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10 Best place to visit in Soresina Italy


Soresina to Soncino cycling tour | YI Plus | DJI OSMO | Italy

Soresina to Soncino (Sunsi) via (Genivolta, VillaCampagna)
Yi 4k plus 1080p 60 FPS (chest mount)
DJI osmo 1080o 60 FPS (Handheld)
Soncino Castello ticket price 4 euro.

Total Trip 35 km in 2 hours 10 minutes.
Temp 4 - 6 degree

Best places to visit

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How One Of Italy's Rarest, Most Expensive Cheeses Is Made | Regional Eats

Caciocavallo cheese is one of the most popular cheeses in Italy and is famous for its signature elongated shape. In the caciocavallo family, there is one kind that is so rare that at times it can be even more expensive than the finest of Parmesans: caciocavallo Podolico. This special type of caciocavallo is made with the raw milk of Podolica cattle, a rare breed of cattle confined to a few areas where water is scarce and survival is difficult. One of these is the Gargano, a peninsula whose close proximity to the sea gives Podolica cows’ milk a rich, earthy flavor. This milk,in combination with how the cheese is aged, lends a salty, sharp, almost spicy flavor to the finished product. Virginio Frumenzio, a full-time livestock breeder and part-time cheesemaker, shares the story of this incredible cheese with us.

How Ricotta Cheese Is Made In Italy | Regional Eats

How Brie De Meaux Cheese Is Made In France | Regional Eats

Why Traditional English Cheddar Is Aged In Caves | Regional Eats


#Caciocavallo #Cheese #FoodInsider

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How One Of Italy's Rarest, Most Expensive Cheeses Is Made

Treviglio (BG)

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Today is a Cycling ????‍♀️ day in my community. Some groups of cyclists are cycling round the whole Italy, today they’re passing through my City.

The Residents in my City all came out in mass to cheer them up and bid them farewell to the next City they will be cycling ????‍♀️.

Thanks ???? for watching, like, comment and share. Subscribe to my channel for more interesting videos, love ❤️ you’ll bye ????


Una piccola pillola di Piemonte: il Santuario della Beata Vergine del Pilone. Lo conoscevate? Non si tratta naturalmente di una meta turistica, tutt'altro, ma in passato era uno dei più importanti santuari del Piemonte! Pensate che fu meta di pellegrinaggio del Principe Emanuele Filiberto di Savoia, del Conte di Scalenghe e molti altri volti più o meno noti.
● Fotocamera Panasonic Lumix GX80:
● Gopro 8 Black:
● Treppiede portatile:
● ThruNite® TC12 V2 torcia ricaricabile a LED:
● Pannello luminoso LED
● Drone Goolsky FIMI A3 con telecamera 1080p e telecomando LCD
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Grazie per la vostra visita, da Albyphoto.

Welcome to Lentini (Sicily)

Welcome to Lentini (Sicily)

STAZIONE DI NOVE 04-1997 [URBEX ITALIA] prima dell'elettrificazione

La stazione di Nove venne attivata il 24 settembre 1938, come parte della nuova linea da Vittorio Veneto a Ponte nelle Alpi, originalmente chiamata Lago Morto, assunse in seguito il nome del vicino paese. Con l'attivazione del sistema di controllo CTC a fine anni '80, venne trasformata in fermata impresenziata. Negli anni il numero dei passeggeri andò diminuendo drasticamente, anche per via del ridotto numero di abitanti del paese, tanto che negli ultimi anni di esercizio, contava meno di un passeggero al giorno, venne perciò dismessa il 31 maggio 2011.
Vedi anche:
La ferrovia Conegliano-Ponte nelle Alpi:
Da Stazione per L'Alpago a Ponte nelle Alpi in treno:
Stazione di Santa Croce del Lago:

La estación de Nove se activó el 24 de septiembre de 1938, como parte de la nueva línea de Vittorio Veneto a Ponte nelle Alpi, originalmente llamada Lago Muerto, luego asumió el nombre del pueblo cercano. Con la activación del sistema de control CTC a finales de los 80, se transformó en una parada desatendida. Con el paso de los años, el número de pasajeros disminuyó drásticamente, también por el escaso número de habitantes de la localidad, tanto que en los últimos años de operación contaba con menos de un pasajero al día, por lo que fue cerrada el 31 de mayo de 2011.
Ver también:
El ferrocarril Conegliano-Ponte nelle Alpi:
De Estación per L'Alpago hasta Ponte nelle Alpi en tren:
Estación de Santa Croce del Lago:

Castles in the Province of Pavia

In questo video viene proposto un tour per visitare alcuni dei castelli meglio conservati, sparsi nella Provincia di Pavia. Un itinerario che racconta la storia di questo territorio, punteggiato di castelli e fortezze, che vi porterà dall'antica città di Pavia attraverso un paesaggio variegato, alle colline dell'Oltrepò Pavese fino alle risaie della Lomellina.
Alcune riprese sono state effettuate in occasione delle seguenti pubbliche manifestazioni e rievocazioni storiche:
- Palio del Ticino 2015/2016 - Pavia;
- Giornate Medievali al Castello Dal Verme 2018 - Zavattarello;
- La grande festa Longobarda per le nozze di Teodolinda 2018 – Lomello.

