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10 Best place to visit in Sarov Russia


Best Tourist Attractions Places To Travel In Russia | Church of the Ascension Destination Spot

Top Tourist Attractions Places To Visit In Russia | Church of the Ascension Destination Spot - Tourism in Russia - Trip to Russia.


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Top 7 Russian ‘Closed Cities’ That Still Exist 2018.

Top 7 'Secret Cities' in Russia 2018.
7. Tsiolkovsky
6. Mirny
5. Kapustin Yar
4. Snezhinsk
3. Krasnoznamensk
2. Ostrovnoy
1. Sarov

Russian Secret City: Homeland of Soviet Nukes / How People Live

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People, many of you have asked documentaries from inside of Russia. Today i will show you one of the most secret places in USSR. Its a Homeland of Russian Atomic Bomb. It came from the times of Cold War. In Soviet times it was called Zakalyuchinsk, Kombinat-815, Eastern Office. The place was top secret and it was not marked on any of the maps of the USSR.

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Железногорск Zheleznogorsk a city in Russia 2


Paris St.Séraphin-de-Sarov. Hidden Russian Orthodox church!

Getting to this church -- St.Séraphin-de-Sarov, on-time might be a challenge: you need to find the street-side large green doors, then, once within, head down a short wondrous pavee-path and around past a building straight out of the town from Downtown Abbey. (‘Carson’ was unavailable…) Then, in past the green metal gate and behold, an unreal urban oasis of calm and serenity infused with the heady fragrances of all manner of flowers and plants… The day I arrived, someone was practicing a wonderful Violin! …(and did I mention the unreal quiet)?

It was supposedly built from wooden crates from the area, and consecrated by Metropolitan Eulogius (Guéorguievski ) …being financed by gifts from Russian émigrés whites from the area.
Paris saw an flux of Russians post revolution….
2 TRUNKS: The church is made entirely of wood, and goes one better …having a live maple tree growing through the roof of the church yet another, large’ish trunk (dead) also within the church.
It is modest sized, yet well appointed, among the icons in the church are works of Joan Reitlinger and Mother Mary Skobtsov .

NAJHLADNIJE mesto na SVETU, Oimjakon, Rusija

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Sibir, najhladnije mesto na svetu, Oimjakon

Nizhny Novgorod Region

The Nizhny Novgorod Region is located in central Russia on the Volga River and its confluents. The region's capital, Nizhny Novgorod , is rightfully considered the third capital of Russia. The compatriots, Minin and Pozharsky, came from this place to liberate Moscow. Pilgrims travel to the Saint Seraphim-Diveyevo Monastery, in the Diveyevo settlement to honour Saint Seraphim of Sarov. In autumn, admirers of the genius Alexander Pushkin meet in the Boldino mansion. And in winter, the Bogorodsk ski resort welcomes skiers. This is the Nizhny Novgorod Region, a combination of the familiar and the new.

