kose, curo, imaš“, „Otvori mi, belo Lenče“... Uz vranjske pesme i čoček, posebnost podneblja su izvrsni narodni trubački orkestri.

U starim konacima Raif-bega Džinića (1765), u zdanju njegovog raskošnog haremluka, danas se nalazi poslovni klub sa čuvenim restoranom. Kompanija „Simpo“ je obnovila to zdanje, sačuvavši autentični izgled harema.

Legenda kaže da je muslimanku Ajšu koja se zaljubila u pastira Stojana greškom ubio njen gnevni
otac. Kada je shvatio šta je počinio, naredio je da se na mestu Ajšinog i Stojanovog stradanja sazida novi most i da se uklešu reči: „Proklet bio onaj koji razdvaja one koje ljubav spaja.“

Najzanimljiviji događaji:
* Dani Vranja, septembar, Vranje
* Borina nedelja, mart, Vranje
* Borini pozorišni dani, oktobar, Vranje
*Međunarodni festival folklora Kolo Bujanovac, jul, Bujanovac

TO Vranje,
SB Bujanovačka Banja,

Moja lepa Srbija VRANJE najava

„Moja lepa Srbija“ – 1. program RTS-a, premijera četvrtkom u 10:30,
repriza subotom na 2. programu RTS-a u 12:40 (varira od 12:30 do 13:00 h)
Poznati su po karasevdahu. Nije dovoljno samo da ih muzika u srce dirne, razgali i digne na noge. Džaba sve ako bar jedna čaša ne završi na podu. Neko se vesili da bi ga drugi videli, a oni se vesele zbog veselja. Kad južnjačka krv uzavri, kreće i nadmetanje s orkestarom ko će duže da izdrži na nogama. Na slatkim mukama su i jedni i drugi. U bilo kom drugom kraju u Srbiji, verovatno, bi prvi posustali pevač i trubači, ali ovde je to nemoguće. U gradu Bakije Bakića, Milana i Nenada Mladenovića, Ekrema Mamutovića, Staniše Stošića, Ivane Tasić, Čedomira Markovića pesma je više od pesme i igra je više od igre. To je zato što su Vranjanci čudna sorta. Meraklije su . Vole dert. Tvde da njihova truba može da zvuči kao viloina, a da pručka kojom se udara u goč utepuje na mesto i diza iz mrtvi. Vranjanci smatraju ako t'd ne pukneš, nisi se veselija.
Svoj dijalekt ne dovode u pitanje, iako ih na severu Srbije jedva razumeju. Pričaju brzo, koriste tri padeža, jedan akcenat, a ipak tvrde da im je govor do perfekcije tačan. Postave vam pitanje: Spaja li si sas Jovana il Jovanu? Ako im odgovorite književnim jezikom, a ne po vranjanski, kažu da ih dovodite u zabludu jer odgovor Spavao sam sa Jovanom ne razjašnjava dilemu jeste li spavali sa ženom ili muškarcem. I dok vam ovo ozbiljno objašnjavaju, shvatate kolike su šaljivdžije ti Vranjanci. Zato se između sebe jedino i poznaju po nadimcima.
Ako ste novajlija u gradu, po imenu i prezimenu, teško da ćete naći onog koga tražite. Jedni su Grkljanci, dugi Crevarci, treći Marganci. Jednom Vranjancu mangupi su tako dali nadimak Neslana tarana. Žena napravila jelo, zaboravila da ga posoli i tako ga iznela pred majstore. Od tada joj muža prozvali Neslana tarana. Nadenuće oni nadimak i vama ako se neslano našalite na njihov račun.
Pogledajte serijal o Vranju koji kreće od 15. oktobra 2015. godine u 10. 30 na prvom programu RTS-a.

Top 15 Things To Do In Smederevo, Serbia

Cheapest Hotels To Stay In Smederevo -
Cheap Airline Tickets -
Here are top 15 things to do in Smederevo, Serbia
All photos belong to their rightful owners. Credit next to name.