In this video is proposed a tour to visit some of the best preserved castles, scattered in the Province of Pavia. An itinerary , which tells the story of this territory, dotted with castles and fortresses, which will lead you from the ancient city of Pavia through a varied landscape, to the hills of the Oltrepò Pavese up to ricefields of the Lomellina.
Music: Grégoire Lourme - Four Elements (Epic)


Beautiful apartment for sale in are Zona CORSO VERCELLI. Located on Milan CITY CENTER'S best residential area. This UPSCALE apartment is 110 square meters (1,184 square feet) featuring 2 bedrooms, 1 full bathroom, yard and storage. Second bathroom available. For more info please visit:

Soresina luogo di incontri.flv

Dvd turistico della città di Soresina (Cr), luogo da visitare per i suoi tesori monumentali, architettonici, e sacri. Città viva, ricca di iniziative d'intrattenimento e di feste enogastonomiche e culturali del territorio, non mancano ciclabili per visitare i luoghi verdi e suggestivi.
Visitare Soresina vi allieterà la giornata !




Osteria de l'Umbreleer , a local historically located on the lower lowland plain, 12 km from Cremona on the road to Mantua. The Luccini family has always managed this restaurant, we are now fourth generation. Their gastronomic proposal is still very rooted in the area, from pork or goose salami to omelettes and gardener prepared by Rina mum, to stuffed pasta like broccoli marubin or pumpkin tortelli, donkey bunny, bracelet at Barolo, boiled and cotechini, grilled meats.

Address: Via Mazzini, 13, 26030 Cicognolo CR, Italy
Phone: +39 0372 830509

Copyright © Osteria L’umbreler

Music by:

Local Traveller
By Willo’s Worlds
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Cosa vedere a Vigevano in 4K

Cosa vedere a Vigevano in 4K
Luoghi d'interesse di Vigevano, la città con una delle piazze più belle d'Italia.

Gita in giornata da Milano a Vigevano
#vigevano #italy

Tower Of Cremona | Torrazzo | Aerial View | Cremona | Italy

Torrazzo di Cremona is the tallest Bricks tower in Europe with a total height of 112 meters. It is a bell tower of Cathedral of Cremona.
Ticket price : 5 euro

DJI OSMO 1080P 60 FPS colour settings: None
Video Editing: Filmora.
No colour enhancing.

Tour with Me: In Perugia, Don't Miss the Antica Latteria

No Perugia visit is complete without a stop at the Antica Latteria where hand-whipped cream delights customers - and not only.

See my video the Perugia wonders

Read about my first visit to the Antica Latteria (1969!)

Read about the delight of the Antica Latteria - and other Perugia treasures

Read more about Umberto and his Antica Latteria

Do contact me for unforgettable guided tours at
I am the only American authorized guide here in Umbria:

To learn more and book your personalized tours with me visit

And check out our holiday accommodations in Assisi, Umbria:

Assisi Cattolica Nord Est 2

Da Assisi a Cattolica in hotel Nord Est. Le mie vacanze con l'amico Ottavio da Soresina,

Area de Cremona (Italia)

Area de cremona con carga/ descarga gratuito en el edificio de la cruz roja, el parking es grande y en algunas plazas con sombra, muy cerca del centro que se puede visitar a pie. Se nota su cercanía a Milan, gran ambiente.

The mysterious Blue Hawaii flavor! A trip to a summer festival in Wakayama [Bisso in Japan #45]

[English AND Japanese subtitles available! You can enable them from the Settings button]
Questa nuova puntata torna ai ricordi dell'estate 2018, quando se sentivi uno starnuto nelle vicinanze non ti veniva la pelle d'oca per il terrore di restare infettato dalla PESTE-19.
E poi bla bla bla, eccetera eccetera eccetera, come recitava Napo in Sberloni. Sì, perché tanto le descrizioni dei video credo non le legga nessuno e perciò per ora le informazioni finiscono qui e me ne vado a dormire.

