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10 Best place to visit in Soncino Italy


Soncino - Borghi più belli d'Italia #inLombardia

Storia, arte, cultura, ambiente e tradizioni. Scopri i 20 dei Borghi Più Belli d’Italia #inLombardia →
History, art, culture, environment and traditions. Discover the 20 Borghi più belli d'Italia (the Most Beautiful Villages in Italy) #inLombardia →

Soresina to Soncino cycling tour | YI Plus | DJI OSMO | Italy

Soresina to Soncino (Sunsi) via (Genivolta, VillaCampagna)
Yi 4k plus 1080p 60 FPS (chest mount)
DJI osmo 1080o 60 FPS (Handheld)
Soncino Castello ticket price 4 euro.

Total Trip 35 km in 2 hours 10 minutes.
Temp 4 - 6 degree

Soncino, uno dei borghi più belli d'Italia

Soncino è un borgo tranquillo e facilmente raggiungibile, ricco di suggestive testimonianze storiche ed artistiche.

*La Rocca sforzesca*
Fu il degrado in cui versava l’antica rocca di sud-est, prima costruzione militare a difesa del borgo risalente al X secolo, a determinare il duca Galeazzo Maria Sforza ad erigere una nuova rocca a sud-ovest. La torre a base circolare è frutto dell’adattamento del preesistente torrione. I lavori per l’approntamento della nuova fortezza presero avvio nel 1473, su progetto di Bartolomeo Gadio, per concludersi entro il 1475.
Con l’infeudazione del Conte Massimiliano Stampa del 3 novembre 1536, lo splendido manufatto militare venne progressivamente modificato e trasformato in castello per renderlo residenziale con alcuni interventi di decorazione pittorica pregevoli e fu realizzata la cappella ricavata nella torre di sud-est. Il fortilizio pervenne in stato di degrado al Comune di Soncino il 27 maggio 1876 per lascito testamentario di Massimiliano Cesare Stampa, 14° e ultimo marchese di Soncino.
Nel 1883, il Regio Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione incaricò l’architetto Luca Beltrami di progettarne il ripristino e il restauro. L’intervento del Beltrami rappresenta un esempio di ricostruzione condotto sulla base di una rigorosa documentazione storica.

*Chiesa di S. Maria Assunta (Pieve)*
La chiesa attuale è il risultato di numerose trasformazioni, a partire dal XII secolo. Le aggiunte dei secoli XIV e XV non avevano intaccato in alcun modo la struttura romanica, mentre invece il rifacimento del 1580 mutò profondamente la struttura antica, in quanto dovette adattarsi alle nuove norme liturgiche stabilite dal Concilio Tridentino. In epoca tardo rinascimentale la chiesa venne interamente affrescata dai cremonesi Giulio Calvi detto il Coronaro (1585) ed Uriele Gatti, il quale, nel 1589, dipinse la controfacciata. L'epoca barocca lasciò tracce evidenti come l’allungamento del coro (1601-1615) e la costruzione delle cappelle laterali, mentre nel XIX secolo l'architetto Carlo Visioli edificò la cappella della SS. Trinità. Il terremoto del 1802 danneggiò seriamente la chiesa, tanto che intorno agli anni che vanno dal 1883 al 1888, il celebre architetto Carlo Maciachini la restaurò e la ampliò. Le navate e le cappelle meridionali furono conservate, come pure il campanile, mentre il muro settentrionale venne rettificato e la facciata venne riportata al suo presunto aspetto medioevale.

*Museo della Stampa*
Il Museo della Stampa Centro Studi Stampatori Ebrei Soncino, nato dalla volontà dell’Associazione Pro loco, fu inaugurato nel 1988 in concomitanza con le celebrazioni, organizzate per ricordare un evento memorabile, i 500 Anni della Stampa della Prima Bibbia Ebraica completa, avvenuta proprio a Soncino il 22 Aprile 1488, ad opera di una famiglia di ebrei provenienti da Spira, in Germania.
Intorno al 1490 gli Ebrei che ormai avevano assunto il cognome “Soncino” dovettero lasciare il nostro Borgo; l’attività di stampa continuerà a Barco di Orzinuovi, Brescia, Cesena, Rimini, Fano, Pesaro, Napoli, Salonicco e Costantinopoli.
Essi stamparono non solo in lingua ebraica ma anche opere in latino, in greco, in volgare italiano e perfino testi religiosi cristiani. Firmarono sempre le loro produzioni con il nome di SONCINO, quale segno di riconoscenza verso la città che li aveva accolti dopo la cacciata dalla Germania.
Gershom Soncino fu l’unico tipografo ebreo a stampare con mezzi propri, esercitando a cavallo di due secoli. Egli è considerato il più grande tipografo ebreo per la cura e la precisone compositiva dei testi e per la veste tipografica dei volumi.