1. Museum of Smederevo -
2. Zgrada Okružnog Suda -
3. Church of St George - Valery Shanin / shutterstock
4. Zgrada Opštinskog Doma -
5. Karađorđev Dud -
6. Smederevo Fortress -
7. Deliblato Sands - Mateja Beljan / shutterstock
8. Crkva Uspenja Presvete Bogorodice -
9. Ulica Kralja Petra I -
10. Dunavski Kej - Milos Todorovic / shutterstock
11. Vila “Zlatni Breg” -
12. Smederevska Jesen -
13. Smederevo Wine - Valery Shanin / shutterstock
14. Danube Cruises - dragi52 / shutterstock

15. Day Trips - Foto011 / shutterstock

For business inquiries contact us at:

Smederevo,Smederevo serbia,Smederevo tour,Smederevo tourist,Smederevo guide,Smederevo attractions, visit Smederevo,travel Smederevo, things to do in Smederevo, places to visit in Smederevo, Smederevo holiday,Smederevo hotels,

10 Beautiful Restaurants in Macedonia | 10 Prekrasni Restorani vo Makedonija

10 Beautiful Restaurants in Macedonia
10 Prekrasni Restorani vo Makedonija

???? 10 Ubavi Restorani vo Makedonija
???? Etno restorani vo Makedonija
???? Ribni restorani vo Makedonija
???? Najubavi restorani vo Makedonija
???? Ubavi restorani vo Makedonija
???? Restorani vo priroda Makedonija
????10 Makedonski Avtenticni Restorani

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✅ Video delovi | Видео делови:
00:00 Pocetok | Почеток
00:13 Najava
01:03 Restoran Kujka na Mijacite
03:14 Hotel & Restoran Tutto - Jance
04:32 Restoran Na Valajci - Slosestica
05:54 Riben restoran Belica - Makedonski Brod
06:45 Nacionalen restoran Gorna kuka - Slepce
07:57 Etno restoran Kuklica
08:47 Etno restoran Kaj mostot - Zovic
09:39 Riben restoran Nezilovo
11:02 Restoran Babino
12:30 Etno Restoran Topila - Gari
13:09 Kraj

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☎️ Kontakt od restoranite prikazani vo ova video:
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1.Restoran Kujka na Mijacite:
2.Hotel & Restoran Tutto - Jance:
3.Restoran Na Valajci - Slosestica:
4.Riben restoran Belica - Makedonski Brod:
5.Nacionalen restoran Gorna kuka - Slepce:
6.Etno restoran Kuklica:
7.Etno restoran Kaj mostot - Zovic:
8.Riben restoran Nezilovo:
9.Restoran Babino:
10.Etno Restoran Topila - Gari:

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???? Most beautiful Macedonian villages:

???? Macedonian villages:

???? Places to visit in Macedonia:

???? Mountain villages in Macedonia:

✅ Za nas:
✔️ Makedonija se naoga vo centralniot del na Balkanski poluostrov, pravejki ja most koj gi povrzuval istokot i zapadot so vekovite.
✔️ Za Makedonija so pravo se veli deka e srceto na Balkanot.
✔️ Nasa cel e da gi promovirame nejzinite ubavini.

✅ За нас:
✔️ Македонија се во централниот дел на Балканскиот полуостров, правејќи ја мост кој ги поврзувал истокот и западот со векови.
✔️ За Македонија со право се вели дека е срцето на Балканот.
✔️ Нашата цел е да ги промовираме нејзините убавини

✅ Нашето мото:
Тоа што не можете да го замислите, можете да го откриете.
✅ Nasheto moto:
Toa sto ne mozete da go zamislite, mozete da go otkriete.

???? Уживајте во нашите патописи
???? Uzivajte vo nasite patopisi

✅ Oprema za snimanje na ova video:
✅ Опрема за снимање на ова видео:
Camera: Cannon EOS 250D
Drone DJ Mavic
Editing software: Adobe Premiere Pro CC and After Effects

✅ Video tags:
discover macedonia,macedonia,makedonija,etno restorani vo makedonija,najubavi restorani vo makedonija,restorani vo priroda makedonija,planinski restorani makedonija,severna makedonija,best restaurants in north macedonia,restorani u makedonija,restaurants north macedonia,македонија,restaurant in north macedonia,Tradicionalna Makedonska Hrana,10 Prekrasni Restorani vo Makedonija,Traditional Macedonian Food,10 BEAUTIFUL RESTAURANTS IN MACEDONIA,macedonian food

