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10 Best place to visit in Sommatino Italy


CALTANISSETTA Top 10 Tourist Places | Caltanissetta Tourism | ITALY

Caltanissetta (Things to do - Places to Visit) - CALTANISSETTA Top Tourist Places
Comune in Sicily, Italy

Caltanissetta is a comune in the central interior of Sicily, Italy, and the capital of the Province of Caltanissetta. Its inhabitants are called Nisseni.

The town lies in an area of rolling hills with small villages and towns, crossed by the river Salso. It borders on the municipalities of Canicattì, Delia, Enna, Marianopoli, Mazzarino, Mazzarino, Mussomeli, Naro, Petralia Sottana, Pietraperzia, San Cataldo, Santa Caterina Villarmosa, Serradifalco and Sommatino. Its frazioni are the villages of Bifaria, Borgo Petilia, Borgo Canicassè Casale, Cozzo di Naro, Favarella, Prestianni, Villaggio Santa Barbara, Santa Rita and Xirbi.

CALTANISSETTA Top 10 Tourist Places | Caltanissetta Tourism

Things to do in CALTANISSETTA - Places to Visit in Caltanissetta

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CALTANISSETTA Top 10 Tourist Places - Caltanissetta, Sicily, Italy, Europe

???? Escapades : 7 lieux incontournables en Sicile

La Sicile, c'est l'Italie authentique, avec cette juxtaposition si particulière de lieux pleins de vie ???? et d'endroits au calme presque étourdissant. Et que dire de son parler - avec les mains ???? - si particulier, élevé au rang d'art. De Syracuse à Palerme, on vous emmène dans les endroits les plus incontournables de la Sicile en vidéo. Accrochez vos ceintures, on décolle pour un voyage magique. #Sicile #Italie #vacances

????️ Que serait la Sicile sans Palerme ? Voici nos immanquables de la capitale de l'île

☀️ Et que dire de Taormina ! Au pied de l'Etna, cette belle cité vous attend, et nous aussi (dans cette vidéo)

???? Ne maquez pas aussi notre article Les 12 lieux à voir impérativement en Sicile :

Sicile : les choses incontournables à faire à Palerme

???? Bienvenue à Palerme, la perle vibrante de la Sicile, où l'histoire et la culture se fondent dans un paysage méditerranéen à couper le souffle. Découvrez avec nous le charme pittoresque de cette ville ensoleillée !

Plongez dans l'éblouissante cathédrale de Palerme, un chef-d'œuvre architectural qui a traversé les âges et les styles, du normand au gothique, du baroque au néoclassique. Admirez ses mosaïques éblouissantes et son impressionnante crypte. ⛪️????

Explorez les mystères cachés du Palais des Normands, un joyau historique et siège de la magnifique Chapelle Palatine. Laissez-vous émerveiller par ses mosaïques byzantines étincelantes et ses incroyables sculptures arabes. ????✨

Baladez-vous dans les marchés animés de la ville, comme le Ballarò et la Vucciria, où les couleurs et les parfums de la Sicile s'animent. Goûtez à la savoureuse cuisine de rue, dont les arancini et le panino con la milza sont des incontournables. ????????????????

Et n'oubliez pas de vous détendre au théâtre Massimo, le plus grand opéra d'Italie, pour une nuit de musique et de culture. ????????

Embarquez avec nous pour une aventure inoubliable dans cette ville aux mille visages, où chaque coin de rue est une invitation à découvrir de nouvelles merveilles. ???????????? Préparez-vous à tomber amoureux de Palerme, une destination qui ne cesse de surprendre et de ravir. Alors, êtes-vous prêts pour l'aventure ?

???? Besoin d'inspiration pour votre escapade sicilienne ? Voici, en vidéo, sept choses à voir sur l'île

???? Encore des idées pour la Sicile ? Regardez notre vidéo sur les choses à faire à Syracuse

Borgo Santa Rita, Caltanissetta

Veduta aerea di Borgo Santa Rita, frazione di Caltanissetta, tra i comuni di Sommatino e Delia, sul Monte Pisciacane.
Il borgo è abitato ormai da pochissimi abitanti, dediti soprattutto all'agricoltura, allevamento ed alla pastorizia.
All'interno del borgo c'è anche un panificio ed una chiesa.

Agriturismo San Cataldo


Agriturismo San Cataldo Farm 4K.

A small walk, through the beautiful and peaceful San Cataldo Agriturismo farm.