*Chiesa di San Giacomo*
La chiesa di San Giacomo venne edificata nel XIV secolo sull'area di un antico ospizio per pellegrini, che continuò a funzionare fino al 1361. Dal 1361 al 1364 fu affidata ai canonici lateranensi di San Cataldo di Cremona che riuscirono a completare la torre campanaria, dall'insolita forma eptagonale (a sette lati).
Concessa ai domenicani, tra il 1456 ed il 1468 venne costruito il chiostro, ricostruita la zona absidale, la cripta ed il presbiterio sopraelevato. L'interno, a causa degli interventi sei e settecenteschi, si presenta in forme barocche.
Attraverso una scalinata si scende nella cripta della Santa Corona, costruita dopo il 1470 che ospitava la preziosa reliquia, ora nella chiesa di Santa Maria Assunta. Particolare il presbiterio sopraelevato dove si possono ammirare due vetrate, opera di Fra Ambrosino de' Tormoli, e il coro ligneo in noce realizzato da fra Damiano Zambelli nel 1507-1508.
Attraverso un corridoio in fondo alla navata sinistra, si giunge in Sacrestia e da qui nel chiostro.

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LOMBARDY, ITALY: Tourist attractions and things to do in Lombardy including Milan, Mantua and Como!

From the stunning nature of Lake Garda and Como to the art and architecture of amazing city's, the Lombardy region of Italy packs a punch!

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I 10 borghi più belli della LOMBARDIA | Borghi Lombardia

Alcuni dei borghi più belli della Lombardia secondo Come si viaggia. Scopri i posti più belli della Lombardia e tutte le meraviglie che questa regione ha da offrire.

1 Angera
Insediamento già nel Paleolitico, nel Medioevo vede l'edificazione di un importante Castello

2 Bagolino
Il borgo è un susseguirsi di viuzze tortuose, case in pietra ed eleganti portici

3 Bienno
Il borgo bresciano della Val Camonica è una continua scoperta di monumenti e pittoreschi scorci

4 Castellaro Lagusello
Il borgo è affacciato su un bucolico specchio d'acqua a forma di cuore

5 Cavernago
A soli 15 km da Bergamo sorge Cavernago, altrimenti noto come il paese dei due castelli

6 Grosio
In piena Valtellina sorge l'antichissimo borgo abitato fin dall'Età del bronzo

7 Lovere
Adagiato sulla sponda occidentale del Lago d'Iseo, la cittadina bergamasca, inclusa tra i Borghi più Belli d'Italia