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Best Hotels In Vranje Serbia (Best Affordable & Luxury Options)

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Best Car Rental Service When Traveling ????
Best Hotel & Flight Cashbacks For Just $4 ????
Check Out The Best Hotel Bookings, Flight Bookings & Travel Car Rental Services ⬆️
Travel Blueprint is the best go-to place to find the best hotels in some of the most popular and most beautiful places in the world.
These Hotels, Flights, Travel Attractions & Car Rentals are definitely the best options if you're considering traveling ✈️

0:00 - Welcome To Travel Blueprint!
0:07 - First Hotel (In The City)
0:24 - Second Hotel (In The City)
0:43 - Third Hotel (Popular Hotel In Country)
1:01 - Forth Hotel (Hotel In Nearby City)
1:18 - Fifth Hotel (Hotel In Nearby City)
1:34 - Last Hotel (Hotel In Nearby City)
1:51 - Book Your Hotel & Flight Below!
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Best Hotel & Flight Cashbacks For Just $4 ????
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Restaurants in Vranje, Serbia

Have a really tasty meal again, in a good restaurant or eatery nearby. Enjoy a great dinner with near Vranje. Whether gourmet, fast food or a romantic candlelight dinner, you will find something suitable here.

Here you can find Restaurants in Vranje, Serbia:
1) Restoran Morava
Kralja Stefana Prvovenčanog 166, Vranje 17500
017 414444

2) Restoran STARI BUNAR Vranje
RS, 17500, Save Kovačevića 21, Vranje 17500
064 4468123

3) Kafana kod Zumbera
Kajmakčalanska, Vranje
069 3521537

4) Simple Caffe&restaurant
063 480198

5) La Famiglia
Kolubarska 29, Vranje
061 3253250

6) Aleksandrija
33 NEMANJINA, 17000, Vranje, Pcinjski county
064 1662541

7) Restoran DVOR Vranje
Save Kovačevića 46, Vranje 17501
062 330090

8) Restoran ,, KOD DEKU NA RUCAK'' Vranje
Kolubarska 39, Vranje
017 7400444

9) Gradska Meana
Jovana Hadživasiljevića 33, Vranje
069 724066

10) Leon Food
Београдска 19, Vranje 17500
064 8877559

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Top 15 Things To Do In Leskovac, Serbia

Cheapest Hotels To Stay In Leskovac -
Cheap Airline Tickets -
Here are top 15 things to do in Leskovac, Serbia
All photos belong to their rightful owners. Credit next to name.

1. Kukavica - Jovana Nesic / shutterstock
2. National Museum -
3. Justiniana Prima - Izabela Miszczak / shutterstock
4. Pašina Česma -
5. Hisar -
6. Leskovac Grill Festival - eivanov / shutterstock
7. Šop-Đokić House -
8. Sijarinska Banja -
9. Odžaklija -
10. Memorial House of Kosta Stamenković -
11.Summer Leskovac -
12. Cathedral Church -
13. Visit a Kafana -
14. Vlasina Lake - janus13 / shutterstock

15. Food and Drink - Igor Dutina / shutterstock

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leskovac,leskovac serbia,leskovac tour,leskovac tourist,leskovac guide,leskovac attractions, visit leskovac, travel leskovac, things to do in leskovac, places to visit in leskovac, leskovac hotels,leskovac holiday

Hotel Royal Putnik, Vranje, Serbia

Hotel Royal Putnik, Vranje, Serbia
About Property:
You're eligible for a Genius discount at Hotel Royal Putnik! To save at this property, all you have to do is sign in.
Set in Vranje, 48 km from Klokot Thermal Spa, Hotel Royal Putnik offers accommodation with a restaurant, free private parking, a fitness centre and a bar. Each accommodation at the 4-star hotel has city views, and guests can enjoy access to a shared lounge and to a garden. The accommodation provides a 24-hour ...
Booking or More Details:
Property Type: Hotel
Address: Bulevar AVNOJ-a Todora Španca bb, 17500 Vranje, Serbia
Searching For
1. Hotel Royal Putnik - Vranje - Serbia
2. Hotel Royal Putnik - Vranje - Serbia Address
3. Hotel Royal Putnik - Vranje - Serbia Rooms
4. Hotel Royal Putnik - Vranje - Serbia Amenities
5. Hotel Royal Putnik - Vranje - Serbia Offers and Deals
Audio Credit:
Track Title: Blank Slate
Artist: VYEN
* This video is not sponsored.
* The photos shown in this video are not owned by Travel Suggestions.
Copyright issue? Please contact us and for getting more information you can find contact details on the about us page of the channel.
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#TravelSuggestions #HotelRoyalPutnikVranje #HotelRoyalPutnikVranjeSerbia