Se sei tra i pochissimi coraggiosi che, come me, leggono le descrizioni dei video e che pensano che questo spazio sia utile tanto quanto quello riservato al contenuto audio-video, fammelo sapere nei commenti con un bel Abbestiaberta. Conto su di te.

Video recorded on July the 22th 2018 (2018.7.22)

More information about Bisso e BissoMultimedia activities:

#JapanVlog #Osaka #Festival #Summer #matsuri


PARTENZA: Soncino (Cr)
ARRIVO: Pizzighettone (Cr)
DISTANZA: 40 km ca.

Video realizzato con la collaborazione del:
_ Comune di Soncino
_ Collezione velocipedi e biciclette antiche A. & C. Azzini
_ Gruppo Volontari Mura di Pizzighettone


???? STRAVA:

- Garmin Edge 530
- Luce anteriore OLIGHT
- Luce posteriore OLIGHT
- Sella Brooks
- Nastri manubrio Brooks

- Tenda CAMP Minima 3 SL
- Sacco a pelo Ferrino
- Materassino Sea to Summit
- Jet Boil Flash
- Set Pentole Sea to Summit
- Piatto
- Bicchiere
- Posate

- GoPro Hero 8 Black
- Treppiede
- Morsetto
- Goosneck
- Rollcage
- Custodia subacquea
- Drone DJI Mini 2
- Micro SD SanDisk Extreme 256 GB
- Micro SD SanDisk Extreme 64 GB

Epidemic Sound

The reason NOT TO FLY Lufthansa Business Class 2023

There are times you should never fly Business Class. Check out this Lufthansa 4K Trip Report to get when and why.

???? Rate Details
Fare Paid: 613 EURO
Class: Economy
Itinerary: CPH-MUC-ARN

???? Thanks for supporting when liking, subscribing, commenting and sending Super Thanks!

???? Next Videos
⇢ 15 July: Austrian Short haul Business Class
⇢ 22 July: SWISS Alpine Lounge Zurich (Former First Class Lounge)
⇢ 29 July: DoubleTree Zagreb

???? Videos posted every weekend
03:00 (US-EST), 09:00 (CET), 12:30 (India), 15:00 (Thailand), 17:00 (AEST)

#lufthansa #businessclass #a320

This flight video also cover Copenhagen Airport (Kastrup).
We're doing a tour at the SAS lounge Copenhagen. The Lufthansa flight from Copenhagen to Munich was nice.

I started my experience at Copenhagen Airport.

Lufthansa A320 offers same comfort in economy as in business.

It is possible to by drinks and food onboard Lufthansa. They offer a good sortiment.

Do you have any questions about the flight or the video? Let me know in the comments and thanks for watching!

Flight no.: LH2443
Route: Copenhagen-Munich (CPH-MUC)
Aircraft: Airbus A320
Cabin: Economy
Seat: 20A

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Thai Airways Business Class
KLM Economy Class
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Amex Ceturion Lounge Europe

From Wikipedia: Deutsche Lufthansa AG, commonly shortened to Lufthansa, is the flag carrier of Germany. When combined with its subsidiaries, it is the second-largest airline in Europe in terms of passengers carried after ultra low-cost carrier Ryanair. Lufthansa is one of the five founding members of Star Alliance, the world's largest airline alliance, formed in 1997.

Besides its own services, and owning subsidiary passenger airlines Austrian Airlines, Swiss International Air Lines, Brussels Airlines, and Eurowings (referred to in English by Lufthansa as its Passenger Airline Group), Deutsche Lufthansa AG owns several aviation-related companies, such as Lufthansa Technik and LSG Sky Chefs, as part of the Lufthansa Group. In total, the group has over 700 aircraft, making it one of the largest airline fleets in the world.

Lufthansa's registered office and corporate headquarters are in Cologne. The main operations base, called Lufthansa Aviation Center, is at Lufthansa's primary hub at Frankfurt Airport,[20][21] and its secondary hub is at Munich Airport where a secondary Flight Operations Centre is maintained.

The company was founded as Luftag in 1953 by staff of the former Deutsche Luft Hansa that had been politically connected to the government of Nazi Germany and dissolved after World War II. Luftag continued the traditional branding of the German flag carrier by acquiring the Luft Hansa name and logo.

00:00 Intro
00:40 Copenhagen Airport
01:15 Fasttrack Copenhagen
01:30 SAS Lounge
02:35 To the gate
03:07 Lufthansa Boarding
03:20 Lufthansa Cabin
03:55 Lufthansa Seat (20A)
04:50 Pushback and Take off
06:17 Support the channel!
06:40 Lufthansa Menu
07:42 Lufthansa Landing
08:30 Economy or Business?
08:40 Travel Experience Score
09:00 More videos / Subscribe

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