8 Monte Isola
Nel cuore del Lago d'Iseo affiora la seconda isola lacustre naturale più grande d'Europa

9 Nesso
Delizioso gioiello del Lago di Como, il borgo è diviso in due da una spettacolare gola naturale

10 Pagazzano
Assolutamente da non perdere un tour del castello di Pagazzano

Church of Holy Mary of Grace, Soncino, Cremona, Lombardy, Italy, Europe

In 1468 the Carmelites were granted the officiating of a small church outside Porta San Giuseppe, in Soncino. In February 1501 Cardinal Raimondo Perauti, bishop of Gurk in Carinthia, laid the first stone of the new church, strongly desired by his father Pietro da Mortara. Father Antonio Maestri, already from the Carmelite convent of Mantua, was the supervisor of the works. Between 1515 and 1526 the bell tower was erected, based on a design by maestro Gerardo da Piacenza. The church was consecrated on 8 September 1528 by Monsignor Luca da Seriate, in the presence of Francesco II Sforza who had incurred the expenses for the impressive cycle of frescoes. Santa Maria delle Grazie became a pantheon church for the noble and powerful local Press family. In 1536 Charles V, in this church, invested Massimiliano Stampa with the marquisate of Soncino. The convent complex was suppressed in 1772. On the façade, of terracotta, divided into three by pilasters, there is a portal of the Bramante type, built in white marble from Rezzato (Botticino marble) and surmounted by a rose window. The building, with a rectangular plan and a single nave, has a barrel vault divided into five bays. On the sides of the nave there are shallow chapels - five on the right and five on the left. The vast cycle of frescoes that covers the interior is the work of G. Francesco Scanzi, Giulio Campi and Francesco and Bernardino Carminati. The first, the fourth and the fifth chapel on the left and the chapels on the right are frescoed by Francesco Scanzi with various subjects, including Madonna with Child, Fugue in Egypt, Annunciation, Apparition of Jesus to the Magdalene and saints. In the sails of the presbytery are depicted the four Evangelists, attributed to the painter of Cremona Giulio Campi who is also considered the author of the Assumption of Mary, painted on the arch which divides the presbytery from the apse and which originally separated the front church, which was intended for to the clergy, from the rear, reserved for the faithful. The Last Judgment, painted on the counter-façade, is the work of Francesco and Bernardino Carminati.

Mantua (Mantova), Lombardy - Italy: Things to Do - What, How and Why to visit it (4K)

If you are planning to visit the city of Mantua (Mantova), in Lombardy - Italy, here you’ll find the best tips on things to do in the city, to identify the most relevant points of interest to enjoy, so you can easily imagine and organize your trip: WHAT to see, HOW to plan your visit, and WHY to discover Mantua city.
In this video:
- WHAT are the major attractions that you can't go home without having seen, including ...Ducal Palace, Castello San Giorgio, Mantua Cathedral, Piazza Sordello, Basilica di Sant’Andrea, Rotonda di San Lorenzo and Palazzo Te.
- Then, I’ll describe to you HOW to follow a daily tour to better visit the city.
- Finally, we’ll discover WHY to visit Mantua city.

Mantova, a Unesco heritage, has ancient Etruscan origins and it is the birthplace of the Latin poet Virgil.
The city reached its splendour not only in the Middle Age but expecially during the long domination of the lords Gonzagas, who designed the city together with some of the greatest artists at the time.
Mantua is known as the City of the Three Lakes” because the lakes: Laghi di Mezzo, Inferiore, and Superiore, and the Mincio River hugs the city.
Mantova is a city on a human scale where you can walk in narrow streets and lively or silent squares follow one another, but the best attractions not to be missed if you visit the city are:

- Ducal Palace: Once it was the royal residence where the Gonzaga family lived for almost 400 years.
- Castello San Giorgio, one the best preserved castle in all Lombardy, surrounded by a massive moat (fossato) and built over 600 years ago.
- Mantua Cathedral is one of the most iconic buildings in Mantua, and one of the most unlucky one, since there’s been many fires and events which has destroyed it a thousand years ago.
- Piazza Sordello
- Basilica di Sant’Andrea, was built in the 15th Century it took over 300 years to complete!
- The Rotonda di San Lorenzo is another shining example of why Mantua has become a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
- Just outside the ancient centre of Mantua you can find the Palazzo Te. Built by Giulio Romano almost 500 years ago, probably is one of northern Italy’s most beautiful palaces.

Don't forget to taste the Mantuan cuisine!
Bice La Gallina Felice: Via Antonio Carbonati, 4, Mantova, 0039 0376 288368

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Best places to visit - Varazze (Italy) Best places to visit - Slideshows from all over the world - City trips, nature pictures, etc.

I Borghi più Belli d'Italia #inLombardia

Storia, arte, cultura, ambiente e tradizioni. Scopri i 20 dei Borghi Più Belli d’Italia #inLombardia →
History, art, culture, environment and traditions. Discover the 20 Borghi più belli d'Italia (the Most Beautiful Villages in Italy) #inLombardia →

Monte Isola | A beautiful island on an Italian lake

Among the famous and beautiful Italian lakes, Iseo is definitely a place to visit. Especially, the island of Monte Isola. Yes, there is an island on the lake! And not a small one. Actually, Monte Isola is the biggest and largest lake island in Europe! ????