San Cataldo farmhouse, location by pristine beauty between expanses of olive groves, citrus groves, vineyards and stream, located in one of the most beautiful valley, the Alcantara Valley. A few km from Taormina, a short distance from Alcantara Gorge, near Nebrodi and with a breathtaking view of the imposing Volcano Etna.The unspoiled scenery and fascinating place sets the atmosphere for days spent in a farmhouse, practicing horse riding with the farmhouse’s horses along the various nature trails lined with wild and beautiful streams. Those who do not like being bored can delight in one of the paths in the brand new Adventure Park. Opportunity for all, children and adult, have fun in a natural way, to escape from everyday life, to experience the thrill of adventure and the joy of being in the company and more daring will then show all their courage scaling the climbing wall 10 mt high. But many other activities can take place at the farm, such as archery, soft air static, trekking accompanied by guides in one of several paths to discover the ancient mule or just relax within the area.

Trip around the Lakes of Galbiate and Olginate - Lake of Como - Italy ????????

About 20 km walking around the wonderful lakes of Galbiate and Olginate at the end of one of the branches of Como Lake. An easy tour on foot surrounded by the Alps and the magic of the lake.

The path starts in Vercurago, on the street Lungo Lago Aldo Moro.
If you want to follow the path on wikiloc, please use this link:
(Passeggiata intorno ai laghi di Galbiate e Olginate) en Wikiloc

INTERVALLO RAI - Visit Salsomaggiore Terme

Carrellata di immagini in stile Intervallo Rai della splendida Salsomaggiore Terme (Parma), città famosa per le sue acque curative straordinarie (insieme a quelle di Tabiano Terme, con altre importanti proprietà).

Tutte le foto sono di Matteo Orlandi (Fotodigital Salso), segui il profilo Instagram @matteofotodigital per scoprire tante altre foto del territorio.

Link ai miei corsi di foto, video e digital marketing:

La musica nel video è composta da Pietro Domenica Paradisi (Toccata in La Maggiore) e suonata dall'Istituto Civico Musicale Vivaldi di Busca, Classe di Arpa. Ho scelto questa cover perchè interpretata davvero molto bene!

Best places to visit

Best places to visit - Sommatino (Italy) Best places to visit - Slideshows from all over the world - City trips, nature pictures, etc.

Travel to : Sicily !!!

Best places to visit in Sicily !! the beautiful island below Italy.

Travel Report: Sicily - Italy.

The newest destination of Corendon is ..... Sicily! In the South of Italy is the biggest island in the Mediterranean Sea and also a populair holiday destination.

Produced by BeemFlights
Sander & Bas Mutsaards


Filmed with:
Panasonic GH5
DJI Mavic Pro

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24- Trapani - Sicile - Italie | Découvre avec moi la ville

Je te propose de découvrir avec moi Trapani en Sicile
★ Discover with me Trapani in Sicily

Après avoir visité les îles Egade (Levanzo, Favignana et Marretimo) et après avoir visité Erice, le village médiéval, j’ai terminé mon périple à Trapani.
Je suis arrivé d’Erice par le funiculaire

Cet ancien port Phénicien a été colonisé par les Romains, les Vandales, les Byzantins et les Musulmans, d’ailleurs ces derniers y ont laissé leur couscous qui est devenu une spécialité de la ville (le couscous Trapanais)

L’artère principale de la ville est la rue Corso Vittorio Emanuele qui est piétonne et tant mieux car dans la ville il y a des voitures partout c’est l’enfer! Même dans les petites rues du centre historique!
La rue Via Garibaldi est, elle aussi, piétonne.

Il vous faut faire absolument la balade le long de la mer sur la promenade qui part de la pointe Bastione Conca et qui arrive à la place de l’ancien marché au poisson (Piazza Ex Mercato del Pesce) qui est magnifique avec ces arcades et sa petite fontaine centrale.

Si vous avez un peu de temps je vous suggère vivement de continuer la promenade le long de la côte et qui part justement de la place de l’ancien marché au poisson qui vous mènera dans un premier temps sur un banc de sable qui s’appelle Spiaggia Piazza Vittorio Emanuele
Et dans un second temps vers la Tonnara di San Giuliano qui s’appelle également Tonnara Tipa, c’est une ancienne usine à thon abandonné (elle n’est plus en activité depuis 1961)

Prés de la la tour Torre di Ligny vous trouverez une superbe bordure de mer avec des maisons agrippées à des rochers, c’est très beau.
Cela s’appelle Piazzetta del Tramonto

Je vous conseille de vous perdre dans les petites rues ombragées du centre historique et regardez bien partout, vous trouverez des merveilles que se soit des cours, des patios ou autres palais et églises.
C’est comme ça que j’ai découvert le palais : Palazzo Todaro
Je ne sais pas s’il se visite mais la cour est très belle (ainsi que les escaliers)

Toutes les photos de cette visite de Trapani sur mon blog ici :