КУРСК на машине: через весь город│KURSK by car: across the city

Первая часть обзора ➣
Вторая часть обзора города Курска на машине.
Курск — город областного значения в России, административный центр Курской области, с населением 452 976 человек (2020). Расположен в 519 км к югу от Москвы. В средние века — столица Курского княжества.
Город — один из культурных, религиозных центров России. Курск обладает крупным промышленным комплексом, научно-образовательными центрами. Транспортный узел центральной России.
Город воинской славы с 27 апреля 2007 года.
Награждён орденом Отечественной войны I степени «за мужество и стойкость, проявленные трудящимися города в годы Великой Отечественной войны, а также успехи в хозяйственном и культурном строительстве» 9 апреля 1980 года.
Город знаменит своей коренной Курской иконой «Знамение» 1295 года. Эта древнейшая икона является самой почитаемой церковной иконой. Найдена охотниками в день Рождества Пресвятой Богородицы (8 сентября 1295 г.) на окраине Курска. Святыня была свидетелем многих событий, защищала от набегов татаро-монгол, сопровождала войска в походах (благословляла Донские казачьи полки, войска Крымского похода и другие). Также известна своим чудодейственным исцелением. Будучи ребенком преподобный Серафим Саровский излечился от болезни.
Курская область знаменита крупнейшим во всем мире железорудным бассейном – Курской магнитной аномалией. Объемы разведанных запасов составляют 30 миллиардов тонн. Его железорудные залежи охватывают территории девяти областей Центральной и Южной части страны. В перспективе запасы практически неисчерпаемы.
Сегодня Курск – это большой промышленный центр. В городе свое развитие получили: электротехническая промышленность, пищевая промышленность, приборостроение и станкостроение, производство аккумуляторов, вычислительной техники и подшипников, производство химических волокон, резинотехнических изделий, производство лекарств, и другое. Городскими энергетическими предприятиями являются ТЭЦ-1, ТЭЦ-4 и ТЭЦ СЗР. В состав крупнейших предприятий входят: Электроагрегат, Курский электроаппаратный завод, Курскрезинотехника, ООО «Курскхимволокно», ООО «Фармстандарт-Лексредства», ООО «Курский завод строительных конструкций» и другие.
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The second part of the review of the city of Kursk by car.
Kursk is a city of regional significance in Russia, the administrative center of the Kursk Region, with a population of 452,976 people (2020). It is located 519 km south of Moscow. In the Middle Ages — the capital of the Kursk Principality.
The city is one of the cultural and religious centers of Russia. Kursk has a large industrial complex, scientific and educational centers.Transport hub of central Russia.
City of Military Glory since April 27, 2007.
He was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War of the first degree for the courage and perseverance shown by the city's workers during the Great Patriotic War, as well as success in economic and cultural construction on April 9, 1980.
The city is famous for its indigenous Kursk icon The Sign of 1295. This ancient icon is the most revered church icon. Found by hunters on the day of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos (September 8, 1295) on the outskirts of Kursk. The shrine witnessed many events, protected from the raids of the Tatar-Mongols, accompanied the troops in campaigns (blessed the Don Cossack regiments, the troops of the Crimean campaign, and others). It is also known for its miraculous healing. As a child, the Monk Seraphim of Sarov was cured of his illness.
The Kursk region is famous for the largest iron ore basin in the world – the Kursk magnetic anomaly. The volume of proven reserves is 30 billion tons. Its iron ore deposits cover the territories of nine regions of the Central and Southern part of the country. In the future, the reserves are almost inexhaustible.
Today Kursk is a large industrial center. The following industries have developed in the city: electrical industry, food industry, instrument-making and machine-tool construction, production of batteries, computer equipment and bearings, production of chemical fibers, rubber products, production of medicines, and others. Urban energy enterprises are CHPP-1, CHPP-4 and CHPP NWR. The largest enterprises include: Electric unit, Kursk Electrical Equipment Plant, Kurskrezinotekhnika, LLC Kurskkhimvolokno, LLC Farmstandart-Leksredstva, LLC Kursk Plant of Building Structures and others.
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Дата съёмки: Октябрь 2020
#Autotravel #City #Курск #ПутешествиеНаМашине #ГородаРоссии #Timelapse #КурскаяОбласть

Autumn walk around the medieval fortress / Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin

The Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin is a younger brother of the Moscow Kremlin. In the Middle Ages - the outskirts of the Russian lands and a hope of expanding the territory. It was built a few years before the invasion of the Golden Horde in Russia, but it didn't disappear. In honor of the 800th anniversary of the city, the Kremlin is finally restored and awaits guests. Let's walk along its walls, open to tourists - for the first time - completely. Come with us - a circular walk along the walls of the ancient fortress!

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Zarechny (Заре́чный, Penza-19) - Closed town, Russia

Zarechny (Russian: Заре́чный), called Penza-19 (Пе́нза-19) in 1962–1992, is a closed town in Penza Oblast, Russia, located 12 kilometers east of Penza. Population: 63,601 (2010)
It was formed in 1958 on the territory of Penza's Zarechny City District. It was closed and named Penza-19 in 1962 and renamed Zarechny in 1992.
Zarechny's main employer is Rosatom and a major industry is manufacture of nuclear weapon components. Other industries include electronics and software.

Our Winter Trip to Russia (city Kulebaki)

2007 Missionary trip to Russia.
Миссианерская Поездка в Нижегородскую област город Кулебаки и город Выкса.
Рождественская постановка Артабан, дом пристарелых, интернат, дом малютки.

A Walk Around Square Des Ducs, Dijon, France

A little hidden square behind the Palais des Ducs that is home to the sensational Musée des Beaux Arts, the Square des Ducs features the statue of Philip the Good. This little place is what remains from a rather large garden created for the wife of Philip the Bold, and is today a favourite spot for locals to relax on a bench near the fountain in the shade of the beautiful silver lime and purple-beech trees.

Новая дата Парада Победы 2020 в Москве.