How to reach Monte Isola?
You can take the ferry from Sulzano or Sale Marasino. Those are the closest harbors. There is a ferry every 20 minutes and you can buy your tickets on the spot.

The free parking spot that I found is in Sulzano.

It's uphill and there is a small path to follow to go to the pier by foot. It will take you 15 to 20 minutes to reach the pier. You can park closer to it but it's going to be 7€ the day (which is ok).

How to travel around Monte Isola?
Cars are not allowed on Monte Isola. You can rent a bike, take the bus (you can buy the ticket on the bus with cash) or walk. There are some hiking trails but you want to be prepared with the right shoes as the path is uphill and rocky.

What to do in Monte Isola?
You can explore the villages, enjoy some delicious food (at the restaurant Mi Lago for instance), hike, and go to the top of the island to visit the sanctuary of the Madonna della Ceriola to enjoy the panoramic view of Lake Iseo!

How long does it take to visit Monte Isola?
You can easily spend the day or one night on the island.

Let me know if you have any other questions ????

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00:00 - Intro
00:40 - From Sulzano to Monte Isola
02:16 - The history of Monte Isola
04:05 - Lunch with a view
04:42 - Let's go on top of the island!
08:06 - On top of Monte Isola + stunning panorama
09:00 - The history of the Madonna della Ceriola sanctuary
10:11 - Enjoy the view of Lake Iseo
11:16 - Heading back down
13:33 - Dinner with view on the lake
14:12 - Outro
Music from Epidemic Sound:

Poetic Wax - Dusty Decks
Jugoso - Timothy Infinite
Dazed Summer - Mo Life

Music from Uppbeat


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Cosa vedere a SAN GIMIGNANO, Il borgo delle torri 4K - Borghi più belli d'Italia | ENG Subs |

San Gimignano : il nostro tour della Toscana poteva iniziare diversamente ?
San Gimignano è a nostro avviso uno dei borghi piu' belli d'Italia, ed famoso a in Italia e all’estero .
La sua architettura è la cosa che la caratterizza di più con le sue 13 case-torri, che vi faranno tenere gli occhi alzati per tutto il tempo.
Resterete incantati da Piazza della Cisterna con il suo pozzo , da piazza del Duomo con i suoi monumenti e la sua cattedrale.
E non perdetevi una camminata fino alla Rocca di Montestaffoli per poter passeggiare tra gli olivi antichi e ne per poter godere del superbo panorama.

San Gimignano: Did our tour of Tuscany start differently?
San Gimignano is in our opinion one of the most beautiful villages in Italy, and famous in Italy and abroad.
Its architecture is the thing that characterizes it most with its 13 tower-houses, which will keep your eyes up all the time.
You will be enchanted by Piazza della Cisterna with its well, and Dome Place with its monuments and the Cathedral.
And do not miss a walk up to the Rocca di Montestaffoli to walk among the ancient olive trees and to enjoy the superb panorama.

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Sabbioneta has been recognized as one of the most beautiful villages in Italy for its history, its uniqueness, its genius loci. The city is in fact a shining example of late Renaissance architecture and painting, in which different souls coexist: military and at the same time residential city, Renaissance court, rural village. This eclectic ideal Renaissance city, the Novella Roma recognized in 2008 together with Mantua by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site and commissioned by Vespasiano Gonzaga Colonna, still today welcomes its guests who come from all over Italy, as arterial roads from Cremona , from Mantua, from Parma or from Guastalla, and which go beyond the characteristic hexagonal defensive walls and two austere monumental gates.


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Bes Hotel Cremona Soncino, Soncino, Italy

Bes Hotel Cremona Soncino, Soncino, Italy
About Property:
You're eligible for a Genius discount at Bes Hotel Cremona Soncino! To save at this property, all you have to do is sign in.
The Bes Hotel Cremona Soncino is set in Soncino, in the province of Cremona, a 10-minute walk from Soncino Castle. It features free private parking and free WiFi.
Bes Hotel's minimalistic-style rooms are soundproofed and air conditioned. They all come with minibar and free WiFi.
A continental buffet breakfast is served in the Breakfast Room.
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Booking or More Details:
Property Type: Hotel
Address: Via Milano 25, 26029 Soncino, Italy
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2. Bes Hotel Cremona Soncino - Soncino - Italy Address
3. Bes Hotel Cremona Soncino - Soncino - Italy Rooms
4. Bes Hotel Cremona Soncino - Soncino - Italy Amenities
5. Bes Hotel Cremona Soncino - Soncino - Italy Offers and Deals
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Track Title: Subway Dreams
Artist: Dan Henig
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Soncino borgo medievale e Castello di Soncino