La suite dans le vlog 25 ici :

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Vlog voyage : #voyage #vlogvoyage #travel #travelvlog #visiteurope
Sicile, Italie : #sicilia #sicile #sicily #sicilyisland #vlogitalia #vlogitaly #italie #italia #italy
Trapani : #trapani

- - - - - - - - - - - -
00:00 - Sommaire de cette vidéo
00:10 - Arrivée à Trapani par le funiculaire
00:48 - Je vais au point information
02:27 - Jour 1 Je parcours les rues
03:13 - Je découvre le palais Palazzo Todaro
04:06 - Suite de la visite des rues
04:23 - Je découvre une porte d’entrée de la ville
04:48 - Première rencontre avec mon pêcheur
05:01 - Suite de la visite des rues
05:16 - Je me balade le long de la mer
05:42 - 2ème rencontre avec mon pêcheur
06:12 - 3ème rencontre avec mon pêcheur
06:40 - Je découvre l’ancien marcher aux poissons
07:21 - Je me dirige vers la ville nouvelle
07:59 - Je découvre un banc de sable
09:33 - Je te donne des informations sur la ville
10:16 - Je découvre un superbe bord de mer
11:40 - Je pars pour visiter une usine à thon
11:58 - 4ème rencontre avec mon pêcheur
13:25 - J’explore l’ancienne usine à thon
15:30 - Je trouve enfin la mariée

- - - - - - - - - - - -
• Vlog 20 : L’Île de Levanzo :
• Vlog 21 : L’île de Favignana :
• Vlog 22 : L’île de Marettimo :
• Vlog 23 : Le village Erice :
• Vlog 25 : La ville de Trapani (2/2) :

- - - - - - - - - - - -
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→ Filmé avec une caméra DJI Osmo Pocket disponible ici : ou ici :

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Palermo Monastero Santa Caterina I segreti del Chiostro Dolceria Sicily Italy

Palermo Monastero Santa Caterina I segreti del Chiostro Dolceria Sicily Italy
Photos and info on our Facebook page
Pagina Facebook Palermo

0-Street Food Palermo

1- Palermo Street Food Due giorni cibo e Monumenti Sicily Italy

2- Casa Vacanza Al Massimo

3- Pani cà Meusa Crocchè Panelle - Porta Carbone

4- A Vucciria

5- Via Maqueda - Caffè del Kàssaro - Pasticceria Costa

6- Mercato del Capo - La Frittola - Lo Sfincione

7- Centro Storico Teatro del Massimo, Fontana Pretoria, Chiesa e Monastero Santa Caterina, I segreti del Chiostro Dolceria, Cupola del SS. Salvatore, Catacombe dei Cappuccini, Cattedrale di Palermo, Porta Nuova, Campanile della Chiesa di S. Giuseppe Cafasso

8- Fontana Pretoria

9- Chiesa e Monastero Santa Caterina - I segreti del Chiostro Dolceria

10- Cupola del SS. Salvatore

11- Catacombe dei Cappuccini

12- Mercato Ballarò

13- Cattedrale di Palermo

14- Porta Nuova

15- Campanile della Chiesa di S. Giuseppe Cafasso

16- Osteria Proseccheria Mercede

Italian Top 10 - July 2004

The top 10 shots taken on an Italian holiday in 2004.
Created using

Ravanusa - Sicília Itália uma cidade encantadora

Ravanusa (Rivinusa em Sicíliano) é uma cidade italiana de 10.985 habitantes do consórcio municipal de Agrigento na Sicília (01-01-2020).
Pais italia
Estado Sicília
cidade de Agrigento
Municípios vizinhos: Canicattì, Campobello di Licata, Licata, Mazzarino (CL), Naro, Riesi (CL), Sommatino (CL)
Santo padroeiro: San Vito, feriado do santo de 15 de junho

link abaixo da história de Ravanusa

*Pra quem quiser me seguir nas redes sociais:

TikTok: @stefanypedrosof
youtube italiano:

Sicily 2007 - Siracusa's beautiful cathedral

I love studying languages and prefer to do it locally on site, in a foreign country. After having completed several language study trips to study Spanish, it was time to learn Italian! So in April of 2007 I embarked on 3 weeks of language studies to Sicily, and I discovered one of the most beautiful spots on this planet. I spent the first week in Taormina, a gorgeous hillside town on the east coast of Sicily and went on excursions to Siracusa and Mt. Etna, Sicily's famous active volcano. All along I enjoyed student life at the local Babilonia Language School in Taormina.