24 июня – Новая дата Парада Победы 2020 в Москве: юбилейное шествие состоится!
В России пройдет грандиозное празднование 75-летия Победы в Великой Отечественной войне. Новой датой Парада Победы и других торжеств станет 24 июня 2020 года.
На фоне распространения коронавирусной инфекции в России пришлось перенести празднование Дня Победы, который традиционно отмечается 9 мая. В 2020 году новой датой Парада и остальных торжественных мероприятий станет 24 июня. Именно в этот день состоялся самый первый Парад Победы в 1945-м.
В связи с необходимостью перенести праздник на более позднее время рассматривалось несколько дат Парада. В частности, шествие хотели провести в сентябре, поскольку мир встретит 75-ю годовщину окончания Второй мировой войны. Однако ветераны предложили президенту России Владимиру Путину выбрать для торжеств именно июнь, ведь для Москвы это будет символично. Такое решение и было принято. Президент озвучил его 26 мая 2020 года в своем онлайн-обращении.
Напомним, 9 мая 2020 года в Москве состоялся только воздушный парад. Над Красной площадью пролетели 75 боевых самолетов и вертолетов, прохода пеших колонн по брусчатке не было. Однако Владимир Путин сразу подчеркнул — от юбилейного шествия отказываться никто не будет, оно обязательно состоится, только чуть позже.
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World Famous Huge Monastery in a Tiny Provincial Russian Village

Saint Seraphim-Diveyevo Monastery (Свято-Троицкий Серафимо-Дивеевский Монастырь) is a monastery of nuns (convent) in Diveyevo settlement near Sarov (12 km), and near the city of Nizhny Novgorod (185 km), in the Nizhny Novgorod Oblast, Russia. It is situated in a region considered to have immense spiritual significance
The convent is famous because of Saint Seraphim of Sarov (one of the most revered saints in Rusia). He served as Elder (Staretz -Старец) for the nuns of this monastery, though he only travelled to the convent once during his lifetime. He was a monk at the nearby monastery of Sarov. After the fall of communism, his relics, which had been feared lost, were discovered in the storeroom of a museum of atheism in Saint Petersburg and solemnly transferred to the Seraphim-Diveyevo monastery, which has come to be named after him.
The monastery is also famous for possessing the only portrait of Saint Seraphim that was painted of him by a contemporary, the Diveyevo Portrait. During the years of Communist persecution, the portrait was smuggled out of Russia and is kept to this day in the Novo-Diveyevo Convent in Nanuet, New York.

???? A few words about me. My name is Valeria and I live in Moscow. I have several youtube channels:)

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Композиция Light Sting принадлежит исполнителю Kevin MacLeod. Лицензия: Creative Commons Attribution (
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Композиция Earnest принадлежит исполнителю Kevin MacLeod. Лицензия: Creative Commons Attribution (
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Allemande music

Late in the Evening in Diveevo. Unknown Russia

Saint Seraphim-Diveyevo Monastery (Свято-Троицкий Серафимо-Дивеевский Монастырь) is a monastery of nuns (convent) in Diveyevo settlement near Sarov (12 km), and near the city of Nizhny Novgorod (185 km), in the Nizhny Novgorod Oblast, Russia. It is situated in a region considered to have immense spiritual significance
The convent is famous because Saint Seraphim of Sarov (One of the most revered saints in Rusia). He served as Elder (Staretz -Старец) for the nuns of this monastery, though he only travelled to the convent once during his lifetime. He was a monk at the nearby monastery of Sarov. After the fall of communism, his relics, which had been feared lost, were discovered in the storeroom of a museum of atheism in Saint Petersburg and solemnly transferred to the Seraphim-Diveyevo monastery, which has come to be named after him.
???? A few words about me. My name is Valeria and I live in Moscow. I have several youtube channels:)

My DIFFERENT RUSSIA channel is about Russian history and traditions. Here there are many tips for those people who are planning a tour to Russia. ???? Subscribe now:

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Композиция Light Sting принадлежит исполнителю Kevin MacLeod. Лицензия: Creative Commons Attribution (
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Places to see in ( Sanremo - Italy ) Russian Orthodox Church - San Basilio

Places to see in ( Sanremo - Italy ) Russian Orthodox Church - San Basilio

Between 1874 and 1875, the Russian tsarina Maria Aleksandrovna, wife of the tsar Alexander II, spent the winter season in San Remo and thus inaugurated the tradition of Russians traveling to the riviera for the winter. As a symbol of her gratitude, she gave the town the palm trees that can still be seen along the promenade and in return, the City Council dedicated the promenade to her, henceforth called “Corso Imperatrice”, to express their appreciation to the tsarina.

The Russian writer A.K. Tolstoy (a distant relative to Leo Tolstoy) spent his last winter at the tsarina’s court in San Remo, and from his letters we known much about the way in which the Russians lived on the Italian Riviera. Following the tsarina’s example, the Russian aristocracy, including members of the Imperial family, began to spend their winter season in San Remo. The Grand Duke Aleksej Michajlovic was here receiving treatment for tuberculosis in 1895 when he died at only twenty years old. He was then buried in the Cathedral of Sts Peter and Paul in San Petersburg.