Soncino borgo medievale and Castello di Soncino

Castello di Soncino. Soncino la città e il castello ripresi anche dall'alto. Visuali del Castello Sforzesco riprese di giorno e di sera.

Soncino è un piacevole borgo a circa 30 km. da Cremona circondato da mura e con una bellissima rocca. Per la costruzione della Rocca Sforzesca bastò un solo anno (1473) grazie alla sua collocazione favorevole.

A sinistra della Rocca si trova il Museo della seta dove all'interno della filanda si può vedere la sala espositiva con attrezzature usate per l'allevamento del baco da seta.

Girando poi per le vie del borgo consiglio di non perdere la visita alla casa degli stampatori ebrei. In questa casa dal 1483 al 1492 impressero numerosi libri fra cui, nel 1488, la prima bibbia ebraica completa.

Soncino medieval village and Soncino Castle

Soncino Castle. Soncino the city and the castle also taken from above. Visuals of the Castello Sforzesco shot by day and by night.

Soncino is a pleasant village about 30 km away. from Cremona surrounded by walls and with a beautiful fortress. For the construction of the Rocca Sforzesca it took only one year (1473) thanks to its favorable location.

To the left of the fortress is the Silk Museum where inside the spinning mill you can see the exhibition hall with equipment used for the breeding of silkworms.

Then, wandering through the streets of the village, I recommend not to miss a visit to the house of the Jewish printers. In this house from 1483 to 1492 they printed numerous books including, in 1488, the first complete Hebrew bible.

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Castle of Soncino, Soncino, Cremona, Lombardy, Italy, Europe

The Sforza Fortress of Soncino, located in Soncino, in Lombardy, is one of the most typical Lombard fortresses of the Cremona area, built between 1473 and 1475 and having a fundamental role in defending the area until 1536. When the Peace of Lodi of 1454 definitively established the boundaries between the Republic of Venice and the Duchy of Milan, Soncino and the fortress passed to the latter territorial entity. It was on this occasion that Francesco Sforza had the walls around the castle and the fortress itself reinforced, which was the object of a request for construction in 1468 by the soncinesi, who expressed their desire with a letter addressed to the duke. However, the latter preferred to erect only a new tower with a characteristic circular shape. Significant maintenance works were then undertaken from 1471 by Benedetto Ferrini and Danese Maineri, engineers responsible for the fortresses of Soncino and Romanengo, who also began work on the construction of the fortress in 1473, under the direction of Bartolomeo Gadio. From 1499 the fortress passed to the Venetians to whom it remained until 1509 and then passed to the French and again to the Sforza. From 1535, the duchy of Milan will become Spanish dominion and with it also the Rocca di Soncino. In 1536 the Emperor Charles V of Habsburg raised Soncino to a marquisate and passed it as a fief to the Milanese family of the Stampa, who transformed it over the centuries into a residence and not a military fortress. It was under the Press that painters of the caliber of Bernardino Gatti and Vincenzo Campi were called to decorate some rooms inside the castle, in addition to the chapel that was erected there. In 1876 Massimiliano Stampa, last Marquis of Soncino, died transmitting the castle to the municipality by testament. From 1883, with the help of Luca Beltrami, the municipality began the restoration work in order to bring the fortress to its original splendor, ending it in 1895. The castle of Soncino is placed in a strategic position near the town, although the four centuries in which it was mostly used as a dwelling have harmonized it very much starting from its entrance that has been inserted in a square since the nineteenth century. The portal of the castle, once made accessible by a wooden drawbridge, was replaced by a ravelin by the end of the nineteenth century, giving access to a first courtyard used for the movement of the troops and therefore equipped with stairs to allow access to the terraces of the external walls. Access to the fortress was allowed through two different drawbridges, one for vehicles and the other for pedestrians. Once the second entrance has also passed, you come to the actual courtyard of the castle, at the center of which was a well to guarantee the supply of water in the event of a siege and from this courtyard you also have access to the dungeons. Among the most important towers of the complex (four in all), there is undoubtedly the Torre del castellano, so called because it was once the official residence of the governor of the fortress and as such it could in turn be isolated from the rest of the complex in case of attack. It was connected directly to the interior of the basement and from here, through a secret passage, you could reach the moat and then flee towards the surrounding countryside. This is one of the areas decorated in a Renaissance style with frescoes and chimneys with a pyramidal hood. The south-eastern tower houses the chapel of the palace which was built as mentioned under the Marquis Stampa. Here you can still admire traces of frescoes of which the oldest of them (dating from the late fifteenth century), depicts the Madonna and Child. There is also a fragment of a fresco representing the lion of San Marco painted in memory of the brief Venetian domination of the fortress. A work of relief is also an anonymous fresco representing the coat of arms of the duchy of Milan flanked by torches and buckets of water, to symbolize the personal motto of Francesco Sforza, I turn on and off together with other heraldic enterprises. The ceiling is decorated with a pergola motif as in the Sforza castle in Milan. The circular tower is the only one with this characteristic shape. At the level of the walkways it has a round room with a circular cap, at the center of which there is a cylindrical befredo (lookout tower) that leads to the roof of the tower. Raised above the other towers it allowed it to be used as a lookout point. From 2008 to 2016, every 25 April, a party was held called Soncino Fantasy. During this event, in collaboration with the Castrum Soncini association, the fortress was set up with a medieval fantasy theme, with costumed actors, stalls and activities for children. The first weekend of October takes place, every year, Soncino Medievale. During this event, 13th-century medieval re-enactment confraternities in costume are invited to perform in historical battles.