VRANJE ???????? Врање Drone Aerial 4K дрон | Serbia Србија Београд

Vranje or Врање is a city in a mountainous region of Southern Serbia. Vranje is the centre of the Pčinja District and has a population of 75,000. In the metropolitan area of Orange at least 55,000 people live. Some highlights of Vranje are the National Museum, the Courthouse, the Markovo Kale Fortress, the County Building, the Prohor of Pčinja Monastery and the White Bridge.

Music by Zach Sprowls 'All Beginnings Are Hard', 'I Thought I Knew' and 'Shiver'.


Copyrights Information:
We own the commercial copyrights of the footage. It is not allowed to download the video or to use excerpts from it. Please contact us if you want the license the original footage

From Berlin, Germany to Vranje in Serbia. My Thoughts About the City

Recently I decided to visit my village in Serbia, and one of the stops on my way was Vranje. I am familiar with the place since I had to visit it several times in my life, but this time I decided to share my thoughts about this city.


The Beautiful Nature of Serbia - Vranje area / Прелепа природа Србије - околина Врања

Околина Врања, село Корбевац

Belgrade - Europe's Best Kept Secret!

We spent 10 days exploring Belgrade, Serbia and we think it is a city that everyone will enjoy! Belgrade has proved to be one of our favorite cities for so many reasons- it's inexpensive, Serbian food is delicious but Belgrade also has many modern western restaurants as well, the nightlife is WILD, and again- it's INCREDIBLY affordable!!!

Want to support the channel? You can buy us a coffee and we will personally thank you in a future video.

If you’re new here, WELCOME FRIEND!!!!! We are Evan and Lemon. In January 2022 we quit our jobs in the restaurant/bar industry to live out our dreams and travel for a year! We are currently exploring the Balkans and Eastern Europe. Please hit the subscribe button and give the video a thumbs up- it’s free and we appreciate it more than you know. We look forward to sharing our adventures with y’all and hope it inspires you to live out your travel dreams too!

Want to know how we saved enough money to travel for a year? Check out our blog on our website.

Music provided by Epidemic sound

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Intro art by

Serbia (Vranje) - Greece (Lefkada) - x12

Driving from Serbia (city of Vranje) through FYROM to Lefkada island in Greece.


Music provided by FreeSongsToUse.
Track: JJD & Marin Hoxha - Lift

Track: Trixtor - Another Galaxy

Track: BassBears & Midnight Wolves ft. Matt Felix - Voices

Track: JOA Mabeha - Skyward

Track: Trixtor - Just This Once

Track: Lumian - Wildlife

Track: Ampyx - Starsurge

Track: Trixtor - Intergalactic

Track: Marco B. - Electus (feat. Amore Jones)

Track: NaNa Marin Hoxha - OK

Track: Defqwop - Into the Ether

Track: The Last - To The Future

Spring 2023 - Vranje Camping Enigma - Southern Serbia - Close to North Macedonia - Close to Kosovo

Last November I made another video about this lovely Campsite situated at the Highway through Serbia which connects through North Macedonia with Greece. It is a great place for staying a night and resting, and it even a greater place for spending a few days, or even a week. I would even stay longer. I wanted to put this second video out there because I learned from the owners that my video was watched and led people coming to this place. So I am doing it again, because this place is lovely, but even more the owning family is. You will be treated as a guest, with an incredibly warm friendliness. And, this place is also affordable, very affordable. Please don't hesitate to tip if you feel you were treated well. We all can afford this, and this place is a living for a wonderful young family.



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