The idea to build a Russian church in San Remo was first ascribed to the Grand Duke Sergej Michajlovic, who stayed at Villa Flora in the 1890’s, and also to the tsarina Maria Aleksandrovna. At that time, many aristocratic Russian families, such as the Olsufevs, the Seremetevs, and the Demidovs, owned villas to spend the winter season on the Riviera. Many Russians suffering from tuberculosis chose San Remo to spend their winters and as a result a Russian bath, a bakery and a pharmacy were soon established in the Ligurian town.

Towards the end of the nineteenth century, the idea of building a church began to spread within the Russian Colony, but the project was hampered by the lack of funds. Until 1908, when the Russian chapel in the cemetery was consecrated, the rites were sometimes held in private churches, as in Mrs Strekalova’s Villa Gloria, and in a building on Via Roma (at No. 22). In 1910, a Supervising Committee – later called the Building Committee – was led by V. K. Sabler, a senator and the former Procurator of the Saint Synod, who had spent six years in San Remo in 1882 to get healed. In his own words, he “had personally seen how necessary a church was in a town where thousands of sick people stayed”. In 1911 Sabler was appointed Procurator of the Saint Synod again and the project was thus pushed forward.

The church was consecrated to the Saviour, to Saint Catherine the martyr, and to Saint Serafim of Sarov, though at first it had been suggested that the church be consecrated to only the Saviour, as it is usually referred today. The representatives of the Anglican and Protestant clergy celebrated with the Russian community, while the Catholic priests were not able to join in the celebrations. After the consecration of the church, the Committee had a “Russian lunch” gala offered at the Savoy Hotel during which a telegram was written to the tsar Nicholas II, who was then in Levadija (Crimea). The new church was ascribed to the eparchy of Saint Petersburg among the “churches in foreign health resorts”. Its first rector was Nevskij p. Varsonofij.

( Sanremo - Italy ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Sanremo . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Sanremo - Italy

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Saint John The Russian (Full Documentary - Greek - English Subtitles)

St. John the Russian (Russian: Иоанн Русский) (1690 - May 27 (N.S. June 9), 1730) is one of the most renowned saints in the Greek Orthodox Church. Being a prisoner of war and a slave to a Turkish Agha, he became famous and respected even by his Muslim master for his humility, steadiness in faith and benevolence.

Парк Боржоми и пешая тропа | Грузия (55) | Капибары в бегах # 89 // Borjomi Park & Trail | Georgia

Снято 18 сентября 2023 года.

00:00 Юля тестирует минеральную воду Боржоми из бювета
01:44 Памятник фотографу
02:22 Канатная дорога со старой советской кабинкой (на которую мы не пошли)
03:17 Исторический павильон завода по розливу воды Боржоми
03:35 Парк Боржоми, бювет
05:18 Мост поцелуев, Большой Камень
08:05 Советская мозаика, каменные артефакты
09:42 Монумент Прометей
11:10 Пешая тропа через лес вдоль реки Боржомула
17:03 Крутой подъём в гору. Идём лесом
19:40 Церковь св. Серафима Саровского
22:27 Пеший маршрут Семь тропинок
25:17 Анонс следующей серии про Боржоми

Filmed on September 18, 2023

00:00 Yulia tests Borjomi mineral water from the pump room
01:44 Monument to the photographer
02:22 Cable car with an old Soviet cabin (which we didn’t go on)
03:17 Historical pavilion of the Borjomi water bottling plant
03:35 Borjomi Park, pump room
05:18 Bridge of Kisses, Big Stone
08:05 Soviet mosaic, stone artifacts
09:42 Prometheus Monument
11:10 Hiking trail through the forest along the Borjomula River
17:03 Steep climb uphill. Walk through the forest
19:40 St. Seraphim of Sarov Orthodox Church
22:27 Seven Paths Route
25:17 Next episode Announcement

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Источник Серафима Святого / The Spring of St. Seraphim - 1903

Россия в дореволюционных фотографиях
Император Николай II,императрица Александра Федоровна
и члены Императорского семейства
посещают источник Серафима Саровского.

Russia in pre-revolutionary photographs
Emperor Nicholas II,
Empress Alexandra Feodorovna and members of the Imperial family visit the Spring of Seraphim of Sarov.

Stikhiri to St. Seraphim of Sarov
Sung here by the Choir of the Serafimo-Diveevsky monastery

In this second part of the celebrations for the the Glorification of St. Seraphim, we see the Emperor Nicholas II, Empress Alexandra Feodorovna visit the Spring of St. Seraphim.

Vizitați Catedrala Sf. Isaac din Sankt-Petersburg

Vă invităm într-o excursie virtuală, să vizităm Catedrala Sf. Isaac din Sankt-Petersburg, cea mai mare catedrală a orașului. Mai multe informații: #kalinka #kalinkatravel



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