After week 1 I relocated to Milazzo where I joined another language school, Laboratorio Linguistico. Together with 4 other language students and 2 language teachers I embarked on a one week sailing trip through the gorgeous Eolian Islands. This was my first sailing trip and a true adventure. Luckily I had great crew mates, and studying Italian on the outdoor patio of a bar on a beautiful Mediterranean island quickly became one of my favourite activities.

Then I had a few more days left and explored local gems like Milazzo, Cefalu, Catania and small villages in the beautiful interior of Sicily. And best of all, by the end of it I spoke reasonably fluent Italian at intermediate level!

Sicily was a phenomenal experience -- and I am already dreaming of going back...

Licata di sera...videoclip 9-10-08

girato fresco fresco

Ponte Capodarso-Caltanissetta (CL) | Sicily |


◼Il ponte fu costruito nel 1553 sull'Imera meridionale (comunemente detto Salso) per ordine di Carlo V per evitare il guado del fiume, particolarmente pericoloso durante le piene.Originariamente aveva l'aspetto di un ponte a un solo arco a schiena d'asino, che poteva essere attraversato solo dai pedoni.Il pittore francese Jean Houel ne fece un disegno ad acquarello alla fine del XVIII secolo,in quanto considerato assieme all'Etna e alla fonte Aretusa di Siracusa, una delle meraviglie della Sicilia («un monte, un ponte e un fonte»).

Sebbene fosse collocato esattamente sul confine con Castrogiovanni, il ponte rimase di pertinenza nissena, come attestato da un documento del 1620 in cui si attribuiva alla municipalità di Caltanissetta la manutenzione dell'intera opera.

Nel 1842 fu interessato da un restauro commissionato dal consiglio provinciale,ma solo dopo l'Unità d'Italia (o già nel biennio 1847-48, secondo altra fonte)la forma originaria venne totalmente stravolta: furono realizzati due piccoli archi laterali affiancati all'arco principale che lo resero piano, e venne allargato per renderlo adatto al passaggio dei carri. Alla fine dei lavori, nel 1866, fu inserito nell'itinerario della strada rotabile Caltanissetta-Piazza Armerina.

Il ponte fu distrutto il 9 luglio 1943 dai tedeschi in ritirata, e ricostruito l'anno successivo. Il 10 aprile 1961 crollò nuovamente in seguito a una piena eccezionale; fu riaperto al traffico il 27 gennaio 1962.


Sicily 2007 - Eolian Islands Nebrodi 1

I love studying languages and prefer to do it locally on site, in a foreign country. After having completed several language study trips to study Spanish, it was time to learn Italian! So in April of 2007 I embarked on 3 weeks of language studies to Sicily, and I discovered one of the most beautiful spots on this planet. I spent the first week in Taormina, a gorgeous hillside town on the east coast of Sicily and went on excursions to Siracusa and Mt. Etna, Sicily's famous active volcano. All along I enjoyed student life at the local Babilonia Language School in Taormina.

After week 1 I relocated to Milazzo where I joined another language school, Laboratorio Linguistico. Together with 4 other language students and 2 language teachers I embarked on a one week sailing trip through the gorgeous Eolian Islands. This was my first sailing trip and a true adventure. Luckily I had great crew mates, and studying Italian on the outdoor patio of a bar on a beautiful Mediterranean island quickly became one of my favourite activities.

Then I had a few more days left and explored local gems like Milazzo, Cefalu, Catania and small villages in the beautiful interior of Sicily. And best of all, by the end of it I spoke reasonably fluent Italian at intermediate level!

Sicily was a phenomenal experience -- and I am already dreaming of going back...

Sicily 2007 - Eolian Islands Lipari 2

I love studying languages and prefer to do it locally on site, in a foreign country. After having completed several language study trips to study Spanish, it was time to learn Italian! So in April of 2007 I embarked on 3 weeks of language studies to Sicily, and I discovered one of the most beautiful spots on this planet. I spent the first week in Taormina, a gorgeous hillside town on the east coast of Sicily and went on excursions to Siracusa and Mt. Etna, Sicily's famous active volcano. All along I enjoyed student life at the local Babilonia Language School in Taormina.

After week 1 I relocated to Milazzo where I joined another language school, Laboratorio Linguistico. Together with 4 other language students and 2 language teachers I embarked on a one week sailing trip through the gorgeous Eolian Islands. This was my first sailing trip and a true adventure. Luckily I had great crew mates, and studying Italian on the outdoor patio of a bar on a beautiful Mediterranean island quickly became one of my favourite activities.

Then I had a few more days left and explored local gems like Milazzo, Cefalu, Catania and small villages in the beautiful interior of Sicily. And best of all, by the end of it I spoke reasonably fluent Italian at intermediate level!

Sicily was a phenomenal experience -- and I am already dreaming of going back...



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