La Rocca di Soncino,
è una delle più particolari e tipiche legate agli schemi del castello visconteo della pianura padana.
Si trova in provincia di Cremona in Lombardia.

Il castello è posto in una posizione particolare e le sue mura racchiudono tutto il paesino di Soncino.


Music: Peter Katz - Halo (Beyonce Cover)

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#mtd #castellodisoncino

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VIGEVANO Top 12 Tourist Places | Vigevano Tourism | ITALY

Vigevano (Things to do - Places to Visit) - VIGEVANO Top Tourist Places
Town in Italy

Vigevano is a town near Milan, in northern Italy. It’s known for the portico-lined Piazza Ducale, dating from 1492. A staircase under the Torre del Bramante tower gives access to the courtyard of Castello Sforzesco.

The vast castle houses several museums, including the Leonardiana, with reproductions of works by Leonardo da Vinci. The town's renowned shoemaking history is highlighted at the Museo della Calzatura.

VIGEVANO Top 12 Tourist Places | Vigevano Tourism

Things to do in VIGEVANO - Places to Visit in Vigevano

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SONCINO - La Chiesa di San Giacomo, stupendamente affrescata in stile barocco

La Chiesa di San Giacomo si trova a Soncino, circa 40 chilometri da Cremona.
In contrasto con la facciata piuttosto anonima l'interno della chiesa è stupendamente affrescata in stile barocco. La ricca decorazione degli interni fu eseguita nel 1696 dai fratelli cremonesi Alessandro e Giuseppe Natali.

Filmato con Sony RX10M3 in 4K.

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Best places to visit in Milan, attractions, top tourist attractions, walking in Milano

Best places to visit in Milan, attractions, top tourist attractions, walking in Milano

1. Il Duomo (Milan Cathedral)
2. Leonardo da Vinci's Last Supper
3. Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II: Luxury Shops and Elegant Cafés
4. Castello Sforzesco
5. Pinacoteca di Brera
6. Opera at Teatro alla Scala
7. Sant'Ambrogio
8. Cimitero Monumentale
9. San Maurizio and the Archaeology Museum
10. Naviglio
11. Santa Maria Presso San Satiro
12. Poldi-Pezzoli Museum
13. Museo Bagatti Valsecchi

#milan #Milano #visitMilan #walkinginMilan #wolking #attractions #italy



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